VITAL RECORDS - DALLAS COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1979 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 23rd, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Scott, Ernest Monroe 21-May-1979 M Scott, William Berry 13-Jun-1979 M Scott, Samuel 15-Jun-1979 M Scott, Robert Jefferson 19-Jun-1979 M Scott, Jack G 26-Jun-1979 M Scott, Delephene Elizabeth 29-Jun-1979 F Scott, Irene Taylor 09-Jul-1979 F Scott, Willie 11-Jul-1979 M Scott, Robert A 22-Jul-1979 M Scott, Ruby E 15-Aug-1979 F Scott, Stephanie Inf Of 24-Aug-1979 M Scott, Otis Roscoe 31-Aug-1979 M Scott, Christal Annmarie 22-Sep-1979 F Scott, Lillie Bell 11-Oct-1979 F Scott, Sam Ora 12-Oct-1979 F Scott, Thomas Earl 25-Oct-1979 M Scott, John Robert, SR 01-Nov-1979 M Scott, Nevada 17-Nov-1979 F Scott, Classie Clyde 07-Dec-1979 M Scott, Emma Jane 12-Dec-1979 F Scott, Sallie Kees 26-Dec-1979 F Scott, Ruth 31-Dec-1979 F Scroggins, Mary J 19-May-1979 F Scroggins, Ella Mae 13-Sep-1979 F Scroggins, Dudley Otis 05-Nov-1979 M Scruggs, Altharose W 10-Mar-1979 F Scruggs, Ollie Lee 14-Oct-1979 F Scurry, Richardson Gano 19-Aug-1979 M Seaberry, Jasper 11-Nov-1979 M Seago, Marjorie Elizabeth 25-Nov-1979 F Seal, Wesley Morris 29-Jul-1979 M Seale, Viola F 16-Feb-1979 F Seale, Evelyn Pearl 14-May-1979 F Seale, Charles L 26-Aug-1979 M Seale, Florence Reed 17-Dec-1979 F Seals, James Oscar 29-Apr-1979 M Seaman, Michael Mark 20-Jun-1979 M Searcy, Clifton Brady 06-Apr-1979 M Searcy, Harvey Greely 14-Nov-1979 M Searcy, Susie Pearl 05-Dec-1979 F Sears, Michael Richard 18-Nov-1979 M Seaton, Wilmer Plowman 18-Apr-1979 M Seaton, Gayle 07-May-1979 F Seaton, Fairy Daisy 07-Dec-1979 F Seay, George Gibson 04-Sep-1979 M Seay, Jack Lewis 27-Oct-1979 M Sebastian, Festus Johnson 09-Dec-1979 M Sechrest, Effie O 10-Apr-1979 F Seeger, Frank Michael 31-Jul-1979 M Seeger, Harriet Clara 14-Nov-1979 F Seelig, Roy French 02-Feb-1979 M Segrist, Samye Dovie 27-Jul-1979 F Seibert, Sidney William, JR 06-Feb-1979 M Seirer, Keith Charles 17-Jun-1979 M Sekulski, Joseph 04-Apr-1979 M Self, Octa Lavert 12-Jan-1979 F Sell, Krista Lee 27-Feb-1979 F Sellars, Effie Evelyn Dietz 04-Mar-1979 F Sellers, Elizabeth Lorraine 29-Jan-1979 F Sellers, Sallie Graves 15-Feb-1979 F Sellers, Weldon Randall 04-Apr-1979 M Sellers, William C 21-May-1979 M Sellers, James Houston 15-Jun-1979 M Sellers, Hazel 22-Jul-1979 F Sellers, Rosa Bell 25-Oct-1979 F Selman, Colistia Belle 01-May-1979 F Senning, C Earyl 01-Apr-1979 M Sepeda, Jose Alberto 02-Jan-1979 M Session, Jim 10-Mar-1979 M Session, Quincy Lever (levar) 07-Jun-1979 M Session, Cleo 19-Sep-1979 M Sessoms, Elsie B 10-Nov-1979 F Severns, Howard Arthur 20-May-1979 M Sewell, William Harris 31-May-1979 M Sewell, Bill 04-Oct-1979 M Sewell, Lawrence 02-Dec-1979 M Sexton, Nettie 30-Sep-1979 F Shackelford, Guy H 09-Oct-1979 M Shackelford, Vivian Mildred 08-Dec-1979 F Shade, William Eugene 14-Jul-1979 M Shafer, Zoe Ann 08-Oct-1979 F Shaffer, Maggie 19-Feb-1979 F Shaffer, Ethel Horton 29-Jul-1979 F Shane, Lorene Marie 13-Oct-1979 F Shannon, Arthur 02-Mar-1979 M Shannon, Bunya H 14-Nov-1979 F Shannon, Roselia 26-Nov-1979 F Shannon, Earl Leon 12-Dec-1979 M Sharber, John H 27-Mar-1979 M Sharer, Jack B, JR 29-Sep-1979 M Sharp, Hiram T 03-Feb-1979 M Sharp, Grace D 20-Sep-1979 F Sharp, Madison Cosley 24-Nov-1979 M Sharp, Myrl L 03-Dec-1979 M Sharpe, Thomas Elliott, SR 30-Jan-1979 M Sharpe, Bill F 29-Jul-1979 M Sharpton, Cletus Wayne 15-Jul-1979 M Shavor, Artie Mae 09-Dec-1979 F Shaw, Willie 11-Feb-1979 M Shaw, Candace V 21-Feb-1979 F Shaw, Hazel Aletha 22-Feb-1979 F Shaw, Marvin M 23-Feb-1979 M Shaw, Jaime Demetrius 24-Mar-1979 M Shaw, Eva Maye 31-Mar-1979 F Shaw, J P 19-Apr-1979 M Shaw, Harold Deskin 01-May-1979 M Shaw, Arthur R, JR 12-Jun-1979 M Shaw, Agatha Ann 10-Jul-1979 F Shaw, Lawrencie 10-Sep-1979 F Shaw, Tillie Sophia Lang 28-Oct-1979 F Shaw, Inez Mae 16-Nov-1979 F Shaw, Patricia A 16-Nov-1979 F Shaw, Ernest 28-Nov-1979 M Shawn, James Loyd, JR 31-Jan-1979 M Shawver, Windell Gilbert 30-Jan-1979 M Shea, Joseph Jacob 19-May-1979 M Shead, Alvin Etta 16-Feb-1979 F Shead, Willie 25-Dec-1979 M Sheaner, Harry Bernard 06-Mar-1979 M Shed, Lavarise Deon 04-Jan-1979 M Shed, Tilton 09-Dec-1979 M Sheer, Cordie Ruell 30-Dec-1979 F Sheffield, Wier Ann Inf Of 24-Jan-1979 F Sheffield, Solomon 07-Mar-1979 M Shehorn, Douglas Franklin 26-Oct-1979 M Sheikh-houssein, Remma Louise 30-Jul-1979 F Sheilds, Robert N 18-Mar-1979 M Shelburne, Samuel Ainslie 13-Sep-1979 M Shelby, Eugene 05-Jan-1979 M Shelby, Lodis 07-Aug-1979 F Shellenberger, Mary Elizabeth 31-Jul-1979 F Shelley, Zackriah 27-Mar-1979 M Shelton, Edgar George 24-Mar-1979 M Shelton, Andrew J 19-Apr-1979 M Shelton, Alonza O 24-May-1979 M Shelton, Pearl 05-Jun-1979 F Shelton, Raymond Ransom 06-Jun-1979 M Shelton, Ida 05-Aug-1979 F Shelton, Robert Arch 18-Aug-1979 M Shelton, William J 14-Sep-1979 M Shelton, William R 02-Oct-1979 M Shelton, Emory Dale 15-Oct-1979 M Shelton, Virgil Lee 26-Nov-1979 M Shem, Fun Ng 10-Apr-1979 F Shepard, Iva J 03-Jan-1979 F Shepherd, Willie H 14-Feb-1979 M Shepherd, Virgie Opal 20-Mar-1979 F Shepherd, Henry Buel 04-Oct-1979 M Shepherd, David 10-Nov-1979 M Sheppard, Dorlena 24-Jan-1979 F Sheppard, Joe Albert 16-Jul-1979 M Sheppard, Jewel 05-Nov-1979 F Sherblon, Dale W 23-Jan-1979 M Sheridan, Bettye Jane 13-Jan-1979 F Sheridan, Earl Roscoe 01-Sep-1979 M Sheriff, Mina Luise 29-Oct-1979 F Sherman, J C 05-Feb-1979 M Sherman, James Austin 12-Apr-1979 M Sherman, Jewell Faye 03-Jul-1979 F Sherman, Thomas Odell 25-Nov-1979 M Sherrard, Jewell Francis 22-May-1979 F Sherrell, Jessie J 06-Oct-1979 M Sherrill, Lola 28-Feb-1979 F Sherrill, Dorothy Webb 22-Mar-1979 F Sherrod, M Juanita 04-Nov-1979 F Sheshunoff, William 14-Feb-1979 M Shetterly, Christina Louise 07-Jan-1979 F Shewmake, Rebecca Lynn 03-Jul-1979 F Shguit, Robert Lee 15-Feb-1979 M Shields, Joe Orville 04-Jan-1979 M Shields, H V 20-Feb-1979 M Shields, Johnnie 14-Apr-1979 F Shields, Joe Dell 04-Dec-1979 M Shiflette, V W, III 23-Nov-1979 M Shindoll, Allie May 15-Jan-1979 F Shipes, Annie Beth 13-May-1979 F Shipley, Laura W 23-Jun-1979 F Shipley, Louise Alma 21-Oct-1979 F Shipp, Carl Alan 22-Sep-1979 M Shipp, William Kimbrough 10-Dec-1979 M Shipp, Jonnie M 21-Dec-1979 F Shires, Heather Dawn 01-Feb-1979 F Shirley, Robert L 15-Feb-1979 M Shirley, Helen Geneva 15-Apr-1979 F Shirley, Gracie Lee 05-Oct-1979 F Shockley, Susie Odessa 20-Aug-1979 F Shofner, Luther 18-Mar-1979 M Shofner, Lottie 11-Apr-1979 F Shomo, Suzanne Mckinney 17-Jun-1979 F Shook, Jacob Glenn 28-Mar-1979 M Shorter, Will, JR 17-Oct-1979 M Shot, With Two Arrows Barba 12-Oct-1979 F Showers, Irene Elizabeth 27-Feb-1979 F Showers, James Marshall 10-Nov-1979 M Shuemaker, Jason Paul 16-Aug-1979 M Shuford, Ludy Mae 16-Feb-1979 F Shuford, Claude Alexander, JR 19-Nov-1979 M Shugart, Lillian 24-Mar-1979 F Shull, Ethel Margaret 04-Nov-1979 F Shumaker, James N 03-Oct-1979 M Shupak, William Hartt, SR 23-Oct-1979 M Shwarts, Lena Utay 06-Jul-1979 F Shy, James Manford 22-Mar-1979 M Sibley, Winnie Kathryn 08-Mar-1979 F Sibley, Patrick Alexander, JR 15-Mar-1979 M Sibley, Beverly Ann 14-Jul-1979 F Sicard, Myrtle Jane 12-Feb-1979 F Siddall, Earl Robert, SR 16-Nov-1979 M Sides, Mathew Alexander 24-Jul-1979 M Sidle, Earlee R 29-Dec-1979 F Sidoti, Albert F 30-Jul-1979 M Sidwell, Amy 30-Jul-1979 F Siegel, Sam 24-May-1979 M Sierra, Porfirio 09-Mar-1979 M Sifuentes, Glenda Kay 18-Aug-1979 F Sigel, Frances Mavourneen 06-Jun-1979 F Sigler, Carrie 27-Nov-1979 F Sigmund, Herbert Allen 01-Jun-1979 M Signett, Mildred Anna 01-Nov-1979 F Silver, Isaac Henry 26-Jul-1979 M Simmer, Anna W 28-Dec-1979 F Simmons, Jenene Roshane 01-Apr-1979 F Simmons, James 02-Apr-1979 M Simmons, Delores A 07-Apr-1979 F Simmons, Phillip 26-Apr-1979 M Simmons, Beulah 30-Apr-1979 F Simmons, Nellie Mae 11-Jun-1979 F Simmons, Agnes Adele 15-Jul-1979 F Simmons, Emily 29-Aug-1979 F Simmons, Peggy 03-Sep-1979 F Simmons, Ray Gene 12-Sep-1979 M Simms, Ruth Augusta 05-Oct-1979 F Simon, Floyd B 07-Apr-1979 M Simon, Jason Richard 21-Jun-1979 M Simon, Anita 10-Nov-1979 F Simone, Vincent 07-Jan-1979 M Simons, Arthur David 21-May-1979 M Simons, Ira Daniel 21-Jun-1979 M Simons, Marvin N 15-Aug-1979 M Simpkins, Claudia Marlow 07-Mar-1979 F Simpson, Willie J 03-Jan-1979 M Simpson, David Oscar 19-Jan-1979 M Simpson, Georgia O 28-Jan-1979 F Simpson, Jimmie Loretta 16-Feb-1979 F Simpson, Cleveland, JR 21-May-1979 M Simpson, Suzanna Dale 29-Jun-1979 F Simpson, Roger Lawton 30-Jun-1979 M Simpson, Ernest Eugene 05-Aug-1979 M Simpson, Dovie Joyce 05-Aug-1979 F Simpson, Jefferson Davis 07-Sep-1979 M Simpson, Velma Dean 24-Sep-1979 F Simpson, Lillian C 23-Dec-1979 F Sims, Kendrick Deshon 15-Apr-1979 M Sims, Henry 21-Apr-1979 M Sims, Ione 03-May-1979 F Sims, Randall Joe 16-Jun-1979 M Sims, George Edward, SR 23-Jul-1979 M Sims, James Loyd 09-Aug-1979 M Sims, Betty Lief 10-Aug-1979 F Sims, Henry James, JR 29-Aug-1979 M Sims, Maggie W 02-Oct-1979 F Sims, Clara Manilla 05-Dec-1979 F Sinason, Clara 29-Jun-1979 F Sindermann, Mary Veronica 23-Feb-1979 F Singer, Bertye Katz 17-Sep-1979 F Singh, Celestina D 03-May-1979 F Singleton, Leo Eugene, SR 04-Jan-1979 M Singleton, William D 13-Aug-1979 M Sipes, Bonnie Lee 20-Feb-1979 F Sirles, Charles N 01-May-1979 M Sisam, Eddie 01-Oct-1979 F Sisco, Ollie Horner 27-Oct-1979 M Sisk, John 13-Feb-1979 M Sisk, Lyman 21-Jul-1979 M Sissom, Bethel Kay 25-Dec-1979 F Sistrunk, Philip Earl 14-Jan-1979 M Skaggs, Stella Elizabeth 16-Oct-1979 F Skapura, Margaret Annette 06-Apr-1979 F Skelton, Clifton E 10-May-1979 M Skelton, Nannie 30-Jun-1979 F Skelton, Lee N 16-Nov-1979 M Skinner, Jeff 08-Jul-1979 M Skinner, William Carey 19-Aug-1979 M Skocylas, Michael J 22-Mar-1979 M Slack, Marion Eliza 22-Jan-1979 F Slackney, Tillie 15-Mar-1979 F Sladish, Eugene George 03-Feb-1979 M Slaten, Lonnie Arnold 30-Aug-1979 M Slater, Charles Duane 10-Jun-1979 M Slaton, William 01-Feb-1979 M Slaton, Lena Tenison 09-Sep-1979 F Slaton, David Edwin 26-Sep-1979 M Slaughter, Jennie May 23-Feb-1979 F Slaughter, Mattie Lee 12-Mar-1979 F Slaughter, James Joseph 30-Mar-1979 M Slaughter, Bessie J 11-Jun-1979 F Slaughter, Elizabeth W 09-Jul-1979 F Slaughter, Billie M 14-Sep-1979 F Slaughter, Thomas Bailey 17-Nov-1979 M Slaughter, Jasper 01-Dec-1979 M Slawik, Janina Maria 17-Sep-1979 F Slayton, Lois I 14-Mar-1979 F Slayton, Lorena Belle 12-Jun-1979 F Sledge, Barbara Inf Of 22-Apr-1979 M Sledge, Susie Ola 30-Jul-1979 F Slider, Ophelia 10-Jan-1979 F Slider, Arthur M 10-Mar-1979 M Sloan, Francis Allen 28-Apr-1979 M Sloan, John Dewey 07-Jul-1979 M Sloan, Reba Beatrice 26-Sep-1979 F Sloan, William Leslie 24-Dec-1979 M Slott, Vivian Anna 03-May-1979 F Slover, Eve Lee 09-Jul-1979 F Smail, Mary Annette 08-Feb-1979 F Small, Alexander 16-Mar-1979 M Smalley, Buell E 02-May-1979 M Smalley, Bertha R 17-Jul-1979 F Smalley, Vera Odell 11-Aug-1979 F Smallwood, Johnnie Marelene 12-Nov-1979 F Smallwood, Larry Joe 10-Dec-1979 M Smart, Thomas Sydney, JR 04-Mar-1979 M Smiley, Eli 11-Feb-1979 M Smiley, Pearlie 26-Feb-1979 F Smith, James L 02-Jan-1979 M Smith, Jesse Randall 03-Jan-1979 M Smith, Lucy Belle Ramsey 03-Jan-1979 F Smith, Thomas B 08-Jan-1979 M Smith, Moody 11-Jan-1979 M Smith, Ernle Gordon, SR 12-Jan-1979 M Smith, Chappie 16-Jan-1979 M Smith, Marjorie Eugenia 17-Jan-1979 F Smith, Charles 18-Jan-1979 M Smith, Bobby Tsosie 22-Jan-1979 M Smith, Maudre Joe 23-Jan-1979 F Smith, Ollie Vergie W 24-Jan-1979 F Smith, Raymond Carrol, JR 27-Jan-1979 M Smith, Herbert Lee 29-Jan-1979 M Smith, Cora Lee 04-Feb-1979 F Smith, James Vernon 05-Feb-1979 M Smith, Robert Earnest 05-Feb-1979 M Smith, Anna Bess Clements 10-Feb-1979 F Smith, Joe 11-Feb-1979 M Smith, Michael Shane 11-Feb-1979 M Smith, Davey Jon 13-Feb-1979 M Smith, Floy G 15-Feb-1979 F Smith, Georgia Bell 15-Feb-1979 F Smith, Willie B 16-Feb-1979 F Smith, Roy B 18-Feb-1979 M Smith, Ernest Thomas 18-Feb-1979 M Smith, Harry S 24-Feb-1979 M Smith, Pat 25-Feb-1979 M Smith, Matthew Kirk 28-Feb-1979 M Smith, Alma Blanche 28-Feb-1979 F Smith, Pamela K 01-Mar-1979 F Smith, Wesley Newton 03-Mar-1979 M Smith, Lily Anita 04-Mar-1979 F Smith, Mary Alice 07-Mar-1979 F Smith, Hosea Lee 12-Mar-1979 M Smith, Charles A 13-Mar-1979 M Smith, David Hubert 13-Mar-1979 M Smith, Darlene Elizabeth 14-Mar-1979 F Smith, Peter Albert 15-Mar-1979 M Smith, Stella E 15-Mar-1979 F Smith, Rocky Glen 19-Mar-1979 M Smith, Thaddeus Leo 21-Mar-1979 M Smith, Gerald R 26-Mar-1979 M Smith, Gano 27-Mar-1979 M Smith, Oprine 27-Mar-1979 M Smith, Jeff (dick) 27-Mar-1979 M Smith, Ezekiel Kirby 30-Mar-1979 M Smith, George Truett 30-Mar-1979 M Smith, J D 31-Mar-1979 M Smith, Leonard 31-Mar-1979 M Smith, Samuel Nolan 07-Apr-1979 M Smith, Viola Irene 12-Apr-1979 F Smith, Marsha Karen 13-Apr-1979 F Smith, Theadwood 14-Apr-1979 M Smith, Madie Elizabeth 14-Apr-1979 F Smith, William (willie) 16-Apr-1979 M Smith, Leslie Kay 16-Apr-1979 F Smith, Evelyn Lanier 16-Apr-1979 F Smith, Frances R 18-Apr-1979 F Smith, David 20-Apr-1979 M Smith, Rosa G 21-Apr-1979 F Smith, Marion Virginia 22-Apr-1979 F Smith, Aaron 24-Apr-1979 M Smith, Nettie Lee 27-Apr-1979 F Smith, Julia Bush 28-Apr-1979 F Smith, Lucille 29-Apr-1979 F Smith, Jack Oak 30-Apr-1979 M Smith, Ernest S 06-May-1979 M Smith, Mattie Alleen 07-May-1979 F Smith, Aline 08-May-1979 F Smith, Chester Basel 10-May-1979 M Smith, Tilman Inf Of 11-May-1979 M Smith, Phillip Rey 14-May-1979 M Smith, Millicent Anne 14-May-1979 F Smith, Opal V 15-May-1979 F Smith, Edgar Louis 16-May-1979 M Smith, Gertrude 26-May-1979 F Smith, Jessie M 30-May-1979 F Smith, William Vinson 04-Jun-1979 M Smith, William F 07-Jun-1979 M Smith, Loyd Earl 09-Jun-1979 M Smith, Gladys Ruth 09-Jun-1979 F Smith, Edward Elmer 11-Jun-1979 M Smith, Genner Lugene 22-Jun-1979 M Smith, Jackson Leroy 22-Jun-1979 M Smith, Dellon 25-Jun-1979 M Smith, Pearline (hines) 25-Jun-1979 F Smith, Dennis Alfred 05-Jul-1979 M Smith, Janet Helen 05-Jul-1979 F Smith, Ryan Heath 06-Jul-1979 M Smith, Earl Ebonizer 09-Jul-1979 M Smith, Bonnie S 10-Jul-1979 F Smith, Ed 13-Jul-1979 M Smith, Bertha Myrtle 15-Jul-1979 F Smith, Wanda Inf Of 19-Jul-1979 F Smith, Mary Nell 21-Jul-1979 F Smith, Mildred Mckinstry 24-Jul-1979 F Smith, May Estelle 29-Jul-1979 F Smith, David Edward 02-Aug-1979 M Smith, Sidney, JR 05-Aug-1979 M Smith, Archibald T 06-Aug-1979 M Smith, Lewis Sidney 07-Aug-1979 M Smith, Eddie 08-Aug-1979 M Smith, Ledoux Elgee 12-Aug-1979 M Smith, Lillie Nichols 13-Aug-1979 F Smith, Earnest Ross 14-Aug-1979 M Smith, Elease 14-Aug-1979 F Smith, Jack R 18-Aug-1979 M Smith, Donnie Russell 18-Aug-1979 M Smith, Robert Lee 29-Aug-1979 M Smith, Margery Ann 01-Sep-1979 F Smith, Alvie Maurine 01-Sep-1979 F Smith, Floyd Wesley, JR 06-Sep-1979 M Smith, Earline 07-Sep-1979 F Smith, Gina Louise 08-Sep-1979 F Smith, Amelia Louise 09-Sep-1979 F Smith, Linda Kay 12-Sep-1979 F Smith, William Samuel 14-Sep-1979 M Smith, Helen Pearl 20-Sep-1979 F Smith, Charles Dewey 21-Sep-1979 M Smith, Ellis Marion 26-Sep-1979 M Smith, Christopher Isiah 02-Oct-1979 M Smith, Kenneth Ray, JR 04-Oct-1979 M Smith, J W Richard 06-Oct-1979 M Smith, Lon D 08-Oct-1979 M Smith, Walter Clyde 13-Oct-1979 M Smith, Trannie B 14-Oct-1979 F Smith, Anthony D 16-Oct-1979 M Smith, James R 26-Oct-1979 M Smith, Evadna Danforth 27-Oct-1979 F Smith, James Thomas 03-Nov-1979 M Smith, Conrad A 09-Nov-1979 M Smith, Charles E, SR 09-Nov-1979 M Smith, Bessie Lee 15-Nov-1979 F Smith, Charles Lennon 18-Nov-1979 M Smith, Ernest Lafayette, JR 27-Nov-1979 M Smith, Bobby Dan 29-Nov-1979 M Smith, Lillie Lavonia 30-Nov-1979 F Smith, Virgil 08-Dec-1979 M Smith, Mary Lou 09-Dec-1979 F Smith, Samuel Howard 11-Dec-1979 M Smith, Edwin Bruce 15-Dec-1979 M Smith, Delia May 17-Dec-1979 F Smith, Winnifred Diment 17-Dec-1979 F Smith, Willie W, JR 18-Dec-1979 M Smith, Annie Mae 23-Dec-1979 F Smith, Helen Denise 23-Dec-1979 F Smith, Ashley Vashon 26-Dec-1979 M Smithey, Feilding 07-Mar-1979 M Smock, Frances J 21-Sep-1979 F Smoot, Lloyd 13-Jun-1979 M Sneed, Georgia Ann 10-Feb-1979 F Sneed, William 03-Mar-1979 M Sneed, Albert Sidney 21-Apr-1979 M Sneed, Eula Mae 16-Aug-1979 F Sneed, Garland 29-Sep-1979 M Sneed, Theola 02-Nov-1979 F Sneed, Alton W 11-Nov-1979 M Sneed, Hazel B 12-Dec-1979 F Snell, Lucy Lela 01-Jan-1979 F Snider, James Harold, JR 24-May-1979 M Snider, Catherine Maxine 05-Oct-1979 F Snider, Ernest E 27-Nov-1979 M Snipes, Mamie Davis 28-Dec-1979 F Snoddy, Donnabel Josephine 16-Dec-1979 F Snow, Henry F 19-Mar-1979 M Snow, Margie Johnson 02-Apr-1979 F Snow, Donald Clinton 21-Apr-1979 M Snow, Bess Fern 01-Sep-1979 F Snowden, Georgia Jane 20-Feb-1979 F Snowden, Rosa Jane 16-Dec-1979 F Snyder, Matthew Kevin 20-Mar-1979 M Snyder, Winston Dan 07-Oct-1979 M Snyder, Florence Edna 09-Dec-1979 F Solbach, Ivan Joseph 20-Jan-1979 M Soliman, Kamel Michael 14-Sep-1979 M Solis, Manuel Trevino, SR 11-Jul-1979 M Soliz, Santos 17-Jun-1979 F Soltes, Sarah A 26-Jan-1979 F Somer, Katie 21-Feb-1979 F Somerville, James Alexander, J13-Feb-1979 M Somerville, Anna Jane 24-Oct-1979 F Sonntag, Robert Bernhard 27-May-1979 M Sorelle, Marion Hess 03-Jun-1979 F Sorensen, John George 22-Jul-1979 M Soria, John Luna 30-Mar-1979 M Sorlie, Jacob George 23-Feb-1979 M Sorrells, Mary Margaret 01-May-1979 F Sorrells, Suelettie 31-Aug-1979 F Soslow, Milton Louis 08-May-1979 M Soto, Tomasa 21-Jan-1979 F Soto, Perfecta 08-Apr-1979 F Soto, Alexander 20-Apr-1979 M Sousa, Joel P 30-Aug-1979 M South, Lomas L 18-Mar-1979 M South, Laverne M 19-Aug-1979 M Southwell, Catherine Taylor 28-Aug-1979 F Soward, Elbert B 17-Jul-1979 M Soward, John Nowlin 17-Sep-1979 M Sowden, Anna Pearl 12-Jul-1979 F Sowels, J D 09-Jul-1979 M Spain, Minnie Lee 15-Jul-1979 F Spain, Nettie Lea 23-Dec-1979 F Spangle, George William 01-Mar-1979 M Spann, Dorothy Joyce 08-Jan-1979 F Spann, Orie Kathryn 25-Jan-1979 F Spann, Hattie Mae 16-Oct-1979 F Spann, William W 30-Oct-1979 M Sparkman, Stanley W 14-Jul-1979 M Sparkman, John Rufus 25-Nov-1979 M Sparks, Lucille Tynes 01-Mar-1979 F Sparks, Pearl Marie 05-Mar-1979 F Sparks, Florine Dodson 05-Jul-1979 F Spaulding, Edna Estelle Straha15-Mar-1979 F Speaks, Gloria M 11-Jan-1979 F Speaks, Charles 21-Jan-1979 M Speaks, James Clarence, JR 31-Oct-1979 M Spears, Henry 06-Jan-1979 M Spears, Mary Opal 21-Feb-1979 F Spears, Veronica Ann 26-Oct-1979 F Speck, Samuel D 09-Oct-1979 M Speed, Darryl Wayne 17-Jun-1979 M Speer, Albert Wiley 22-Sep-1979 M Spell, Thomas Daniel 06-Aug-1979 M Spence, Lela Elizabeth 01-Feb-1979 F Spence, Ida Lee 18-Apr-1979 F Spence, Mary Elillian 07-Aug-1979 F Spencer, Sarah 23-Apr-1979 F Spencer, Charles Edward 18-May-1979 M Spencer, Charles F 05-Aug-1979 M Spencer, Deprice Antwuan 03-Dec-1979 M Sperling, George L 08-Jan-1979 M Spiars, Ottis Virginia 23-Jun-1979 F Spicer, Florence Bessie 13-Feb-1979 F Spielman, Esther 14-Jun-1979 F Spinks, Virginia Rose 31-Aug-1979 F Spino, Salvatore Ralph 14-May-1979 M Spivey, Louis Arlyn 10-Jan-1979 M Spong, Samuel Cleo 01-Jun-1979 M Sponsel, Sandra Lee 05-Feb-1979 F Spoonemore, Bonnie Pauline 22-Dec-1979 F Spradlin, John D 23-Feb-1979 M Spradlin, Bessie Marie 29-Jun-1979 F Spradling, John Black 17-Dec-1979 M Sprain, Sophie Charlotte 26-May-1979 F Spratt, Leah 23-Sep-1979 F Spray, Bertha Lillian 04-Dec-1979 F Spriggs, Louvenia 04-Mar-1979 F Spriggs, Van Ella 19-Dec-1979 F Springer, Maude Lee 15-Jun-1979 F Springer, Lola Grace 09-Jul-1979 F Springer, Beulah Frankie 17-Sep-1979 F Sprinkle, Tilma A 04-Jan-1979 M Sprinkle, Anna Lee 20-Nov-1979 F Sprous, William E 11-Aug-1979 M Spruce, Ivy 10-Jan-1979 F Spruell, Donald Ray 19-Aug-1979 M Spurgin, George Read 17-May-1979 M Squire, Ruth Marie 18-Oct-1979 F Srokosz, Thomas J, JR 09-Aug-1979 M St, Clair Oscar Eugene 06-Dec-1979 M St Clair, Dossie Jeffie 22-Jul-1979 F St Louis, James 11-Oct-1979 M St Pierre, Ernest Romeo 18-Feb-1979 M Stacey, Ina May 06-Oct-1979 F Stafford, Martha Jane 07-Feb-1979 F Stafford, George Warren 27-Feb-1979 M Stafford, Pauline Audrey 11-May-1979 F Stafford, Carl Anthony 19-Oct-1979 M Stafford, (billy) Sammy Eugene27-Oct-1979 M Stafford, Robert 19-Nov-1979 M Stage, Nora M 15-Jan-1979 F Staggs, Martal Jefferson 07-Dec-1979 M Stahl, Violet Elizabeth 19-Jan-1979 F Stahl, Edward A 14-Dec-1979 M Stallings, William Elbert 12-Feb-1979 M Stallings, James Oral 26-Mar-1979 M Stamets, Marian Heikes 27-Oct-1979 F Stamper, Hansel Shirley Mae 13-Nov-1979 F Standifer, Willie Alma 28-Jun-1979 F Standifer, Sarah Lee 18-Aug-1979 F Standifer, Hallie Jackson 29-Dec-1979 F Stanfield, Jasper Alonzo 21-Jan-1979 M Stanfield, Linnie Pearl 06-Apr-1979 F Stanfill, Fred Oscar 31-Aug-1979 M Stanford, Annie Mae 04-Jun-1979 F Stanford, Louise P 21-Jun-1979 F Stanger, Martin Ward 03-Aug-1979 M Stanglin, Welta Wesley 14-Apr-1979 M Stanley, S Jay, JR 22-Mar-1979 M Stanley, Roy Terrall 01-May-1979 M Stanley, Mary Lucile 11-Jul-1979 F Stanley, Arthur Lee, JR 25-Jul-1979 M Stanley, Barbara Marlene 03-Oct-1979 F Stanley, Judge Wayne 01-Nov-1979 M Stanton, J T 09-Sep-1979 M Stanton, Luther 07-Oct-1979 M Staples, Clarence Everett 31-Mar-1979 M Stapleton, Bob J 21-Oct-1979 M Star, Ida 13-Oct-1979 F Stark, Richard Alan 07-Feb-1979 M Stark, Phillip 22-Sep-1979 M Starks, Chad Buford, SR 02-Mar-1979 M Starks, Tommy Ray Robinson, JR27-May-1979 M Starnater, Ann Elizabeth 05-Dec-1979 F Starnes, William Grattan 11-Mar-1979 M Starnes, Barney Jackson, JR 18-May-1979 M Starnes, Jake Zachary 30-Nov-1979 M Starr, William 24-Jan-1979 M Starr, Roberta Lee 08-Jul-1979 F Starr, Sula Virginia 22-Sep-1979 F Starr, Harry Clifford 15-Nov-1979 M Starr, Richard P 01-Dec-1979 M Stayton, Edwin Dilworth 10-Jun-1979 M Steadman, Walter Angus 25-Oct-1979 M Stearman, Freda A 20-Sep-1979 F Stearns, Parks Harding, SR 11-Mar-1979 M Steed, Cloe 30-Apr-1979 F Steele, Jewell Earlene 12-Feb-1979 F Steele, Jonathan Edward 11-May-1979 M Steele, Louise Nelson 12-Sep-1979 F Steelman, Tommy Joe 02-Mar-1979 M Steen, Joe Willie 07-Nov-1979 M Steenson, Wesley Arthur 01-Jul-1979 M Stegall, Maude Adella 04-Feb-1979 F Stegall, Ernest S 21-Oct-1979 M Stegall, John Stanley 29-Oct-1979 M Stein, Esther N 06-Feb-1979 F Stein, Lillian Taylor 05-Aug-1979 F Stein, Fred 09-Sep-1979 M Steinberg, Rosa 02-Jun-1979 F Steineger, Timothy Edward 12-Oct-1979 M Steinke, Wilhelmine Louise 22-Nov-1979 F Steinrock, Anna Johanna 23-Jul-1979 F Steinweg, Rosel Paula 22-Nov-1979 F Stellman, Ruby Dee 18-Feb-1979 F Stemler, Edison John 04-Dec-1979 M Stephens, Rodney Joe 19-Jan-1979 M Stephens, George W 19-May-1979 M Stephens, Eula Francys 13-Jul-1979 F Stephens, Hazel S 07-Aug-1979 F Stephens, Joe Wheeler, SR 28-Aug-1979 M Stephens, Joseph Harvey, JR 24-Sep-1979 M Stephens, Dorothy Laverne 29-Oct-1979 F Stephens, Boyd 25-Nov-1979 M Stephenson, Tuesday Gayle 07-Apr-1979 F Stephenson, William Arlis 28-Oct-1979 M Stepney, Lecester 22-Oct-1979 F Stepney, Taylor, JR 12-Nov-1979 M Sterling, Caraway 09-May-1979 M Sterling, Virgil Ewin 15-Jul-1979 M Stern, Zara C 02-Jun-1979 F Stern, Grady Edward 17-Oct-1979 M Sterne, Florence B 24-Jun-1979 F Steve, Patsy 23-Dec-1979 F Stevens, Braxton Carl 06-Jan-1979 M Stevens, Eldred Nicklis 21-Feb-1979 M Stevens, Nathan Eric 28-Feb-1979 M Stevens, William O 10-Mar-1979 M Stevens, Willie Haynes 28-Mar-1979 F Stevens, Josephine 12-May-1979 F Stevens, Mary Thelma 12-Jun-1979 F Stevens, Betty Josephine 27-Jun-1979 F Stevens, Johnnie L 20-Sep-1979 F Stevens, Orley 26-Oct-1979 F Stevens, David Roy 28-Oct-1979 M Stevens, Maude Lee 11-Nov-1979 F Stevenson, Imogene Mae 12-Jan-1979 F Stevenson, Stanley Lee 22-Jan-1979 M Stevenson, Jerry Wade 12-Mar-1979 M Stevenson, Samantha Darline 01-Oct-1979 F Stevenson, Walter F 20-Oct-1979 M Stevenson, Eugene Wilborn 27-Nov-1979 M Stevenson, Nelle Filmore 28-Dec-1979 F Stevison, James Floyd 26-Aug-1979 M Steward, William Brice 28-Sep-1979 M Stewart, Martha 08-Jan-1979 F Stewart, Clyde Levi, JR 22-Jan-1979 M Stewart, Anna Bertha 27-Jan-1979 F Stewart, Lela Louise 13-Feb-1979 F Stewart, Rosemary 25-Feb-1979 F Stewart, Vivian Leotie Manning17-Mar-1979 F Stewart, Hollis S 18-Mar-1979 M Stewart, Isaac 12-Apr-1979 M Stewart, Millie P 13-May-1979 F Stewart, Michael Maurice 17-Jun-1979 M Stewart, Faye Tucker 15-Jul-1979 F Stewart, Lena Mae 31-Aug-1979 F Stewart, Carl Braxton, SR 04-Oct-1979 M Stewart, Bobby 06-Oct-1979 M Stewart, Waymon 27-Oct-1979 M Stewart, George Elmer 04-Nov-1979 M Stewart, Faye Almeda 14-Nov-1979 F Stewart, Thomas Lee 20-Dec-1979 M Stewart, Bessie 20-Dec-1979 F Stidham, Zuma F 26-Feb-1979 F Stigall, Eula Juanita 13-Mar-1979 F Stika, Richard Edwin 17-Oct-1979 M Stiles, Charles Hancock 13-Jun-1979 M Still, Jeff 02-May-1979 M Stillson, Helen 06-Aug-1979 F Stilwell, Katie G 04-Aug-1979 F Stinnett, Richard Calvin 26-Feb-1979 M Stinnett, Joel Wallace 11-Dec-1979 M Stinson, Inez Estelle 21-Mar-1979 F Stinson, Mary Josephine 13-Jun-1979 F Stirk, Georgie Narvell 14-Jan-1979 F Stirling, Ruth Ashcroft 05-Dec-1979 F Stites, Mary 04-Feb-1979 F Stockton, Ira Lee 17-Mar-1979 M Stockton, James Clarence 08-Nov-1979 M Stockton, George Everett 08-Dec-1979 M Stoebner, Mary Evaleen 12-Feb-1979 F Stokes, Josephine 06-Feb-1979 F Stokes, Marie Lillian 02-Sep-1979 F Stokes, Mary Hastand 09-Dec-1979 F Stoller, Abraham 09-Jan-1979 M Stoltz, Julia Louise 30-Sep-1979 F Stone, Barney 15-Mar-1979 M Stone, Willie L 15-May-1979 M Stone, Elsie 19-May-1979 F Stone, Alton Manuell 15-Jun-1979 M Stone, Lela Esther 23-Jun-1979 F Stone, Lee Micajah 28-Jul-1979 M Stone, Helen M 21-Oct-1979 F Stone, James O 22-Oct-1979 M Stone, Lucy Belle 27-Dec-1979 F Stoorza, John R, JR 06-Jul-1979 M Stopford, Russell Saxe, JR 27-May-1979 M Storey, Bob 21-Aug-1979 M Story, Lewis Henry 16-Jan-1979 M Story, Austin Vaughan 09-Dec-1979 M Stotler, Patricia 07-Nov-1979 F Stough, Maola Fawn 30-Jan-1979 F Stoup, Adolph Abraham 04-Oct-1979 M Stout, Frances Elizabeth 08-Jan-1979 F Stout, Nancy Carolie 05-Apr-1979 F Stout, Jesse C 12-Jul-1979 M Stout, Gladys Marie 18-Jul-1979 F Stout, Erma 18-Aug-1979 F Stout, William V 08-Sep-1979 M Stout, Malcolm B 12-Dec-1979 M Stoutamire, Edward L 06-Feb-1979 M Stovall, Doris Florine 05-May-1979 F Stovall, Elton Eugene, III 07-Aug-1979 M Stovall, Burt Clifton 08-Aug-1979 M Stovall, Drew C 24-Aug-1979 M Stovall, Henry V 07-Oct-1979 M Stow, Audrey 20-Dec-1979 F Stowers, Floy 18-Dec-1979 M Strait, Bobby Glenn 28-Feb-1979 M Strait, George 09-Oct-1979 M Stran, Henry Parker 03-Feb-1979 M Strange, Leroy 15-Jul-1979 M Strange, Lee Boria 22-Jul-1979 M Strangi, Thomas 01-Feb-1979 M Stratton, Mark Steven 15-Jul-1979 M Stratton, Ellen Jewel 25-Aug-1979 F Stratton, Joan Margaret 12-Oct-1979 F Straubing, Lenore V 12-May-1979 F Strayer, Kenneth D 02-Aug-1979 M Strayhorn, Lettie 17-Jan-1979 F Strength, Robert Dale 19-Feb-1979 M Strey, Lucille 03-Mar-1979 F Stribling, Engeburg 13-May-1979 F Strickland, Ethel Lois 18-May-1979 F Strickland, Harry Neil 04-Jul-1979 M Strickland, Vera M 22-Nov-1979 F Strickland, Jakie Gerallene 12-Dec-1979 F Stricklin, Myrtis 22-May-1979 F Stringfellow, Harvey E 04-Apr-1979 M Strittmatter, Failla Hendrick 18-Apr-1979 F Strom, Ben Goran 22-Nov-1979 M Strong, Millie 03-Nov-1979 F Strother, William Kemp, JR 31-Jan-1979 M Stroud, Lloyd Harrington 04-Feb-1979 M Stroup, Robert M, SR 04-May-1979 M Strow, Scott Edward 22-Feb-1979 M Strow, Janice Marie 22-Feb-1979 F Stuard, Mary Priscilla 12-Nov-1979 F Stuart, Walter Milton 05-Jan-1979 M Stuart, Agnes Elizabeth 11-Jan-1979 F Stuart, John Thomas 15-Feb-1979 M Stuart, Allen 06-Apr-1979 M Stuckey, Ruben N 10-Nov-1979 M Stuckey, William 02-Dec-1979 M Studdard, Elmer Hobson 14-Jan-1979 M Studdard, Chester Dell 16-Mar-1979 M Stull, Gladis D 21-Jan-1979 F Sturdivant, Imogene 11-Aug-1979 F Sturm, Ina Henley 18-Sep-1979 F Stutts, Harold L 02-Jun-1979 M Styring, Sara Francis 26-Mar-1979 F Suedmeyer, Rachel Harriet 13-Dec-1979 F Suhre, May 02-Oct-1979 F Sula, Karel Joseph 14-Jun-1979 M Sullens, Betty Pauline 27-Dec-1979 F Sullivan, Michael Augustine 13-Mar-1979 M Sullivan, Brandon Drew 02-Apr-1979 M Sullivan, Lantha May 17-Apr-1979 F Sullivan, L B 20-Apr-1979 M Sullivan, Girtha 20-May-1979 M Sullivan, Edna Ann 28-May-1979 F Sullivan, Pauline 06-Jul-1979 F Sullivan, Virgil Adams 26-Sep-1979 F Sullivan, Thelma Sarah 04-Nov-1979 F Sullivan, Wanda Lee 11-Nov-1979 F Sullivan, Dewie Clifton 02-Dec-1979 M Sullivan, Jimmy Ray 09-Dec-1979 M Sulser, Norman C 08-Aug-1979 M Summerhill, George A 07-Apr-1979 M Summers, Berdna 20-Mar-1979 F Summers, Linlie Maurice 01-Apr-1979 M Summers, Lonnie Lee 28-Apr-1979 M Summers, William Stonestreet 06-Jul-1979 M Summers, Ercell 22-Jul-1979 M Summers, Adrian Douglas 31-Oct-1979 M Summers, John Edgar, JR 06-Dec-1979 M Sundermeyer, Chester L 15-Jul-1979 M Sunofsky, Elizabeth 07-Jul-1979 F Surls, Emma J 22-Jun-1979 F Susong, William Allen 12-Nov-1979 M Sutherland, Eugene Joseph, JR 08-Feb-1979 M Sutherland, Della M 11-May-1979 F Sutherland, Oralee 03-Jul-1979 F Sutter, Lauren Catherine Ashle13-Jun-1979 F Sutton, Paul J 16-Mar-1979 M Swafford, Nancy Marilla 20-Dec-1979 F Swail, Tamara Lynn 01-Dec-1979 F Swaim, Letha 02-Mar-1979 F Swain, Wendell I 01-Feb-1979 M Swan, Alma Gordon 19-Jan-1979 F Swaney, Debra Sue 25-Oct-1979 F Swaney, Carmen 31-Dec-1979 F Swann, Harley Roy 02-Feb-1979 M Swann, William 08-Sep-1979 M Swanner, Charles Brunett 15-Dec-1979 M Swanson, James Verlan 26-Feb-1979 M Swanson, Harold Anton 06-Aug-1979 M Swanson, Bonnie Faye 17-Sep-1979 F Swanson, Erminie (irma) Thelma12-Nov-1979 F Swanzy, Lawrence Arthur 13-Sep-1979 M Swarner, Max Jerome 25-Jan-1979 M Swartz, Nina E 13-Mar-1979 F Swartz, John H 22-Oct-1979 M Swartz, Marie Elizabeth 26-Dec-1979 F Swatsell, Everett E 19-May-1979 M Swearengen, Vada Ann 03-Jun-1979 F Swearingin, Clarence W 07-Feb-1979 M Sweazea, Ben I 21-Jan-1979 M Sweeden, Sherrie Anne 08-Jul-1979 F Sweeney, Clyde Dalton 23-Feb-1979 M Sweeney, Reuben Ralph 29-Oct-1979 M Sweet, Pearl Louise 14-Jul-1979 F Sweet, Ella V 25-Aug-1979 F Sweet, Gladys Lavern 30-Oct-1979 F Swenson, Earl D 11-Dec-1979 M Swift, Paul Francis 14-Sep-1979 M Swift, Ethel Love 28-Nov-1979 F Swiger, James Ferman 10-Feb-1979 M Swilling, Mary Lenora 03-May-1979 F Swilling, William Ball, JR 24-Dec-1979 M Swindle, Ulysses Henry 18-Apr-1979 M Swindle, Jay L 02-Dec-1979 M Swinney, Oram Jackson 17-Jan-1979 M Swinney, William Ray 23-Jan-1979 M Swinney, Ida Belle 06-Jun-1979 F Swisher, Alma Tipton 16-Apr-1979 F Swoape, Clarence Roscoe 20-Aug-1979 M Swope, Walter Bryan 17-Jun-1979 M Swope, Nannie Laura 31-Jul-1979 F Swoveland, Tamera 08-Sep-1979 F Swyers, Benjamin William 09-Feb-1979 M Sy, Robert John Otto 28-Sep-1979 M Symonds, Helen Rummell 29-Jan-1979 F Szafir, Vera Irene 30-Jul-1979 F Tabb, Lora 01-Aug-1979 F Tabor, Elmer Addison 20-May-1979 M Tacke, Winifred Alvina 29-Dec-1979 F Tacker, Maggie 02-Jan-1979 F Tacker, David Mark 07-Apr-1979 M Tackett, James W 19-Jan-1979 M Tackett, Charlie H 13-Mar-1979 M Tackett, Haven 01-Dec-1979 M Talbert, John Joseph 02-Mar-1979 M Talkington, Roy Eugene 23-Feb-1979 M Talley, Charlie 11-Mar-1979 M Talley, Freeman 01-Dec-1979 M Talton, Glenn 13-Oct-1979 M Talvy, Benjamin 30-Jan-1979 M Tankersley, Samuel 21-Sep-1979 M Tankersley, Yauncy A 01-Dec-1979 M Tankursley, Mamie Wilmia 18-Jul-1979 F Tanner, Rosa May 06-Jul-1979 F Tanner, Ernest 10-Aug-1979 M Tansey, Catherine Wynne 27-Mar-1979 F Tapp, Larry L 18-Dec-1979 M Taquino, Raney Edwin 03-Sep-1979 M Tarlton, Carmen Jean 17-Jul-1979 F Tarpley, Tempie Robena 04-Jan-1979 F Tarpley, Ethel Mae 22-Jan-1979 F Tarr, Albert H 09-Nov-1979 M Tarrant, Bobby Joe 14-Jul-1979 M Tarver, Nicole Jaroze 18-Oct-1979 F Tasby, Rosie 23-Feb-1979 F Tasby, Clarence 28-Feb-1979 M Tasby, Pearl Ellison 10-Jul-1979 F Tasby, Mary E 07-Aug-1979 F Tate, Josie 17-Mar-1979 F Tate, Ninnie Swift 14-Jun-1979 F Tate, Marvin Arlando 04-Jul-1979 M Tate, Merrill D 18-Jul-1979 M Tate, Don Ervin, SR 27-Jul-1979 M Tatom, Virginia Clair 24-Jan-1979 F Tatum, Mckinley 13-Mar-1979 M Tatum, Leoma Ruth 06-Apr-1979 F Tatum, Bessie E 18-Apr-1979 F Taub, Estelle 27-Jun-1979 F Taylor, Weisman (wisem) 03-Jan-1979 M Taylor, Margaret Ann 19-Jan-1979 F Taylor, Jessie Norman 21-Jan-1979 M Taylor, Lois Jane 05-Feb-1979 F Taylor, William Nelson, II 11-Feb-1979 M Taylor, Jennie Lou 15-Feb-1979 F Taylor, Albert, JR 25-Feb-1979 M Taylor, Thomas Joseph 27-Feb-1979 M Taylor, Lewis 01-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Roy Ray 04-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Ben, SR 06-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Leonard A 07-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Walter 12-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Margaret H 21-Mar-1979 F Taylor, Glenn Odell 24-Mar-1979 M Taylor, Joe Morgan 07-Apr-1979 M Taylor, Belo 13-Apr-1979 M Taylor, Debra Ann 18-Apr-1979 F Taylor, Walter Scott 19-Apr-1979 M Taylor, Allene 19-Apr-1979 F Taylor, Era Aline 20-Apr-1979 F Taylor, Johnnie Louise 23-Apr-1979 F Taylor, Debra Ann 01-May-1979 F Taylor, Kenneth C 02-May-1979 M Taylor, Oscar Bomar, III 03-May-1979 M Taylor, Gladys Lavell 15-May-1979 F Taylor, George Arthur 03-Jun-1979 M Taylor, Alonzo Benjamin 16-Jun-1979 M Taylor, William Earl 17-Jun-1979 M Taylor, Eugenia 19-Jun-1979 F Taylor, Hazel Margaret 28-Jun-1979 F Taylor, Wanza L 04-Jul-1979 M Taylor, Austin Starke 05-Jul-1979 M Taylor, Lonnie A 07-Jul-1979 M Taylor, Fannie Belle 11-Jul-1979 F Taylor, John Francis, JR 15-Jul-1979 M Taylor, Mary Nettie 20-Jul-1979 F Taylor, Hazel Phillips 23-Jul-1979 F Taylor, Charles Ford 11-Aug-1979 M Taylor, Janet Ellen 22-Aug-1979 F Taylor, Eldon Andwan 25-Aug-1979 M Taylor, John Charles, JR 28-Sep-1979 M Taylor, Willie Lee 01-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Earsie Freddie 01-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Hubert G 13-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Harry D 15-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Iva Mae 20-Oct-1979 F Taylor, Calvin Edward 21-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Charlie 30-Oct-1979 M Taylor, Willie Ray 01-Nov-1979 M Taylor, Esther Lynn 23-Nov-1979 F Taylor, Johnnie 28-Nov-1979 F Taylor, Marjory Johnston 01-Dec-1979 F Taylor, James C 02-Dec-1979 M Taylor, Thomas, JR 06-Dec-1979 M Taylor, Katheryn 11-Dec-1979 F Taylor, Marylene 12-Dec-1979 F Taylor, James Monroe 18-Dec-1979 M Taylor, James T 24-Dec-1979 M Taylor, John H 27-Dec-1979 M Tears, Gwendolyn J 23-Sep-1979 F Teasley, Florence Shirley 31-Jan-1979 F Techmeyer, Henry Fred 05-May-1979 M Tedeschi, Michael Louis 22-Dec-1979 M Tedesco, Philumena Elizabeth 08-Jan-1979 F Tedford, John Roy, SR 02-Mar-1979 M Tedford, Kerry C 27-Dec-1979 M Teel, Amanda Neal 09-Feb-1979 F Teel, Ruth Juanita 20-Nov-1979 F Teeling, James Joseph, JR 10-Aug-1979 M Teeling, Robert A 09-Nov-1979 M Tekas, Arthur Nick 14-Jul-1979 M Temple, Stanley A 11-May-1979 M Temple, Jane Carter 30-Oct-1979 F Templeton, James Tobin 20-Apr-1979 M Templeton, Willie Jeanette 13-Aug-1979 F Templeton, Edwin P 08-Nov-1979 M Tenery, Robert Mayo 05-Oct-1979 M Tennison, George B 06-Apr-1979 M Tennison, Florence 22-Oct-1979 F Tennison, Pauline Elizabeth 03-Nov-1979 F Terrell, Sid C 15-Feb-1979 M Terrell, John Searcy 04-May-1979 M Terrell, Frances 09-Jul-1979 F Terrell, Marshall Matthew 13-Sep-1979 M Terrill, Harry Lindsley, JR 26-Mar-1979 M Terry, Flora Avis 27-Feb-1979 F Terry, Jake 08-Mar-1979 M Terry, Antron Deon 13-Mar-1979 M Terry, Robin Marie 24-Mar-1979 F Terry, George D 11-May-1979 M Terry, Glenn 17-Sep-1979 M Teubner, Clarence 07-Jan-1979 M Teurman, Jeffery Scott 04-Sep-1979 M Thacker, Oran Charles 09-Feb-1979 M Thacker, Lawrence Earl 19-Dec-1979 M Thambi, Tiffany Saia 23-Feb-1979 F Thames, Bardie V 18-Sep-1979 F Tharp, Perly Lee 05-Jan-1979 F Tharp, George W 19-Jun-1979 M Thayer, Gertrude May 08-Apr-1979 F Thetford, Shannon Denise 22-Apr-1979 F Theus, Violet 21-Apr-1979 F Thieroff, Loren A 25-Feb-1979 M Thies, Walter Horton 12-Jul-1979 M Thomas, Aubrey W 15-Jan-1979 M Thomas, Charles L 16-Jan-1979 M Thomas, Vernita 19-Jan-1979 F Thomas, Ruby Pearl 08-Feb-1979 F Thomas, Ruth Caroline 10-Feb-1979 F Thomas, Martin C 14-Feb-1979 M Thomas, Enos Perry 17-Feb-1979 M Thomas, Annie Mae 24-Feb-1979 F Thomas, Verna 01-Mar-1979 M Thomas, Arthur Lee 13-Mar-1979 M Thomas, Stanford Eugene 15-Mar-1979 M Thomas, Willie Lee 21-Mar-1979 M Thomas, Johnnie 05-Apr-1979 F Thomas, Patricia Ann 07-Apr-1979 F Thomas, Leo 10-Apr-1979 M Thomas, Robert Lee 11-Apr-1979 F Thomas, Lou Ann 14-Apr-1979 F Thomas, Mary Harral 01-May-1979 F Thomas, Betty Anne 02-May-1979 F Thomas, Theodies 05-May-1979 M Thomas, Mary Kathryn 05-May-1979 F Thomas, Bernnie Lee 27-May-1979 M Thomas, Charles Robert 31-May-1979 M Thomas, Woodrow Roy 04-Jun-1979 M Thomas, Elzie L 06-Jun-1979 M Thomas, Albert S 15-Jun-1979 M Thomas, Lillian Louise 06-Jul-1979 F Thomas, Marvin 29-Jul-1979 M Thomas, Helen W 08-Aug-1979 F Thomas, Edna May 20-Aug-1979 F Thomas, Hulda Helen 23-Aug-1979 F Thomas, Percy C 31-Aug-1979 M Thomas, Perry R 07-Sep-1979 M Thomas, Lawrence 16-Sep-1979 M Thomas, Janet Susan (jana) 24-Sep-1979 F Thomas, Albert Monroe 30-Sep-1979 M Thomas, Tempie 05-Oct-1979 F Thomas, Lena Pearl 06-Oct-1979 F Thomas, Francis 10-Oct-1979 F Thomas, Myrtle 19-Oct-1979 F Thomas, Jack 31-Oct-1979 M Thomas, Juanita 08-Nov-1979 F Thomas, Donald Ray, SR 14-Nov-1979 M Thomas, George Timothy, JR 14-Nov-1979 M Thomas, Lonnie 04-Dec-1979 M Thomas, Clifford Wayne 05-Dec-1979 M Thomason, Katherine Laura 10-Mar-1979 F Thomason, Avis 08-Apr-1979 F Thomason, Frances Marian 22-May-1979 F Thomason, Mary Adelaide 09-Oct-1979 F Thompson, James Arthur 16-Jan-1979 M Thompson, Scott Robert 20-Jan-1979 M Thompson, Hattie Mandy 06-Feb-1979 F Thompson, Mable 07-Feb-1979 F Thompson, Patsy Ann 12-Feb-1979 F Thompson, Ralph Eugene 13-Feb-1979 M Thompson, Peter Willard 28-Feb-1979 M Thompson, Helena Marie 28-Feb-1979 F Thompson, Stella Mae 23-Mar-1979 F Thompson, Jeanne Betty 25-Mar-1979 F Thompson, George William 04-Apr-1979 M Thompson, Willie W 07-Apr-1979 M Thompson, Edward Elwood 12-Apr-1979 M Thompson, Jean Eve 14-Apr-1979 F Thompson, Evelyn Stoneman 20-Apr-1979 F Thompson, Velma Guy 23-Apr-1979 F Thompson, Warren B 04-May-1979 M Thompson, Latta Ann 17-May-1979 F Thompson, Floyd 22-May-1979 M Thompson, Stella 08-Jun-1979 F Thompson, Irene 19-Jun-1979 F Thompson, Walter H 21-Jun-1979 M Thompson, Mary 03-Jul-1979 F Thompson, Buford Carl 07-Jul-1979 M Thompson, Mary E 21-Jul-1979 F Thompson, Ruby 21-Jul-1979 F Thompson, J C 29-Jul-1979 M Thompson, Mary Rebecca 03-Aug-1979 F Thompson, Louie 29-Aug-1979 M Thompson, Hallie Lucille 08-Sep-1979 F Thompson, William Neil, JR 19-Sep-1979 M Thompson, S E 25-Sep-1979 M Thompson, Danny J, JR 09-Oct-1979 M Thompson, Norman Wayne 31-Oct-1979 M Thompson, Glen Alex 08-Nov-1979 M Thompson, Charlie 11-Nov-1979 M Thompson, James Otis 12-Nov-1979 M Thompson, Velma Louise 17-Nov-1979 F Thompson, Bennie 22-Nov-1979 M Thompson, Robert Weldon 28-Nov-1979 M Thompson, Ray Allen 03-Dec-1979 M Thompson, Hugh Montgomery, JR 06-Dec-1979 M Thompson, Arvis Elmer 24-Dec-1979 M Thornburg, Daniel Webster 15-Jun-1979 M Thornhill, Nora E 02-Sep-1979 F Thornhill, James Hutchison 12-Nov-1979 M Thornton, Ruby Delia 30-Jan-1979 F Thornton, Ann Augusta 07-Mar-1979 F Thornton, Buster E 27-Mar-1979 M Thornton, Wayne Hubert 12-Jul-1979 M Thornton, Claude Lee, JR 24-Jul-1979 M Thornton, Susie Charles 24-Oct-1979 F Thornton, Shannon Patrick 23-Nov-1979 M Thornton, Lucille 18-Dec-1979 F Thornton, Mabel Irene 25-Dec-1979 F Thorpe, Joe Bailey 07-Feb-1979 M Thrasher, Noah Lee 02-Apr-1979 M Threadgill, Linda D 05-Jan-1979 F Threadgill, Gertrude Louise 05-Mar-1979 F Threadgill, Weldon O 03-Oct-1979 M Threlkeld, Helen Inez 08-Oct-1979 F Thrift, Virginia C 15-Mar-1979 F Thurman, Mary E 24-May-1979 F Thurman, Claude 05-Dec-1979 M Thurman, Virginia Louise 15-Dec-1979 F Thurmond, Eugene V 16-Jun-1979 M Thurston, Warren Willard 12-Dec-1979 M Tibbs, Augustus Ceaser ''gus''19-Jan-1979 M Tibbs, Milton J 23-Jan-1979 M Ticer, Cora Maye 20-Oct-1979 F Tidwell, Ollie 27-Jan-1979 F Tidwell, Swain 31-Jan-1979 M Tidwell, Ivy 05-Feb-1979 F Tidwell, Myrtle Louise 17-Mar-1979 F Tiede, Anita Katherine 03-Mar-1979 F Tiede, Paul Adolph 24-Jul-1979 M Tiffany, Edna Mae 25-Feb-1979 F Tigert, Jimmy Ray 29-Jun-1979 M Tijerina, Maria Ambros 19-Jan-1979 F Tillery, Cally 03-Jun-1979 F Tilley, Norma Lou 04-Mar-1979 F Tillis, Louis Henry 13-Jan-1979 M Timberlake, Lloyd A 26-Mar-1979 M Timpson, Clara Ford 13-Sep-1979 F Tims, Hazel Lloyd 17-Mar-1979 F Tindall, David W 29-Nov-1979 M Tiner, Mabel Grace 11-Oct-1979 F Tinney, William A 08-Sep-1979 M Tinsley, Lorene Stanford 06-Jul-1979 F Tinsley, Edith Marie 18-Oct-1979 F Tippie, Katie Bell 14-Aug-1979 F Tipps, I M 15-Oct-1979 M Tipton, Robert Earl 22-Jul-1979 M Tisdale, Harvey Lynn, JR 12-Mar-1979 M Tison, Lucille Elizabeth 05-Jun-1979 F Tittle, Hershel C 07-May-1979 M Tittle, Theodore R 09-Jun-1979 M Titus, Minnie Mae 11-Feb-1979 F Titus, Noami 30-Mar-1979 F Titus, Charles Durward 28-May-1979 M Titus, Bentley 11-Jul-1979 M Titus, Polly 12-Jul-1979 F Titus, John 01-Dec-1979 M Tobin, James W 03-May-1979 M Todd, William F 02-Jan-1979 M Todd, Patricia Ann 12-Jun-1979 F Todd, Robert Jones 11-Jul-1979 M Todd, Iva Gertrude 12-Jul-1979 F Todd, Edna Catherine 27-Jul-1979 F Todd, Carrie L 29-Sep-1979 F Todd, Thaddeus Odell 20-Oct-1979 M Tolbert, Charles D 27-Jul-1979 M Tolbert, Lillie 14-Sep-1979 F Toliver, Goree 17-Jul-1979 M Tolley, Hazel Patrick 15-Feb-1979 F Tomlin, Lois Timothy 28-May-1979 M Tomlinson, Vanilla 24-Nov-1979 F Tompkins, Pearl E 04-Jan-1979 F Tompkins, Tommie Harrison 25-Jul-1979 M Tompkins, Agnes Gleason 11-Nov-1979 F Toney, Lola Lorene 27-Apr-1979 F Tonick, Margaret Bruce 26-Oct-1979 F Tonne, Elmer 19-Sep-1979 M Toofan, Kheder 12-Sep-1979 M Tooley, Maurine Zollner 24-May-1979 F Toomey, William Edward 08-Apr-1979 M Toppel, Louis 18-Nov-1979 M Torbet, Lillie Gray 08-Apr-1979 F Torres, Pedro 03-Feb-1979 M Torres, Pete 11-Feb-1979 M Torres, Bacilio Zarate 11-Feb-1979 M Torres, Daniel 24-Feb-1979 M Torres, Eulalio D 27-May-1979 M Torres, Maria Delores 29-Sep-1979 F Torres, Efraim Benitez 14-Oct-1979 M Torres, Leonardo 04-Nov-1979 M Torres, Timoteo 21-Dec-1979 M Torrez, Johnie Mae 06-Aug-1979 F Toupal, Frank Charles 06-Oct-1979 M Tovar, Sixto 07-Apr-1979 M Towle, Bessie M 10-Apr-1979 F Townsend, Brenna Grace 18-Aug-1979 F Toyer, Jackson Louis 25-Apr-1979 M Tracy, Mary Ann Stouder 02-May-1979 F Trader, Charles Louis 12-Feb-1979 M Tramel, Debra Lynn 12-Apr-1979 F Tramel, Derrique D 15-Sep-1979 M Trammell, Delbert Fred, JR 28-Feb-1979 M Trammell, Nathaniel Allison 11-Mar-1979 M Trammell, Alma Pearl 27-May-1979 F Trammell, Mamie 19-Jun-1979 F Trammell, Robert W 27-Jun-1979 M Tran, Andrew Nguyen 06-Jan-1979 M Tran, Loc T 04-Oct-1979 F Tran, Kim Hoa 29-Nov-1979 F Trankner, Louise M 25-Jul-1979 F Trantham, Willis Earl 23-Apr-1979 M Travis, Edna June 12-Feb-1979 F Traylor, Frank 27-Mar-1979 M Traylor, Ludie Mae 16-Nov-1979 F Treadwell, Ruby 04-Jan-1979 F Treadwell, Oscar Pierce 21-Jan-1979 M Trees, Betty Jean 04-Dec-1979 F Trent, Troy Grant 23-Sep-1979 M Tresp, Mable Beatrice 13-Mar-1979 F Trester, Josephine Mary 16-Sep-1979 F Trevino, Eustorgia Salas 03-May-1979 F Trevino, Santos Eusebio, JR 28-Oct-1979 M Trice, Velma L 25-Jul-1979 F Trieller, Eula Honeycutt 22-Nov-1979 F Trigg, Juanita Etta 17-May-1979 F Trigg, Hannibal Taurice 14-Sep-1979 M Trim, Kermit Floyd 10-Sep-1979 M Trimble, Jeannette Truitt 16-Jul-1979 F Trimble, Stanley Joseph 24-Dec-1979 M Trlica, Michael Floyd 19-Apr-1979 M Trojacek, Ann Michelle 09-Aug-1979 F Trollinger, Earl Franklin 08-Jun-1979 M Trott, Sarah Elizabeth 27-May-1979 F Trout, Marion Harvey 29-Nov-1979 M Troyer, Charles Deal 22-Jul-1979 M Truelock, Stella Lee 24-Jun-1979 F Truesdell, Matthew 29-Nov-1979 M Trunnell, Isaac L 26-Jul-1979 M Truss, Lisa Ann 22-Apr-1979 F Trussell, Rosalie S 28-May-1979 F Tubbs, Albert Lee 25-Feb-1979 M Tubbs, Rebecca 28-May-1979 F Tubbs, Clare Paul 05-Dec-1979 M Tucker, Nevada Ann 19-Jan-1979 F Tucker, Walter C 15-Mar-1979 M Tucker, Lavera 23-Mar-1979 F Tucker, Edgar Cheston 28-Apr-1979 M Tucker, Frank D 12-Jun-1979 M Tucker, Forrest L 16-Jun-1979 M Tucker, Greta A 03-Jul-1979 F Tucker, Sinque Nakil 17-Jul-1979 M Tucker, Phyllis Pearl 29-Sep-1979 F Tucker, Ethlyn Florence 06-Oct-1979 F Tucker, Ina Mae 30-Oct-1979 F Tucker, Kelly Denise 29-Nov-1979 F Tucker, William Clarence 20-Dec-1979 M Tucker, Oma Lee 26-Dec-1979 F Tuggle, Elbert Wilton 10-Jun-1979 M Tullis, James M 22-Jan-1979 M