211 East College Avenue
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description:  Original Townsite of Coleman, Block 9, west part of Lot 6, but later became Lot 5.


The earliest maps of Block 9 show a small dwelling on the southeast corner, but a vacant lot where 211 East College Avenue would be built.
This location would become 211 East College Avenue.

1888 map

1893 map

1898 map

1904 map


The house at what would become
 211 East College Avenue was built between
 1904 and 1909, probably by W. R. McClellan,
who lived next door at 203 East College Avenue.

The houses at 211 East College
was built by W. R. McClellan for his son and wife,
Claud and Maud McClellan, at the same time as
the house at 217 for his daughter and husband,
Mildred and Walter Woodward.

These houses probably had a similar look
and roof style.  When the house was moved to
707 West Eighth Street, the roof was replaced
with a less steep, modern (at the time) roof style.

Claud and Maud moved to Dallas after 1910,
 returning to Coleman by 1940,
 living in his parents house at
203 East College Avenue at that time.

1916 map

"In 1929, Stephen Kellogg and his wife Lula E., owned and lived at 211 East College Avenue. 
He was a messeur."
(Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)


1923 map

1930 map
1948 map

"In 1962, Mrs. Gladys McCleskey. widow of Fred McCleskey, owned and was living at 211 East College Avenue.  Her telephone number was 625-5508."
(Coleman City Directory, 1962 - Polk.)


The dwelling at 211 East College Avenue was moved from this location to 707 West 8th Street after 1962, where it was joined to another house.
The house moved from 211 East College Avenue is the east side of the dwelling at 707 West 8th Street in 2024.

2024 aerial view of the previous location of 211 East College Avenue
 in center of the south half of block (at bottom of picture).

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