| Dallas County, TXGenWeb Dallas Co. TXGenWeb - Z Motley Cemetery Historical Marker

Z Motley Cemetery Historical Marker

Z Motley Cemetery Historical Marker 

Located on 3737 Motley Dr. in Mesquite, on grounds of Eastfields College.

Zachariah Motley migrated to Texas (1856) from Kentucky with his family and slaves. He and his wife Mary, five sons and three daughters helped settle this area and built their home some 200' northeast of this site, a one-half acre portion of the original homestead bought from the Crittenden Survey. Earliest known burial (1863) was Penelope Motley McLain, a daughter, and the wife of Capt. J. B. McLain. The plot is still in use and is owned and cared for by Motley descendants. Twenty-five known graves include family members and their slaves.