Donley County, TXGenWeb

Citizens Cemetery

Citizens Cemetery, Donley County, Texas Hwy 70, south of Clarendon, Texas
GPS Coords: 34.9191008, -100.8828678

There are over 6500 graves in this pretty country cemetery and we have a list of burials from 2001 in our Archives.

Clarendon was moved from 5 miles north of its present location in 1889. Some of the graves and a memorial were moved at that time. The memorial says:
1878 - 1886
In this first cemetery of Donley County, sixteen rods west, lie the first dead of old Clarendon. Here white civilization sank its roots in sadness and from the graves in this sacred acre, strong pioneer spirits turned to face the future with greater love for the land and a firmer determination to build for a tomorrow, which we know today. To those of the old Clarendon Colony who first found rest on the bold promotory and to their survivors, this stone of imperishable Texas granite is loyally and lovingly dedicated.