Dawson County, Texas
Plain View Cemetery M-Z
Photos with DS in green furnished by
David Sifford
Information in Purple is furnished by
Debbie Dodds
Photos with S in dark orange furnished
by Shawn, The Grave Hunter
Photos with RM in fushia furnished by R.
Information in Dark Blue from Texas
Death Certificates, Furnished by Peggy Allen
If you have transcriptions to share or want to add new ones, please email Laura Gregory Roberts, County Coordinator.
D/O=Daughter of, H/O=Husband of, I/O= Infant of, S/O=Son of, W/O=Wife of
Name |
Birth Date |
Death Date |
Headstone |
Inscriptions/Information |
Marley, Mary Josephene | May 6, 1858 | Mar. 13, 1925 |
Martin, Jackson Lee | Sep. 25, 1917 | Feb. 16, 1940 |
Maxwell, N. E. | May 16, 1869 | Oct. 16, 1915 | no photo |
McGuire, Boy | Dec. 12, 1923 | Feb. 12, 1925 | no photo |
McGuire, Mattie | Mar. 29, 1865 | Nov. 29, 1930 |
Mother D/O Edd Lernan TDC |
McGuire, Walter W. | 1922 | 1964 |
Our Beloved |
McGuire, Walter Wilson | Nov. 25, 1890 | Apr. 16, 1952 |
Texas PVT 141 Infantry, 36 Division WWI |
McLaurin, John Ellen | 1926 | 1988 |
Trail's End |
Miller, G.W. | Apr. 26, 1856 | Jan. 4, 1940 |
Miller, James H. |
no date | no date |
Co H 6 Tex Cav C.S.A. |
Miller, Mary Ellen | Dec. 24, 1871 | May 9, 1932 |
W/O G.W. Miller |
Moore, Ouida Mell Howard | May 4, 1925 | Apr. 2, 2001 |
Daughter |
Moorehead, Nathan M. | Apr. 12, 1852 | Nov. 10, 1922 |
Loving Husband of Leatha |
Odom, William Burton | Oct. 3, 1921 | July 24, 1926 |
Orson, Robert | Feb. 22, 1840 | Sep 19, 1922 |
So He Giveth His Beloved Sleep |
Orson, Rosa C. | July 28, 1845 | Jan. 23, 1929 |
So He Giveth His Beloved Sleep |
Parker, Julius Irvin | Nov. 16, 1856 | Mar. 16, 1924 |
Gone Home Life's work well done He's rest in peace |
Parker, Martha Jane Bowman | Sep. 5, 1864 | Oct. 9, 1938 |
(Can't make out) |
Parker, Minnie Edith Eubanks | Mar. 20, 1886 | Oct. 15, 1921 |
Parker, Rayborn Wright | Dec. 20, 1896 | Jan. 28, 1938 |
He was faithful to every duty |
Phillips, Roland W. | Nov. 8, 1880 | July 22, 1914 |
Raborn, Geraldine | June 16, 1923 | Dec. 17, 1932 |
Raborn, Jackie C. | Dec. 5, 1947 | Jan. 9, 1948 |
Randle, Helen Alta | Feb. 6, 1867 | July 19, 1938 |
W/O John P. Randle |
Randle, James H. | June 10, 1911 | Aug. 10, 1917 |
Randle, John P. | Dec. 31, 1859 | Sep. 12, 1920 |
Raney, Jeff Doris | Nov. 30, 1930 | July 22, 2009 | |
Trail's End F/O Debbie Dodds |
Ratliff, Kathryn Rose | July 29, 1928 | Sep. 4, 1928 |
Budded On Earth To Bloom in Heaven |
Ratliff, Ruth | Oct. 16, 1917 | May 10, 1924 |
D/O W.O. & M.V.
Ratliff A Little Bud of Love In Bloom With God Above |
Simpson, M.M. | 1862 | 1931 |
Smith, C.B. | 1835 | 1917 |
Smith, Richard C. TDC | Mar. 13, 1867 | Feb. 2, 1963 |
S/O C.B. Smith TDC |
Snowden, Versa Currey | June 10, 1920 | Oct. 29, 2005 |
Suits, Henry Wilborn | 1867 | 1956 |
Suits, Martha Susan | 1874 | 1971 |
Suits, Walter E. | July 21, 1895 | Nov. 230, 1967 |
Taylor, Sarah E. | Aug. 7, 1838 | Dec. 30, 1927 | no photo |
Walker, Charlsie Pauline | May 20, 1936 | Jan. 16, 1937 |
Walker, Florence | 1900 | 1979 |
W/O John Walker |
Walker, Glen | Sep. 29, 1938 | Feb. 10, 1998 |
Walker, Henry Hillard | Jan. 18, 1872 | Mar. 19, 1944 |
Walker, John W. | 1900 | 1940 |
H/O Florence Walker |
Walker, Marion Agnes | Nov. 19, 1874 | May 27, 1947 |
Webster, Walter Lee | Jan. 1925 | Apr. 1925 | no photo |
Whisenant, Jack | Mar. 14, 1929 | Jan. 15, 1932 |
TXGenWeb Project USGenWeb Project
Last Updated
Laura Gregory Roberts, County Coordinator
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