April 6, 1906 Bronte Enterprise, Bronte, Coke County, TX Contributed by Jo Collier 23 May 2007 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/tx/txfiles.htm *********************************************************************** The Observer/Enterprise, Robert Lee, Coke County, TX - July 21, 1989 MAVERICK NEWS Mr. CARL BOATRIGHT of Nolan county, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Our literary was largely attended Friday night and a nice program was rendered. Miss OLA BOATRIGHT and Mr. DUDLEY CARLTON visited Bronte Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIE CAPERTON of Clyde are visiting relatives at this place. Mr. OSCAR TORBETT of Coryell County came back to this part of the country Saturday. Mr. Torbett taught the Maverick school last year and his many friends were glad to see him. Mr. and Mrs. EUGENE KEESEE, of Miles, visited Maverick relatives Saturday and Sunday. Misses JOSIE GLENN and MAUDE McAULAY went to Ballinger Saturday. They returned home Sunday. Mr. JOBE HEARRELL of Ballinger was seen on the street of Maverick Monday. A party at the home of Mr. ARCH HORNE Saturday night was very much enjoyed by the young folks. R. L. CASTLEBERRY of Ballinger visited Maverick friends Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ARNOLD NORTON visited the family of Mr. TOM BOATRIGHT Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. CAPTERTON passed through Maverick Tuesday enroute to San Angelo their future home. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE THAT WILL INTEREST YOU No. 26. 160 acres, 75 in cultivation, brand new house, stable and cistern. Timber on balance of land will pay for clearing. This place is close to town and every foot of it good land. Price $24 per acre fifth cash remainder on easy terms. This place is a jim dandy. No. 27. 160 acres about four miles out, 60 acres in cultivation, small orchard and house, well on place, two thirds of land tillable, price $12 per acre, half cash, balance on easy terms. Write us for complete list. The Orient Realty Co. W. F. KEY, Gen. Mgr. Bronte, Texas PAPER SOLICITS FC SUBSCRIPTIONS Ft. Chadbourne Items Well the good Enterprise lady was among us Saturday obtaining subscribers for our paper. We think she had a grand success, as she received the names of most all of Chadbourne citizens for a year's subscription. We had a light sprinkle of rain last week which put our oats into fine condition and corn is coming up. ROY HAMILTON of Lee was in town Saturday. Railroad news is fine now, as the contractor in our place have but a day or two's work to finish his mile, then he will take the 42 mile. It won't be long until we can hear the whistle of the Orient. Chadbourne is going to be one of the best towns in the west. E. D. SPOONTS and T. F. CRYAR have gone to Ballinger on business. Mr. McCRAW of Lee the Christian preacher delivered some excellent sermons Saturday night and Sunday. Our Sunday School went into election Sunday, E. W. SMITH was elected Supt. We think he will make us a splendid Supt. A nice little entertainment was given at Mrs. HAMILTON's Friday night. Mr. DICK PILGRIM's brother of Norton was a visitor of Chadbourne Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. CHAS. COPELAND of New Hope was shopping in town today. We will give room for some of our little cities. With best wishes for the success of the Enterprise and its readers. Permission granted by The Observer/Enterprise for publication in the Coke County TXGenWeb Archives.