CHS Class of 1963

2003 Class Reunion

Planned for October 4, 2003

‘Tis the time for the 40th Year Reunion of the Class of ’63.  We don’t know about the rest of you, but we don’t feel that old.  We have e-mailed, phoned, and talked among ourselves here in Coleman and have decided on October 4, 2003 as the best date for the reunion.  It’s hard to set a date that is convenient for everyone so maybe with advanced planning, you will be able to attend.

We will start our “celebration” with registration at 10:00 a. m. in the 3rd floor clubroom of the First Coleman National Bank located on the northwest corner of Liveoak and Commercial (the drag).     Coleman’s Fiesta De La Paloma is that week-end so there will be plenty of food booths and vendors so you will have ample opportunity for browsing and lunch.  The clubroom will remain open all day for visiting or “resting” after you tour downtown Coleman.

The dinner meal of prime cut 1” steak, baked potato, salad, and dessert will be catered by the famous “Big O’s” of Valera, Texas.  The meal will be served at 7:00 p. m. at the Elm Street Church of Christ Family Center located on Concho, directly east of the main church building and west of the Shoppin’ Baskit grocery store.  

To defray expenses, we are asking $30.00 for each class member and $20.00 for spouse or guest that will be attending the dinner meal.  Your reservation and money need to reach us by September 1, 2003.

We hope that everyone will be able to attend our 40th reunion.  We have lost several members of our class, and some have experienced serious health problems.  It is time to stop our busy lives and pay attention to our heritage, and Coleman High School is certainly a part of that.   So let’s put extra effort into this time and make our “40th” the best ever.  Let us hear from you.  We need your ideas and talents.  We need to make up some committees such as decorating, memorabilia, and registration.

Food Committee: Mary Ann Needham Hartman, Elizabeth Ray  Rush, and Joyce Wilson Anderson

Program Coordinator:  Bob Mann

Decorating Committee: Expenses absorbed by committee

Memorabilia Committee: Expenses absorbed by committee

Registration Committee: Expenses absorbed by committee 

It has been suggested that we have an auction “of sorts”.  If you would like to head this committee or have any suggestions, please let us know.

Let us know by e-mail or letter if you can help us out with any of these.
Liz <> 9351 State Hwy 206, Coleman, Texas 76834
Mary Ann <>  3050 Shady Oaks Drive, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Joyce <> 611 Mississippi, Coleman, Texas 76834

You may access and follow the links to class information.  Please add your 
information and keep it updated.  Helps immensely!!

We are looking forward to our “40th” and hope you are too.

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