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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com
December 7, 2000
These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the
Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible.
* Corrective files have been added to this directory for names marked with an asterisk.
To access them, erase the name of the file in the address line of the browser and "enter".
Name Date Sex Marital Status
Abbe, Bobby Ray 1-16-1965 M Married
Abbe, Oma 7-22-1965 F Widowed
Abbey, Cecil Francis 7-12-1965 M Married
Abbott, Bennie Cecil 10-2-1965 M Single
Abbott, Clifford Malcolm 1-6-1965 M Single
Abbott, Robert Earl 9-9-1965 M Single
Abbott, Robert L 10-1-1965 M Single
Abel, Johnnie L 4-27-1965 M Single
Abelino, Eugenio 2-13-1965 M Married
Aber, Joseph Donald 3-4-1965 M Single
Abernathy, Homer Lowery 5-13-1965 M Single
Abernathy, Tilford 3-10-1965 M Widowed
Abernethy, Cynthia E 3-25-1965 F Single
Abington, Charles W 6-2-1965 M Widowed
Abington, Estella Jane 3-11-1965 F Single
Ablon, Alta 1-5-1965 F Widowed
Abner, John Gueary 5-31-1965 M Single
Abney, Robert Lee 6-16-1965 M Married
Abshier, William Anderson 1-17-1965 M Single
Acker, Lois Jane 6-7-1965 F Widowed
Acker, Willie B 12-7-1965 M Single
Ackley, John Lea 8-13-1965 M Single
Acosta, Frank Marcus 10-9-1965 M Single
Adair, Robin Sr 2-16-1965 M Widowed
Adame, Roberto Macias 5-4-1965 M Widowed
Adams, Allie Clay 1-11-1965 F Widowed
Adams, Betty Lucille 2-4-1965 F Single
Adams, Blackman 1-1-1965 M Single
Adams, Ella 2-15-1965 F Widowed
Adams, Elvin 7-11-1965 M Widowed
Adams, Everigester 8-7-1965 M Single
Adams, Fannie 10-27-1965 F Widowed
Adams, Garlan Rex 4-13-1965 M Married
Adams, George 6-10-1965 M Widowed
Adams, Harold Christopher 3-19-1965 M Married
Adams, Herbert S 2-4-1965 M Single
Adams, James Kelly 4-2-1965 M Single
Adams, Joseph D 12-26-1965 M Single
Adams, Leonor Taquechel 9-17-1965 F Widowed
Adams, Michael Don 5-12-1965 M Married
Adams, Nettie 5-29-1965 F Widowed
Adams, Raymond M Inf Of 8-4-1965 M Married
Adams, William E 5-8-1965 M Single
Adamson, Mary L 3-5-1965 F Widowed
Adamson, Thomas J 5-14-1965 M Single
Aday, Ida Victoria 5-24-1965 F Widowed
Addison, Nina Virginia 12-6-1965 F Widowed
Aden, Annie Laura 10-30-1965 F Widowed
Adkins, Callie Marie 7-30-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Adkins, Carrie Edwiner 5-31-1965 F Widowed
Adkins, George Preston 7-5-1965 M Widowed
Adkinson, Wesley Jr 3-28-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Adrion, Henriett H 7-23-1965 F Widowed
Aguilar, Josefa Perez 8-27-1965 F Widowed
Aguirre, Alfred Renee 1-2-1965 M Married
Aguirre, Liza Jennette 12-27-1965 F Married
Ahlschlager, Walter W Sr 3-28-1965 M Widowed
Ahrens, Albert Henry 7-28-1965 M Single
Ainsworth, William Ransom 4-28-1965 M Single
Akard, Nancy Josephine 11-29-1965 F Married
Akers, Elgin Martin 2-14-1965 M Married
Akers, Herman Henry 6-8-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Akers, Maggie Lenore 11-16-1965 F Single
Alberts, Will 3-2-1965 M Single
Alderson, Jerry Denis 1-9-1965 M Single
Aldridge, Ollie O 12-7-1965 F Widowed
Aldridge, Richard Allan 12-3-1965 M Married
Alex, Lonnie B 10-8-1965 M Married
Alexander, Bobby Lee 8-22-1965 M Married
Alexander, Henry Jr 9-18-1965 M Widowed
Alexander, Horace Ray 6-28-1965 M Married
Alexander, Irven Earl 1-6-1965 F Widowed
Alexander, Jesse Maurice 3-1-1965 M Single
Alexander, Joseph Dennis 10-4-1965 M Widowed
Alexander, Karl Vincent 10-29-1965 M Single
Alexander, Lee Ray 12-1-1965 M Single
Alexander, Lula Estelle 6-21-1965 F Widowed
Alexander, Mace Henry 11-23-1965 M Single
Alexander, Minnie Church 7-19-1965 F Widowed
Alexander, Nelda Faye 2-3-1965 F Single
Alexander, Thomas F 5-17-1965 M Single
Alexander, Victoria 9-10-1965 F Widowed
Alexander, William M 9-10-1965 M Single
Alfano, Carmela 5-6-1965 F Single
Alford, Raymond William 3-9-1965 M Single
Alford, William Jr 5-27-1965 M Widowed
Alger, Thomas L 9-10-1965 M Single
Allbritton, Winnie Mary 11-21-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Adam 3-15-1965 M Single
Allen, Adelaide Patricia 4-16-1965 F Single
Allen, Arner 11-10-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Allen, Carrie Bell 9-21-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Cicely S 9-25-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Claude Broadus 7-12-1965 M Single
Allen, Clifford Cecil 7-3-1965 M Single
Allen, Cornelius 10-20-1965 M Widowed
Allen, Curtis 9-5-1965 M Married
Allen, Ethel Hillburn 3-2-1965 F Single
Allen, Ethel Mae 12-1-1965 F Single
Allen, Floyd Albert 4-25-1965 M Single
Allen, Frank Jr 1-18-1965 M Single
Allen, Gertrude Alexander 8-10-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Allen, Grace Louise Mrs 9-27-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Hubert Zeak 1-22-1965 M Single
Allen, Joseph Daniel Jr 9-9-1965 M Widowed
Allen, Mabel Durrum 10-17-1965 F Single
Allen, Minnie 4-30-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Pauline Katherine 12-25-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Roberta 1-9-1965 F Single
Allen, Rock 10-2-1965 M Widowed
Allen, Sarah 1-12-1965 F Widowed
Allen, Vera J 3-29-1965 F Married
Allen, Virgil Oscar 8-18-1965 M Single
Allen, William James 5-19-1965 M Single
Allen, Winton W 9-9-1965 M Single
Allison, Jett R 12-17-1965 M Single
Allison, Thomas Leonard 3-12-1965 M Single
Allison, Wilfred J 9-9-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Allred, William F 5-18-1965 M Single
Allumbaugh, May Bell 8-7-1965 F Widowed
Almand, Lear Rustin 2-25-1965 M Single
Aloi, Frank Vincent 3-21-1965 M Single
Alonzo, Cosme 5-13-1965 M Single
Alonzo, Maria S 10-18-1965 F Widowed
Alonzo, Ysidro R 6-3-1965 M Single
Alsbrooks, Clyde L 9-3-1965 M Single
Alstead, George Edwin 5-16-1965 M Single
Alston, Phillip Noble 12-7-1965 M Married
Alsup, Alice Alfreda 12-28-1965 F Single
Alsworth, Richmond M 11-18-1965 M Widowed
Altman, Bryan 9-6-1965 M Single
Alvarado, Jack Cleveland 1-3-1965 M Married
Alvarado, Martin Zamora 3-24-1965 M Single
Alvis, Joe Eggleston 12-15-1965 M Widowed
Amacker, Stirling Cowan 5-3-1965 M Single
Amburn, Billy Wayne 3-30-1965 M Single
Ames, Sally Jean 10-22-1965 F Married
Amm, Mary Ann 8-10-1965 F Widowed
Ammons, Willie Wilton 6-15-1965 M Widowed
Amos, Hattie 7-12-1965 F Single
Amundson, Toraval Albert 9-20-1965 M Widowed
Amyett, Elton Reed 2-15-1965 M Single
Andersen, Louis F Sr 12-22-1965 M Single
Anderson, Alpha Corrine 9-6-1965 F Widowed
Anderson, Alvin Victor Sr 3-8-1965 M Single
Anderson, Annie Marie 5-24-1965 F Widowed
Anderson, Barton Villamar 4-20-1965 M Single
Anderson, Billy Gene 1-22-1965 M Single
Anderson, E L Inf Of 1-23-1965 M Married
Anderson, Edward James 9-29-1965 M Single
Anderson, Eligah Holly 2-14-1965 M Single
Anderson, Elzada 3-19-1965 F Widowed
Anderson, Fay Charlotte 3-1-1965 F Widowed
Anderson, Floyd Manuel 11-21-1965 M Single
Anderson, Howard Calvin 2-15-1965 M Single
Anderson, Hughleen 8-2-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Anderson, Janet Marie 2-27-1965 F Married
Anderson, Jessie M 8-23-1965 F Single
Anderson, Julius P 2-27-1965 M Single
Anderson, Luther 11-10-1965 M Widowed
Anderson, Margie Louise 3-30-1965 F Single
Anderson, Mattie Dee 6-11-1965 F Single
Anderson, Melvin P 2-27-1965 M Widowed
Anderson, Nina 4-11-1965 F Widowed
Anderson, Sallie Terry 1-28-1965 F Widowed
Andrews, Edna 3-4-1965 F Widowed
Andrews, Ellen Gertrude 3-30-1965 F Widowed
Andrews, Prentiss Wilson 1-15-1965 M Single
Andrews, Wade Lafayette 7-5-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Andry, Bertha Marie 10-24-1965 F Widowed
Anglin, Mary Elizabeth G 2-3-1965 F Single
Anglin, Otis L 10-9-1965 M Single
Anthony, Clifford Hopkins 1-2-1965 M Widowed
Anthony, David Kenneth 6-9-1965 M Married
Anthony, Joseph Elber 1-24-1965 M Single
Antonson, David Allen 4-6-1965 M Married
Apperson, Florence Haley 12-20-1965 F Single
Apple, Walter Belmont 3-29-1965 M Single
Arch, Willie D 12-25-1965 M Single
Archer, Romie L 3-26-1965 M Single
Argo, James Wesley 3-2-1965 M Single
Arlon, Lewis 11-12-1965 M Unknown
Armitage, Roy Jefferson 2-20-1965 M Widowed
Armstrong, Arthur Wilson 8-2-1965 M Widowed
Armstrong, Birty C 12-29-1965 M Widowed
Armstrong, Cedell 2-7-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Armstrong, Delia 5-17-1965 F Widowed
Armstrong, Marvin Lloyd 9-7-1965 M Single
Armstrong, Matt Francee 4-22-1965 M Single
Armstrong, Ona Mae 10-1-1965 F Single
Armstrong, Walter Jr 12-26-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Arnold, Alice Josiephine 9-8-1965 F Single
Arnold, Edward M 10-8-1965 M Widowed
Arnold, Elizabeth 9-8-1965 F Single
Arnold, Luther Frank 4-26-1965 M Single
Arnold, Mark Shane 9-28-1965 M Married
Arnold, Reuben H 6-6-1965 M Single
Arnold, Willie Christine 1-26-1965 F Widowed
Aronson, Goodman 5-9-1965 M Widowed
Arredondo, Pedro Inf Of 8-2-1965 M Married
Arthur, Claude 9-15-1965 M Single
Arthur, Curtis 12-15-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Arthur, John Henry 12-17-1965 M Single
Arthurs, Theodore J 5-11-1965 M Single
Asbell, Nora 3-26-1965 F Widowed
Asbill, Aubrey Lynn 3-28-1965 M Single
Ashby, Nancy Elizabeth 5-2-1965 F Widowed
Ashcraft, Billie Ruth 12-1-1965 F Single
Ashenhart, Oscar Glen 8-18-1965 M Single
Ashford, Carl Jr 8-1-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Ashford, George Lacy Jr 7-27-1965 M Single
Ashley, Salley C 1-8-1965 F Widowed
Ashmore, Julia E 3-6-1965 F Widowed
Ashner, Edgar Henry 3-7-1965 M Single
Ashton, Frank Lester 5-21-1965 M Married
Ashwood, Hazel Marie 3-28-1965 F Single
Askew, Helen Caroline 3-24-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Askins, John David Sr 12-27-1965 M Single
Aston, Viola Elizabeth 8-28-1965 F Single
Atchley, Carl Jackson 12-21-1965 M Married
Atchley, Linda Gail 2-20-1965 F Single
Athas, John 2-18-1965 M Widowed
Atkins, Dallis M 3-23-1965 M Single
Atkins, Leroy Sr 11-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Atkins, Sylvia 6-27-1965 F Widowed
Atkinson, Edna Mae 10-18-1965 F Single
Attaway, Cara Celeste 6-17-1965 F Married
Attaway, Robbin Leah 6-17-1965 F Married
Atteberry, Francis Inf Of 8-15-1965 M Married
Aucoin, William Herman 11-28-1965 M Single
Augustine, Equilla 12-2-1965 F Widowed
Ausbourn, Mark Dwayne 5-24-1965 M Married
Austin, Ceophus 8-23-1965 M Married
Austin, Ezro 12-29-1965 M Single
Austin, Irma J 4-29-1965 F Single
Austin, Joe Sr 10-10-1965 M Single
Austin, Robert A Jr 9-20-1965 M Single
Autry, Charles Lloyd 6-21-1965 M Single
Avalos, Samuel R 9-11-1965 M Single
Avant, Minnie Mae 3-25-1965 F Widowed
Avery, Anna Marie 4-10-1965 F Widowed
Avery, Arthur 11-26-1965 M Single
Avery, Mary Lou 1-2-1965 F Widowed
Avrett, Edward Lewis 9-27-1965 M Single
Ayala, Elida 6-2-1965 F Married
Ayala, Juan Jr 2-2-1965 M Married
Ayala, Pearl Marie 6-23-1965 F Single
Aycock, John Larry Jr 12-7-1965 M Married
Ayers, Hulbert L 10-4-1965 M Single
Ayers, Kenneth Wayne 5-16-1965 M Married
Ayers, Texannah 5-15-1965 F Widowed
Ayres, Vyrel Dorine 12-25-1965 F Single
Babb, James Woodrow 3-15-1965 M Single
Baccus, Delbert Leonard 9-23-1965 M Single
Back, Thomas Melvin 5-10-1965 M Widowed
Bacon, Earl Rupert 10-25-1965 M Single
Bacon, Patrick Albert 7-24-1965 M Single
Baer, Ernest 3-6-1965 M Widowed
Baer, Virginia House 11-19-1965 F Widowed
Bagley, Laud M 6-12-1965 M Single
Bailey, Annette Terese 4-19-1965 F Married
Bailey, Bettie Seward 2-26-1965 F Widowed
Bailey, Dona May 1-25-1965 F Widowed
Bailey, Doyle Burl 10-19-1965 M Single
Bailey, Gary Ronald 7-23-1965 M Married
Bailey, Gerrick Ingamer 10-14-1965 M Married
Bailey, Grover Cleveland 2-21-1965 M Widowed
Bailey, Lee Roy 10-15-1965 M Single
Bailey, Lewis Wells 11-7-1965 M Single
Bailey, Luther 7-16-1965 M Single
Bailey, Otis Inf Of 1-28-1965 M Married
Bailey, Rdella 3-10-1965 F Widowed
Bailey, Robert 2-8-1965 M Single
Bailey, Samuel Johnson 3-2-1965 M Single
Bailey, Tommie 9-6-1965 F Single
Bailey, Wilcie 11-27-1965 F Widowed
Bailey, William A 12-21-1965 M Widowed
Bailey, Wylie Edward 1-26-1965 M Single
Bain, Albert Milton Sr 4-27-1965 M Single
Bain, Robert Lee 11-4-1965 M Single
Baird, John Barnett 4-27-1965 M Single
Baird, Minnie Viola 2-1-1965 F Widowed
Baird, Otho Philo 8-10-1965 M Single
Baird, William Harrell 9-24-1965 M Single
Baker, Amma Edna 7-24-1965 F Widowed
Baker, Dathard Leon 11-15-1965 M Married
Baker, Derwood Owen 10-1-1965 M Single
Baker, Eva Emily 2-9-1965 F Widowed
Baker, Finas M 7-22-1965 M Single
Baker, Granville 10-9-1965 M Single
Baker, James Roland 7-13-1965 M Single
Baker, Jason Roderick 11-30-1965 M Married
Baker, Katherine L 11-3-1965 F Widowed
Baker, Mack Rodgers 7-29-1965 M Single
Baker, Mary Julia 2-20-1965 F Single
Baker, Melba Audine 11-17-1965 F Single
Baker, Oscar B 10-28-1965 M Widowed
Baker, Rena Welch 10-13-1965 F Single
Baker, William Henry 11-8-1965 M Single
Baldoza, Otilio 11-8-1965 M Single
Baldridge, William Earl 9-13-1965 M Single
Baldwin, Allie Mae 10-16-1965 F Single
Baldwin, William N 6-27-1965 M Single
Baldwin, William Wallace 10-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Baley, Jennie Arthusa 12-6-1965 F Widowed
Ball, Jess 8-9-1965 M Single
Ball, Lela Thelma 2-2-1965 F Single
Ball, Maude Alma 8-16-1965 F Single
Ball, Robert E 8-21-1965 M Single
Ball, Sarah Emily 12-6-1965 F Widowed
Ballard, Carolyn Ann 3-25-1965 F Married
Ballard, Dora Elia 7-19-1965 F Single
Ballard, Guy Henry 4-15-1965 M Widowed
Ballard, Katie Lue 10-6-1965 F Single
Ballard, Patrick Henry Jr 11-5-1965 M Married
Ballard, William Lambert 8-3-1965 M Single
Ballew, David H 3-29-1965 M Single
Ballew, Edward Manvel 2-21-1965 M Single
Ballew, Helen Mae 5-27-1965 F Widowed
Balsano, Samuel H 4-1-1965 M Single
Bandy, James Garnett 7-14-1965 M Single
Bandy, Roland Thomas 7-19-1965 M Single
Bane, James Clayton 7-7-1965 M Single
Bane, Julia Frances 8-16-1965 F Widowed
Bane, William Fowler 9-15-1965 M Single
Banister, Frank Oran 10-12-1965 M Single
Banks, Alice Marie 7-4-1965 F Widowed
Banks, Joe Edward Jr 7-13-1965 M Married
Banks, Myrtle Irene 9-25-1965 F Widowed
Banks, Rachel 7-15-1965 F Widowed
Banks, Samuel 12-29-1965 M Married
Bankston, Edith Jane 1-29-1965 F Widowed
Bankston, John L Jr 12-25-1965 M Single
Bankston, Martha Earle 11-24-1965 F Widowed
Barba, Edward R 6-10-1965 M Married
Barber, Clyde Cleveland 4-14-1965 M Widowed
Barber, Dora Annie 9-25-1965 F Single
Barber, Frank 11-10-1965 M Single
Barber, Nora 1-18-1965 F Single
Barbosa, Tiburcia H 11-7-1965 F Widowed
Barbre, Phoebe Rider 6-17-1965 F Widowed
Barefield, Ada Lou 5-8-1965 F Widowed
Barfield, Robert Inf Of 3-2-1965 M Married
Barge, Plura 10-14-1965 F Widowed
Barham, Claud A 12-10-1965 M Single
Barker, Martin T Sr 7-30-1965 M Widowed
Barker, Nannie Mae 12-8-1965 F Single
Barker, William Louis 4-30-1965 M Single
Barkhurst, Myrtle V 6-9-1965 F Single
Barnard, Doyle Emmett 8-29-1965 M Single
Barnard, Gertrude Annie 9-28-1965 F Single
Barnes, A C Inf Of 11-26-1965 M Married
Barnes, Bessie Ada 4-27-1965 F Widowed
Barnes, Francis Leonard 12-5-1965 M Widowed
Barnes, Isiah Inf Of 9-28-1965 M Married
Barnes, Willie L 12-31-1965 M Single
Barnett, Addison F 7-12-1965 M Single
Barnett, Clarence O 11-11-1965 M Single
Barnett, Henry 4-12-1965 M Single
Barnett, John Rusaw 9-13-1965 M Single
Barnett, Joseph E 4-29-1965 M Single
Barnett, Juanita Elaine 6-9-1965 F Married
Barnett, Lois Lucille 9-13-1965 F Single
Barnett, Mary Emma 12-9-1965 F Widowed
Barns, William Crowder Jr 12-2-1965 M Single
Barr, Ruth P 1-14-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Barragan, Eufemia 11-24-1965 F Single
Barrance, Sonya Lazette 6-16-1965 F Married
Barre, Will H 10-25-1965 M Single
Barree, Dominic Lavon 6-17-1965 M Married
Barrera, Isaac 11-3-1965 M Single
Barrett, Charles 6-27-1965 M Single
Barrett, Helen Marie 3-7-1965 F Widowed
Barrett, Linnie Wright 10-7-1965 F Widowed
Barrett, Sallie Di Maris 10-1-1965 F Widowed
Barrett, William Albert 10-2-1965 M Single
Barrett, Wilma 1-21-1965 F Widowed
Barrick, Oliver V 8-22-1965 M Single
Barrientos, Roque 4-13-1965 M Single
Barron, Dorsey G 8-27-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Barron, Gilbert 9-2-1965 M Single
Barron, Helen Belle 4-10-1965 F Widowed
Barron, Theophilus 11-3-1965 M Single
Barron, Vincent S 9-28-1965 M Single
Barrow, Myrtle Willie 10-17-1965 F Widowed
Barry, Robert 8-1-1965 M Single
Bars, Anna Sue 9-2-1965 F Single
Barshop, Ed 7-31-1965 M Widowed
Bartee, Willie 9-14-1965 M Married
Bartlett, Jo Dell 9-30-1965 F Widowed
Bartlett, Loeva Leone 11-28-1965 F Single
Bartlett, Mary Martha 12-16-1965 F Married
Bartley, Mary Louise 10-16-1965 F Widowed
Barton, Cora Ella 12-11-1965 F Single
Barton, Daniel Wesley 7-3-1965 M Single
Barton, J D Inf Of 5-1-1965 M Married
Basden, John William 6-8-1965 M Single
Basden, Mary Elizabeth 7-15-1965 F Widowed
Bass, Andrew Buck 4-28-1965 M Single
Bass, Ethel B 10-6-1965 F Widowed
Bassett, Bertha Marie 7-9-1965 F Married
Bassham, Kenneth James Sr 5-5-1965 M Single
Batchelor, Glenda V 11-28-1965 F Married
Batchelor, Sam M 9-21-1965 M Single
Bates, Alonza 2-14-1965 M Single
Bates, Cecil S 10-29-1965 M Single
Bates, Dorothy Mae 11-6-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Bates, Kathleen Marie 5-21-1965 F Married
Bates, Mary Rebecca 4-24-1965 F Widowed
Batey, Bub 2-16-1965 M Single
Batson, John H 10-15-1965 M Single
Battey, James 5-1-1965 M Widowed
Battle, Augustus Leroy Jr 12-14-1965 M Single
Battles, Opal Jean Inf Of 7-19-1965 M Married
Baty, Mary Lizzie 5-26-1965 F Widowed
Baugh, Archie Martin 9-17-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Baugh, Dorman L 6-21-1965 M Single
Baughman, George J 6-29-1965 M Widowed
Baugus, Bessie Wood 8-14-1965 F Single
Bauman, Mary Kay 12-27-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Bausch, Clara Elizabeth 7-14-1965 F Widowed
Baxley, Gerald Dewayne 5-12-1965 M Married
Baxter, Kirk Josephine 8-26-1965 F Married
Bayes, Mamie 12-14-1965 F Widowed
Bayless, Bertha W 12-29-1965 F Single
Bayless, Jeanette Ophelia 11-17-1965 F Widowed
Bayliss, Hugh A 8-29-1965 M Single
Bayne, Mabel 12-6-1965 F Widowed
Bazemore, Ella 3-1-1965 F Widowed
Beaird, John M 8-11-1965 M Widowed
Beal, Albert M 9-18-1965 M Married
Beale, Lue Genie 11-9-1965 F Single
Beals, Bertha Ley 7-3-1965 F Widowed
Beam, Albert Buren 12-21-1965 M Single
Bean, Charles H 1-18-1965 M Widowed
Bearden, Jerry Don 5-20-1965 M Married
Bearden, Porter Leonard 9-24-1965 M Single
Beasley, Edna Nadine 6-8-1965 F Single
Beasley, John William 11-2-1965 M Single
Beason, Eldred Manning 1-5-1965 M Single
Beaty, George Burgess 12-10-1965 M Single
Beaty, William A 8-25-1965 M Single
Beaulac, Joseph L 6-21-1965 M Single
Beaumont, Rex Meldrin 5-15-1965 M Married
Beaupre, Olin Arthur 11-15-1965 M Single
Beaver, William Hezekiah 2-20-1965 M Widowed
Beavers, Ada Lee 12-8-1965 F Widowed
Beck, James Arthur 8-27-1965 M Widowed
Beck, Pamla Joyce 9-29-1965 F Married
Beckett, Samuel Earnest 6-8-1965 M Widowed
Beechem, Dallas 12-18-1965 M Single
Beegle, Louticia 1-18-1965 F Widowed
Beeman, Louise B 12-1-1965 F Widowed
Beesley, Sudie M 3-19-1965 F Single
Begrin, Nicholas T 7-4-1965 M Single
Behrens, Sudie Belle 6-27-1965 F Single
Beich, Laurence Alden 4-30-1965 M Married
Belcher, Barbara Ann 12-20-1965 F Single
Bell, Amanda Ophelia 2-13-1965 F Widowed
Bell, Artyse Weldon 10-31-1965 M Single
Bell, Charlie Frank 3-6-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bell, Clyde Franklin 6-22-1965 M Single
Bell, George Alec 11-12-1965 M Single
Bell, Gregary Allen 9-4-1965 M Married
Bell, Henry 5-20-1965 M Single
Bell, James R 8-27-1965 M Single
Bell, Joann Denise 1-18-1965 F Married
Bell, John Mcconnell 12-18-1965 M Widowed
Bell, Karen Robina 8-15-1965 F Married
Bell, Lora Diana 5-16-1965 F Widowed
Bell, Louis 3-13-1965 M Widowed
Bell, Lucille 2-4-1965 F Widowed
Bell, Nannie Mae 3-5-1965 F Widowed
Bell, Richard J 7-20-1965 M Single
Bell, Winnie Jennings 10-14-1965 F Single
Bellamy, Charlie Robinson 8-14-1965 M Single
Bellard, Maxine 12-20-1965 F Single
Belton, Ida Gray 9-7-1965 F Widowed
Belz, Alfred August 10-17-1965 M Single
Benavides, Jesse 9-6-1965 M Single
Benavidez, Edward H 2-16-1965 M Single
Benavidez, Jose Inf Of 8-11-1965 F Married
Benedict, Thomas F 1-6-1965 M Single
Benge, Fay Henry 11-20-1965 F Widowed
Bennett, Carl Jerome 2-14-1965 M Married
Bennett, Carl Newton 1-17-1965 M Single
Bennett, Frenchie B 3-29-1965 F Widowed
Bennett, George Wilson 10-7-1965 M Married
Bennett, Grayce Pauline 11-17-1965 F Single
Bennett, Hope Lashaun 11-10-1965 F Married
Bennett, Johnnie Levi 4-19-1965 M Married
Bennett, Nannie Douglas 11-27-1965 F Widowed
Bennett, Oliver Kinnie 12-3-1965 M Single
Bennett, Ora May 6-25-1965 F Widowed
Bennett, Otho Herbert 5-25-1965 M Widowed
Bennett, Sara Sugar 6-5-1965 F Widowed
Bennett, Tommie 3-27-1965 M Widowed
Benningfield, Asa N 7-14-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Benson, Carl Henry 11-7-1965 M Single
Benson, Horace Lynn 6-10-1965 M Single
Benson, Noah Clinton 3-6-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Benson, Robert 1-22-1965 M Widowed
Benson, William B 2-13-1965 M Single
Bentle, Gertrude Mae 12-16-1965 F Widowed
Bentley, Ada Ruth 4-2-1965 F Single
Bentley, Johnathan Mason 1-4-1965 M Widowed
Benton, Alsia Belle 12-23-1965 F Widowed
Benton, Arthur Kelly Sr 2-9-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Benton, Charles E 6-21-1965 M Single
Benton, Marcellus 9-28-1965 M Married
Benton, Mary Louise 4-26-1965 F Widowed
Berg, Rose 1-14-1965 F Widowed
Bering, Annie Larue 5-30-1965 F Married
Berlin, Simon 8-15-1965 M Single
Bernard, Burrell Grace 9-1-1965 F Single
Bernstein, Sam Joshua 4-19-1965 M Single
Berring, Dan Jr 3-15-1965 M Single
Berry, Craig Hamilton 1-22-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Berry, Frank 7-16-1965 M Single
Berry, Reville Kenneth 3-21-1965 F Single
Berry, Thomas Lee 3-16-1965 M Single
Berry, Willie Mae 12-24-1965 F Married
Berryman, Wardell 3-6-1965 M Single
Bertram, Grace Irene 9-18-1965 F Single
Bertrand, Anna Bowlby 11-1-1965 F Widowed
Bessler, Richard Louis 11-21-1965 M Single
Best, Leslie George 9-6-1965 M Single
Bethancourt, Petra 6-30-1965 F Widowed
Bethel, Jack H 3-5-1965 M Single
Betts, Glen Lendy 10-3-1965 M Single
Betts, Gregory Wayne 3-30-1965 M Married
Betts, Minnie Lee 1-22-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Betts, Ray William 6-2-1965 M Widowed
Betz, Helen Henrietta 3-1-1965 F Married
Bevans, Grace Ann 3-3-1965 F Widowed
Beverly, James Henry 10-9-1965 M Widowed
Bevers, Johnny Lee 5-7-1965 M Married
Bias, Carol Inf Of 8-16-1965 F Married
Bibles, Jim 3-28-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bicknell, Idamae T 4-14-1965 F Single
Bielefeldt, Frieda L 8-25-1965 F Widowed
Bierman, Esther P 5-8-1965 F Single
Biggerstaff, Gene 5-1-1965 M Single
Biggins, Odessa 7-5-1965 F Single
Biggs, Decie Ross 5-22-1965 M Widowed
Bigham, Ella Ann 10-11-1965 F Widowed
Bigham, Larrissa 10-11-1965 F Widowed
Bigham, Thomas Hudson 12-7-1965 M Single
Billalba, George Sr 8-8-1965 M Widowed
Billingsley, Clemma Jane 1-1-1965 F Married
Billops, Victoria 7-20-1965 F Widowed
Bills, Lewis Powell 3-21-1965 M Single
Bingmon, Mamie 11-1-1965 F Widowed
Birchall, Annie Irene 4-29-1965 F Widowed
Bird, Birches James 2-25-1965 M Single
Bird, George Vernon 3-17-1965 M Single
Bird, J E 9-30-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bird, James R Sr 12-3-1965 M Single
Birdine, Eliza 8-20-1965 F Widowed
Birdwell, Samuel Clark 2-20-1965 M Single
Birt, Verlie Mae 5-24-1965 F Single
Bishop, Dondi Lynn 6-28-1965 F Married
Bishop, Latha D 1-28-1965 M Single
Bizzell, Willis 12-1-1965 M Single
Black, Delmar R 11-28-1965 M Single
Black, Eldred Reginald 10-28-1965 M Single
Black, Eva 1-10-1965 F Widowed
Black, Hettie B 10-1-1965 F Widowed
Black, Homer Wayne 8-7-1965 M Married
Black, Laurin D Jr 11-25-1965 M Single
Black, Mary Bell 8-11-1965 F Widowed
Black, Myron Wayne 12-23-1965 M Married
Black, Olen 1-2-1965 M Single
Black, Theodore George 10-6-1965 M Single
Black, Willie Lee 3-9-1965 F Widowed
Black, Zenas Evandor 12-12-1965 M Single
Blackburn, Henry Franklin 3-22-1965 M Single
Blackford, John F 10-27-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Blackmon, Ben C 7-25-1965 M Single
Blackstone, James Marvin 2-17-1965 M Married
Blackwell, Ellie Jane 11-19-1965 F Widowed
Blackwell, Maria Yvette 8-23-1965 F Married
Blackwell, Sadie 9-4-1965 F Widowed
Blair, Calvin Thomas 7-11-1965 M Single
Blair, Muriel Maggie 11-21-1965 F Single
Blair, Nathaniel 10-12-1965 M Single
Blair, William John 3-9-1965 M Single
Blake, Ida Cuthrell 12-14-1965 F Single
Blake, Mary Willie 12-7-1965 F Widowed
Blake, Rachel Carter 3-20-1965 F Widowed
Blakemore, George Allen 12-3-1965 M Single
Blakney, Denziel E 6-8-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Blalack, Dona Elsora 12-21-1965 F Widowed
Blalock, Patricia Ann 11-14-1965 F Single
Bland, John William 10-3-1965 M Single
Bland, Lula Belle 8-14-1965 F Widowed
Blankenship, Edgar Inf Of 7-20-1965 M Married
Blanton, Jeptha Wallis Jr 3-4-1965 M Single
Blanton, Thurl Jackson 3-22-1965 M Single
Blanton, Yan Davis 8-2-1965 F Single
Blasingame, Luther Lamar 9-14-1965 M Single
Blaylock, Bertha Lee 3-26-1965 F Single
Bledsoe, Zora 2-1-1965 F Single
Blessington, May 1-27-1965 F Widowed
Blevins, Myrtle Fannie 12-19-1965 F Widowed
Blickensderfer, Marne M 10-25-1965 M Single
Block, Abe Leon 6-15-1965 M Widowed
Block, Ruth Kahn 8-27-1965 F Widowed
Blocker, Maude 2-5-1965 F Widowed
Bloom, Lloyd Lane 2-12-1965 M Single
Bloomfield, Jon L 10-2-1965 M Single
Blopeway, Eliza 9-15-1965 F Widowed
Blum, Leon Schneider 1-16-1965 M Single
Blumberg, Mae 4-9-1965 F Widowed
Blystone, Elizabeth P 10-2-1965 F Widowed
Boardman, James A 7-28-1965 M Single
Boatman, Emma Virginia 12-7-1965 F Widowed
Boatner, Kenton Eugene 12-22-1965 M Married
Bobby, Cleon 2-28-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bock, Philip 5-1-1965 M Widowed
Bock, Thomas Lane 4-29-1965 M Married
Bockemehl, Walter Elmer 9-18-1965 M Single
Bodamer, Elizabeth Ellen 4-27-1965 F Single
Bodwell, Claud Lee 12-2-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Boehle, Marie Storr 5-5-1965 F Widowed
Bogan, Arthur 4-25-1965 M Single
Boggan, Walker Smith 12-29-1965 M Single
Boggess, Letha Mahalia 5-24-1965 F Widowed
Bohannan, Ora 4-14-1965 F Single
Bohannon, Lou Sarah 1-25-1965 F Widowed
Boland, Winnie Mae 5-12-1965 F Widowed
Bold, Jay Brian 5-28-1965 M Married
Bolden, Clifford Walter 12-8-1965 M Single
Bolden, James 12-26-1965 M Single
Bolden, Nannie Waldon 8-28-1965 F Single
Bolding, Leonard Earl 12-11-1965 M Single
Bolding, Mary A 9-11-1965 F Widowed
Boldt, Henry C Jr 4-24-1965 M Single
Boles, David P 11-12-1965 M Single
Boles, Fannie Leona 10-2-1965 F Widowed
Bolin, Claude Augusta 4-10-1965 M Single
Bolinger, Francis Harold 4-3-1965 M Single
Bolling, Charlotte B M 3-30-1965 F Single
Bollinger, Carroll 1-15-1965 M Single
Bolzle, Ramon Ira 10-15-1965 M Single
Bonaccolta, Josephine 7-1-1965 F Widowed
Bond, Neal Nelson Jensen 7-12-1965 M Single
Bontly, John Louis 10-12-1965 M Single
Booke, Karl Oliver 6-6-1965 M Single
Booker, Carlton Jr 3-26-1965 M Single
Booker, Cynthia Elaine 7-24-1965 F Married
Bookman, Cora 2-9-1965 F Single
Boone, Charles H 2-8-1965 M Single
Boone, Charles Lindberg 11-26-1965 M Married
Boone, John Leroy 4-25-1965 M Single
Boone, Johnie Patterson 12-22-1965 M Single
Boone, Richard F 12-30-1965 M Single
Booth, Gladys Jordan 1-13-1965 F Widowed
Booth, Grover Cleveland 9-27-1965 M Single
Booth, Leo 10-8-1965 M Widowed
Booth, Stella G 1-25-1965 F Widowed
Boots, Ora D 8-10-1965 M Single
Bopp, Mattie Lee 1-15-1965 F Widowed
Borden, Annie Pearle 10-8-1965 F Widowed
Borders, Roy T Sr 1-16-1965 M Single
Bordner, Cora 2-25-1965 F Widowed
Boren, Joseph Mike Sr 1-9-1965 M Single
Borley, William Edward 1-13-1965 M Single
Borrego, Cleofas 12-25-1965 M Single
Botsford, Albert H 7-17-1965 M Single
Boucher, Elsie Ethel 12-20-1965 F Single
Boughton, James Franklin 12-25-1965 M Widowed
Boulmay, Evelyn F 3-26-1965 F Married
Boulware, Lillie 8-6-1965 F Widowed
Bounds, Dodie Beth 9-7-1965 F Married
Bowdy, Mary 7-31-1965 F Widowed
Bowens, Lucy Francis 11-27-1965 F Widowed
Bowens, Max Gerald Jr 3-11-1965 M Married
Bowles, Minnie 7-30-1965 F Married
Bowling, Alma Ione 1-5-1965 F Single
Bowling, David Ray 9-26-1965 M Married
Bowman, Lucius Linton Jr 1-6-1965 M Single
Bowman, Mary Lillian 3-15-1965 F Married
Bowman, Tandy Lynne 2-1-1965 F Married
Box, Charles K Inf Of 1-2-1965 F Married
Box, Effie Fay 3-6-1965 F Widowed
Boyce, Bob 7-16-1965 M Single
Boyce, George Ray 9-21-1965 M Single
Boyd, Albert H 11-27-1965 M Widowed
Boyd, Amy Z 10-7-1965 F Widowed
Boyd, J C 8-15-1965 M Single
Boyd, James Clyde 9-14-1965 M Married
Boyd, Jimmy Don 12-27-1965 M Married
Boyd, Laura Pauline 4-4-1965 F Widowed
Boyd, Leneta 11-18-1965 F Married
Boyd, Marvin Paul 8-24-1965 M Single
Boyd, Robert Smith 9-26-1965 M Widowed
Boyd, Sidney Marion 10-4-1965 M Single
Boydston, Robert France 11-30-1965 M Single
Boyer, Carl B 5-27-1965 M Widowed
Boykin, William L Sr 3-21-1965 M Single
Boyle, Gregory C 9-19-1965 M Married
Boyles, Mamie A 4-9-1965 F Widowed
Brabham, Robert Edward 12-27-1965 M Married
Brackeen, Bonnie Ann 5-9-1965 F Married
Brackeen, Bonnie Faye 5-9-1965 F Single
Brackeen, Leslie Allen 9-18-1965 M Single
Bradberry, Ida Mae 8-9-1965 F Widowed
Bradberry, Roland Harris 4-9-1965 M Single
Braden, David W 6-18-1965 M Widowed
Bradford, Edith Elizabeth 2-17-1965 F Widowed
Bradford, Howard Augustus 9-1-1965 M Widowed
Bradford, Karen Joyce 4-1-1965 F Married
Bradford, Minda Diane 7-1-1965 F Married
Bradford, Myrtle D 11-18-1965 F Widowed
Bradford, Thomas C 1-28-1965 M Single
Bradford, Trisha Latrina 10-3-1965 F Married
Bradley, Bobbie N Inf Of 12-7-1965 M Married
Bradley, Earnest 5-19-1965 M Widowed
Bradley, Gary H Inf Of 5-24-1965 F Married
Bradley, Henry Steven 3-5-1965 M Widowed
Bradley, Inez 8-11-1965 F Widowed
Bradley, James Augustus 11-22-1965 M Single
Bradley, Major Terry 1-17-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bradley, Mary 8-7-1965 F Single
Bradley, May D 10-31-1965 F Widowed
Bradley, Nona Black 2-16-1965 F Widowed
Bradley, Orville 10-18-1965 M Single
Bradley, William M 1-6-1965 M Single
Bradshaw, David Cook 8-28-1965 M Single
Bradshaw, Dorothy 12-10-1965 F Married
Brady, John F 8-25-1965 M Widowed
Brakebill, Angeline 4-19-1965 F Widowed
Bramblitt, Harry Kyle 1-28-1965 M Married
Bramlett, Anna Elizabeth 6-18-1965 F Married
Brancato, Josephine Marie 7-8-1965 F Married
Brancheau, Raymond C 11-20-1965 M Single
Brand, Alexander Odom Jr 7-25-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brand, Rickey Dale 2-4-1965 M Married
Brandenburg, Charles Lee 12-2-1965 M Widowed
Brandenburg, Thomas Lane 12-6-1965 M Single
Brannan, Raymond 9-3-1965 M Single
Brannin, Laura Haeckl 8-11-1965 F Single
Brannon, Cecil D 1-30-1965 M Single
Brannon, Henry Marvin 8-14-1965 M Single
Brannon, William T Sr 12-4-1965 M Single
Brans, Mary Elizabeth 5-17-1965 F Married
Branscum, Eileen 10-23-1965 F Single
Branson, Earl 1-28-1965 M Single
Brantley, Burl R 7-12-1965 M Single
Brantley, Harvey 9-24-1965 M Widowed
Brantley, Hattie Jean 7-13-1965 F Widowed
Brantley, Pearl L 8-13-1965 F Single
Branton, Tina Ruth 3-27-1965 F Single
Brashear, Richard 3-5-1965 M Widowed
Bratcher, Hubert 1-4-1965 M Single
Brattin, Walter 10-1-1965 M Single
Brauer, Louis Gerard 1-15-1965 M Single
Bravo, Jesus 6-3-1965 M Married
Bray, Allen Prentice 8-21-1965 M Single
Bray, Annie 12-27-1965 F Widowed
Bray, Beulah 7-13-1965 F Widowed
Bray, Winnie Trout 12-25-1965 F Widowed
Breault, Arthur Joseph Sr 2-11-1965 M Single
Breeding, Elizabeth G 10-9-1965 F Widowed
Breeding, George William 7-29-1965 M Single
Breeding, Vera Adellide 6-5-1965 F Married
Breedlove, Zella Caroline 12-2-1965 F Widowed
Breen, Francis Edward 1-4-1965 M Single
Breithautt, Charlie E 1-30-1965 M Single
Brennan, Mildred Theresa 9-28-1965 F Married
Brent, Jessie Mae 1-25-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Brewer, Flossie Evelyn 12-13-1965 F Single
Brewer, Jessie W 8-20-1965 M Single
Brewer, Jimmie Lee 12-2-1965 F Single
Brewer, Lonnie Frank 12-6-1965 M Single
Brewer, May Celestia 6-11-1965 F Widowed
Brewer, Nellie Mae 2-21-1965 F Single
Brice, Dessie Eva 11-22-1965 F Widowed
Bridges, Bernice 3-24-1965 F Single
Bridges, Fred Dewey 4-2-1965 M Single
Bridges, Jerome 7-23-1965 M Single
Bridges, Mary Bell 12-13-1965 F Widowed
Bridges, Willie Myrtle 7-9-1965 F Single
Briggs, Bobby Lafayette 4-16-1965 M Married
Briggs, Grace Mae 4-22-1965 F Single
Briley, Loulie Ardine 7-25-1965 F Widowed
Brimer, Annie Maye 5-6-1965 F Widowed
Brimer, Martha La Dew 11-29-1965 F Single
Brin, Herbert Daniel 1-24-1965 M Single
Brindley, R Portia 6-30-1965 F Married
Brisco, Sherman 3-1-1965 M Single
Brisendine, Sarah Alma 8-25-1965 F Single
Britain, James Levi 6-13-1965 M Single
Broadnax, Henry Moore Jr 6-12-1965 M Single
Broadus, James Willie 3-9-1965 M Single
Brock, Emma Dee 12-9-1965 F Widowed
Brock, Jerome Parker 9-20-1965 M Single
Brock, Nancy 2-16-1965 F Widowed
Brock, Thomas Fowler 8-7-1965 M Single
Brock, Yvonne 5-7-1965 F Single
Brockles, Andrew Arge Sr 12-13-1965 M Single
Brockway, Walter B 2-25-1965 M Single
Brodin, Rose Alma 12-10-1965 F Single
Brodnax, Winnie L 9-24-1965 F Widowed
Brogdon, William Henry 12-16-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brogoitti, Henry Grady 2-26-1965 M Single
Brookins, Theodore R 4-12-1965 M Widowed
Brooks, Adam 4-26-1965 M Single
Brooks, Albert E 2-27-1965 M Married
Brooks, Augustar 8-14-1965 F Single
Brooks, Cheryl L 3-9-1965 F Married
Brooks, Christopher D 12-10-1965 M Married
Brooks, Eunice 12-19-1965 F Widowed
Brooks, Eva Lucille 12-12-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Brooks, Frank G 7-11-1965 M Single
Brooks, Inez 3-23-1965 F Married
Brooks, James Thomas 3-23-1965 M Single
Brooks, Lula 2-17-1965 F Widowed
Brooks, Rodock J 11-29-1965 M Single
Brooks, Stephen Eugene 12-1-1965 M Married
Brooks, Velma 6-25-1965 F Single
Brooks, Wesley 1-13-1965 M Widowed
Brounoff, Minnie 12-20-1965 F Widowed
Brouse, H Wilbur 12-1-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Alice 10-5-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Anthony Edward 6-10-1965 M Married
Brown, Balsi R 7-1-1965 M Married
Brown, Callie Benjamin 10-19-1965 M Single
Brown, Carrie B 5-11-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Christopher H 8-14-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Daisy Viola 8-25-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Dewey Clark 2-24-1965 M Single
Brown, Dorothy Louise 3-24-1965 F Single
Brown, Effie Mae 4-6-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Elizabeth Mae 6-27-1965 F Single
Brown, Elliott 2-7-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brown, Elmer Kelly 3-31-1965 M Single
Brown, Elster B 7-29-1965 M Single
Brown, Emmanuel Earl 7-13-1965 M Married
Brown, Era Toka 11-11-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Felica Neil 7-6-1965 F Married
Brown, Frank H 8-19-1965 M Single
Brown, Frankie Lee 6-21-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Grover Clifton 1-6-1965 M Single
Brown, Hattie Augusta 10-10-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Henry 8-9-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brown, Henry V 6-12-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brown, J B 12-6-1965 M Single
Brown, James B 1-11-1965 M Single
Brown, James Inf Of 10-12-1965 F Married
Brown, James Leslie 7-3-1965 M Widowed
Brown, James Marion 1-20-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Brown, James Michael 9-3-1965 M Married
Brown, Jeffery Jr 4-16-1965 M Single
Brown, John E 6-4-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Johnie 2-12-1965 M Single
Brown, Joseph Von 8-22-1965 M Married
Brown, Kimberly Patricia 4-17-1965 F Married
Brown, Leon 3-19-1965 M Single
Brown, Lettie 3-23-1965 F Married
Brown, Linda Jean 7-6-1965 F Married
Brown, Linda Lee 9-2-1965 F Married
Brown, Lonnie Roscoe 3-11-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Louis Jr 3-29-1965 M Married
Brown, Louis B 1-19-1965 M Single
Brown, Marion Ione 9-8-1965 F Single
Brown, Martha Rebecca 4-23-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Marvin Earl 7-30-1965 M Married
Brown, Mary 4-27-1965 F Single
Brown, Mary Elizabeth 11-14-1965 F Single
Brown, Mary Sue 1-9-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Max 11-14-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Mildred Villiant 6-10-1965 F Single
Brown, Ocy Lee 7-10-1965 M Married
Brown, Rachel C 12-2-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Rickey Glenn 8-13-1965 M Married
Brown, Robert Lee Jr 5-20-1965 M Single
Brown, Russell Inman Sr 6-6-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Sanford 2-19-1965 M Single
Brown, Thomas Isac 9-14-1965 M Single
Brown, Walter S Sr 2-8-1965 M Widowed
Brown, William 10-20-1965 M Widowed
Brown, William Joseph 3-18-1965 M Single
Brown, William Sadler 7-13-1965 M Widowed
Brown, Willie 4-28-1965 F Widowed
Brown, Willie Sr 7-5-1965 M Single
Browne, Ernest Miles 10-21-1965 M Single
Browning, Frank Ernest 10-24-1965 M Single
Browning, Peggy Jean 3-18-1965 F Single
Browning, Rhonda Joy 5-12-1965 F Married
Brownlee, Mabel Creel 8-31-1965 F Widowed
Bruce, Bernice 7-11-1965 F Widowed
Bruce, Carl H 2-21-1965 M Single
Bruce, Jimmy Doyle 10-25-1965 M Single
Bruce, Thomas M 1-27-1965 M Married
Bruce, Veda Mae 8-5-1965 F Widowed
Bruce, Wright Crawford 8-9-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bruchsaler, Carolyn 10-16-1965 F Single
Brumfield, Robert James 2-5-1965 M Single
Brummett, Henry Aldrich C 4-2-1965 M Widowed
Brundage, Daisy Dell 4-14-1965 F Married
Bruner, Rufus N 4-26-1965 M Single
Brunet, Adele Laure 5-21-1965 F Married
Brunner, Pearl Miller 3-27-1965 F Widowed
Brush, Joseph Roy 10-28-1965 M Single
Bruton, Ray Alan 11-15-1965 M Married
Bryan, Eldoro Ferguson 3-4-1965 F Single
Bryan, Elizabeth C 3-9-1965 F Single
Bryan, Grover C 2-10-1965 M Single
Bryan, Lewis Lee 6-15-1965 M Single
Bryan, Mabel Mason 1-5-1965 F Widowed
Bryan, Mallie Julia 3-24-1965 F Widowed
Bryan, Ralph 7-11-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bryan, Steven Trent 8-25-1965 M Married
Bryant, Alfred Gardner 1-8-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bryant, Arthur Earl 1-30-1965 M Single
Bryant, Artie Lee 6-4-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bryant, Bertha Jane 11-19-1965 F Widowed
Bryant, Cindy Lee 8-19-1965 F Married
Bryant, Claude E 11-3-1965 M Single
Bryant, Colombus Dewey 11-10-1965 M Single
Bryant, Elizbeth 12-30-1965 F Widowed
Bryant, Evelyn 6-16-1965 F Widowed
Bryant, George M 9-13-1965 M Single
Bryant, Lula 7-13-1965 F Widowed
Bryant, Mary Virginia 7-10-1965 F Widowed
Bryant, William D 3-25-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Bryson, Zelda A 11-12-1965 F Single
Buchanan, Carrie Emma G 6-13-1965 F Widowed
Buchanan, D Kathleen 4-13-1965 F Widowed
Buchanan, Fitzhugh Coit 6-28-1965 M Single
Buchanan, Lenora Della 3-8-1965 F Single
Buck, Mary Velma 10-2-1965 F Widowed
Buckbee, John C 10-14-1965 M Widowed
Buckmaster, Lawrence N 2-9-1965 M Married
Buckmaster, Norman Lee 6-19-1965 M Married
Buckner, Frank W 11-23-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Buffaloe, Bessie 7-16-1965 F Single
Bughman, Harold Douglas 3-29-1965 M Single
Buhrer, Lillian Adell 10-13-1965 F Widowed
Buice, Altha M 11-1-1965 F Widowed
Buie, Isaac Daniel 6-25-1965 M Widowed
Bullard, Essie Blanch 2-10-1965 F Single
Bullard, Lillie Iletha 12-5-1965 F Widowed
Buller, Kirby Douglas 1-27-1965 M Married
Bullington, Crisinda Ann 2-8-1965 F Married
Bullman, Edna Schwartz 6-14-1965 F Widowed
Bullman, Hazel 9-2-1965 F Widowed
Bullock, Carrie Lillie 1-6-1965 F Single
Bullock, Melba June 9-10-1965 F Married
Bunch, James Clyde 10-8-1965 M Widowed
Bunch, Otis Michael 12-13-1965 M Married
Burch, Harold D 5-1-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burch, James Stephen 9-30-1965 M Married
Burch, Mary Eva 10-7-1965 F Single
Burcham, Myles L 7-6-1965 M Single
Burdine, Ralph 3-20-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Buresch, Mattie 8-1-1965 F Widowed
Burford, John Walter 7-1-1965 M Married
Burgamy, Lawrence 7-18-1965 M Single
Burger, Fremont Worth Jr 6-9-1965 M Single
Burgess, Alex Elbert 4-26-1965 M Single
Burgess, Carl Inf Of 6-19-1965 F Married
Burgess, Clara Allen 11-12-1965 F Widowed
Burgess, David Carl 8-10-1965 M Married
Burgess, Easton Alex 6-3-1965 M Single
Burgess, Jennie Louella 9-7-1965 F Widowed
Burgess, Wanda Sue 10-7-1965 F Married
Burke, Arthur 12-8-1965 M Widowed
Burke, John J Sr 3-11-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burke, Thomas Flynn 2-20-1965 M Single
Burkes, James H 7-22-1965 M Widowed
Burkett, Lee P 10-27-1965 M Single
Burkett, Richard C 10-2-1965 M Single
Burkholder, Dolan Elroy 4-18-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burkleo, Lillie Jane 8-12-1965 F Widowed
Burkley, Charles R 12-15-1965 M Single
Burkley, Lillie 3-8-1965 F Widowed
Burks, Ada F 11-2-1965 F Widowed
Burks, Joseph Theodore 8-12-1965 M Single
Burks, William Edward 10-9-1965 M Widowed
Burleson, Russell Dean 6-2-1965 M Single
Burlison, William Richard 2-1-1965 M Single
Burnett, Alta Mae 7-16-1965 F Single
Burnett, Arletta Inf Of 7-21-1965 M Married
Burnett, Roy Edgar 8-24-1965 M Single
Burnett, Woodrow Crystal 5-25-1965 M Single
Burnley, Billy Jewel 12-18-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burns, Ellen Lavergne 12-30-1965 F Single
Burns, Harvey Victor 11-6-1965 M Single
Burns, J W 9-4-1965 M Single
Burns, Jamie Fitzgerald 4-7-1965 M Married
Burns, Jessie 7-17-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burns, Kathleen Agnes 11-23-1965 F Widowed
Burns, Kenneth Walter 9-30-1965 M Single
Burns, Mary Lou 4-3-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Burns, Maurice Rickey 10-31-1965 M Married
Burns, Odis Elmo 1-9-1965 M Single
Burns, Phillips 3-10-1965 M Unknown
Burns, Wiley Q 1-8-1965 M Single
Burns, William Thomas 7-20-1965 M Single
Burrell, Mathew 10-6-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burress, William Robert 1-28-1965 M Widowed
Burris, Mary Elizabeth 11-11-1965 F Single
Burrow, John V 8-30-1965 M Single
Burrus, Alice 12-9-1965 F Married
Burruss, John Henry 1-7-1965 M Single
Bursby, Samuel P 10-12-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Burse, Gilbert 5-11-1965 M Widowed
Burt, Marion Blanche 4-22-1965 F Single
Burton, Douglas M 10-9-1965 M Single
Burton, Foster Sr 9-17-1965 M Widowed
Burton, Lawrence Edward 4-14-1965 M Single
Busby, Dedie Melissa 7-27-1965 F Widowed
Busby, Floyd 11-25-1965 M Single
Busby, Frank 3-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Busby, Grady Robert 6-20-1965 M Married
Busby, John Walter 7-28-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Busby, Johnny Mirl 10-15-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Busby, Louis A 1-26-1965 M Single
Busby, Maxine Inf Of 9-24-1965 F Married
Busby, Winnie M 2-16-1965 F Single
Busby, Zack 11-24-1965 M Widowed
Buschhorn, William M 1-6-1965 M Single
Bush, Brian Wynne 12-18-1965 M Married
Bush, Harry Harmon Sr 1-27-1965 M Single
Bush, John C 7-22-1965 M Single
Bush, Robert P 4-26-1965 M Single
Bussey, James T 11-12-1965 M Single
Buster, Martha Henry 9-10-1965 F Widowed
Butcher, Laquisha Zarzett 2-20-1965 F Married
Butera, John 12-25-1965 M Single
Butler, Annie Jane 12-26-1965 F Widowed
Butler, Bernard Eugene 3-23-1965 M Widowed
Butler, Corine 8-3-1965 F Widowed
Butler, David Samuel 12-5-1965 M Single
Butler, Ethelbert Wayne 12-22-1965 M Single
Butler, Forrest W Sr 2-24-1965 M Single
Butler, Fredia Denee 5-2-1965 F Married
Butler, Gaildon Right 1-2-1965 M Widowed
Butler, Gloria Sue Inf Of 7-23-1965 F Married
Butler, Gloria Sue Inf Of 7-23-1965 F Married
Butler, Homer Lee 5-29-1965 M Single
Butler, Joe 2-14-1965 M Single
Butler, John Charles 12-6-1965 M Single
Butler, Vernon Jr 9-22-1965 M Married
Butler, Vesta Irene 1-27-1965 F Single
Butterfield, Agnes C 1-26-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Butts, John C 4-10-1965 M Single
Byars, Max Russell 1-17-1965 M Married
Byerley, Maggie 3-23-1965 F Single
Byerly, Reginald Eugene 1-22-1965 M Married
Byerly, Terry Lynn 4-27-1965 F Married
Bynumn, O B 10-5-1965 M Single
Byrd, Flora Childs 1-15-1965 F Widowed
Byrd, James Henry 9-28-1965 M Widowed
Byrd, Jesse William 5-7-1965 M Single
Byrd, John Melvin 10-30-1965 M Widowed
Byrd, Lorena 2-3-1965 F Widowed
Byrne, Germaine B 7-31-1965 F Single
Byrum, Jacob Ernest 6-14-1965 M Single
Byrum, Willie W 2-19-1965 M Single
Cabaniss, Walter Marcus 6-27-1965 M Single
Cabello, Juan Inf Of 4-24-1965 M Married
Cabello, Juan Inf Of 4-24-1965 M Married
Cahill, Hattie Hilliard 1-28-1965 F Widowed
Cain, Gertrude B 10-7-1965 F Widowed
Cain, John Smith 12-27-1965 M Single
Cain, Paralee Hinsley 3-4-1965 F Widowed
Caiola, Lynn Marie 5-6-1965 F Married
Calaway, Thomas J 11-19-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Calcagno, Joe 2-19-1965 M Widowed
Caldwell, Alma 8-26-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Caldwell, Bernice 11-29-1965 F Single
Caldwell, Berry Cass 7-7-1965 M Single
Caldwell, Charles Jason 6-1-1965 M Married
Caldwell, Gussie 1-19-1965 F Married
Caldwell, Hardie Franklin 3-7-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Caldwell, James Jr 4-14-1965 M Single
Caldwell, Lydia Agnes 8-8-1965 F Single
Caldwell, Sarah Kennedy 5-16-1965 F Widowed
Caldwell, Willie 9-21-1965 M Widowed
Calhoun, Alice 11-28-1965 F Widowed
Calhoun, Henry Warren Sr 1-7-1965 M Single
Calhoun, Lorine D Inf Of 5-19-1965 F Married
Calhoun, Velma Fuller 10-30-1965 F Widowed
Call, Marvin 2-2-1965 M Single
Callahan, Alvin E Inf Of 4-6-1965 M Married
Callan, Beulah Neel Lewis 2-7-1965 F Widowed
Callan, Cornelius E 4-16-1965 M Single
Callaway, Rodney Charles 5-22-1965 M Married
Calloway, Callie 6-29-1965 F Widowed
Calloway, Vernon Inf Of 11-6-1965 M Married
Calton, John W 11-19-1965 M Single
Camacho, Eva Lee Jaques 10-23-1965 F Single
Cameron, James Dudley 7-11-1965 M Single
Camiani, Tony 1-28-1965 M Widowed
Camp, Sue Markham 6-16-1965 F Single
Campbell, Alfonsa 7-1-1965 M Single
Campbell, Alice 1-12-1965 F Widowed
Campbell, Jasmine W 7-24-1965 F Widowed
Campbell, Jimmie C Inf Of 3-7-1965 M Married
Campbell, Joe M 12-2-1965 M Single
Campbell, John Thomas 5-6-1965 M Married
Campbell, Matilda 3-25-1965 F Single
Campbell, Mollie 5-28-1965 F Single
Campbell, Ozie Bernard 4-26-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Campbell, Robert C 5-12-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Campbell, Robert Glenn 9-21-1965 M Single
Campbell, Veda 3-3-1965 F Widowed
Campion, John R Inf Of 6-14-1965 M Married
Campisi, Carlo 11-14-1965 M Widowed
Camplen, Clarence L 3-29-1965 M Single
Canady, Wanda Inf Of 9-23-1965 M Married
Canales, Remegio 7-30-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Caneer, Glenn P 2-18-1965 F Widowed
Canipe, Stella Ann 7-14-1965 F Widowed
Cannaday, Byron Enos 3-5-1965 M Widowed
Cannaday, John Willis 1-9-1965 M Single
Canning, Carolyn June 1-12-1965 F Single
Cannon, George Washington 5-24-1965 M Widowed
Cannon, Mary I 12-2-1965 F Single
Cannon, Rhoda Odelia 1-4-1965 F Widowed
Cannon, Rubin Harrison 5-13-1965 M Widowed
Canonico, Paul Jr 8-10-1965 M Single
Cantrell, Frank Sr 9-5-1965 M Single
Cantrell, Ora Elizabeth 11-1-1965 F Single
Cantrell, William D 10-13-1965 M Widowed
Cantrell, William Rayburn 2-25-1965 M Single
Cantwell, Neva 10-6-1965 F Widowed
Canup, Chilton Jr 12-6-1965 M Single
Caple, Elvin D 11-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cappello, Frances 8-2-1965 F Widowed
Caraway, Juluis Clinton 9-15-1965 M Single
Caraway, L C 9-13-1965 M Single
Carbin, Ophelia Verlone 1-31-1965 F Single
Carbone, Sam D 7-28-1965 M Single
Carbonneau, Nelson John 4-17-1965 M Single
Carden, David W 3-8-1965 M Single
Cardwell, Mattie 2-14-1965 F Widowed
Carey, Lurella E 3-23-1965 F Widowed
Carley, John W 8-19-1965 M Single
Carlock, Esther Irene 11-26-1965 F Single
Carlson, Marcia Annette 4-6-1965 F Married
Carlson, Rosa Lee 6-10-1965 F Widowed
Carlton, Langford 6-13-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carmack, Don T 1-16-1965 M Single
Carmack, John 1-25-1965 M Single
Carneal, Virgil Eugene 7-26-1965 M Single
Carnes, Lula Lorena 10-29-1965 F Widowed
Carney, Dorothy Loreta 9-26-1965 F Single
Carothers, Oliver Hugh 7-3-1965 M Single
Carpenter, Dolly Bell 8-10-1965 F Single
Carpenter, Earnest Fay 1-25-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carpenter, Jake 8-13-1965 M Widowed
Carpenter, Mamie 5-26-1965 F Widowed
Carpenter, Will T 3-4-1965 M Single
Carpenter, Woodrow W 6-16-1965 M Single
Carr, Florence 6-9-1965 F Single
Carr, Harold Kenneth 1-7-1965 M Single
Carr, Mattie L 3-31-1965 F Widowed
Carr, Olabob Mangrum C 5-19-1965 F Widowed
Carr, Raymond 2-1-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carrell, Buford A 1-4-1965 M Single
Carrier, Ivan Marion 12-27-1965 M Single
Carrillo, Rosa Contreras 4-7-1965 F Married
Carrington, Jack E Inf Of 10-31-1965 M Married
Carroll, Abe Jr 3-11-1965 M Single
Carroll, Garland Lee 1-28-1965 M Single
Carroll, Hardy Terry Sr 9-11-1965 M Widowed
Carroll, Joel C Inf Of 6-3-1965 M Married
Carroll, Melvin J 7-27-1965 M Single
Carroll, Milus Hogue 3-11-1965 M Married
Carroll, Percy Wilfred 6-26-1965 M Single
Carroll, Peter 12-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carson, Dale 5-28-1965 M Single
Carson, Georgia Bessie 4-11-1965 F Widowed
Carson, Henry F 4-26-1965 M Widowed
Carson, Nathaniel 9-2-1965 M Single
Carson, Nettie Mae 11-14-1965 F Widowed
Carter, Alfred Inf Of 7-6-1965 F Married
Carter, Ardelia 4-5-1965 F Widowed
Carter, Bertha Sampson 6-22-1965 F Widowed
Carter, Charlie 7-5-1965 M Single
Carter, Elijah Crayton 10-26-1965 M Single
Carter, Eules 3-28-1965 M Single
Carter, George C 11-27-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carter, Grover Clifford 8-27-1965 M Single
Carter, Hugh Gordon 10-21-1965 M Widowed
Carter, Jim 8-7-1965 M Single
Carter, Joe Thomas 11-10-1965 M Single
Carter, Johnny Aaron 5-24-1965 M Married
Carter, Joseph Newton Jr 11-1-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Carter, Kenneth E Sr 5-21-1965 M Single
Carter, L V 8-22-1965 M Married
Carter, Larry Wayne 4-11-1965 M Married
Carter, Linda Sue 1-24-1965 F Married
Carter, Lisa Michelle 3-26-1965 F Married
Carter, Nancy Jo Ann 2-23-1965 F Married
Carter, Oda Monroe 1-27-1965 M Single
Carter, Robert A 2-16-1965 M Single
Carter, Sylvan G 10-29-1965 M Single
Cartwright, Lewis 5-14-1965 M Single
Cartwright, Spivey 9-17-1965 M Single
Cartwright, Sue May 10-23-1965 F Widowed
Caruth, Dovie Cora 9-20-1965 F Widowed
Carver, Alice 8-11-1965 F Widowed
Cary, Charlie Lesley 8-31-1965 M Single
Casas, Graciela Vivian 5-20-1965 F Married
Cascio, Mary Rosalee 9-22-1965 F Widowed
Case, Joe Louis 7-29-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Case, Ysabel 1-22-1965 F Widowed
Case, Zebe Dee 2-14-1965 M Widowed
Cash, Lena 7-2-1965 F Widowed
Cason, Benjamin F 9-12-1965 M Single
Cass, Laura Zona 12-11-1965 F Widowed
Cassaday, Marilyn Lee 11-2-1965 F Married
Cassell, Jack Lee 1-27-1965 M Married
Cassidy, William Inf Of 3-30-1965 M Married
Castaneda, Ramon M 4-24-1965 M Single
Casteel, David William 4-7-1965 M Single
Casteen, John William Iii 12-24-1965 M Married
Castillo, Guadalupe A 7-8-1965 M Single
Castle, Albert 7-4-1965 M Widowed
Castle, Brenda Joyce 3-13-1965 F Married
Castle, Joncie Paul 2-12-1965 M Single
Castleman, John E 10-24-1965 M Single
Castro, Sally Reyes 5-7-1965 F Single
Castro, Tony 6-25-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Casuse, Jackie Lynn 7-13-1965 F Married
Cathey, Bettye Elizabeth 3-7-1965 F Widowed
Cathey, Neuma Lee 1-8-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Cato, H C 5-30-1965 M Single
Cato, Robert 9-1-1965 M Single
Cauley, Lezlee Kay 3-26-1965 F Married
Causey, Irene Bryant 4-1-1965 F Single
Causey, Sue Freeman 9-6-1965 F Single
Caylor, John D 9-26-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cazy, Lottie 8-22-1965 F Widowed
Ceaser, Johnnie Edgar 6-4-1965 F Widowed
Cernoch, Mikie Lafaris 7-1-1965 F Single
Certain, Jerry Lee 11-27-1965 M Married
Cgaughey, Helen A 7-14-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Chadwick, Norman A 12-14-1965 M Single
Chaffin, Anna Katherine 3-14-1965 F Single
Chaille, Mary Adeline 4-6-1965 F Widowed
Chalk, Wilhmina 3-28-1965 F Married
Chalkley, William E Sr 3-15-1965 M Single
Chambers, Carl Norton Jr 8-22-1965 M Single
Chambers, Charles C 8-13-1965 M Single
Chambers, Jack 2-4-1965 M Single
Chambers, John Lincoln 1-23-1965 M Single
Chambers, Louie L 2-25-1965 M Widowed
Chambers, Lula Mae 10-10-1965 F Widowed
Chambers, Patrick 7-29-1965 M Married
Chambers, Sharon Leigh 10-25-1965 F Married
Champion, Fida Ellis 3-21-1965 F Single
Chancellor, Nora Jane 7-19-1965 F Widowed
Chancellor, Reuben Homer 4-29-1965 M Single
Chancelor, Godfrey H 10-31-1965 M Single
Chandler, Annie Lela 9-7-1965 F Widowed
Chandler, Betty 4-19-1965 F Widowed
Chandler, Edith Gertrude 1-12-1965 F Single
Chandler, Jeffrey Scott 5-12-1965 M Married
Chandler, Mable 3-9-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Chandler, Malvin 1-1-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Chandler, Mary Louise 4-3-1965 F Single
Chaney, William Mccarty 7-7-1965 M Single
Chapin, Fama Louise 1-16-1965 F Single
Chaplin, Byron Larry Jr 9-28-1965 M Married
Chapline, Clyde 11-14-1965 M Married
Chapman, Bennie 3-31-1965 M Single
Chapman, Carroll Elzie 8-27-1965 M Single
Chapman, Charles David Sr 6-30-1965 M Widowed
Chapman, Mary Lean 8-24-1965 F Single
Chapman, William C 1-11-1965 M Single
Chapman, Willis Barksdale 8-22-1965 M Single
Chapman, Wilma Louise 12-3-1965 F Single
Chappell, Barbara Bevin 11-2-1965 F Single
Chappell, John Bransford 1-22-1965 M Single
Chappell, Lee Leslie 5-21-1965 F Single
Charles, Arthur Gloy 10-29-1965 M Single
Charleston, Monroe 12-15-1965 M Widowed
Chatman, Willie 3-22-1965 M Single
Chauncey, Lena H 6-13-1965 F Widowed
Chavarria, Bruno Inf Of 4-29-1965 M Married
Chavarria, Ruby T 2-2-1965 F Single
Chavez, Gilberto 9-19-1965 M Single
Cheakas, George Gus 2-8-1965 M Widowed
Cheatham, Charlie E 8-7-1965 M Single
Cheatham, Dale Franklin 8-21-1965 M Married
Chenault, Marvin H Sr 10-21-1965 M Single
Cheney, George Herman 2-26-1965 M Single
Cheney, Lillian Louise 10-1-1965 F Widowed
Chennault, Charles Glenn 6-20-1965 M Married
Chennault, Judith Marie 1-26-1965 F Married
Chenoweth, Fontella 7-18-1965 F Single
Chenoweth, James Ernest 12-22-1965 M Married
Cherry, Charles Harrell 5-21-1965 M Widowed
Cherry, Mildred Crabtree 5-16-1965 F Single
Cheshier, Lee B 2-19-1965 M Single
Chestnut, Charles Bryson 5-28-1965 M Married
Chewning, John Cornell 2-15-1965 M Single
Childers, James Elbert 3-30-1965 M Widowed
Childers, Jesse Ruth 1-5-1965 F Single
Childress, Harbert D 1-4-1965 M Married
Childress, James H 6-1-1965 M Single
Childs, Mattie Martha 3-30-1965 F Widowed
Chiles, Otto 11-18-1965 M Single
Chilton, Jas R 9-23-1965 M Widowed
Chilton, Joe Lee 9-27-1965 M Single
Chilton, Willie 6-6-1965 F Widowed
Chinske, Richard E 8-6-1965 M Single
Chipman, E James 10-23-1965 M Single
Chisholm, Kenneth R 10-10-1965 M Married
Chism, Cecil 1-2-1965 M Widowed
Chism, Jesse James 10-29-1965 M Single
Chitty, Owen Leonard 8-10-1965 M Single
Chivers, Floyd Inf Of 1-5-1965 M Married
Chmielewski, Bruno A 4-30-1965 M Widowed
Choate, Frazier Lamar 4-26-1965 M Single
Chovanec, Ethel Marie 6-16-1965 F Single
Christal, Walter Edward 2-7-1965 M Single
Christian, John W 4-9-1965 M Single
Christian, Ola 10-12-1965 F Widowed
Christian, William M 8-25-1965 M Widowed
Christoph, John D 7-3-1965 M Single
Christopher, J D 3-11-1965 M Single
Christy, Adelbert 8-28-1965 M Single
Chunn, Kenneth M 4-8-1965 M Single
Cipriano, Andrew Frank 4-10-1965 M Married
Claflin, Lloyd L 1-8-1965 M Single
Clah, Edward Peter 2-27-1965 M Married
Clancey, Harry Reynolds 7-29-1965 M Single
Clardy, Teresa Diane 4-27-1965 F Married
Clare, Harry L 6-13-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Clark, Alice 1-26-1965 F Married
Clark, Amos Roscoe 10-31-1965 M Single
Clark, Arthur Allen 8-26-1965 M Single
Clark, Arthur G 7-31-1965 M Single
Clark, Berta Marquette 8-30-1965 F Widowed
Clark, Charles Edgar 7-20-1965 M Single
Clark, Clara B 2-14-1965 F Married
Clark, Deloris 11-27-1965 F Married
Clark, Edward Curtis 2-27-1965 M Single
Clark, Estelle Crowdus 7-18-1965 F Widowed
Clark, Henry 2-26-1965 M Single
Clark, James D Inf Of 11-1-1965 F Married
Clark, Jesse D 6-18-1965 M Single
Clark, John Eddie 11-8-1965 M Single
Clark, Lessie B 2-21-1965 F Married
Clark, Luther Conrad 10-28-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Clark, Martha Ann 4-19-1965 F Widowed
Clark, Marvin Andre 10-16-1965 M Married
Clark, Nancy S 12-8-1965 F Widowed
Clark, Oberita 5-31-1965 F Widowed
Clark, Oscar A 3-12-1965 M Single
Clark, Pete 7-23-1965 M Single
Clark, Reese B 6-28-1965 M Single
Clark, Robert 7-24-1965 M Single
Clark, Robert Basham 10-17-1965 M Widowed
Clark, Roland Stephens 3-28-1965 M Widowed
Clark, Ronald Ray 6-4-1965 M Married
Clark, Thomas Ellery 11-19-1965 M Married
Clark, Tillman Hart 12-17-1965 M Single
Clarke, Nettie Bertha 9-1-1965 F Single
Clarkson, Belinda Fay 12-1-1965 F Married
Claxton, Margaret E 1-7-1965 F Single
Clay, Ida Bell 4-28-1965 F Widowed
Clay, Leslie Robert 8-23-1965 M Married
Clay, Sherry Lynn 9-3-1965 F Married
Clay, William T 9-1-1965 M Single
Clayborn, Johnny Louis 7-23-1965 M Single
Clayborn, Sarah Jane 6-28-1965 F Widowed
Clayborne, Rosie Lee 7-12-1965 F Married
Claybrook, Rudd A 9-13-1965 M Single
Clayton, Bishop Mallielou 5-1-1965 M Single
Clayton, Ernest W 12-30-1965 M Widowed
Clayton, Fred 9-4-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Clayton, Harvey James 2-26-1965 M Single
Clayton, James 9-12-1965 M Single
Clayton, Mamie 7-16-1965 F Widowed
Clear, Thelma 12-31-1965 F Married
Cleaveland, Catherine A 10-21-1965 F Married
Cleghorn, Ray S 4-13-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Clement, Minion Moore 10-27-1965 F Widowed
Clemons, Etta Mcdaniel 12-21-1965 F Widowed
Cleveland, Gertrude Laura 7-9-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Cleveland, Minnie 6-29-1965 F Single
Cleveland, Rosa Lyniece 7-22-1965 F Married
Clevery, Tina Renee 4-9-1965 F Married
Clevinger, Malinda Janie 8-10-1965 F Widowed
Clift, Lorelei Rapley 6-26-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Clifton, Thomas Edward Sr 6-6-1965 M Single
Clifton, Wayne Boston 3-3-1965 M Married
Cline, E B 8-18-1965 M Single
Cline, Tena Remae 1-13-1965 F Married
Cline, William H 12-13-1965 M Single
Clingerman, Marie Ellen 1-13-1965 F Married
Close, Joseph Willard 9-8-1965 M Single
Cloud, Irma 9-1-1965 F Widowed
Cloud, Ruth Dabney 2-6-1965 F Widowed
Cluff, Vestal Moses 2-24-1965 M Single
Coats, Josephine Scottino 4-15-1965 F Widowed
Cobb, Bertha 3-3-1965 F Widowed
Cobb, Clarence Peyton 4-11-1965 M Single
Cobb, Gertrude Estelle 6-11-1965 F Married
Cobb, John Oran 9-19-1965 M Single
Cobb, Ozie J 12-2-1965 M Single
Cobler, Earnest Milton 8-15-1965 M Single
Cocheu, Lindsley Fiske 2-6-1965 M Married
Cochran, Ann Gordon 1-6-1965 F Widowed
Cochran, Anthony L 6-10-1965 M Single
Cochran, Gertie Beulah 8-4-1965 F Widowed
Cochran, James F 9-27-1965 M Single
Cochrane, Margaret Evelyn 9-4-1965 F Single
Cockrum, Barbara Jean 5-9-1965 F Married
Coe, Dona 2-11-1965 F Single
Coe, Emily Ann 10-18-1965 F Married
Coe, Henry 10-18-1965 M Single
Coffelt, Daphna 12-5-1965 F Single
Coffey, Earl 7-1-1965 M Single
Coffey, Homer Sales 3-14-1965 M Single
Coffey, Leonard C 6-12-1965 M Widowed
Coffey, Limuel 11-11-1965 M Single
Coffey, Mack C 7-30-1965 M Widowed
Cohen, Bertha 2-4-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Cohen, Fannie 7-13-1965 F Widowed
Cohen, Florence B 8-15-1965 F Single
Cohen, Gerard Morton 3-5-1965 M Married
Cohen, Harry G 3-14-1965 M Single
Cohn, Florence D 1-25-1965 F Widowed
Coit, Henry C 12-8-1965 M Single
Coit, Oliver 2-9-1965 M Single
Coker, Effie Alma 10-7-1965 F Widowed
Coker, Leroy C 4-25-1965 M Single
Cole, Estella 1-17-1965 F Widowed
Cole, Everett Lee 12-12-1965 M Single
Cole, Florence Elizabeth 5-23-1965 F Single
Cole, Frankie King 4-29-1965 F Single
Cole, Harold Gaylord 2-10-1965 M Single
Cole, Marie Inf Of 2-5-1965 M Married
Cole, Martin Luther 3-14-1965 M Single
Cole, Minnie Florence 2-8-1965 F Married
Cole, Walter Ebenezer 2-19-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cole, William Franklin 12-15-1965 M Single
Coleman, Allie Dee 1-16-1965 F Widowed
Coleman, Ananise Jr 7-30-1965 M Married
Coleman, Annie 9-26-1965 F Widowed
Coleman, Arlie Breman 11-3-1965 M Single
Coleman, Arthur Lee 12-7-1965 M Unknown
Coleman, Bennie N 2-12-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Coleman, Clara 4-5-1965 F Single
Coleman, Della Mae 6-6-1965 F Widowed
Coleman, Emma J 1-13-1965 F Single
Coleman, Frank Lester 2-18-1965 M Widowed
Coleman, Gary Wayne 9-21-1965 M Married
Coleman, Harry Clay 9-10-1965 M Single
Coleman, Hicks 9-17-1965 M Single
Coleman, Laverne Thomas 2-3-1965 M Widowed
Coleman, Ozell Inf Of 1-13-1965 M Married
Coleman, Robert W 10-25-1965 M Widowed
Coleman, Stella Gertrude 9-22-1965 F Widowed
Coleman, Wesley Moses 2-10-1965 M Single
Coletti, Bonnie Lois 1-25-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Coley, Katherine R 3-26-1965 F Widowed
Collier, Bennie Inf Of 12-20-1965 M Married
Collier, Christena Peeler 12-28-1965 F Widowed
Collier, Marvin Linnie 3-23-1965 M Single
Collier, Wendell 8-23-1965 M Single
Collingsworth, James B 7-25-1965 M Single
Collins, Arthur Allen 7-11-1965 M Single
Collins, Brooksie Smith 10-17-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Collins, Fred F 7-12-1965 M Single
Collins, Harry Joseph 9-28-1965 M Single
Collins, Jo Ann 12-2-1965 F Married
Collins, John Kendricks 7-9-1965 M Single
Collins, Joseph D 10-8-1965 M Single
Collins, Lewis 8-14-1965 M Single
Collins, Rosie E 8-8-1965 F Widowed
Collins, Thomas H Inf Of 11-17-1965 F Married
Collyar, Daniel Lee 1-10-1965 M Married
Colon, Pedro J 9-26-1965 M Married
Colvin, Earnest Ray 8-22-1965 M Married
Combs, Cecil Calvin Sr 11-1-1965 M Single
Combs, Charles E 3-12-1965 M Single
Combs, Edna Sue 2-14-1965 F Widowed
Combs, Norma Lee 11-12-1965 F Single
Compton, Dallas Jr 10-23-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Compton, Joseph J 11-26-1965 M Single
Compton, Margaret 2-16-1965 F Widowed
Compton, Margaret Mae 4-5-1965 F Widowed
Compton, Marilyn C 11-21-1965 F Married
Compton, Sally Irene 1-29-1965 F Widowed
Compton, William Everett 3-11-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Conatser, Nanny Frances 9-12-1965 F Widowed
Condra, Mary Inez 9-26-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Condray, Effie Bell L 7-31-1965 F Widowed
Conlan, Harry M 1-22-1965 M Widowed
Conley, Rodrick Keith 4-12-1965 M Married
Conn, Nannie 2-13-1965 F Single
Connally, May L 1-4-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Connell, Ollie Olivia 3-11-1965 F Single
Conner, Bess 9-10-1965 F Widowed
Conner, Howard Thomas 11-30-1965 M Single
Conner, Joel Erwin 11-5-1965 M Widowed
Conner, Maryland 3-7-1965 M Single
Conner, Nathaniel P 6-17-1965 M Widowed
Connor, Allie Williams 10-31-1965 F Single
Constancio, Louis D 7-31-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Contreras, Maria Elena 6-15-1965 F Married
Contreras, Matilde 4-2-1965 F Widowed
Conway, Rena Bonner 3-4-1965 F Widowed
Cook, Billy Inf Of 3-7-1965 F Married
Cook, Bony 10-17-1965 M Widowed
Cook, Deanne R 1-19-1965 F Single
Cook, Dorothy 2-21-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Cook, Edward 11-14-1965 M Single
Cook, Edward Lane 8-27-1965 M Married
Cook, Estella N 9-9-1965 F Widowed
Cook, Eula Lee 8-28-1965 F Widowed
Cook, Henry Goldsmith 1-31-1965 M Single
Cook, James Donald 1-25-1965 M Single
Cook, John T 11-11-1965 M Single
Cook, Lillie 3-11-1965 F Single
Cook, Marie 5-23-1965 F Single
Cook, Mary Jane 7-22-1965 F Widowed
Cook, May Adelia 12-23-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Cook, Oliver Austin 9-23-1965 M Single
Cook, Warren Simpson Sr 5-19-1965 M Single
Cook, William Turner 1-15-1965 M Single
Cooke, Cora Bell 11-24-1965 F Widowed
Cooke, Essie Mae 12-16-1965 F Widowed
Cookenboo, Henry P 7-19-1965 M Single
Cooks, Eula Mae Inf Of 12-5-1965 F Married
Cooks, Fredonia 9-25-1965 F Single
Cooksey, James Monroe 3-23-1965 M Single
Cooley, Helen 2-9-1965 F Single
Cooley, John William 8-8-1965 M Single
Coomer, Clayton 12-13-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Coomer, Docia L 5-5-1965 F Widowed
Coonrod, Edith E 10-14-1965 F Single
Cooper, Annie 12-14-1965 F Widowed
Cooper, Claude E 5-30-1965 M Single
Cooper, Frank Fitzhugh 12-19-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cooper, Josephine Blanche 5-21-1965 F Single
Cooper, Mary Lena 8-18-1965 F Single
Cooper, Mary Martin 10-14-1965 F Widowed
Cooper, Minnie Belle 8-30-1965 F Widowed
Cooper, Ralph L 9-10-1965 M Single
Cooper, Thomas 6-30-1965 M Single
Cooper, William Edward 12-26-1965 M Single
Cooper, William R Sr 6-3-1965 M Single
Cooper, Winston Churchill 7-13-1965 M Single
Cootes, Polly Josephine 3-30-1965 F Widowed
Cope, Elsie S 3-9-1965 F Widowed
Cope, Woodard Arie 1-3-1965 M Single
Copeland, Billy Ray 11-29-1965 M Married
Copeland, Earlie 10-26-1965 M Widowed
Copeland, Elbert E 1-3-1965 M Single
Copeland, John L 12-1-1965 M Married
Copeland, Ollie P 1-31-1965 F Widowed
Copeland, Thomas Dove 8-9-1965 M Single
Copp, William Clifford 5-14-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Coppedge, Elsie Mae 8-23-1965 F Single
Coquet, Lucien 4-14-1965 M Single
Corby, Mollie Linn 2-20-1965 F Widowed
Cordell, Edna Earle 3-30-1965 F Widowed
Cordell, George Ralph 3-25-1965 M Single
Cordova, Salvador 8-8-1965 M Widowed
Corich, Anna 12-26-1965 F Widowed
Corkern, Willis A 1-10-1965 M Single
Corlett, Betty Bobo 11-8-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Corlett, Ellen Ivon 8-27-1965 F Single
Corley, Homer B 1-8-1965 M Widowed
Corley, Verna 10-15-1965 F Single
Cornelius, Lucinda 11-2-1965 F Widowed
Cornelius, William 5-25-1965 M Single
Cornell, Helen Marian 6-4-1965 F Widowed
Cornwell, Ormsby M 7-1-1965 M Widowed
Coronado, Apolonio Inf Of 7-6-1965 F Married
Corry, Annie Lee 6-27-1965 F Single
Corzine, Sam Houston 7-1-1965 M Single
Costello, Marcus 12-8-1965 M Single
Costello, Michael J 1-29-1965 M Single
Costianes, C N Inf Of 4-22-1965 M Married
Costin, Homer Samuel 12-21-1965 M Single
Coston, Edmund 10-14-1965 M Single
Cotter, Anita Woley 12-19-1965 F Single
Cotton, Benjamin T 4-4-1965 M Single
Cotton, Genora 7-28-1965 F Single
Couch, James Roy 2-27-1965 M Widowed
Couch, Turman Elizabeth 2-2-1965 F Widowed
Coughanour, Nellie B 1-11-1965 F Widowed
Coulter, Frank 12-7-1965 M Widowed
Coulter, Henry 11-18-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Counts, Charles F Sr 10-7-1965 M Single
Coursey, Charles Milton 2-28-1965 M Single
Coursey, Janie Brown 2-28-1965 F Single
Coursey, Richard 5-9-1965 M Single
Covens, John Curtis 11-14-1965 M Single
Covey, Robert Mike 3-19-1965 M Single
Covington, Pete 12-10-1965 M Single
Cowan, Dalton L Sr 9-3-1965 M Single
Cowan, Eather 11-21-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cowan, Hazel Mary 12-11-1965 F Single
Cowan, James A Sr 2-12-1965 M Single
Cowand, Irma Alamo 12-7-1965 F Widowed
Cowart, Asa Leroy 11-12-1965 M Single
Cowart, John Sherwood 2-4-1965 M Single
Cowgill, Robert Elmer 3-7-1965 M Single
Cowley, Jerome Floyd 3-2-1965 M Single
Cowley, Joe Bailey 6-29-1965 M Single
Cowling, Frances Ann 12-20-1965 F Single
Cox, Ashton C 5-7-1965 M Single
Cox, Charles Stafford 2-25-1965 M Widowed
Cox, Charlotte Ann 5-26-1965 F Widowed
Cox, Frances S 11-4-1965 F Single
Cox, Henry C 1-29-1965 M Single
Cox, John Chapple 8-20-1965 M Single
Cox, Lillie Jones 7-15-1965 F Widowed
Cox, Marvin Clifford 2-8-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Cox, Nora 5-19-1965 F Widowed
Cox, Rena Hurst 6-24-1965 F Widowed
Cox, William Frederick 8-13-1965 M Single
Coyle, Walter D 5-20-1965 M Widowed
Crabb, Lloyd Alvin 8-30-1965 M Single
Crabb, Melvin C 11-20-1965 M Single
Crabb, Twain 9-9-1965 M Single
Crabtree, Aliene Belt 6-6-1965 F Single
Crabtree, Richard Thomas 11-27-1965 M Married
Craddock, Donald O 7-16-1965 M Single
Craft, Henry Ross 3-31-1965 M Single
Craig, Addie Lee 7-8-1965 F Widowed
Craig, Lewis Harley 10-27-1965 M Single
Crain, Robert Curtis 10-20-1965 M Single
Crain, Willie 5-13-1965 M Single
Crandall, Iola Tressie 1-3-1965 F Single
Cranford, Mary Ellen 9-16-1965 F Single
Crangle, Herbert C 4-24-1965 M Single
Craven, Charles Austin 11-30-1965 M Single
Craver, Morris S 2-7-1965 M Single
Cravin, Jack 1-18-1965 M Widowed
Crawford, Albert Alef 9-18-1965 M Single
Crawford, Andy C 9-3-1965 M Single
Crawford, Cynthia E 1-19-1965 F Widowed
Crawford, Earlie 11-17-1965 M Single
Crawford, Eli 6-10-1965 M Single
Crawford, Elsie B 8-31-1965 F Widowed
Crawford, Fondee Crumo 2-19-1965 M Widowed
Crawford, George S Inf Of 8-19-1965 F Married
Crawford, Harriett 11-17-1965 F Widowed
Crawford, Henderson 9-4-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Crawford, Josephine 1-3-1965 F Widowed
Crawford, William Daniel 2-10-1965 M Single
Crayton, Robert Inf Of 8-30-1965 M Married
Creacy, Ollie 9-26-1965 M Married
Creech, Robert E 9-11-1965 M Single
Creecy, Mary Jane 1-5-1965 F Single
Creed, Patricia Lynn 11-19-1965 F Married
Crenshaw, Jessie 11-24-1965 M Single
Crenshaw, Ollie M 7-30-1965 M Single
Cress, Neal Lane 5-14-1965 M Single
Cress, Ronald Eugene 3-9-1965 M Married
Crews, Benjamin F 8-4-1965 M Single
Criddell, Frederick 7-29-1965 M Single
Crimmins, Kathryn F 10-25-1965 F Single
Crisler, Alice B 7-13-1965 F Widowed
Criss, L C 3-14-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Crockell, Johnnie Jacob 4-15-1965 M Widowed
Crockery, Margorie Swift 6-7-1965 F Widowed
Cromer, Alma Black 10-5-1965 F Widowed
Cron, Howard Gilbert 12-17-1965 M Single
Crosby, Fred 3-2-1965 M Widowed
Crosby, James Duke 4-9-1965 M Widowed
Crosier, Roy N 3-17-1965 M Widowed
Cross, Bobby Neal 2-14-1965 M Married
Cross, Carrie Annette 5-13-1965 F Married
Cross, Claudia E 1-7-1965 F Single
Cross, Evelyn 5-13-1965 F Widowed
Cross, James 7-15-1965 M Single
Cross, John C 6-28-1965 M Single
Cross, Mildred Stratton 9-7-1965 F Widowed
Cross, Ruby W 3-14-1965 M Single
Cross, William A Sr 10-5-1965 M Single
Crossman, Ella 9-17-1965 F Widowed
Crossman, Jennie Maud 10-20-1965 F Widowed
Crosthwait, Edwin M 12-24-1965 M Single
Crouch, Arthur B 5-7-1965 M Single
Crouch, Carryie 8-10-1965 F Single
Crouch, James G 12-11-1965 M Single
Crouder, Lottie B W G 12-31-1965 F Single
Crow, William Thomas 12-30-1965 M Single
Crowder, Fannie W 12-21-1965 F Single
Crowder, Jimmie Ladd 6-22-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Crowder, Louis Cornelious 10-4-1965 M Single
Crowder, Willie 3-24-1965 M Single
Crowell, Maggie Doshie 2-28-1965 F Single
Crowley, Jack Sheldon 10-7-1965 M Single
Crowley, Jennie L 8-20-1965 F Widowed
Crowley, Monnie Bell 7-22-1965 F Widowed
Crownover, Alice Mae T 5-26-1965 F Single
Crownrich, Leonard W 3-17-1965 M Single
Crozier, William Edgar 7-13-1965 M Married