Museum Memories
Submitted by Lucille
Courtesy of Clay
County 1890 Jail Museum - Heritage Center

The following are "Museum Memories"
from the archives of the the Clay County 1890 Jail Museum - Heritage
Center, where a collection of stories, newspaper articles and
memories are located. These articles have been published
in the Clay
County Leader and are there for copyrighted by the Clay
County Leader & authors. All articles are reprinted
with permission as well as the articles posted on this site.
Please do not copy or redistribute any articles without
the written permission of the Clay
County Leader or authors.
If you would like to visit the the Clay County 1890 Jail Museum
- Heritage Center,
please contact Lucille Glasgow
for more information about the museum.

ran in "Museum Memories" in the Clay
Co Leader in April and May, 2003. It was also printed
in the West Texas Historical
Association Yearbook 2002.
Beneath Arrowhead's
Waters: The Story of Halsell, Texas
The waters of Lake Arrowhead
on the Little Wichita River about twenty miles southeast of the
city of Wichita Falls covered acres of prime grassland and farm
land that once constituted the community of Halsell, Texas. Its
story needs to be remembered.
Lets imagine for
a minute what this part of Texas looked like in the 1850s. In
few places, if any, can you now stand and be out of sight of
barbed wire fences, cultivated fields, roads, dwellings, utility
poles, and other trappings of modern life. You can still see
boundless stretches of buffalo grass, mesquites, and other trees
that grow along creeks. Many places are covered in tall bluestem,
waving burnt orange in the fall that take my minds eye
back to the time when the first whites rode across this area
and talked of grass up to their horses bellies - good cattle
Clay County was more
or less a thoroughfare for the Comanche and Kiowa Indians on
their raids into the more settled areas to the east and south,
like Wise, Jack, Palo Pinto and Young Counties.
After the Legislature
authorized the formation of Clay County in 1857, a few ranchers
moved in and settled along the Little Wichita River. A few settlers
built rude cabins at the present site of Henrietta and organized
the county in 1860. When the soldiers left to fight in the Civil
War, the Indians raided, burned the buildings and drove the inhabitants
back to Montague and counties east, resulting in the de-organization
of the county in 1863.
DDD cattle on a 150,000
to 200,000 acre spread from the Van Dorn crossing on the Little
Wichita west and southwest up Lake Creek to Holliday Creek and
thence north to the present site of Wichita Falls. The east line
ran from the Van Dorn crossing north to the Big Wichita River
and up that river to the present site of Wichita Falls. Headquarters
were in a dugout along the Little Wichita. A series of line riders
moved along the boundaries of the spread and worked the cattle
toward the center to prevent their mixing with those of their
Two of these line riders
working for Waggoner were 18- year-old George Halsell of Wise
County and Pete Harding. On June 21, 1866, they were coming back
into camp just after sundown. About four hundred yards from camp
they stopped to water their horses at a small lake. Suddenly
a band of yelling Comanche Indians came from behind a small hill.
George was riding a fine horse but Pete was on a slow pony. George
ran ahead but held back when Pete yelled not to be forsaken.
Georges horse reared and plunged because of the yelling
and shooting and Petes ran ahead. George was firing his
six-shooter but one Indian shot him in the backbone with a rifle.
As he ran full speed across the prairie the horse tried to leap
a ditch, failed to make it and fell backward into the ditch.
The Indians came up, killed and scalped George. Pete got ahead
and by hiding in a small hole of water overhung with long grass
and moss and surrounded by a brush thicket, escaped detection.
The cowboys buried George in a shallow grave the next day. His
body was returned to the home place near Decatur several weeks
About this same time
the Halsell family established a ranch in Clay County northeast
of the Waggoner ranch, headed by one of Georges brothers,
Glenn Halsell. Some other well known rancher names from this
area and period of time are Belcher, Worsham, Dale, Ikard, Curtis,
Scaling, Webb, Doss and others.
The Comanches and Kiowas
continued to raid across Clay County down into Wise, Jack and
Young Counties in the 1870s before they were finally contained
on the reservations in present-day Oklahoma. A Mr. Koozier was
killed in the village of Henrietta and his family kidnaped for
ransom in 1870. Also in 1870 about 300 warriors under Kicking
Bird almost wiped out some fifty men of the 6th U.S.
Cavalry under the command of Brevet Major G. B. McClellan near
the burned-out village.
In 1873 Clay County was
reorganized with Henrietta as the county seat. It was the center
of the buffalo trade in the early 70's and settlers came into
the county to establish profitable farms on the rich prairie
lands. Colonel Henry Whaley, considered the first permanent white
settler in the county, came in 1869 and had a large farm along
the Red River in northern Clay County, where he grew oats to
sell to the army at Ft. Sill. Benvanue was settled near there
in 1876.
Charlie was settled in
1878 in the northwest part of the county between Red River and
the Big Wichita River in an area with soil rich enough to grow
the usual crops of small grains and cotton, as well as fruits
and vegetables. It also became a place where Indians from the
reservations around Ft. Sill came to trade.
Newport and Shannon were
settled in the extreme southern part of the county in 1872 and
1876. Also, Joy and Prospect came into being in the south central
part in 1880 and Bluegrove farther north toward Henrietta in
In the late 1870's a
little community existed about three miles south of the later
site of Halsell. Shilo had a post office and a stage way-station
in the home of Oliver Blake. In the mid 1880s a school was built
to accommodate the children of about ten families in a seven-mile
The Fort Worth and Denver
City Railroad came through Clay County in 1882. Bellevue was
begun as a shipping point on the road in the southeastern side
of the county and Jolly in the same year between Henrietta and
Wichita Falls.
Barbed wire came into
general use in the area in the late 1870s and brought about the
end of the open range. Ranchers began to sell off acreage to
settlers who moved in to establish farms of 160 to 640 acres
to raise feed crops, cotton and livestock. The communities grew
up around a general store, blacksmith shop, church, school and
post office.
The town of Halsell was
begun in the late 1890s in the west central part of the county,
largely through the efforts and influence of Harry and Julia
F. Halsell. Glenn Halsell had died in 1888 and left his nephew
Harry as manager of the estate which included the ranch in Clay
County. Harry married Glenns widow, Julia F. They had their
home in Decatur, in Wise County, but they spent a lot of time
in Clay County. Later, Furd Halsell, Glenns son, therefore
Harrys cousin and also stepson, was the manager.
Harry Halsell was a religious
cattleman in spite of his being raised on the wild frontier in
Wise County, beginning in 1865, and on cattle drives, in cow
camps, in Indian fights from there west through the most tumultuous
days of ranching in the 70s, and 80s,
Mr. Halsell financed
two camp meetings each year during the early 1900s. He had tents
erected near the Little Wichita River and invited families from
the community to move in without charge during the meetings.
He also furnished abundant food free of charge. Later, he built
two different Methodist churches.
Mr. Halsell built the
first store, a general merchandising establishment, to supply
the needs of the farmers and ranch hands. He also built substantial
residences for some of his former longtime cowboys. All of these
were built in the immediate vicinity of a small hill known as
the "mountain," surrounded by sloping hills and valleys
covered with tall purple sage grass, much of it disappearing
under the plows of the new settlers. The Little Wichita River
ran through one of the valleys west of the mountain.
This first store was
run by Charlie Saunders, James Swepston, Mr. Lynch and Lon Gibson.
Charlie Saunders was the first postmaster of Halsell, from June
26, 1901, to February 13, 1903, with the post office probably
in the general store. He was followed by James Swepston until
May 2, 1904, when Harry Halsell was in charge until March 1,
1906. Other postmasters were Alfred A. Gibson (1906-07), Robert
L. Edwards
(1907-10), Andrew J.
Jasper (1910-18), and James M. Gibson until the post office was
discontinued and the mail sent to Henrietta March 31, 1919.
Land for the Halsell
Cemetery was donated by August Grinke (1846-1923). The first
person buried there was Mrs. Bertha Kosanke (b. 1862) on January
1, 1899.
In 1900 the Shilo School
was destroyed by wind and was not rebuilt. Shilo District #23
became Halsell District #23 with school opening in 1901 in a
one-room building on the town site, about five hundred yards
southwest of the mountain near the Albert Grinke home with Miss
Alice Long Tannihill, the teacher. Several years later the building
was moved two hundred yards northeast and had a room added.
In 1913 a modern two-story,
six-room building was constructed about three hundred yards southwest
of the mountain. This building accommodated a peak enrollment
of some one hundred fifty pupils, with three teachers, in the
heyday of Halsells existence between 1910 and 1918.
Typical of rural schools
of those days, Halsells had a single outdoor toilet for
use by both boys and girls, with a sentry posted outside. A big
coal-burning box heater stood in the middle of each room for
heat. Drinking water was carried from a nearby farm house and
dispensed from the bucket with a common dipper to the pupils
up and down the aisles. Lunches were carried to school in syrup
buckets. Discipline was maintained by means of the switch generously
applied to the backside of the misbehaving pupil, right in front
of the entire class. Recess time brought games of catch, tag,
kick-the-can, annie over, and others. Many pupils played hooky
on April Fools Day.
Students walked, rode
horse back or in a hack or buggy or home made cabs to get to
school. Halsell had a stable for the horses during the school
Reading, writing and
arithmetic were stressed in these rural schools, producing many
brilliant students who went away to college or did well in many
walks of life. Spelling bees were usually held on Fridays, and
plays, skits and speeches were often performed for the public.
The adults of the community also participated in literary meetings
on Friday nights. Skits, readings and poems were presented and
enjoyed by all.
Halsell had several families
with musical talent and many singings were held in private homes
around the community. They also had a brass band ensemble. A
community Christmas tree and program were held at the school
house each year. Box suppers were an important social event,
usually to raise money for a worthy cause. The girls cooked a
delicious meal and put it in a decorated box. The boys bid on
the boxes, trying to be sure to buy the ones belonging to their
Halsell was connected
to the outside world by a stage line running from Henrietta over
to Archer City along the old Butterfield Trail. The Halsell Cemetery
was known as the 13-mile marker between the two towns.
In 1909 a railroad, known
as the Henrietta and Southwestern, running from Henrietta through
Halsell, Scotland, and on to Archer City, was completed20.
The engine on the run was dubbed the Boll Weevil and usually
pulled one passenger car and one freight car. The first engineer
and fireman were Clabe Long and Carl Hilgenfeld. When the bridge
across the Little Wichita washed out in 1919, it was not replaced.21
In the ten years of the
railroads existence, Halsell blossomed. The general store
was moved down next to the railroad tracks and operated by J.
M. Gibson, Bob Edwards, and Clabe Edwards. Another store was
added nearby, operated by W. H. Carson. This store was bought
by Bob Cash and was the last business to operate in Halsell.
At that time it was used as a domino parlor and grocery store
J. F. Gregg, ran a drug
store and Homer Whitmire had a barber shop, followed by Bob Jasper
and Harve Rollins. The lumber yard was operated by Mr. Seaver
and the blacksmith shop by Mr. Staats. Charlie Davenport ran
a gin along the railroad and a cotton buyer was there to purchase
the farmers crops. Stock pens were built for holding cattle
to be shipped. Before the coming of the railroad to Halsell,
cattle were driven across country to Henrietta to be shipped
to market.23
Some of the old timers
remembered a circus coming to Halsell several times to add to
the community entertainments of fish fries, Saturday afternoon
baseball games and ice cream socials. Halsell was also visited
by bands of traveling gypsies. Hunting rabbits and other small
game with greyhounds or coon hounds was enjoyed by the men and
boys. Shared Sunday dinners and quilting bees were also popular
pastimes. One of the favorites of courting couples was to go
down to the loading dock to watch the train pull in.24
In 1923 a country fair
was organized by county agents Beulah Bradle and T. B. Lewis.
Home-canned foods and baked goods competed for prizes, along
with clothing, antiques, livestock, chickens, hogs and crop samples.
Speeches, music, dinner on the grounds, visiting, and a baseball
game rounded out a successful community affair.
The first automobile
was seen in Halsell in 1910, the first one owned in 1912 by W.
H. Carson. It was put out by Studebaker and was called an E.
M. F. It carried the same license number, #73, for several years.25
Halsell had three doctors,
with Dr. Whitmire being there the longest. Like all country doctors,
he made his rounds on horseback with his instruments and medicines
in his saddle bags.
After the railroad ceased
to operate and as automobiles became more numerous and better
roads were constructed, the population of Halsell, like that
of most other rural communities, continued to decline. The Methodist
Church closed in the late 50s and the school was consolidated
with Henrietta in 1943. Floreine Brown Laughon was the last teacher.
The Bob Cash grocery store-domino parlor continued to operate
until the mid 40s.26
In the 1960s, using eminent
domain in the courts, the city of Wichita Falls purchased land
along the Little Wichita River, including the town site of Halsell,
upon which they built Lake Arrowhead. It was a sad time for the
farmers and ranchers who had settled the land, built up the community
and enjoyed the bountiful results of their hard work, but water
for a thirsty urban community took priority over the rural landowners.
Halsell Cemetery was
part of the land that would be under water, so the contents of
the 128 graves had to be moved to other cemeteries, most to Hope
Cemetery in Henrietta but others to Joy, Newport, Pleasant Mound,
Whitehill, Bluegrove and Wichita Falls.27
By 1966 the waters of
Lake Arrowhead began to cover the rich grassland and farms of
the Halsell community. The houses had been moved or left vacant,
the school, the church and the store likewise. Only the "mountain"
remained above water as a reminder of the town that was no more.
The oil industry also
flourished in the Halsell area. Today, the oil derricks still
stand in the lake, too expensive to remove and good spots to
tie up boats from which to fish.
Now, Wichita Falls has
its water supply, Texas has its Lake Arrowhead State Park, and
former residents of Halsell have their good memories of a vigorous,
prosperous, peaceful community that nourished them in their youth.
Now, speed boats zoom across the waters where once raced the
ponies of the cowboys and the Indians.
1. William Taylor, A History
of Clay County (Austin: Jenkins Publishing Co., 1972), 50.
2. John M.. Hendrix, "Texas Cow-Towns: Henrietta,"
The Cattleman, October 1941, 12.
3. H. H. Halsell, My Autobiography (Dallas: Wilkinson
Printing, 1948), 17, and Judy Alter, "Harry Halsell: Genuine
Cowboy," The Cattleman, June 1983, 113.
4. Taylor, 69.
5. Ibid., 74, and J. P. Earle, History of Clay County and
Northwest Texas (Austin: The Brick Row Book Shop, 1900; facsimile
ed. 1963), 7.
6. Taylor, 75.
7. Ibid., 75, 77.
8. "Postmasters by Post Office,"
"Shilo, Clay Co., Texas," Postmaster Tracking System,
U. S. Postal Historian, Washington, DC.
9. Viola Blake Shepherd, member of Blake Family, interview by
Peggy Shepherd, Bluegrove, Texas, 15 January 1990.
10. Taylor, 77.
11. E. K. Gray, "History of Halsell," (unpublished
manuscript by early Halsell settler, 1962), 2, and Clay County
Deed Records, bk. 65, p. 14 (1913), and bk. 49, p. 315 (1904).
12. Halsell, 194, and Clay County Deed Records, vol. X,
p. 309 (1889).
13. Gray, 3.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. "Postmasters by Post Office," "Halsell, Clay
Co., Texas."
17. Mildred Wines, former resident of Halsell, interview by author,
Henrietta, Texas, 24 February 2001, and Clay County Deed Records,
bk. 37, p. 108 (1895).
18. Gray, 6.
19. Ibid., and Clay County Deed Records, bk. 65, p. 15
20. Charles P. Zlatkovich, "Henrietta and Southwestern,"
Texas Railroads (Austin: University of Texas and Texas
Historical Association, 1981), 87.
21. Gray, 5.
22. Ibid., 3.
23. Ibid., 5.
24. Nelson Hopkins, former resident of Halsell, interview by
Mildred Wines, Henrietta, Texas, 23 February 2001.
25. Gray, 5.|
26. Florene Brown Laughon, interview by Mildred Wines, Henrietta,
Texas, 23 February 2001.
27. Paul Hawkins Funeral Home records of moving Halsell Cemetery
remains, Henrietta, Texas, 1966.
Alter, Judy. "Harry Halsell:
Genuine Cowboy." The Cattleman (June 1983): 112-115.
Deed from Edwards & Stokes
to Halsell School District No. 23 trustees, Lots No. 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12 in Block
6 in the Edwards & Stokes Addition
to the town of Halsell. Filed in bk. 65, p. 15, Clay County
Records, 8 October 1913.
Deed from National Bank of
Kansas City to Julia F. Halsell, land in Clay County on waters
of Little Wichita
River, 1254.7 acres out of the Wm. Walker
survey and 741 acres out of the Mial Scurlock Patent. Filed in
Vol. X, p. 309, Clay County Deed
Records, 28 September 1889.
Earle, J. P. History of
Clay County and Northwest Texas. Austin: The Brick Row Book
Shop, 1900; facsimile
edition 1963.
Gray, E. K. "History
of Halsell." Unpublished manuscript by early settler of
Halsell. ca. 1962.
Halsell, H. H. My Autobiography.
Dallas: Wilkinson Printing Co., 1948.
Hawkins Funeral Home records
of moving of Halsell Cemetery remains. Henrietta, Texas, 1966.
Hendrix, John M. "Texas
Cow-Towns: Henrietta." The Cattleman XXVIII (October
1941): 11-37.
Hopkins, Nelson. Interview
by Mildred Wines, Henrietta, Texas, 23 February 2001.
Laughon, Florene Brown. Interview
by Mildred Wines, Henrietta, Texas, 23 February 2001.
Patent from Gov. of Texas
J. S. Hogg to August Grinke, 101.1 acres of land situated on
the waters of the
Little Wichita River about 11 miles
southwest of Henrietta. Recorded in bk 37, p. 108, Clay County
Records, 29 January 1895.
Plat of original town of Halsell
and plat of Edwards & Stokes Addition to Halsell. Recorded
in bk. 65, p. 14,
Clay County Deed Records,
8 October 1913.
"Postmasters by Post
Office." "Halsell and Shilo, Clay Co., Texas."
Postmaster Tracking System, U.S. Postal
Historian, Washington, DC.
Power of Attorney from H.
H. Halsell and wife Julia F. Halsell to John Gose to sell certain
subsections of
land in Clay Co. together with the unsold
lots in the town of Halsell, sections nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24. Recorded in bk. 49, p. 315, Clay
County Deed Records, December 1904.
Shepherd, Viola Blake. Interview
by Peggy Shepherd, Bluegrove, Texas, 15 January 1990.
Taylor, William. A History
of Clay County. Austin: Jenkins Publishing Co., 1972.
Wines, Mildred. Interview
by author, Henrietta, Texas, 24 February 2001.
Zlatkovich, Charles P. "Henrietta
and Southwestern," Texas Railroads. Austin: University
of Texas and Texas
Historical Association, 1981, p. 87.
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