Brown Ranch Primitive Baptist Church
Fisk, Texas

by Lena Adian

from A History of Coleman County and Its People, 1985 
edited by Judia and Ralph Terry, and Vena Bob Gates - used by permission

    The Primitive Baptist Church did not meet regularly but had all day meetings when they did meet, with dinner served at noon. They met in the Methodist church building and the community building at Fisk. They had associa­tional meetings and camp meetings with other churches, and took their turn hosting such meetings. Each family brought bedding and clothes and camped out for several days. The mode of transportation in those days made such arrangements necessary. Wash pots were used to cook food and make coffee. There was a pot for beans, another for stew, roast, vegetables, etc. Families brought their own plates, glasses, cups, and dinnerware. There was continuous preaching and singing for the days and nights of the camp meeting. In the twenties the church joined with Santa Anna Church and no more meetings were held at Brown Ranch.

    Some families remembered who lived here and attended were the families of Levi Moore, B. D. Whitley, Jim Moore, C. C. Hamilton, F. B. Cornelius, Tom Simonton, Joe Bohannon, Jim Green, S. F. Camp, Irma Dempsey and Miss Jenny Crawford.

Association meeting of the Brown Ranch Primitive Baptist Church

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