1850 Mortality Schedule of Ellis County, Texas
Copied from microfilm by Barbara Knox
The 1850 Mortality Schedule was enumerated by
Wm. Hogan, Asst. Marshal, who was also responsible for the 1850 Census. Both
are designated "Navarro District - County of Ellis and Tarrant." Residents
of each county are identified with an "E" or "T." The following is a listing
of only Ellis County residents (as shown). Information given includes name,
age, sex, birth place, death date, cause and number of days of
Emeline Richerson, 1 f, b. Texas, died October, cold, 120 days
William Ranson, 23 m, b. Ala., farmer, d. February, pneumonia, 30 days
Susan Jane Ranson 16 f, married, b. Tenn. d. January, pneumonia, 14 days
[no first name] Sweatt, 22 m BS, b. Tenn., d. January, pneumonia, 10
Sarah Smith, 22 f, married, b. N. C., d. August, billious fever, 7 days
A. Nelms, 36 m, married, farmer, b. Georgia, d. March pneumonia, 4 days
David N. Lewis, 3 m, b. Texas, d. November
James M. Farrar, 75 m, widower, b. SC, d. September, cronic [sic]
Mary Tarrant, 50 f married, b. S. C., d. May, rheumatism, 3 days
Wm Trimble 9 m, b. Texas, d. June
George M. Couch, 25 m, married, mill right, d. February, consumption,
20 days
Margaret Phillips, 41 f, married, b. N. Carolina, d. November
---J. Bradford, 52 m. married, farmer & surveyor, b. Virginia, d.
Sept., fever, 11 days
Wm H. Boydston, 25 m b. Illinois, farmer, d. October, kicked by horse,
Rebecca H. Blackwell, 24 f married, b. Ark., d. November, chronic
John Dickson, 33 m, married, sadler, b. Kentucky, d. June, cholera, 1/4
Pollard Kirkland, 48 m, married, farmer, b. Alabama, d. July, Cong.fever,
10 days
Sarah E. Parks, 3 f, b. Indiana, d. March, dropsey, 27 days
Paschael Ayers, 1/12 m, b. Texas, d. January, not known, 2 days
Samantha Miller, 38 f married, b. Ohio, d. February, 130 days
Jane Newton, 45 f, married, b. Kentucky, d. June, shot, 5 days
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