Trinity Methodist Church
Coleman, Texas
from a newspaper article in the Coleman County Chronicle, May 20, 1976

from A History of Coleman County and Its People, 1985 
edited by Judia and Ralph Terry, and Vena Bob Gates - used by permission

Church records show that Trinity Methodist was not fully organized until May 26. 1946, following the beginning of the project in 1945.  The church was sponsored by the First United Methodist Church.  In the fall of 1945, under the leadership of its pastor, Rev. Floyd Johnson, and District Supt. A. S. Gafford, the decision was made to sponsor a Methodist Church in south Coleman and a committee was named to select a building site and raise funds for the new church.

Committee members were E. C. Edens, John T. Dix, Mrs. Tom Stevens, Mrs. J. M. Nichols and Miss Gladys Townsen. 
At the annual Methodist Conference in November 1945, the Rev. Clay P. Morgan was appointed to be the founding pastor of the new church.  A site was soon selected and purchased in the 1600 block of South Concho Street and the building of a permanent structure began.

Charter members were Mrs. C. P. Morgan, Mrs. Lorena B. Nixon, Mrs. R. L. Thomas, Mrs. Neal Shone, Wade Thomas, Mrs. Wade Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunter, Jr., Mrs. J. W. Hunter, Kenneth Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith, Miss Kate Lewis, Mrs. F. H. Boyle, Mrs. J. T. Holder, Ann Holder, Jewell Smith, Mrs. C. T. Bounds, Mr. and Mrs. Ira DuBois, Betty Jean DuBois, Mrs. Emma Leverett, Mrs. J. M. Winslett and Bonnie Bumleson.  A number of the charter members are still active in the church.

The Official Roll of Trinity Methodist Church on May 26, 1946 was as follows: A. Frank Smith, Presiding Bishop; Alvin S. Gaffomd, District Superintendent; Clay P. Morgan, Pastor; D. S. Leverett, John T. Dix, and J. W. Hunter, Jr., Trustees; Mrs. Neal Shone, Recording Steward.

In 1969 the original building was remodeled and a new wing added with classrooms, kitchen and social hall.  At the same time the parsonage was moved from next door to the church to its present location at 1805 South Concho and was remodeled and enlarged.  With the growth of the church, further enlargement of facilities are being considered at this time.


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