Reagan Mineral Well Sanitarium
Can all be obtained by coming to this wonderful medicinal fountain of nature, flowing from natures own secret laboratory? This wonderful water contains five of the Inorganic proximate constituents of the body combined in such a manner, in quantities, as to make it medicinal subarch, the waters being Alkaline Saline makes it superior in the treatment of all disorders of the stomach and bowels, all forms of indigestion. Dyspepsia all Catarrhal conditions of the body whether of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, kidney, lungs, bladder or urethra. It has cured hundreds when other measures have failed. In the treatment of female diseases it has no equal. CHRONIC MALARIA is permanently eradicated from the system. Chronic disease of the liver, spleen has readily yielded to the drinking and bathing in this water. It is cool and sparkling. Baths hot which practically rinse the system. A dispersant by way of the skin opening the entire secretary and excretory system making it exceedingly valuable in all diseases of the kidneys and congestions of Internal organs. The chemical Constituents of this water render it superior to all others in all diseases of the skin and diseases of the blood. Syphilis in fact all diseases of what ever nature from a mere irritation to ulceration of the skin are materially benefited and cured by the action of this water. All diseases of the blood. Scrofula, bone disease, rheumatism, out can be entirely eradicated from the system as hundreds cheerfully testify. For those who are suffers from lung, heart and nervous diseases the high altitude among the Frio mountains on the Frio river a beautiful running stream abounding in fish of every variety. Atmosphere highly impregnated with ozone, the life giving principal pleasant days and cool nights. We have a large camp, clean nice arbors suitable and pleasant for those who wish to camp near the well, or for those who wish to board we have all accommodations in a large airy Hotel. Hot baths temperature to suit the conditions of the patent. This to be ascertained by Physician attendance. For further information address all correspondence to
Reagan Mineral Wells Sanitarium.
Bowles P. 0., Texas,
Last Update Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 13:24:24 MDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller