310 West College Avenue
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 

"In 1929, E. Jack Powell, and his wife Anna, were residing at 310 West College Avenue.  They were the owners of this dwelling.  Anna Powell rented furnished rooms here.  Rooming at this address were Webb C. Bullock, a salesman for Holley Chevrolet Company; Ray Carlson, a driller; John Cross, a carpenter; Henry W. Hardin, telephone number 102-J, manager of the West Texas Utilities Company; Watt Holland, a clerk at Coulson Drug Stores; Fred Murphy, a driller; Cleo Penney, a watchmaker at Jesse Penney; Jesse Penney, a jeweler with his shop at 119 West Pecan Street; Sol Rosenberg, part owner of Rosenberg Brothers.; and Charles E. Smith, a meat cutter at Helpy-Selfy."   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)


south side - 1930 map

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This page updated March 26, 2005
Copyright © 1995 - 2005 by Ralph Terry