New School Term Opens Here Monday
With two substitute
teachers in the high school and a vacancy in the Negro school, the 1943
- 1944 term will get under way here Monday morning, Sept. 6. City
School Supt. J. T. Runkle announced today. All faculty positions
are expected to be filled within a short time.
The dividing line to be used in sending students to the two white
schools is as follows: Start at the intersection of Live Oak
Stret and the Santa Fe railroad, go west to Commercial Avenue, south to
Elm Street, west to Concho Street, south to Walnut Street, west to
Neches Street, south to Second Street, west to Fifth Avenue, and south
to the end of the school district. All pupils living north and
west of the line will got to West Ward School and all those residing
south and east of the line will got to South Ward School.
The Coleman faculty includes the following teachers;
High School - Supt. J. T. Runkle, Principal W. H. Avinger, Elma Joe
Beckham, Mrs. J. E. Coulter,Mrs. Margaret Dowty, Drucilla Eberhart,
Mrs, R. C. Edkhart, Mrs. W. M. Etter, Glenn Grazier, Mrs. Flora Fry,
James E. King, George Mizell, Lucy Moore, Mrs. Erna H. Pearson, Lucille
Rucker, Mrs. Ruth Saunders, E. W. Scott, Virginia Simmons and Mrs.
Blanche Thomson. Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. Eckhart are serving until
other teachers may be obtained.
South Ward - Mrs. L. Annie Evetts, principal; Mary Ann Gibson, Ruth
Hemphill, Theatus Johnson, Maud Latham, Eunice McElrath, Martha
Marshall, Mrs. Jessie Martin, Patsy Murray, Margaret Nelson, E. Belle
Patton, Ruth Riley, Mrs. Lona Saunders, Mabel Scott and Annette Spath.
West Ward - Hershell Adams, Principal; Marie Coursey, Mrs. Mary
Delleney, Mrs. Winona Francen, Thelma Howard, Ruth Jackson, Mrs. Helen
Leach, Julia Lederer, Mary Sue McMahan, Mrs. Lola Melton, Frances
Mjulkey, Jessie Miller Pool, Elizabeth Robertson, Georgia Sparkman and
Frandes Trammell.
Latin American School - Mrs. Lola Sparks, principal; Mrs. Nonnie Smith and Mrs. Vada Burns.
Negro East Ward: General Humphreys, principal, and Vivian Humphreys.