1315 Austin Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description: 


I have no maps that cover this part of Coleman.

"In 1929, William H. Riley, and his wife Gertrude, were residing 2 houses west of Columbus Street on the south side of Austin Street.  Living at this address was Daniel Riley, a student; Mrs. Mary Riley; and Miss Maurine Riley.  (This location is now known at 1315 Austin Street.)"   (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

"In 1962, Marshall S. Croft, and his wife Gladyce O., were residing at 1315 Austin Street.  He was the Manager of the Chamber of Commerce at 202 West Pecan Street.  His home and office telephone number was 625-2329."  (Polk's - Coleman City Directory, 1962.)

north side

1315 Austin Street - taken April 2005
digital images c Ralph Terry

east and north sides                                                                                                                                                 north and west sides

"In 2007, Paul Moran is shown as the owner of 1315 Austin Street."  (2008 Coleman County, Texas Tax Records.)

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This page updated November 12, 2008
Copyright © 1982 - 2008 by Ralph Terry