East Cottonwood Street -
Northwest Corner of North Colorado Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 

Before 1904, no references have been found to indicate that any dwellings or other buildings had been located on this property.

south side - 1904 map

In 1904, a dwelling labeled "B" was on the west side of property, with a blacksmith shop labeled "C" on the east side.  A building labeled "A" is not noted in the vicinity.

south side - 1909 map

By 1909 the dwelling had been removed and a building constucted to house the "Coleman Cement Block Works," a cement block factory.  The blacksmith shop from 1904 was still being used as a shed.

"In 1929, the Coleman Light and Power Company was located on East Cottonwood Street on the northwest corner of North Colorado Street.  F. A. Smith was the chief engineer."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

The 1929 Coleman directory refers to this location as "East Cottonwood Street on the northwest corner of North Colorado Street," but maps after 1909 seem to indicate a North Colorado reference.  By 1930, maps refer to this location, where the Coleman Municipal Light and Power Company was located, as 201 North Colorado Street.  This part of East Cottonwood Street, on the south side of the Coleman Municipal Light and Power Company was closed off, and I have found no later references to East Colorado Street.

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This page updated April 24, 2005
Copyright © 1995 - 2005 by Ralph Terry