Palestine Street

Coleman, Texas

This street page contains a description of this street, located in Coleman, Texas, together with the numbers numerically arranged.  It also shows the intersections, whereever the different streets cross.  These addresses are linked to other pages which contain information, photos, etc., when available, about the people and homes or buildings that have been at that address, at different time periods, with the source of information given.


Palestine Street is the 11th street west of Commercial Avenue.
It begins at Austin Street and extends south to Mesquite Street.

Palestine Street begins north of Austin Street

This partial block of Palestine Street was originally a road to the city water storage tanks up the hill to the north, and in recent years has been named Palestine Street, even though this road lines up with High Street a few blocks to the north - Palestine Street jogs east about one half block at Austin Street.


west side:
east side:
Austin Street intersects
west side:
east side:
             Alley begins on west side              ----------     San Antonio Street begins on east side
west side: east side:
Galveston Street intersects
west side: east side:
West Walnut Street intersects
west side: east side:
West Cedar Street intersects
west side: east side:
Palestine Street ends at West Mesquite Street

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This page updated May 29, 2005
Copyright © 1995 - 2005 by Ralph Terry