Coke County, Texas



You who went to school at Sanco will see some familiar faces, somewhat matured, as they were in l980, standing just north of the Tabernacle. Some have gone on since then.

In the background is the Village School, and in the distance faithful old Durham Peak, down which more than one of this number has recklessly rolled boulders, and from which gained a broader view of life and time.

It was not possible to list the names in order before the crowd scrambled for seats under the tabernacle. Just take each name out of the following list and fit it to the most likely face: Melvin Adams, Jack Adkins, James Adkins, Dole Berryman, Lyman Bilbo, Otho Bilbo, Ulmer Bird, Boots Moorhead Blackwell, Henry Carwile, Herman Carwile, Verna Thomason Carwile, Wilson Carwile, Essie McCullough Childress, Melvin Childress, Tennis Creighton, Elsie Goss Davis, Ruth Scharborough Davis, Velma Gartman Denman, Effie Lowrance Ditmore, Oren Fletcher, Lurena Reid Frizzell, Alta Martin Gartman, Bryan Gartman, Clyde Gartman, Dewey Gartman, Inez Gartman, Sallie Mae Clevenger Gartman, Mary Adkins Harris, Raye Martin Keesee, Bertha Breedlove King, Ervin Lowrance, Robert Lowrance, Aleene Bodenhamer McCullough, Howard McCullough, Belva Thomason McCutchen, Alma Lord McGallian, Vida Fletcher McGee, Opal Scarborough McGuffey, Evelyn Bird McKinley, Richard Moorhead, Lerlene Reid Otte, Mary Jo Pentecost, Nolan Pentecost, Loma Bodenhamer Preslar, J. M. Prine, Jr., Mary Adams Prine, Betty Gartman Ramage, Harvey Reid, Aoeline Arbuckle Reid, Froney Gartman Scarborough, Orville Smith , Presley Smith, Eva Mae Stroud, Oneta Preslar Thomas, Glenn Thomason, Josie Breedlove Tucker, Louise Preslar Whiteside, Marcia Williamson.

Contributed by Carol Randall

This page was updated: Wednesday, 06-Jul-2022 19:33:00 MDT

Copyright © 2009 Jacqueline Latham and the Individual Contributors