CHS Class of 1931
Graduation Group

Coleman High School Gradutates for 1931 included:

Boys: Weldon Allen, Elwood Brewer, Joe Brooks, Robert Browning, Charles Blair, J. B. Cope, Hurschel Dunn, Charles Fair, Fred Garrett, J. Henry Gober, Tom Grady, Ulmer Johnson, Viets Kelley, Jimmie Leavell, Doughty Miller, Warren Morphis, J. B. McCord, Albert McCulloch, Kenneth McFarland, Walter McKinney, Edward Pitts, William Purser, Leonard Ray, Ned Rush, Norman Sartain, Charles Smith, Jack Snodgrass, Robert Strother, Francis Strother, Robert Thwing, Carl Turner, Roy Winstead, and Robert Pridemore.

Girls: Thelma Allen, Willie Mae Allen, Syble Ashburn, Lillian Ayres, Ima Baker, Oleto Baker, Marguerite Blackwell, Ada Cathey, Winnie Cathey, lnez Cope, May Coursey, Fay Coursey, Madeline Davis, Florence Forman, Johnnie Dell Gordon, Frances Griffin, Net Hagler, Opal Jameson, Ruth Johnston, Sara Tom Jones, Mabel Kiser, Lottie Pearl Kyzar, Mildred Lewis, Madelyn MacDougal, Raymond McKinney, Mary Martin, Viola May, Lucille Mayo, Sally Jane Mitchell, Thelma Pasley, Nota Mae Phariss, Jewell Redding, Mary Jim Rich, Catherine Roberts, Maurine Robinson, Mary Tisdale, Claudia Mae White, Modane Whitaker, Mary Jane Wilkinson, Audrey Williams, Bonnie Williams, Marguerite Young, and lnez Wester.

(These names are listed alphabetically without regard for the graduates’ positions in the picture above.
Anyone able to identify any in the above photograph, please contact the webmaster.)

CHS Class of 1931 Index CHS Alumni Directory