605 South Commercial Avenue
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 


1909 map

1916 map

1923 map

1930 map

1948 map

Maps of the 600 block of South Commercial Street.

605 South Commercial Avenue is on the left side, second dwelling front top in these images.

The dwelling changed over the years, through additions and remodeling, especially from 1923 to 1930.  I have assumed this was the same house.

"In 1929, James M. Bullock, Jr., and his wife Hazel, were residing at 605 South Commercial Avenue.  He was a salesman for Stacy Motor Company.  Also residing at this address was Harold Davenport, and his wife Rosa."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

"In 1962, Mrs. Rose Niell was residing at 605 South Commercial Avenue.  She was the owner of this dwelling and her telephone number was 625-4639."  (Polk's - Coleman City Directory, 1962.)

west and south sides - March 2003

605 South Commercial Avenue

Coleman - Street Index
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