Coleman High School Graduating Class of 1939

Coleman High School - Coleman, Texas

(Note:  The following list is as given in the newspaper.  The list is not in the order in the picture.  Paragraphs are as given in the newspaper.)

Members of the 1939 graduating class at Coleman High School this year, shown above, include the following:  Jean Ayres, Sybil Best, Doris Beverly, Joy Blackwell, Jimmie Ruth Brown, Stella Bucy, Mabel Glenn Caffey, Lucille Close, Saramae Cox, Frances Crews, Cleo Dobbins, Dorothy England, Milded Evans, Louis Freeman, Helen Marie Futen, Jewel Green, Dorothy Lee Griffin, Dorothy Jackson, Glendolyn Johnson, Lurline Langston, Virginia Lathem, Edna Frances Lewis.

Myrtle Jean McGregor, Lela Mauldin, Alice Ann Maxwell, Dell Mitchell, Margie Morgan, Mary Margaret Moore, Dorothy Fae Moseley, Joyce Parker, Jane Pitts, IVa Me Rozzelle, Marylyn Scott, Nelda Scott, Belva Short, Stena Sides, Louise Smith, Helen Stethl, Joyce Mae Weaver, Grace Williamson, Kathryn Young, Lois Yancy, Virginia Phillips, LaVerne Morris.

J. C. Allen, Marcel Coleman, Leonard Cope, Leroy Davis, Jack Day, Ray DuBois, Carl Elder, Charles Ewing, Charles Freeman, Eugene, Goree, Howard Griffin, Leon Hateher, Lee Marks Justice, Glenn Kenley, Doyle Liviingston, John F. McKinney, Billy Newsom, Elvis Phariss, Floyd Price, Curtis Roberts, Perry Russell, Fred Sackett, Jr., D. F. Sanders, Billy Sewell.

Donald Shield, Duane Smith, Roy Smith, J. L. Van Dyke, Jr., Joe Watkins, Fred White, Jimmie Lee Williamson and Langford Wilhite.  Eleanor Kurtz received her diploma from the University City, Missouri High School.

(Ids From "The Coleman Democrat-Voice" newspaper, November 26, 1939.  Photographs taken by Martin's Studio, Coleman, Texas.)


CHS Class of 1939 Index CHS Alumni Directory