| Dallas County, TXGenWeb Dallas Co. TXGenWeb - Business Listings - 1873

Business Listings 1873

Businesses of Dallas

A. W. Morton, General Undertaker, Cochran Street; Dallas, Texas; Keeps constantly on hand ready made Coffins and makes them to order. Also a full supply of FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES.

J. C. McConnell, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Opposite the Crutchfield House. Main Street, Dallas, Texas.

W. G. Randall & Bro. (W. G. and T. P. Randall) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, Dallas and Corsicana, Texas

A. M. Cochran Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Adjoining Dallas Hotel, Commerce street.

W. J. Clark, Jno. H. Bryan; Clark & Bryan, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In DRY-GOODS -AND- Groeries. West side of the Square, Dallas, Texas.

John M. Stemmons, Attorney-at-Law. Dallas, Texas

M. Ullmann & Co., Grocers and Commission Merchants, --And Dealers in-- Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Etc., Etc. Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas. Stegall & Co., Dealers In Books and Stationery, Crockery Ware, Glass Ware and Queens Ware, Garden Seed, Furniture of all kinds, Pianos, Pictures and Picture Frames, Hat Racks, Window Shades, and Fixtures, Looking Glasses, Beds and Bedding, Step-Ladders Lumber and Shingles, Doors, and Blinds.

Dr. Hughes' Infirmary, Dallas, Texas; Dr. F. E. Hughes; Begeleave to inform the citizens of Dallas and vicinity that he has permanently located to this city, with a view of de?oting himself to the treatment of such diseases as he has made specialties, busides continuing the general practices of the profession of medicine, in which he has been engaged in this State for the last 23 years. He is provided with all the necessary intruments and modern improvements for the performances of all surgiacal operations, and more particularly those partaining to diseases fo females and to tthis branch of the profession will continue to give special attention. Office hours from 9 to 12 and from 3 to 5. Office over the Drug store of Dr. A. M. Cochran. Ladies desiring to consult him professionally can do so from 1 to 3 p.m. at his residence, corner of Live Oak and Pearl streets. Those from a distance when desired, will be received and treated at his infirmary, adjacent thereto.
Being a stranger in this section of the State and this being a new enterprise in this city, by permission, for professional character and otherwise, he has the honor to refer to:
John Henry Brown Y& Son, Dr. A. M. Cochran, Maj. T. C. Jordan, W. G. Randall & Brother.

W.M.C. Hill, with F. B. Bryan & Co., At The Sign Of The F. B. Bryan & Co., Cheap Store! West Side of the Public Square, Are now in receipt of their Fall Stock, Embracing everything in the lines of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' Fine Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Groceries, &C.,

Blacksmith Shop. J. L. Welch, Practical Horse-Shoer And Blacksmith, Broadway, between Main and Commerce Streets, Near the Bridge, Dallas, Texas.

R. D. Coughanour, Attorney-at-Law, Office east side of Jefferson St. between Elm and Main, Dallas, Texas.

Thomas J. Frank, (Successor to McConnell & Frank.) Dealer in Hard-Ware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, and Agricultural Implements., Corner Main and Market Streets. Dallas, Texas

Texas Land Locating Company, Office with Ault, Jenkins & Ault, Dallas, Texas - John Henry Brown, President, W. F. Cummins, Vice-President, J. E. Hawkins, General Agent, Pierce W. Brown, Treasurer, W. R. Ault Secretary. - Directors. John Henry Brown, J. E. Hawkins, C. H. Jenkins, W. F. Cummins, W. R. Ault, S. W. Duncan, Pierce W. Brown. This company was organized and chartered for the sole purpose of Locating Texas Land Certificates on Commission. Commissions one-sixth interest in the lands or, where as much as League and labor is given, 10 cents per acre.
All communications should be addressed to W. R. Ault.

Dallas City Bakery, Confectionery and Restaurant, H. G. Bohny, At his Old Stand on Main Street, Respectfully infors his old friends and patrons tht he has secured the building on Jefferson street lately occupied by Kels? & Garrett, where he has now in store a large assortment of Confectioneries of all Kinds, Canned Goods, Oysters, Sardines, Dried Fruit, Etc., Etc., He will also have Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Etc., In every variety, A new building is to be erected at his old stand, late which he will remove as soon as completed. Thankful for the past liberal patronage bestowed on him he asks a continuance of the same. H. G. Bohny.

Geo. B. Holland, Jr., Successor to D. W. Smith, North side of Main street, two doors west of the Odd Fellows, Hall, Dallas, Texas Keeps constantly on hand everything pertaining to the variety business together wit a large and complete stock of Toilet Articles, Tents, Read-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Wagon Sheets, Etc.,

E. M. M-Dowell F. M. Hammond, M'Dowell & Hammond, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Odd Fellows' Building, Cor. Main and Austin Sts. Dallas, Texas.


A pair of SADDLE-BAGS near the Central Depot. If the finder will bring them to Work's Livery Stable, he will be liberally rewarded. W. S. Dial, Work's Livery Stable.

Dallas Springs Academy

Is now open fo the reception of private pupils. The present session began February 3, and will continue four calendar months. The course of study embraces three departments- the Primary, Intermediate and Academic.
PRIMARY - Including spelling, reading, writing, ground rules of arithmetic, and primary geography per month, $3.00.
INTERMEDIATE - Including practical arithmetic, English grammar and Geography, per month, $3.00
ACADEMIC - Including algebra, history, English, composition, natural philosophy, chemistry, per month, $4.00.
Students of the higher mathematics or languages will be charged one dollar extra. Pupils may enter at any time, but will be charged for the entire month, except in cases of protracted sickness.
The school is open to both sexes, but as soon as practicable a competent principa; will be appointed to take charge of an exclusively girls department.
Parents and persons interested are cordially invited to visit the school and inspect the management, Call upon or address M. W. Martin, Principal.

The Dallas Daily Herald, page 2
Dallas Co., Texas
Feb. 19, 1873