105 Gray Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 


The New School Building

At the western edge of Coleman at the foot of the reservior hill stands our new school building almost completed.  It would be a credit to any town twice the size of Coleman and our citizens should feel proud of it.  Now Coleman is ready and fully competent to furnish a high school course to students from all parts of the country, and just as thorough and cheap as elsewhere.  The next thing that is aggitating the minds of our citizens is the erecting of new churches.

(The Coleman Voice, Friday, June 5, 1908, page 3.)


First drawing of the new Coleman Public School, about 1906
This is thought to be a drawing of of the original architectural conception of the new Public School building at Coleman.  Apparently this plan was rejected, and the plan shown to the right was accepted.

Drawing of the new Coleman Public School, 1907
The bell tower appears to be a ghost image.  Perhaps it had not been decided, at the time the postcard as printed, whether to include the tower or not.  However, the tower was built, but removed about 1914.

colored postcard               

High School, Coleman, Texas
south and east sides - about 1908
colored postcard                

Coleman Public School, Coleman, Texas
south and east sides - about 1910

Terry Studio Digital Copy              

Coleman Public School, Coleman, Texas
east and north sides - about 1925

"In 1929, West Ward School was located on Gray Street on the northwest corner of West Live Oak Street (later known as 105 Gray Street).  D. E. Loveless was the principal.  Miss Lucille Eliot was a teacher there, with no residence address given.  Albert Simpson, and his wife Nannie, were residing at the rear of West Ward School.  He was the janitor at the school."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

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This page updated May 5, 2008
Copyright © 1982 - 2008 by Ralph Terry