Coleman Primary Flying School - Coleman, Texas
Class of 43 - C

A class book for the class of 43-C was recently sold on ebay.
I have contacted the purchaser for possible use of the class book on this website.

Warrant Officer, 3 Enlisted Men To Flying School

...  Coleman Flying School  ...  Frank L. Strashiem  ...  J. R. Vargo  ...  R. B. Roling  ...  G. D. Helvey  ...  Edward O'Neill  ...  Glenn Dorward  ...  John Moritz  ...  Cadet Club

Arrival of a new class, 43C, at the local field is announced today.  The graduating calss, 43A, has gone to Perrin Field, Texas.


(The Democrat-Voice, Coleman, Texas, September 2, 1943.)

Please send additional links, comments or suggestions to:
The Coleman County Historian

This page last updated April 15, 2008
© 1982 - 2008 Ralph Terry.  All rights reserved.