1870 Mortality Schedule of Ellis County, Texas
E. H. Bell, Marshal
Transcribed from microfilm by Barbara Knox
Persons who died during the year
ending 1 June 1870 in Ellis County. Information includes name, age, sex,
color, marital status, birthplace, occupation, month of death and cause.
[The microfilm was badly damaged in some places, making a complete transcription
impossible. These have been so marked by the transcriber]
Page 1 Waxahachie Pct.
Sneed, Fleta |
1/2 fw |
Tex |
Sept |
diarrhea |
Gibson, John E. |
42wf |
Tex |
Aprilo |
spinal affection |
Siddons, John W. |
11 wm |
Tenn |
July |
killed by machinery |
Oliver, Caroline |
30 wf |
Ga |
May |
measles |
----Infant |
1/12 wm |
Tex |
May |
measles |
Fritz, Nancy |
28 wf |
Tenn |
April |
child bed fever |
Morris, Anna |
1 wf |
Tex |
May |
measles |
Neal, Julia |
2Bf |
Tex |
Aug |
diarrhea |
Rogers, Edward |
27 wf |
Tex |
Aug |
consumption |
Knowlen, Bryan T |
19 wm |
Mo |
April |
measles |
Lacy, Richard |
18 wm |
Tex |
Aug |
remittent fever |
Fields, Frances |
67 wf widow |
Ky |
Feb |
liver disease |
Templeton, Frederick |
12 wm |
Mo |
April |
measles |
Jackson, John |
9 wm |
Tex |
May |
flux |
Zummatt, James |
8 wm |
Tex |
March |
pneumonia |
Wilkerson, Sylvia |
8Bf |
tex |
Sept |
typhoid fever |
MacKey, Henry |
22 wm |
Tenn |
Dec |
pneumonia |
Hoskins, thomas |
65 wm |
Ind |
Nov |
chronic diarrhea |
Lunn, Ida |
6 wf |
SC |
Dec |
pneumonia |
----Mary Ann |
3 wf |
SC |
Jan |
inflammation of brain |
----Magus |
1 wm |
SC |
Jan |
inflammation of bowels |
Watson, Margaret R. |
35 wf marr |
Ala |
May |
typhoid fever |
Haynes, Samuel |
35 Bm lbr |
Tenn |
May |
dropsy |
Stevenson, James |
2 wm |
Tenn |
Feb |
brain fever |
Zackary, Henry |
2 wm |
Tex |
June |
jaundice |
[no name]Elias |
4wm |
Tex |
May |
death by fall |
Love, Anna |
21 wf marr |
Ark |
Nov |
puepural fever |
Davis, Thomas Paine |
10 wm |
Tenn |
Aug |
inflammation brain |
Stubblefield, Henry |
8 wm |
Tex |
Jan |
pneumonia |
Golding, William |
18 wm; lbr |
Ark |
June |
fall from horse |
Matthews, William |
21 mw |
La |
Jan |
hemmorage of lungs |
Page 2 Pct of Red Oak
Willis, Harriet
15 wf |
Ky |
Sept |
flux [marked out] |
Caldwell, Ida |
5 wf |
Ky |
Aug |
remitting fever |
[illegible] Joseph |
50 wm marr |
Mo |
June |
consumption |
Johnson, Ellis |
6/12 mw |
Tex |
May |
cholera infantum |
Martin, Jane |
67 wf wid |
Ky |
March |
pneumonia |
Killan, Malinda |
69 wf marr |
Ky |
March |
pneumonia |
Killan, Theophilus |
71wm widower |
Ky |
May |
[illegible] |
Haynes, Sarah |
44 wf |
Tenn |
Dec |
pneumonia |
Butcher, David |
28 wm |
Ind |
April |
typhoid fever |
Rockett, Agnes |
3/12 wf |
Tex |
Sept |
intermittent fever |
Norris, Thomas |
8 wm |
Mo |
Sept |
congestive chills [marked out] |
Daniels, Helen |
16 wf |
Tenn |
July |
remittent fever? |
Woods, Richard |
75 wm |
NC |
May |
rheumatism |
Chapman,. Mary |
4 wf |
Tex |
Oct |
diarrhea? |
Ross, Ida |
7/12 wf |
Tex |
Feb |
teething |
Shaffer, Charles |
22 wm |
Miss |
Nov |
disease of bowels |
Foster, Frank |
7 wm |
tex |
May |
cancer of stomach |
Bowlin, George |
3/12 mw |
Tex |
March |
[illegible] |
Hale, Anna T. |
7 wf |
Tex |
June |
remittent fever |
Caldwell, Ida |
13 wf |
Ky |
Oct |
consumption |
Wheeler, Mollie |
4 wf |
Tex |
March |
croup |
Wright, Edwin |
13 mw |
Miss |
Aug |
intermittent fever |
Bachelor, Daniel |
23 wm, marr farmer |
Ind |
Sept |
Orr, Robert |
6/12 wm |
Tex |
May |
teething |
McClellan, william |
50 wm |
Ala |
Jan |
pneumonia |
Jones, Arthur |
24wm laborer |
Tex |
Nov |
measles |
Mays, George |
27 wm laborer |
Ark |
March |
congestion of lungs |
Dorsey, Milley |
11 wf |
Ky |
Aug |
disease of brain |
----James |
27 Bm |
NC |
July |
inflammation of brain |
Chandler, Abram |
78 wm widower |
Ohio |
Aug |
heart disease |
Gordon, Eliza |
4 wf |
Tex |
Feb |
inflammation of bowels |
White, Rollin |
25 wm |
Mo |
Jan |
pneumonia |
Benson, Henry |
47 Bm |
Tenn |
Pct |
intermittent fever |
Page 3 Pct. of Milford [ town crossed out - illegible]
Pannell. Sarah |
7 f Mu |
Tex |
March |
poison |
Furniss, Sarah |
4/12 fB |
Tex |
Dec |
tetenus |
Bell, Baby |
3/12 Mu [sex not given] |
Tex |
March |
neglect |
Bell, Baby |
3/12 B [sex not given] |
Tex |
March |
neglect |
Rusk, Mollie |
3/12 Bf |
Tex |
June |
diarrhea |
Enis, Hiram S. |
35 wm fmr married |
Ill |
Aug |
inflammation of bowels |
Turner, Samuel |
6/12 wm |
Tex |
Nov |
suffocation |
McNeal, James |
7 wm |
Tex |
Feb |
inflammation of brain |
Hamilton, Joel |
5 Bm |
Tex |
April |
diarrhea |
Brown, Susan |
22 wf married |
Tex |
June |
remitting fever |
Goodrich, Charles |
35 wm farmer married |
N. Y. |
June |
disentary stomach |
Anderson, James C. |
6 wm |
Tex |
May |
diarrhea |
McVey, Henry M. |
24 wm laborer married |
Ga |
Sept |
intermitent fever |
York, Emma |
9 wf |
Ark |
Jan |
pneumonia |
Brock, James H. |
25 wm |
Mo |
Dec |
pneumonia |
[There are 7 names at the top of the next page which the transcriber was
unable to read because of damage to the microfilm - the following completes
this enumeration]
Ward, Lizzie |
7 wf |
Ala |
Oct |
inflammation of brain |
Clay, William |
17 Bm |
Miss |
June |
drowned |
Porter, Thomas |
4 wm |
Ark |
Feb |
consumption |
Morris, Emaline |
36 wf |
Tenn |
Aug |
inflammation of bowels |
Williams, Harriet |
35 wf |
Ala |
feb |
pneumonia |
Dillehay, Van D. |
23 wm |
Tenn |
April |
small pox |
Davis, Eliza |
6 wf |
Miss |
Sept |
intermittent fever |
Ward, Elizabeth |
5 Bf |
Tex |
Aug |
remittent fever |
End of 1870 Mortality Schedule
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Thursday, 01-Jul-2021 13:16:01 MDT