102 South Nueces Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 


south side - 1909
A two story dwelling stood on the lot that would later be addressed as 102 South Nueces.  At this time it was given an address of 407 on Nueces Street.

south side - 1923

"In 1929, Gabriel B. Beaumont, and his wife Nancy D., were residing at 102 South Nueces Street.  They were the owners of this dwelling.  He was a physician.  His office was located at 200 1/2 South Commercial Avenue.  Also residing at this address were William T. Jennings, and his wife Leona.  He was a fireman at the Coleman Cotton Oil Mill.  Also living at this address were J. Buford Jennings, and his wife Voncyle; and Miss Martina Jennings, an operator at South West States Telephone Company."  (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

south side - 1948
1930 and 1948 maps shown a one and one-half story house and (in 1948) an apartment house, with a one story front porch and a one story room on the rear (southwest corner), and a one story room on the south side.


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This page updated May 29, 2005
Copyright © 1995 - 2005 by Ralph Terry