Cherokee County, Texas
Latitude Longitude |
320631N 0950236W |
Henry's Chapel Cemetery is located FM 13, 6 miles southeast of Troup. Association of Henry's Chapel Cemetery, Inc., Atten: Wes Barron, pres., 4646 FM 13 E, Troup TX 75789, 903-842-3870.
December 2023 Contact
Information: Association of Henry's Chapel
Cemetery, Inc, Pam Barron, 4646 FM 13 E, Troup, TX 75789,
The Henry's Chapel Cemetery Association meets the third Sunday in May.
Henry's Chapel Community - In 1874, Rev. William Porter donated 5 acres of land for a school (called Sharp Top), a Presbyterian Church and a cemetery to provide services to area farmers following abandonment of Knoxville (4 miles west) upon the founding of Troup (6 miles northwest). Only the cemetery remains as a physical reminder of the original community. Texas Historical Commission marker
If you are interested in surveying this cemetery or need look-up information contact Gordon Bennett.
Updated December 28, 2023 by
Gordon Bennett
Copyright 2006 to present Cherokee County Genealogical Society.