CHS Class of 1894

Graduation "Rites" Held in 1894

"Graduating exercises were held Friday, May 11, 1894, at the Public School.  A curtain of music opened the exercises which was followed by an essay "Life's What We Make It" by the authoress of the graduating class, Miss Minnie Williams who read her essay in a clear strong voice.  This was followed by a reading "Voyage Across the Ocean of Time," by Miss Anna Blackburn, whom we all have fine hopes for.  A recitation was returned by George Bowen, who was a prominent member of the class.  Then there was an essay "Out of the Life of School, Into the School of Life" by Wood Murray.  "Leak in the Dyke," a recitation, was given by Miss Florence Dibrell.  The address given by G. P. Webb was an inspiration to all.  This was followed by the awarding of the diplomas, and the curtain of music fell."   ("The Round-Up" school newspaper, April 17, 1944.)