Latitude Longitude |
3155140N 0951516W |
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Cherokee County, Texas
AKA Ross-Rude
AKA Clark
AKA Clark-Ross-Rude
AKA Rude-Clark
Photo by and used with the permission of David Trotter
Rude is located in the Craft Community. To get there you take
Hwy. 69 S out of Jacksonville. Turn rt. on FM 1616 and go .2 mi.
At the T in the road turn lt. Go about .7 mile. Across from 1404
CR 1616, Jacksonville, TX 75766, the cemetery is on the left
enclosed in a chain link fence. It is surrounded by pasture and woods but is easily
accessed. Full of weeds but appears to have been mowed
occasionally. The oldest marked burial is that of E.D.
Ross, wife of G.W. Ross Jul-14-1867.
M. Warren, 107 CR 1616, Jacksonville, TX 75766, 903-530-3030, OR
Aaron Warren.
This survey was done Oct-1996 by Ira Gaylon White and updated March 23, 2017 by Gordon Bennett.
Benge, Annie "Crow" ..........Rud D Sep-13-1906 May-12-1986 PRIVATE
Clark, Anna ................. Rud B ...-..-1871 ...-..-1934 With J.F.
Clark, Baby Boy ..............Rud B Feb-04-1897 Feb-04-1897 Beside Lena
Clark, J. F. .................Rud B ...-..-1869 ...-..-1933 With Anna
Clark, John ................. Rud E Jun-..-1816 ...-..-1872 "To the memory of" Sandstone block, partly illegible
Clark, Lena ................. Rud B Feb-04-1896 Feb-04-1896 With Lester
Clark, Lester ............... Rud B Feb-04-1896 Feb-04-1896 With Lena
Clark, Lillian .............. Rud B ...-..-1903 ...-..-1905 Beside J.F.
Clark, Marcia A. .............Rud B Jul-04-1922 Jun-14-1923 "Dau of Mr & Mrs AL Clark"
Condray, Jimmy .............. Rud F ...-..-1898 ...-..-1898 With Robert L.
Condray, Robert L. ...........Rud F ...-..-1858 ...-..-1899 With Jimmy
Crow, L. M. ..................Rud D ...-..-1870 ...-..-1925 With Lottie
Crow, Lottie ................ Rud D ...-..-1874 ...-..-1953 With L. M.
Crow, William H. .............Rud E ...-..-1903 ...-..-1940 PCT vandalized; "Loves remembrance lasts forever"
Davis, G. S. .................Rud C ...-..-.... ...-..-1907 With Mary,
Davis, Mary ................. Rud C ...-..-1870 ...-..-1940 With G.S.
Evans, Albert Hatley .........Rud A Aug-19-1901 Nov-06-1992 TMP also; "Age 91 years"
Evans, Anna Grace ............Rud A ...-..-1906 ...-..-1971 With Albert Hatley
Evans, Betty Helen ...........Rud A ...-..-1934 ...-..-1946 PCT; picture has been vandalized
Evans, J. B. .................Rud A Feb-..-1930 Feb-..-1930 Beside Betty Helen
Hudson, Bud ................. Rud C ...-..-1862 ...-..-1905 Beside Louisa C.
Hudson, Louisa C. ............Rud C ...-..-1822 ...-..-1888 Beside Bud
Isaacs, Sarah ............... Rud F Aug-13-1805 Jan-18-1883
Jackson, Dortha Fay.......... Rud Jul-18-1931 Dec-17-2012
Kelly, Martha C. .............Rud C ...-..-1881 ...-..-1937 "Mother"
Klement, Elouise ............ Rud D Mar-21-1930 Jul-23-1986 With Louis; dau of Willie & Mollissa Orme Sanders
Klement, Feliax J. ...........Rud A ...-..-.... Dec-11-1924 Beside Joseph
Klement, Frank J. ............Rud A ...-..-1877 ...-..-1960 "Mar Leona C. Jan-03-1923"
Klement, Joseph ............. Rud A Jul-..-1938 Sep-..-1938 Beside Frank J.
Klement, Leona C. ............Rud A ...-..-1898 ...-..-1977 With Frank J.
Klement, Louis .............. Rud D Jan-24-1927 Jun-20-2011 With Elouise
Little, Robert Frank .........Rud A ...-..-.... Dec-22-1942
May, Leora F. ................Rud E May-13-1909 May-19-1983
McCafferty, Earl ............ Rud A ...-..-.... ...-..-.... Beside Wilson Mitchell, no dates
McKee, Gertrude J. ...........Rud C Jun-04-1903 Mar-21-1975 "Mother"
Mitchell, Florence M. ........Rud B ...-..-1876 Jan-26-1891 Header & footer made of steel
Mitchell, H. W. ..............Rud B May-18-1842 Oct-11-1912 Beside Palmyra J. "On that bright immortal shore.."
Mitchell, Leonard Henry ......Rud A ...-..-1894 ...-..-1977 "Pvt US Army WWI"
Mitchell, Palmyra J. .........Rud B ...-..-1842 ...-..-1923 Beside Florence M.
Mitchell, Willis "Red" .......Rud A May-12-1905 Nov-10-1972 Beside Leonard Henry
Mitchell, Wilson ............ Rud A ...-..-1866 ...-..-1932 Beside Willis "Red"
Novak, John ................. Rud D Jan-10-1892 ...-..-.... With Rebecca
Novak, Rebecca .............. Rud D May-21-1898 Jan-03-1936 With John
Ross, A. A. ..................Rud F Oct-04-1848 Mar-20-1885 "Wife of GW Ross; Her end was peace'
Ross, E. D. ..................Rud F Jan-07-1845 Jul-14-1867 "Wife of GW Ross; Weep not for me"
Ross, George W. ..............Rud F Jul-16-1846 Dec-13-1901 "You are not dead to us, but a bright star unseen.."
Ross, Mattie C. ..............Rud F Nov-10-1871 Oct-27-1872 "Dau of GW & AA Ross"
Rude, C. .................... Rud F Jul-12-1823 Jan-17-1891 "We loved her"
Sharp, L. LaVerne ............Rud A May-19-1931 Jan-06-2015 With Melton D.
Sharp, Melton D. .............Rud A Jun-17-1924 Mar-14-1983 "Sfc US Army WWII - Korea" With L. LaVerne
Strait, Arlene .............. Rud A ...-..-.... ...-..-1928
Walton, Evie ................ Rud C ...-..-1895 ...-..-1927
Warren Dewey Maurice......... Rud Aug-18-1924 Apr-16-2007 TEC 5 U.S. ARMY, World War II, With Evelyn
Warren, Evelyn Davis......... Rud Jan-28-1950 Apr-08-2007 With Dewey
Watson, Cara
................ Rud A ...-..-1909 ...-..-1954
For more information go to
Find A Grave.
Revised November 26, 2024 by Gordon Bennett
Copyright 2006 to present Cherokee County Genealogical Society