County, Texas
story was written by Woody Spear, the son of Amanda Spear that she carried with
her on the ride from Jacksonville to Little Rock during the Civil War. It is
about growing up living at the end of a road in Jacksonville, Texas .
One Mile of Road
I have lived all my life one mile from Jacksonville . There is no road that I have passed over so often, for it has always been my road to school. In going and coming I have seen people of all ages and conditions in life. The farmer with his wife on the spring seat with a bale of cotton behind coming into town. Others going home with their supplies. Young men and ladies taking buggy rides. Whole families crowded into wagons coming in to see a circus. Rail Road outfits. Great droves of cattle and menler of sheep and goats. I have seen men empty their bottles and throw them against trees. I have heard them swear and sing drunken songs. I have seen children white and black going over this road to school. I have thought, cried, and laughed along this dear old road. I think there never will be another road that I shall remember so well.
Walter (Woody) Spear
Information provided by Sue Neely