Rainfall for Coleman, Texas
1857 - 2004

(Rainfall reported from 1857 through 1861 were recorded at Camp Colorado, 12 miles northeast of Coleman.  The city of Coleman was not founded until 1874.  Rainfall was not recorded in Coleman County for the years
1862 - 1876 and 1884 - 1893.)

Click here for Montly Rainfall Totals

1857 - 16.64+
1858 - 17.83+
1859 - 20.80
1860 - 40.27
1861 - incomplete

1877 - incomplete
1878 - 29.32
1879 - 17.99
1880 - 35.83
1881 - incomplete
1882 - 35.60
1883 - incomplete

1894 - incomplete
1895 - 37.53
1896 - 29.55
1897 - 21.38
1898 - 27.72
1899 - 26.31

1900 - 42.22
1901 - 19.76
1902 - 25.03
1903 - 24.62
1904 - 22.52
1905 - 24.76
1906 - 40.61
1907 - 24.48
1908 - 29.94
1909 - 25.77
1910 - 14.56
1911 - 29.44
1912 - 19.20
1913 - 35.45
1914 - 42.56
1915 - 23.90
1916 - 23.43
1917 - 12.74
1918 - 20.62
1919 - 44.73
1920 - 33.73
1921 - 18.54
1922 - 29.51
1923 - 41.45
1924 - 21.06
1925 - 22.88
1926 - 22.92
1927 - 21.84
1928 - 24.21
1929 - 23.88
1930 - 35.89
1931 - 22.37
1932 - 37.62
1933 - 18.87
1934 - 20.83
1935 - 45.28
1936 - 37.55
1937 - 19.11
1938 - 23.84
1939 - 24.35
1940 - 33.35
1941 - 40.97
1942 - 29.98
1943 - 18.77
1944 - 32.83
1945 - 33.82
1946 - 23.45
1947 - 23.16
1948 - 14.62
1949 - 31.99
1950 - 17.89
1951 - 23.75
1952 - 16.27
1953 - 23.74
1954 - 17.33
1955 - 20.27
1956 - 20.69
1957 - 37.57
1958 - 29.31
1959 - 36.89
1960 - 25.78
1961 - 38.20
1962 - 28.05
1963 - 22.03
1964 - 28.90
1965 - 26.24
1966 - 24.02
1967 - 26.38
1968 - 37.30
1969 - 34.46
1970 - 19.34
1971 - 31.61
1972 - 21.25
1973 - 27.26
1974 - 32.64
1975 - 26.34
1976 - 23.17
1977 - 21.02
1978 - 27.03
1979 - 25.28
1980 - 37.48
1981 - 25.99
1982 - 30.55
1983 - 20.49
1984 - 29.42
1985 - 20.56
1986 - 38.74
1987 - 31.74
1988 - 18.02
1989 - 26.01
1990 - 37.99
1991 - 52.05
1992 - 32.35
1993 - 23.99
1994 - 32.82
1995 - 30.83
1996 - 25.54
1997 - 32.33
1998 - 25.84
1999 - 20.18
2000 - 31.58
2001 - 27.54
2002 - 34.11
2003 - 24.28
2004 - 42.28
2005 - 28.32 inc

Information on this site 1857 - 1949, was taken from a chart entitled, "Coleman County Rain Report - U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau," printed by The Daily Democrat-Voice in April 1950.

Information on this site, 1950 - 2004 was provided by Steve Autry, the official
National Weather Service rain observer
for Coleman, Texas.

 This page last updated on December 6, 2005

Webpage © 2005 Ralph Terry.

 All rights reserved.

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