816 Cottonwood Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 

"... Mary (Snodgrass) Dibrell was left a widow with seven children under twelve years of age.  She was appointed Postmistress of Seguin (Texas) and lived there until the early 1900's, when her brother, Frank L. Snodgrass, an early attorney in Coleman, built her a two story home on his land, just west of his home on Cottonwood Street, where she died, November 7, 1935, buried at Coleman.  ...  Children:  ...  (5) Ina James, born September 10, 1885 in Seguin, married Will Clark Gay, and had three children.  (A History of Coleman County and Its People, Edited by Ralph and Judia (Gaines) Terry, and Vena Bob Gates, Vol. I, page 568.)

south side -1923 map
Floor Plan of the dwelling at 816 Cottonwood Street in 1923.

The servant's house at the rear was addressed as 816 1/2 Cottonwood Street.

"In 1929, William C. Gay, and his wife Ina, were residing at 816 Cottonwood Street.  He was a ranchman.  Mary E. Gay, widow of W. C. Gay, was also living at this address.  Mabel Graves (colored) was a domestic working here.  She and her husband lived in a dwelling at the rear."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

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This page updated February 25, 2003
Copyright © 1995 - 2003 by Ralph Terry