Cherokee County,Texas
Vol. 31
Fall 2005 - Summer 2006
Tree Talk is the quarterly publication of the Cherokee County Genealogical
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___, Agnes 124
___, Aunt Beulah 11
___, Aunt Eula 13
___, Barbary 102
___, Blanche 26
___, Byrd 98
___, Calvin 108
___, Dred 108
___, Elizabeth 19,23,27,28,32
___, Frances 22,129
___, Gerald 128
___, John 108
___, John H. 28
___, Lorena 14
___, Martha E. 35
___, Mary 36
___, Mary M. 108
___, Nancy 15
___, Rayburne 128
___, Rex Freeland 97
___, Roy 97
___, Roy Cole 97
___, Samuel T. 108
___, Sarah 131
___, Seth 108
___, Susan 108
___, Susanna 108
___, Tommy 50
___, Tracy Kirk 97
___, Warren W. 108
___, William 108
___, William Jasper 108
___, Zenith 91
1850 Cherokee Co. Fed. Census & Mortality Schedule 37
1860 Cherokee Co. Fed Census & Slave Schedule 37
1870 Cherokee Co. Fed Census, Agri. Schedule, Mortality Schedule & Tax
Rolls 37
1880 Cherokee Co. Fed. Census 37
1910 Cherokee Co. Fed. Census 37
1st Texas Inf, Co I, Hoods Brigade, CSA, VA 9.15
4th Marine Division 88
5th Marine Division 88
8th Air Force 49
A Dictionary of English Costume 900-1900 34
A Gentleman of the Old Natchez Region:Benjamin L.C.Wailes 55
A History of the Camfield Family 55
Acker 56,57,60-62,64
Acker, C.C. 19
Acker, Christopher Columbus 25
Acker, Joseph 118,120
Acker, Martha Elizabeth 19,22,25,29,115
Acker, Martha Elizabeth "Dink" 118-121
Acker, Rutha Jane 118-120
Acker, Sylvia Booth 37,56,132
Acker, Willie Harold, Sr. 56
Adams 58
Addington 56
Agent for Indian Affairs of South Ohio 55
AK 4
AL 92,100,102
AL 19,23-25,27,54,55
AL, Baldwin 53
AL, Baldwin Co. 55
AL, Bell's Landing 53
AL, Benton County 125
AL, Bibb Co. 102
AL, Calhoun County 125
AL, Chambers County 19,25,100,101,118,120
AL, Cottondale 57
AL, Hancock Co. 35
AL, Jackson County 125
AL, Limestone Co. 19,21,23,27,28,32
AL, Madison County 89
AL, Mobile 54
AL, Pickens Co. 26
AL, St. Stephens 55
AL, Troy 92
AL, Tuscaloosa County 92,102
Alabama College of Medicine 55
Aldredge, Martha Ann 11
Alexander 58,60,62,64
Allen 56,58,59
Allen (African/Native American) 57
Allen Family 2
Allen, Allic G. 15
Allen, Charles Edward 15
Allen, Elizabeth 5,9,15
Allen, Elizabeth Frances 9,15
Allen, James Monroe 15
Allen, Jehu 9,15-17
Allen, Jehu Wesley 15
Allen, John Thomas 15
Allen, Julia Ruth 15
Allen, M. E. 24
Allen, Margaret Eulalia 15
Allen, Mary Emma 15
Allen, Robert Calvin 15
Allen, William 9,15
Allison, Ida Lee 100
Allison, James Rufus 100
Allred 61
Amarillo Pulbic Library 78
Amazon 104
America 34
American National Bank 52
American Revolutionary War 54
An Album of Cherokee Co., TX Men & Women Who Served in WW II, etc. 37
Ancestry Daily News 105
Anchorage 4
Anderson, Samuel J. 35
Andrews 58
Angelina Eye Center 98
Angelina Jr. College 98
Antwerp 49
AR, Ashdown 58
AR, DeQueen 100
AR, DeQueen 102
AR, Ft. Smith 19,23,27
AR, Hempstead Co. 102
AR, Little Rock 57
AR, Mena 131
AR, Mountain Home 42
AR, Washington County 72,89
Arant 42
Arant, Rubye 7
Ardennes Forest 49
Ark 22
Ark of Avalon and the Dove 53
Armstrong 56,57
Army and Air Force Exchange Service 52
Army of the Confederacy 53
Army Post Exchange 52
Arnold 58
Arnwine 62
Arrant 60
Arrant Hiram Thomas 6
Arrant, Annie V. 6,8,16
Arrant, Bessie 127
Arrant, Ernest Everett 16
Arrant, Ethel Amelia 6,7,16
Arrant, Eunice Faye 6,7,16
Arrant, Hiram Thomas 7,16
Arrant, Jane Marie 6,8,16
Arrant, Lera Willyne 7
Arrant, Majorie Verline 16
Arrant, Marjorie Verline 6
Arrant, Rubye Louise 6,7,16
Arrant, Serena Caroline 7
Arrant, Thomas 6,12,16
Arrant, Thomas Lewis 6,10,16
Arrant, Tommie Ann 7
Arrant, William 7
Arrant, William Adison Lewis 6,7,16
Arrant, Willie 7,12
Arrant, Willie Clarine 7
Arrant, Willie Hardy 16
Arrant, Willie Opal 6,12,16
Astoria, Carrie L. 56
Atkinson 59
Atkinson, Eunice 129
Aubrey, ___ 14
Avery 57
Avery, David 8
Avery, Randall 8
Avery, Raymond 8
Avery, Raymond Robert 8
Avery, Robert 8
AZ, Tucson 131
Bailey, Benjamin Franklin 71
Bailey, Elton 71
Bailey, William George 71
Baker 58
Baker, Linda 36
Bales 56
Bales, Patricia 56
Ballard, Martha 34,104
Bankhead 63
Banks, Anne 91
Banks, Freddie 127
Barker 57
Barnes 58,59
Barnes, Catherine 31
Barnes, J.S. 21
Barnett 64
Barr 58
Barrett, Theo Perkins 56
Barrington 63
Barron 64
Barry 60
Bassett 56
Bassett, Minerva B. 56
Batson 62
Batton 57
Beacham 61
Beaird 42
Bean 59,60
Beard 58,59
Beard, Charles 34
Bearden 63
Beaux Art School 52
Beavers 63
Bechtel, Erich Eugene 130
Becker, Douglas 52
Becker, Lillian (Lil) 52
Beckwith 62
Beebe 56
Beech Creek Bapt. Ch. 93
Belgium 49
Belk, Ellen 53
Bell 58,62,64
Bell, Claude 108
Bell, Lena 108
Bell, Nancy 108
Bell, William 108
Belvin 58
Benge 56,58,63,64
Benge, Gordon 56
Benge, Margie 56
Benison 57
Bennett 56,58
Bennett, Gordon 2,37,42,56,78,132
Bennett, Kate 107
Bennett, Ray 107
Bermuda 49
Berry 58,61,63,64
Berry, Rachel 125
Berry, Rhoda Elizabeth 36
Besse 56
Besse, Patricia Taylor 56
Bettis 64
Betts 61
Billings 60,62
Bingham 59
Bird 56
Birdsong, Earl 36
Birdsong, Julia Ann (Williamson) 36
Birdsong, Lewis Leab (Bib) 36
Bishop 60
Bizzell 61
Black 57,125,129
Black, Adam 34
Black, Alexander Gaston "Doc" 125
Black, Alvin Lee 126,127
Black, Archie Lee 113,114,122-130
Black, Audry Hazel 126
Black, Aurborn Herbert 126
Black, Aurborn Roy 128
Black, Benjamin 125
Black, Beulah Holcomb 126,128
Black, Carl Reagan 129
Black, Charles 34
Black, Charles Howard 129
Black, Dewitt Talmage 126,128,129
Black, Eva Ray 127
Black, Evelyn Faye 127,130
Black, Gay 130
Black, George 127
Black, George Alexander 126
Black, George Alexander Lynch 125,130
Black, George Lynch 130
Black, Henry Benjamin 125
Black, Howard Thomas 127,129
Black, Ida Pearl 126,128
Black, Ima Jean 129
Black, James Alexander 125
Black, James Lawrence 130
Black, John Thomas 125,130
Black, Joseph Alexander 126,128
Black, Judy Lyn 130
Black, Kathryn Lee 130
Black, Linda 130
Black, Lois 128
Black, Marjorie 127
Black, Mary Alexander 125
Black, Nettie Francis 126-128
Black, Pamela Louise 130
Black, Peggy Ann 125
Black, Raymond Dear 127,130
Black, Royce 113,114,122
Black, Shelia 128
Black, Steve Allin 130
Black, Terry Thomas 129
Black, Thomas Herbert 127,128
Black, William Aaron "Billy" 125
Black, William David 128
Black, Wilmer 129
Black, Winford 128
Black, Winnie Jo 128
Black, Zuma Lee 128
Blackburn, Cora 26
Blackstone 58
Blackwell 57
Blackwell, J. B. 32
Blackwell, Robert Edward 32
Blackwood, Amanda 43
Blanks 64
Blanton 57
Bloodworth 60
Boaz, Ira 125
Bobbitt 62,63
Bodan Cem. 12
Bogard 61
Bohan, Bill 71
Boles, Dellie 46
Boles, Dock 46
Boles, Lois 99
Boles, Louever 26
Boliver, Donna 72
Bollinger 56
Bollinger, Bill 56
Bollinger, Linda 56
Bolton 57,58,60,63
Bond, Chuck 106
Bone 56,57
Bonner 62
Bonner Place 40
Bonner, CAPT Thomas R. 118
Booker 62
Boone 58
Booth 56,61
Bordelon, Eron 48
Borden 58
Bosque County Collection in Meridian, TX 55
Bossart 57
Bossart, Mattie I. 57
Boundless Bounds 115,121
Bounds 57,113,115-121
Bounds, Hiram Bentley 115,116,121
Bounds, Ira Austin 115,121
Bounds, J. L. 25
Bounds, James Leander 115-117,121
Bounds, James Thomas 117
Bounds, Joan Petty 57,113,114
Bounds, John 57
Bounds, John Byron 121
Bounds, John Byron, Jr. 117
Bounds, John Byron, Sr. 115-117
Bounds, Matie Lee 115
Bounds, McPherson Vaughan 117
Bounds, Nora Betty 115,116,121
Bounds, Robert Bruce 115,116,121
Bounds, Theodore McPherson 115
Bounds/Bownds 62
Bourdon 58
Bowden 58
Bowdon, David Rossee 98
Bowdon, James Claiborne 98
Bowdon, Jerry 98
Bowdon, Lauren Jean 98
Bowling 56,60
Bowman 64
Bownds, John Chapman 115
Boykin 60
Bradford 64
Bradford, George Franklin 131
Bradford, James 131
Bradley, Rolla Merle 130
Brakefield, Bernice 57
Bramlett 63
Brandon 64
Brasfield 56
Breece 58
Brennan, Elaine A. 57
Brenner, Bob 130
Brewer, Richard 43
Bridges, William 53,54
Bright 58
Brigman 63
Brinson 61
Bristow, Ione Underwood 57
Brixley 64
Brock 63
Brooks 61
Brooks, Irma Lee 127
Brooks, Mary E. 27
Brooks, Roy 127
Broom, D. Y. 26
Brown 57,59,62
Brown, David 43
Brunnermann, Randal Gregory 130
Brunt 63
Brunt, Ruth 128
Bruton, Mary 15
Bruton, Mary Angeline Wallace 15
Bryan, Mary G. 55
Bryan, Sara 123
Bryant 131
Bryant, Lewis 131
Bryant, Robert "R.S." 131
Bryant, Thomas 131
Bryant, William F. 131
Bryant, Wm. H. 131
Bryson 56,60
Bryson, Hattie Belle 97
Buckley 58,59,63
Bueckner, Carl F. 20
Bueckner, Carl Frederick Jr. 19
Bueckner, Flossie Dement 2,19,21,23,25-27,30-32
Bullard, Roy 130
Bullard, Royce Catherine 130
Burk 56,57
Burnett 61,62
Burns, Gail 57
Burroughs 61
Burson 63
Burt 42,57
Burt, Grace Miller 57
Bush/FitzSimon Collection 78
Bustin 56
Byrd, Abraham Samuel 100
Byrd, John Erasmus 100
Byrd, Oleta Jynelle 100-102
Byrd, Willie Aaron 100
CA, Merced 36
Cade 64
Caffey, Jynelle B. 100-102
Calhoun 63
Calvert, Charles 54
Camfield, Ernest Ross 55
Cammack, Doris 99
Camp Davis 49
Camp Hulen 49
Campbell 57,60
Campbell, Thomas H. 90
Candler, Lilly Ann 101
Cannon 58,78
Cardwell 60
Cardwell, Ina 2,8,11,15
Cardwell, Ted 2
Carleton, ___ 78
Carlton 62
Carmier, Shirley Jean 129
Carmier, W. P. 129
Carnes/Karns 64
Carr 57,59
Carr, Eleanor Pearl 117
Carroll, James 107
Carroll, John 107
Carter 58
Carter, Rhonda Hibbard 57
Cartwright 64
Casablanca 52
Cassidy 58
Castilow 63
Castle 57,78
Castle, Martha A. 96
Causey 62
Causey, Mary 19,25,118-120
Cauthern 60
Cedar Hill Cemetery 114
Cemeteries of Jacksonville, and others 37
Cemeteries of Mid Cherokee Co. 37
Cemeteries of NE Cherokee Co. 37
Cemeteries of NW Cherokee Co. 37
Cemeteries of Southern Cherokee Co. 37
Central H.S. Library 99
Central I.S.D. 98
Chadw, Jack Walter 29
Chambers 58,60
Chance, Edith Amelia 7
Chance, James 7
Chance, James Oscar 7
Chance, James Oscar Jr. 7
Chandler 58,64,94
Chandler, Mildred 129
Chapman 60,62,63
Chapmon, M.A. 11
Chapmon, Martha Angeline 6,11,12,17
Chatfield 57
Chatfield, Kathryn Bone 57
Cheeseland, Home Place 12
Cherokee 108
Cherokee Co. Court House, Rusk 99
Cherokee County Death Records 37
Cherokee County Genealogical Society 106,113,134,135
Cherokee County Genealogical Society 37,39,40,56-58,78-85
Cherokee County History 53
Cherokee County Treasurer 71
Cherokee Indian 35
Chessher 59
Chessher, Hubert B. 106
Childers, ___ 78
Childress, Willie 21
Childs 56
Childs, Marleta 3,57
Chitwood, Faye 96
Chitwood, Macon 96
Chitwood, Silvia 96
Christian 57
Chumley, Jonnie Mae 43
Church Book of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cherokee Co., TX. Vol. I 37
Church Book of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Cherokee Co., TX. Vol. II
Church Book of Rocky Springs Missionary Baptist Church, Cherokee Co., TX
Church of Christ 37
Church of England 55
Civil War 28,32,92,96,118
Civil War Records of Cherokee Co., TX, Vol. 1 38
Civil War Records of Cherokee Co., TX, Vol. II 38
Claiborne 58
Claiborne, Doris 57
Clapp 61
Clardy 64
Clark 61
Clayton Genealogy Library 53,55
Cleveland Cem. 5
Clevenger 60
Club Lake 97
Cock 58
Coffee, Anna Pearl 88
Coffee, Clifton Coleman Jr. 88
Coffee, Clifton Coleman Sr. 88-89
Coffee, Rev. Ken 89
Coffee, Tommie Scott 89
Coffey 56
Coggin, James Kevin 47
Cole 58,60
Cole, LaTanya 57
Coleman, Clara Belle 71
Coleman, Robert 71
Collier 60,61
Colville 56
Commissioners Court Minutes, No. 1 38
Company I 119,120
Cone 58,59
Cone, Roy 58
Cone, Sue Petty 58
Coni(a)way 61
Connally 63
Cook 56,62,63
Cook , Manerva 15
Cook Cem., Alto 5-7,16
Cook, Ellen Luzana 9,15
Cook, Ewa Anna 10,15
Cook, Frances 5,10,16
Cook, Frances Helena 5,9,10,15,16
Cook, Granberry 17
Cook, Greenberry 9,15
Cook, Manerva 9
Cook, Mary 10,16
Cook, Mary Emily 10,15,16
Cook, Mattie 10,15
Cook, Nancy 9
Cook, Nellie Lee 15
Cook, Shelby Holmes 5,9,15,131
Cook, William Jehu 15
Cooke, D.B. 55
Cooper 56,61,64
Cooper, Luther 126
Copeland 59,64
Coreley 42
Corine Cemetery 94,98
Corine Friendsip Bapt. Ch. 99
Cornelison 64
Cornelius 60
Cotton, A.J. 10,16
Cotton, Jim 10,16
Council of Maryland 54
Courtney, Allen Wesley 46
Courtney, Allen Wesley, Jr. 46
Courtney, Barbara Jean 46
Courtney, Bonnie Muriel 46,47
Courtney, Carlon Faye 46,47
Courtney, Julia 46
Courtney, Lollie 46
Covey, Frank 72
Cowart 58
Craddock 62
Crane 63
Crass, Dawn Renee 44,48
Craven 56
Craven, Sarah 123
Crawford 63
Crawford, Helen Wooddell 37,38,71,132,133
Credille 58
Creek Native Americans 55
Creekmore 63
Cribbs 58
Cribbs, Larry L. 58
Crim 61
Crippins 56
Criss 62
Crittenden 59
Crocker, Mary W. 124
Crowell, Carrie 93
Crumpler, Maude 46
Crunk, John W. 131
Crunk, Lucinda 131
Cruseturner 61
Cumberland Presbyterian Church 89
Cummings 60
Cunningham 56
Cunningham, Aqualla 98
Cunningham, Aquilla 95,96,99
Cunningham, John F. 95
Cunningham, Mary (Mollie) 72
Cunningham, Mary E. 95,96
Cunningham, Mary H. 99
Cunningham, Rosa Lee 95
Cunningham, Woodie 95
Cunnington 34
Cunnington, C. Willitt 34
Cunnington, Phillis 34
Currenton 64
Curry 61
Curry, Gail 99
Curry, Shirley 99
Cushing Cem. 5
Dallas Baptist University 52
Daniel 58
Daniels 58
Darden, Bernice 28
Darden, Charlotte Dement 28
Darden, George 32
Darden, William Jefferson 32
Davenport 58
David, Arthur J. 35
Davis 58,63
Davis, Ada 43,46
Davis, Billy 96
Davis, Corkey 96
Davis, Dot 96
Davis, Eleanor 55
Davis, George 43
Davis, James 11
Davis, James Darvis 96
Davis, John Thomas 96
Davis, Minnie Rebecca 32
Davis, Nancy 11
Davis, Pat 96
Davis, Pauline Bryan 131
Davis, Rhoda 96
Davis, Stacey 96
Davis, Theta 96
Davis, Tommy 96
Davis, Wanda 58
Davis, Zelpha 11
DC, Washington 4
DC, Washington 124
De La Haye, Jane 123
Dean 58,59,63
Dear, ___ 78
Dear, Archie Lee 126,127
Dear, Emily Elizabeth 124
Dear, Irma 126,127
Dear, Laura Melissa 124,125
Dear, Lessie 126,127
Dear, Margaret Bate 124
Dear, Martha 124
Dear, Mary Owen 124,125
Dear, Michael Banks 127,129
Dear, Mollie 129
Dear, Myrtle Beatrice 126-128
Dear, Nila Blanche 126
Dear, Owen 124
Dear, Pearl 126,127
Dear, William 124
Dear, Willis Henry "Deer" 126,128
DeCluette-Boyd, Marvette 131
Dees/Deas 64
Dement 28,131
Dement, Andrew 27
Dement, Benjamin 28
Dement, Catherine 27
Dement, Charles Gilbert 28
Dement, Charlotte 27
Dement, Charlotte Alma 32
Dement, Doshia Amelia 21
Dement, Flossie Fay 19,20
Dement, Francis 27
Dement, Frank Fuller 19-22
Dement, James P. 19,21,23,27,28,31,32
Dement, James P. Family 23
Dement, James William 32
Dement, Joel H. 27
Dement, John A. 24
Dement, John Andrew 19-21,23,28
Dement, John H. 19,23,27,28,32
Dement, John H. Family 27,28
Dement, John J. 28
Dement, Katie 21
Dement, Lillie Hazel 20
Dement, Lottie 131
Dement, Lula Bell 32
Dement, Martha Jane 27
Dement, Mary E. 27
Dement, Mary J. 23,28
Dement, Rachel 28
Dement, Rebecca 28
Dement, Rhoda Catherine 32
Dement, Rosa T. 32
Dement, Sallie 28
Dement, Sarah 23
Dement, Sarah Ann (Telethia) 27
Dement, Sarah Elizabeth 30,31
Dement, Stephen 28
Dement, Stephen Columbus 32
Dement, Stephen H. 27,28,32
Dement, Stephen H. Family 32
Dement, Susan Garner 27,28
Dement, Susan Rebecca 32
Dement, Thomas M. 28
Dement, William Joshua 27
Dements, Frances Harris 28
Dennett, Elizabeth 28
Dennis 64
Derrett, Ida Lee 49
Derrett/Durrett 58
DeShazer 58
Dever 62
Deville, Julie Ann 47
Dewberry, Oletha 32
Diaz, Porfirio 106
Dibol Methodist Church 17
Dickey 58,62
Dickie (African American) 57
Dickson/Dickerson 60
Dierdorf 56
Dill 63
Dillehay 58
Ditto, Elizabeth 19,23,32
Dixie Dude Ranch 51
Dodson, Bertha 100
Dodson, Isaac 102
Dodson, Joseph Lafayette Jr. 100
Dodson, Joseph Lafayette Sr. 100,102
Dodson, William H. 102
Dodson, William Wyman 102
Doggett, Effie 31
Donald, Mary Ann 115
Donnell 56
Dooley, Lucy A. 19,26
Dover, Cordy 26
Dover, Hamilton Abbott (Gundy) 26
Dover, Hamilton Albert 19,22
Dover, Hamilton Albert Family 26
Dover, Jane J. (Josie) 26
Dover, Josephine J. 20
Dover, Josie James 25
Dover, Josie Jane 19,22
Dover, Marion Emory 26
Dover, Mary M. (Minnie) 26
Dover, Nancy Elizabeth 26
Dover, Oran P (or D) 26
Dover, Samuel S. (Sam) 26
Dover, William Simps 19
Dover, William Simpson 26
Dover, Wm J. 26
Dover, Wylie Wade (Dock) 26
Dowling 58
Dowling, Bobbie Berry 37,132
Dowling, Bobbie F. 58
Dryden, Ruth 115,121
DuBose 58
DuBose, Ann Amelia 54
DuBose, Hazel D. 58
Dudley 61
Duggan 59
Dugger, Audra Michele 47
Dugger, Robert Lancing Jr. 47
Duke University Press 55
Duncan, Patricia Leigh 97
Dunn 58
Dunn, Patsy Jean Hunt 58
Dunn's Creek Bapt. Ch. 92
Dunsmore, Clayton 127
Dunsmore, James Ray 127
Duran, CAPT L.J. 119,120
Durisoe 59
Durrett 56-60,62
Durrett, Andrew 99
Durrett, Andrew Jackson Jr. 93
Durrett, Andrew Jackson Sr. 93
Durrett, Caroline 93
Durrett, Elenor 99
Durrett, Elenor Prater 93
Durrett, Kyle 95
Durrett, Thomas 95
Dwrowa 61
Earl, Jean 99
Earle 56
Earls Chapel 71
Early cemetery lots of City cemetery 37
Early probates & wills of Cherokee Co. 37
Echols 59
Eckhart, Charlie 51
Eddins 64
Edminston, Ida Lee 93
Edmiston 63
Edmiston, 1st/Sgt. W. 49
Edmiston, Bob 53
Edmiston, IdaLee Derrett 37,58,88,99,106,132
Edmiston, M/Sgt. Marion W. 49-53
Edmiston, Marion Willis (Woody) 50
Edmiston, Mary Ann 49
Edmiston, Mary Grimes 49
Edmiston, Robert (Bob) Lee 49
Edmiston, Ruth 49
Edmiston, Woody D. 42,49,53
Edmonds, Rom 125
Edwards, Jane 106
Ehrnst 61
Eikner, Terrell Wayne 47
Elgin 62
Elk River 28
Elkin, Leo 128
Elliott 61
Ellis, William 35
Elmore 56,57
Embry 62
Emmons 63
Emmons, Rebecca 43
Ener 60
England 34,53,54
England, Chester 122
England, London 88,91
England, Manchester 34
England, Suffolk, Huntington 122
England, West Sussex, Chichester 104
English 63
English, Harriet Marie 53,54
Erwin 63
Essex Institute 34
Europe 34,49
European Theatre of Operations 49
Evans, ___ 78
Evans, Wynell 99
Everett 60
Ewart 60
Ewing 64
Ezell 59
FA? 100
Falkner/Faulkner, Adline 102
Farr 62
Farrar, Francis 54
Farrst 56
Faulkner, Hiram 102
Federal Census of Cherokee County, 1870 37
Feemster 58
Feemster, Annette Irwin 58
Felder 58,60,78
Felldin, Jeanne Robey 30,31
Ferguson 58
Ferguson, Mary H. 96
Fernandez, Mary Coffee 89
Findley 59
First Baptist Church, Woodville 99
First Black Preacher in TexasOrdained 93
First Recorded Minutes of the District Court of Cherokee Co., TX 38
First State Bank 52
Fisher 61,62
Fitch 57
FL, Dade, Miami 127,129
FL, Sarasota 47
Florida 89
Florida Genealogical Society (Tampa) 105
Fly, MAJ George M. 119,120
Fondren 63
Forbes 58
Ford, ___ 126
Ford, Madie T. 25
Ford, Sarah 5
Ford, Sarah Elizabeth 5
Foreman 42,63,107
Foreman, Winnie 5
Forest Public Library 42
Fort Hood 52
Fort Hood Post Exchange 52
Fort Sam 49
Foster 61
Fountain 60
Fourth Annual Associational Meeting 93
Foust 61
Fox 60
Foxworth 42
Foxworth, William 5
Foy 60
France 49,55
France, Estampes 50
Francis 62,63
Franks, ___ 78
Frazier, Jessie 125
Frederick 62
Freeland, Daphne Jeanne 97
Freeland, Derward 97
Freeman 62
French 61,105
French, Katherine 58
Frey, Agnes W. (?) 35
Frey, Andrew J. 35
Frey, Caroline J. 35
Frey, Clementine C. 35
Frey, James K. Polk 35
Frey, Johann Michael (Michael Fry) 35
Frey, Lebanon L. 35
Frey, Martin V. 35
Frey, Sarah Almanda 3
Frey, William W. 35
Frey/Fry, Sarah 35
Frieze 34
Frieze, Kersey, and Inkle 33,34
Frontier Hotel 52
Frontier Press 90
Fry 63
Fry, Michael 35
Fryman, Rhonda Gale 44,48
Fuller 57
Furgeson 62
G.B. Cemetery? 24
GA 100-102,123
GA 9,11,15,26,93
GA, Atlanta 53
GA, Bremen 53
GA, Cherokee Co. 108
GA, Columbia Co. 54
GA, Coweta County 118
GA, DeKalb Co. 101
GA, Douglasville 108
GA, Hancock County 9,92
GA, Jones Co. 101
GA, Marion Co. 15
GA, Marion Co., Buena Vista 9,15
GA, Meriwether Co. 101
GA, Pickens Co. 108
GA, Pike Co. 101
GA, Walton Co. 101
Gaddy 57
Gage, Frank 95
Gage, Mary Will 95
Galloway 57
Gamble, Claude 43
Gardner 59
Garne, Robert Jewell 25
Garner 131
Garner Dement, Susan 32
Garner, Andrew 19,23,32
Garner, Annie C. 71
Garner, Clyde 71
Garner, Daniel 71
Garner, George J. 71
Garner, Jack 131
Garner, James M. 71
Garner, Louis D. 71
Garner, Margaret 71
Garner, Susan 19,21,23,27,28,31
Garner, Walter Floyd 71
Garners 28
Garrett 58
Garrett, James 35
Garrison 60
Gartrell 61
Garvin, Henry H. 26
Garvin, Henry M. 19
Garvin, Nancy Jane 19,22,26
Gary, Ann Harris 89
Gaulden 62
Gay, Ima 58
Gay, Roy 58
Gedcom 58
Genealogical Publishing, Inc. 105
Genealogical Speakers Guild 105
Gentry 42,59,107
George 59
George, Cynthia Sarah 11
George, Dannie E. 59
Georgia Historical Society, Vol. IX, pp.355-358 55
Germany 43,49,52
Germany, Catherine 101
Germany, Hanover 34
Gholson 63
Gibson 56
Gibson, Laura 14
Gibson, Margaret A. 100
Giddens 61
Gideon, J.F. 72
Gilbert, Charles 28
Gilbert, Charlotte 19
Gilbert, Charlotte 26
Gill 56
Gilliland, Charles Irving 97
Gilliland, Jean 97
Gilmore 57
Gilreath 64
Gipson 58
Glover 58
Gober 58
Goff 58
Goff, CAPT William D. 119,120
Golemon 62
Golovich, Joseph 130
Gomer 60
Goodall, Frances S. 59
Goodrick, Ann Violetta 54
Goodrick, Francis 55
Goodson??, Lucy Ann 26
Goodwin 57
Gordon 60,62
Gordy 64
Gorree 58
Gourd 63
Graham, William 27
Grant 58,64
Grantham, Ara 26
Grave Marker Index for Cherokee Co. TX 37
Grave Marker Index for Cherokee Co. TX (CD ROM) 37
Graves 57,58
Gray 36,56,59,64
Gray, Lucinda 101
Gray, Seaborn B. 101
Great Migration 33
Green 42,57
Green Family 2
Green, Emily A. 9,15
Green, George W.L. 9
Green, Henry J. 9
Green, Lucinda E. 9
Green, Maria Louisa 9
Green, Marietta 9
Green, Minerva Melvina 9
Green, Robert 9,10,15,17
Green, Serena Amanda 9
Greenlees 60
Greer 58
Gregory, W.T. 59
Gresham 57,61
Gressett 63
Greyhoud Bus 50
Grice, Gabriel 101
Grice, John Jackson 101
Grice, Sarah Lucinda 100
Grice, William W. 101
Griffin, Sadie 31
Griffith 60
Grigsby 63
Grimes 58,60,62
Grisham, N.Alice 25
Grisham, Sallie S. 25
Grizzell, Isabel 92
Grizzell, Isabella 92
Grizzell, Laban 92
Grizzell, Lankford 92
Grizzell, Mary 92
Grizzell, Mazey 91,92
Grizzell, Orpha 92
Grizzell, Patience, 92
Grizzell, Simeon Jr. 92
Grizzell, William 92
Groce 60
Grounds 58
Grubbs 57
Grundy, Jimmy W, 59
Guinn, Larry C. 42
Gulledge 61
Guzman, Michelle 47
Hab, Martha Malissa 23
Hackerd 61
Hager, Linda 72
Halbert 64
Haley 61
Hall 42,63,64
Ham 60
Hamilton 59
Hamilton, Cheri D. 59
Hamilton, Terri 99
Hammet 56
Hammonds 63
Hammons 59,61
Hammons, Burton D. 59
Hammons, Dorothy 59
Hanco, William C. 29
Hannah, Nora 14
Hanselman, H.W. 14
Hanson 58
Hanson, Walter 54
Harbin, Kathryn Euyl 46
Hardaway 58
Hardy 42,61,62
Hardy Family 2
Hardy, Bunyon 5
Hardy, Colman 5
Hardy, David 42
Hardy, Emma 5
Hardy, Erma Fay 5
Hardy, Ezekiel 5
Hardy, Frances Helena Cook 8
Hardy, Gladys Elizabeth 5
Hardy, Guy 5
Hardy, Hillary 5-8,10,16,17
Hardy, Ida 6,17
Hardy, Ida Mae 5,6,10,16
Hardy, J.W. 5
Hardy, James P. 5
Hardy, Jessie Uola 5,6,10,13,16,17
Hardy, John 5
Hardy, John Hillery 5
Hardy, Lillie 5
Hardy, Nellie Vernon 5,6,10,16
Hardy, Pearl Irene 5
Hardy, William 5,10,13,16
Hardy, William Authur 5,10,16
Hardy, Willie 6,12,16
Hardy, Willie Amelia 5,10,16
Hardy, Zadia Zabelle 5
Hardy,Ida Mae 16
Harmon, Thomas L. 35
Harpstead, Sharon Denise 59
Harris 57,58,61
Harris, Charles B. 24
Harris, David Bushrod 89
Harris, Elizabeth H. 24
Harris, James B. 90
Harris, John 19,21,24
Harris, John Family 24
Harris, John H. 24
Harris, Martha Malissa 19-22,24,28
Harris, Mary A. 24
Harris, Rev. James B. 89
Harris, Samuel P. 24
Harris, Sarah C. 24
Harris, Thomas A. 24
Harris, Tyree 19,24
Harris, William T. 24
Harrison 61,113
Harrison Ancestors 122-130
Harrison, Abigail 122,123
Harrison, Benjamin 122
Harrison, Benjamin, II 122
Harrison, Benjamin, III 122
Harrison, Benjamin, IV 123
Harrison, Benjamin, V 123,124
Harrison, Charles Wesley 124
Harrison, Daniel 122
Harrison, Davis 123
Harrison, Edward 122
Harrison, Ezekiel 123,130
Harrison, George R. 124
Harrison, George Washington 123,130
Harrison, George Washington, Jr. 123
Harrison, Horace Hubbard 124
Harrison, Isiah 122
Harrison, James J. 123
Harrison, Jeremiah 122,123
Harrison, John 123
Harrison, Joseph Hammel 124
Harrison, Margaret "Peggy" Ann 123,124
Harrison, Margaret E. 124
Harrison, Mary Elizabeth 123,124
Harrison, Nancy Jane 124
Harrison, Nathaniel 122
Harrison, Prudence 122
Harrison, Reuben 123
Harrison, Richard 122
Harrison, Robert 59,123
Harrison, Robert Norton 124
Harrison, Rowland 122
Harrison, Samuel 122
Harrison, Samuel F. 123
Harrison, Sarah 122-124
Harrison, Sarah Susanah 124
Harrison, Thomas 123
Harrison, Vincent 123,124,130
Harrison, William Henry 124
Harrison,Thomas 122,123
Hart 58,61
Hartman 64
Harvey 57,58
Hatcher, Patricia Law, FASG 33,34
Hawkins, Benjamin 55
Hawkins, Betsey 19,24
Haws 58
Hayes, Barbara 71
Hayes, Clement 71
Hayes, Don 71
Hayes, Dorris 71
Hayes, Finis 71
Hayes, Finis Dean Jr. 71
Hayes, Lucy 71
Hayes, Ruth 71
Hayne 61
Hays 64
Hays, Ira 88
Hays, J.T. 9,15
Heard 57
Heath, Gene 72
Heck 61
Heffington 56
Henderson 58,60,61
Henderson, Andrew J. 27
Henderson, Andrew Jackson Family 28
Henderson, Elaine 45,48
Henderson, J. Albert 26
Hendricks 56
Hendrix 56,61
Henry 56,62
Henson 60
Heritage Village, Woodville 99
Herlong, Rev. H.C. 5
Hermes 59
Hermes, Melva Hayes 37,59,132
Hermes, William H. 59
Hesketh, Betty Gentry 59
Hester, Comfort 124
Hewitt, Linda 59
Hibbard 57
Hibbs 59,64
Hickman 56,58
Hicks 56
Hicks, Elizabeth Nitschke 59,114
Hightower 62
Hildebrand, Oliver Wendal Jr. 98
Hill 58
Hill, Margaret Anne 128
Hillin 60
Hinnant, John 91
Historical Markers of Cherokee Co., TX 38
Hock, Larry 72
Hodges 62
Hogg, Frank 131
Hogg, Jake 131
Hogg, Rose 131
Holbrooks 60
Holcomb 57,59
Holcomb, Edith Corena 126,127
Holcomb, Joseph 126
Holcomb, Nancy 125
Holcomb, Willie Katherine 125
Holder 59
Holford, James 11
Holland 34,49
Hollenbeck 56
Holleyman 56
Holliman 59
Hollingsworth, Connie Jana 44,48
Holmes, Green 96
Holmes, Green W. 99
Holmes, Martha Ann 99
Holmes, Martha E. 95
Holsomback 61
Homer 11
Homesly 62
Honeycutt 60
Hood 57
Hoover 56,57
Horn 58
Horton 56,58,64
Houston 60
Houston, Shirley 60
Houston, Tom 60
Houston/Huston 60
Howard 62
Howard, Will 78
Howe, Cadi Ann 44,48
Howell 58,61
Howell, Matthew 91
Hudgens 60
Hudgens, Jimmy 60
Hudson 59
Hudspeth, Anna 43
Hudspeth, Aola 43
Hudspeth, Arther 43
Hudspeth, Beatrice M. 43
Hudspeth, Bruce 43
Hudspeth, Dewitt 43
Hudspeth, Forest 43
Hudspeth, George Byron 43
Hudspeth, Hazel Lee 43,44
Hudspeth, Hilda 43
Hudspeth, Jerry 43
Hudspeth, John Compton 43-46
Hudspeth, Lenora 43,44
Hudspeth, Lottie Mae 43
Hudspeth, Mollie 43
Hudspeth, Olivia 43
Hudspeth, Pauline 43-46
Hudspeth, Ruth Hazel 43
Hudspeth, William M. 43-45
Hugghins 60
Hugghins, Glenn 60
Hugghins, Peggy 60
Hughes 60
Hughes, Naomi K. 60
Hughs, Frances 22
Hulett 60
Hunt 58,61
Hunter 60
Hurst/Hearst 56
Hurt, Belle 108
Hurt, Margaret Belle Sanders 108
Hutchins 60
Huttash, Ogreta W. 38,60,132,133
IL 100
IL, Springfield 100
IN, Tipton 131
Index to Tree Talk 37
Ingle 59
Int'l Soc.of Family History Writers and Editors 105
Ireland, Dublin 122
Irwin 58
Irwin 60
Isgate 58
Ish 57
Istorico, Lisa Jeanne 47
Itasca 95
Ivey 58,60
Ivey, Wanda Faye 60
Iwo Jima 88
J.D. Bearden's Place 98
Jackson 60
Jackson, Annie 115,121
Jacksonville 3
Jacksonville High Sch. 97
Jacksonville Public Library 2,42,72,99,107
Jacoway 64
James 56
James, Jeanne 99
James, Robert Wesley 97
Janes 60
Janes, Patricia Mayes 60
Jarratt Cemetery 115-117,121
Jarrett 58
Jarrett Cemetery 22,26,29
Jefferson, Judith 54
Jefferson, Peter 54
Jefferson, President Thomas 54
Jenkins 58
Jenkins, Alvin 13
Jenkins, Audry 13
Jenkins, Calvin 13
Jenkins, Faye 13
Jenkins, G. 13
Jenkins, G. Miller 13
Jenkins, Jack 13
Jenkins, May 13
Jenkins, Mazee 13
Jenkins, Menurd 13
Jenkins, Perline 13
Jennings 42,60
Jennings, Janie Elizabeth 5
Jennings, John 5
Jessup 61
Johns, Troy 29
Johnson 42,56,57,60,62-64
Johnson, Clifton Gregory 47
Johnson, James A. 72
Johnson, Lori 48
Johnson, Napoleon A. 72
Johnson, Shari Novak 78
Johnson/ston, Lucinda I. 101
Johnston 58,59,62,64
Johnston, Oliver 101
Johnston, SC 5
Jones 61-64
Jones, Basil 54
Jones, Bernice Louise 30
Jones, Bessie Lee 30
Jones, Eileen S. 60
Jones, Eleanor Brooke 53
Jones, Fred W. 31
Jones, J. L. 30
Jones, James Donald 30
Jones, Louise C. 131
Jones, Magress Lee "Jack" Family 30
Jones, Magress Lee (Jack) 30-31
Jones, Mary Nell 30
Jones, Morris Wayne 30
Jones, Thelma Loraine 30
Jones-Parsons, Patricia 35
Jumper 57
Justice Family 36
Justice, Eugene H. 36
Justice, Frances Loveta 36
Justice, Jewel Richard 36
Justice, Joe 36
Justice, John Howard 36
Justice, John Tom 36
Justice, Ruth Mae 36
Kaulback 62
Kee 59
Keech, Kenneth Myrle 7
Keith 59
Keith, Roda (Rhoda) Pugh 94
Kellum 57
Kelly Air Force Base 89
Kelly, Kathy 47
Kendrick, Eula 13
Kendrick, Eula Marzell 12
Kennedy 60,63
Kennedy, Glenda Durrett 60
Kent 60
Kerrich 61
Kersey 34
Key (Keith), John 92
Key (Keith), Laban 93
Key (Keith), Rhoda 93
Keys 57
Kiedrowski 61
Kilgore, Laura Lee 129
Killingsworth 56
King 42,57,60-63
King George of England 91
King, Frank 131
King, J.F. 90
King, Julia Caroline 100
King, Margie Ann 124
King, Matilda Alice 125
King, Melissa Gail 44,48
King, Mrs. Florence 131
King, Ruth 128
Kinglsley 60
Kingston 62
Kirby/Kerby 63
Kirkpatrick 56,58
Kite 60
Knight 57,78
Knight, Nellie 35
Knizsy 60
Koen, Albert B. 11
Koen, Ann E. 11
Kouhut 62
Krupp, Herr 52
KS, Lawrence 78
Kulbeth 36
Kulbeth, John 36
KY 27,28,100,123
Kyle 60
LA 35,105
LA, Alexandria 45
LA, Bossier Parish, Shreveport 45
LA, Chatham 57
LA, East Baton Rouge Parish,Baton Rouge 47
LA, Lafayette 46
LA, Rapides Parish, Alexandria 45-47
LA, Ruston 78,108
LA, Shreveport 47,118
LA, St. Landry Parish 100
LA, Vernon Parish, Leesville 100
Lacey, Basil (Birdsong) 36
Lacy, Elizabeth 92
Lake, Debbie 96
Lake, Kelly 96
Lake, Lewie 96
Lambson 62
Lane, Alice 25
Langham, ___ 78
Langston 61,62
Lanier 42
Lankford 58,64
Lankford, Jane Benge 93
Lanston 56
Larimore 56
Larimore, William T. 90,92
Larissa College 37
Larissa College 1857-1860 37
Lasater/Lassiter 59
Latham 57
Lattimore 57
Lattimore Family 35
Lattimore, ___ 78
Lattimore, John H. 35
Lavender, Bobbie 7
Lawson, W.M. 21
Leddy, Virgina A. 42
Lee, Homer 49
Leedy, Virginia 72
Legg, Cynthia Earnestine 44,45
Legg, Levi 45
Leonard 57
Leonard, Amelia (Sallie) 21
Leonard, Sallie 24
Letters of Benjamin Hawkins 55
Lewis 58,60
Lewis, D.D., JP 13
Lieb, Sgt. 50
Ligon 60
Lilly 59
Lindsey 61
Lindstrom, Albert J. 10,16
Lindstrom, Oscar William 10,16
Lindstrom, William Thomas 10,16
Little River Presbytery 90
Littrel 64
Lloyd 61
Lloyd, James T. 55
Lloyd's Steamboat Directory & Disaster of Western Waters 55
Lock 59
Lockhart 56
Lockhart, Frank 95
Lockhart, George W. 93
Lockhart, John 93,95
Lockhart, Nancy Loper 93
Lockhart, Sam Jr. 93
Loftin 63
Loftis 59
Loftis Family 107
Loftis, Mary A. 107
Logan 64
Lon Morris College 78
London 34
Long 62
Looney, Quinn C. 71,131
Loper, John 93
Lost Valley Ranch 52
Loving 61
Low 57
Lowe 64
Lowe, Jane 54
Lowers 61
Luce 61
Luce, A.C. 98
Luce, Debbie Laraine 98
Luce, R.V. 98
Lufkin Library 99
Luken 61
Lusk, Rachel C. 9
Lusk, Rachel C. 15
Luxembourg 49
Lyles 56
Lynch, Grace Warnick 60
Lynn 61
MA 34
MA, Essex Co. 33
Macon 60
Maddox 62
Mahan, Lee 98
Mallard 61
Mallory, Sarah 118-120
Malone 61
Mangham 61
Manley 57
Mann 60
Manning, Mrs. J.A. 9,15
Manuel 57,78
Maphis 42
Maphis, Anna Elizabeth (Kline) 72
Maphis, George 72
Maphis, Ira Atesin 72
Maple, June Peck 129
Marable 61
Marable, Helen Heck 61
Marriage Records of Cherokee Co. TX 1905-1931 37
Marriage Records of Cherokee Co. TX 1905-1931 (CD ROM) 37
Marriage Records of Cherokee Co., TX, 1846-1880, Vol. 1 38
Marriage Records of Cherokee Co., TX, 1881-1905, Vol. II 38
Marriages of Cherokee Co. 1884-1890 37
Marsh 61
Marsh, Mary 61
Marshall, Hilary 104
Martha Ballard's Diary Online 104
Martin 42,57,58,60,61,63,64
Martin, Addison 35
Martin, Clara Christine 7
Martin, David King 35
Martin, Holly Ann 47
Martin, Jeffrey L. 108
Martin, Mary E. 36
Martin, S.C. 93
Martins of Cherokee Co. 35
Massengale, Ella Virginia 45
Massey 57
Masters 60
Mathews 42
Matkin 62
Matthews, ___ 127
Matthews, Tom 127
Mayes 42,60
Mayfield 59,64
McAdams 57
McAdams, Zib 12
McAnally 58,63,78
McBee, Freddie 10
McBride, T.J. 100
McCamey 58
McClanahan/McClelahan 63
McClendon 62
McClure, Tom 124
McClurg 58
McCluskey 59
McCollum 60
McCool 62
McCown 61
McCracken 59
McCracken 63
McCracken, Ezekiel A. 72
McCrummens, Edwin 126
McCuistion, W.R., JP 6,10,13,17
McDaniel, Mabel Louise 36
McDonald, Bob J. 107
McDonald, Matthews 107
McDonald, Veronique 46
McElroy 62
McGee, Freddie 16
McGinnis, LTCOL 119,120
McGough, Dale Winford 47
McGough, Karen Kathleen 47
McGuire 61
McGuire, R.L. 61
McIntosh 60
McIntyre 58
McK, C. J. 26
McKallip, Virginia M. 78
McKee, Capt. F.M. 92
McKeller, Marguerite B. (Birdsong) 36
McKenny 60
McKinley 62
McKinney 63
McKinney/McKenny 64
McKnight 57,62,113,115-121
McKnight Families 115,118-121
McKnight, Banjamin Eli 25
McKnight, Birdie Bell 29
McKnight, Bonnie Mae 19,22
McKnight, Columbus Johnson 19,20,22,25,26,29
McKnight, Columbus Johnson Family 22
McKnight, Columbus Johnson Family #2 29
McKnight, Daisey Nevada 25
McKnight, Devereaux 22
McKnight, Eugene Debs 29
McKnight, Eva Ola 25
McKnight, Fred Warren 29
McKnight, George William 25
McKnight, Gussie Ray 22
McKnight, Hiram Lee 19,25,118-120
McKnight, James Barker 25
McKnight, Jessie Fay 22
McKnight, John Lee 118
McKnight, John M. B. 22,29
McKnight, John McPherson "Mack" Berian 115,118,120,121
McKnight, John McPherson Berrian 25
McKnight, John McPherson Berrian Family 25
McKnight, John McPherson Berrien 19
McKnight, John Morgan 25
McKnight, Laura Marie 29
McKnight, Lewis Sidney 25
McKnight, Longmire 22
McKnight, Mary Frances 25,29,115-117,120,121
McKnight, Nellie Grady 29
McKnight, Opal Ola 29
McKnight, Richard Henry "Dick" 118,119
McKnight, Sterling Price 25
McKnight, Theresa 25
McKnight, Verna Lou 29
McLemore, Cargill 27
McMahon, Frances Sewall 53,55
McMasters 60
McMullen, Cynthia 61
McPherson, Elizabeth 130
McShan 60
McVay 57
MD, Charles Co. 54
MD, St. Mary's Co. 54
Meade 63
Meador 60,63
Meador Cemetery 26
Meazles 61
Medley, Keith Allan 46
Melton 58
Member of the first bar of Henderson County 107
Meredith 64
Meridith 59
Meske 61
Methodist 55
Meyers 56
Meyers, May Lou 18
Middleton 61
Middleton, Michael Scott 47
Miles, Linda 107
Miller 57,59,63,64,78
Miller, Jane W. 61
Miller, Joe 61
Miller, Katy/Katharine 71
Miller, Mary 61
Miller, Ralph D. 20
Mills, ___ 78
Mills, Martha 19,25
Minthorn 58
Mississippi River 55
Mississippi Territories 55
Missouri Pacific Railroad 115,121
Mitchell 63
Mixon 56
Mixon Cem. 26
Mixon, Amanda 93
Mixon, Jack 94,95
Mixon, Mickey 129
Mixon, Randall 129
Mixon, Susan Durrett 93,94
Mixon, Thomas Lloyd 93
MO 100
Mobile Bay 54
Monkhouse 56
Monroe, Mary (Birdsong) 36
Monson, Adell 12
Monson, Beulah 13
Monteith, ___ 78
Montgomery 59
Montgomery, Fannie E. 27
Moody 61
Moody, Phyllis Vaughan 61
Moon, Amy Lynne 42
Moore 56,58,59,62,63,78
Moore, COL John C. 119,120
Moore, Huggins 52
Moore, James Wayne 7
Moore, John 72
Moore, Juanita Louise 7
Moore, Lem Clarence 7
Moore, Mary Elizabeth 72
Moore, Millie 52
Moore, Rozella 72
Moore, Tiny 51
Moore/More 63
Morgan, George G. 103
Morris 58,61,78
Morris, David F. 61
Morris, Dennis 36
Morris, John Polk 107
Morris, Mary (May) 22
Morris, Phillip H. 61
Morris, Robert 54
Morris, Robert B 107
Morrison 60
Moseley, Nellie 96
Moses 64
Mott, Faye 45
Mount, John 131
Mount, Paralee 131
Mount, Sarah 131
Mowery 56
MS 23,24,27,28,124
MS, Chickasaw County 92
MS, Choctaw County 92
MS, Forest 42
MS, Harris, Houston 47
MS, Hinds, Jackson 44,48
MS, Itawambe Co. 28
MS, Jasper County 115
MS, Lincoln, McComb 44,48
MS, Perry County 123,124
MS, Rankin County 123-125
MS, Rankin, Steen Creek 124
MS, Scott Co. 43,44
MS, Scott, Lake 44
MS, Scott, Sandridge Bapt 48
MS, Shelby Co. 43
MS, Tupelo 44,48
MS, Wayside 36
MS, Winston County 92
Mt. Hope Cemetery 94
Mt. Hope Home Guard 92
Muckleroy 57
Mullens 60
Mullinix 58
Mullins 61
Munroe 42
Murphy 60
Muse 59
Musick 62
Musick, Mollie Francis 126,128
Musick, William 126 34,105
Nast, Teresa 129
Natchez 55
National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) 4
National Archives in Kew 104
National Archives Public Affairs 4
National Genealogical Society 55
National Tomato Capital 37
NC 24,35,92,105
NC, Bertie County 91
NC, Bladen County 91,124
NC, Durham 55
NC, Edgecomb County 91
NC, Granville Co. 19
NC, Johnston County 91,92
NC, Moore County 107
NC, Nash County 91
NC, Pickens County 118,120
NC, Wilmington 49
Neal, Jeanette Olivia 44
Neal, Joe 44
Neal, Mary Elizabeth 24
Neal, Penelope 44
Neal, Sharon 44
Neal, Timothy 44
Neches River 94,97
Nelson 57,63
Nelson, G.W. 8
Nevitt 56
New Bethal Association 93
New Bethal Bapt. Ch. 93
Newburn 63
Newburn, C. Lum III 61
Newman 58
Newspaper Obits 1910-1921 Bk 2 38
Newspaper Obits 1922-1925 Bk 6 38
Newspaper Obits 1926-1931 Bk 19 38
Newspaper Obits 1991 & part of 1990 Bk 8 38
Newspaper Obits 1992 Bk 9 38
Newspaper Obits 1993 Bk 10 38
Newspaper Obits 1994 Bk 11 38
Newspaper Obits 1995 Bk 12 38
Newspaper Obits 1996 Bk 13 38
Newspaper Obits 1997 Bk 14 38
Newspaper Obits 1998 Bk 15 38
Newspaper Obits 1999 Bk 16 38
Newspaper Obits 2000 Bk 17 38
Newspaper Obits 2001 Bk 18 38
Newspaper Obits assorted dates Bk 3 38
Newspaper Obits assorted dates Bk 7 38
Newspaper Obits Bk 5 38
Newspaper Obits Bk.4 38
Newspaper Obituaries from early papers 1889-1908 Bk. 1 38
Newspaper Obituaries Index of Cherokee Co., TX 1836-2001 Books 1-19 38
Newspaper Obituaries Index of Cherokee Co., TX 1836-2001 Books 1-19
Newton 60
Newton, Earlene 45
Nichols 57
Nicholson 61
Nitschke 59
NM, Alamogordo 35
NM, Hobbs 56
Noe 64
Nolan, James A. 126
Nolan, Serena 24
Noland, Woodard L. 124
Nolen 56
Nolley 61
Nolley, John Paul 128
Nolley, Robert Harold 128
Nolley, Robert Ney 128
North Africa, Morocco 52
Northcut 63
Northcutt 63
Northwest Cherokee Co. Cemeteries, Vol. I 37
Northwest Cherokee Co. Cemeteries, Vol. II 37
Norton 60,61
Norville 57
Nouasseur Air Force Base 52
NY, Long Island 122,123
NY, New York
NY, Rome 52
NY, Suffolk, Smithtown 122,123
Oden 63
Odom 61,62
Odom, Malcolm 25
Odom, Mary Ellen 130
Oehler 59
Ogden, Sarah Biggs 55
OH, Cincinnati 55
Ohio Leather Company 50
OK 101
OK, Okacie 48
OK, Oklahoma City 36
OK, Tribbey 94
Old Mt. Zion Cemetery 94
Old Wavery 54
Oldham 61
Oleson 56
Oliphant 57
Orme 64
Osborn 62
Osnabrueck 34
Osnaburg 34
Oswalt, Patricia Sue 47
Our Befores-Ancestor Charts, Vol. 1 37
Our Befores-Ancestor Charts, Vol. 2 37
Our Befores-Ancestor Charts, Vol. 3 37
Our Befores-Ancestor Charts, Vol. 4 37
Our Befores-Ancestor Charts, Vol. 5 37
Overstreet 62
Owens 59
Owens, Emily 124
Ownsley 58
Oxley 62
PA 105
Palmer 58,60
Palmer, Elizabeth 6,16
Palmer, Jenny 107
Paris 64
Parker 56,64
Parker, Coshea 92
Parker, Emily 15
Parker, Jesse 92
Parker-Pugh, Patience 92
Parks 64
Parsons 56
Passports Issued by Governors of Georgia, 1810 to 1820 55
Pate 60
Pate, John W. 72
Patrick 60,62
Patterson 62
Patton 57,58
Peak, Texarado 115,118-121
Pearson 62
Pederzani, ___ 7
Pederzani, Caroline 7
Pederzani, Elizabeth Katherine 7
Pederzani, Joann 7
Pederzani, Raymond 7
Pederzani, Robert 7
Pellam, Lennie J. 31
Pennell 58
Pennington, Pansy R. 61
Perkins 56,64
Permenter, Alice F. 36
Perrins 57
Petre or Petri, Callie (Birdsong) 36
Pettit 62
Pettit, Bob 62
Pettit, Mae Gean 62
Petty 57,58
Petty, Nora 115
Pew (Pugh), Patience 93
Pew (Pugh), Wilie 93
Pew, Richard 91
Phelps 62
Phillimore & Co., Ltd. 104
Phillip Smith place 94,95
Phillips, Brenda 131
Pickard, ___ 78
Pickering, Delores Estelle 44,48
Pickering, Roy 44,48
Pickett 61
Piechowski 61
Pierce 62,63
Pierson, B.H. 90
Pilcher 61
Piney 90
Pinnell 58
Pittman, ___ 78
Pitts 59
Plant 64
Pleasure Pier 51
Polk, Cameron Wayne 44,48
Pool 57,78
Pool, Elisabeth 108
Pool, Elithabeth 108
Pool, James Anthony 36
Pool, John H. 108
Pool, Martha 108
Poole, Joe 108
Pope County 90
Porter 61
Posey 62,63
Poston, Gracie Gilmore 29
Poteete, Dee 27
Pottowattami Land Run 94
Powell 58,60,64,
Powell, Elton 13
Presbyterian 55
Presley 59
Prewett 59
Price 58,62
Probate Records of Cherokee Co., TX 1846- ca 1875 38
Probate Records of Cherokee Co., TX, Minute Book A, 1870-1881 38
Producing a Quality Family History 34
Providence Cem. 5,16
Pruitt (Pruett), James (JW or Jim) William 107
Pruitt, Fred 14
Pruitt, Stinson Carroll 107
Pruitt/Pruett/Prewitt/Prewit/Pruitte 107
Pryor 60,61,63
Pugh 59
Pugh (Pew), Caroline Durrett 94
Pugh (Pew), Wilie M. 94
Pugh, Abel 91
Pugh, Alice 94,95
Pugh, Amanda Leigh 97
Pugh, Aranton 94,95
Pugh, Arnal 91,92
Pugh, Arnold (Arnale) 91
Pugh, Arthur Thomas (A.T.) 95
Pugh, Artilissie 94
Pugh, Asenath 91
Pugh, Asenath Sr. 91
Pugh, Authur Thomas (Tom) 94,96,98
Pugh, Baby 95
Pugh, Caroline 99
Pugh, Caroline Durrett 93,94
Pugh, Cole 97
Pugh, Daniel Cole 97
Pugh, David 91
Pugh, Debbie 91
Pugh, Dwayne 96
Pugh, Ellen 94
Pugh, Herman 96
Pugh, Hollie 93,95,96,98
Pugh, Holly M. 92
Pugh, Hugh 91
Pugh, Humphrey 91
Pugh, Irene 93
Pugh, Isabella 92,93
Pugh, Jeanna Lois 97
Pugh, Jesse 92,94
Pugh, John 91
Pugh, Laban 93,94,99
Pugh, Labon 91
Pugh, Laura 91
Pugh, Lee 93
Pugh, Linda 97,98
Pugh, Lizza 94
Pugh, Mary 92-94
Pugh, Meridith 91
Pugh, Nancy 93,94
Pugh, Nelda 96
Pugh, Orpha 91
Pugh, Patience 91,93,94,99
Pugh, Penelope 91
Pugh, Rex 91,98
Pugh, Rex Freeland 99
Pugh, Rhody (Rhoda) 92-94
Pugh, Richard 91
Pugh, Rosa 96,97
Pugh, Rosa Lee Cunningham 98
Pugh, Rowland 91
Pugh, Roy 94,98,99
Pugh, Roy Travis 96
Pugh, Sarah 93
Pugh, Simeon 91
Pugh, Simeon Sr. 92
Pugh, Susan Artilissa 95
Pugh, Thelma 96
Pugh, Theodocia 93
Pugh, Thomas 94
Pugh, Tignal 91,92
Pugh, Tignal Jr. 92
Pugh, Tom 94-99
Pugh, Tracy 98
Pugh, Vernon 96
Pugh, W.H. (Holly) 92,93
Pugh, W.M. 94
Pugh, Wiley 95
Pugh, Wiley M. 93
Pugh, Wilie 99
Pugh, William 91,92
Pugh, William H. 92
Pugh, Willie (Wilie) M. 92
Pugh, Willis 92-94
Purkey, Sheri 47
Pursell 58
Quillen, Kathy 35
Quimby, Louisa 24
Rachal 56
Ragsdale 62
Ragsdale, Paul B. 62
Rainey 59
Ramey 42,62
Ramey, Beatrice 5
Ramey, Charlie E. 6,10,16
Ramey, Frankie Lee 6,17
Ramey, Jeanette Cook 62
Ramey, Nellie Charline 6,16
Ramey, Nellie V. 6,17
Ramey, Ola Mae 6,17
Ramey, Russell 6,10,16,17
Rast 60
Ratcliff 12
Rather, Hallie May 26
Ratliff 13
Ray 56,58,62
Ray, Tina Weidman 62
Reavis 61
Record 56
Red, T.M., MG 12
Redd Family 2
Redd, Ansel M. 11
Redd, Ansel Marion Jr. 11
Redd, Bertha Ann 12
Redd, Beulah 12
Redd, Bowden 13
Redd, Bowden Hutchison 12,13
Redd, Darice Helena 6,13,17
Redd, David Denman 11
Redd, Edith Faye 14
Redd, Eunice Esther 14
Redd, Frances Ann 11
Redd, Garland 14
Redd, Ina Lisa 7,12
Redd, Infant Son 6,13,17
Redd, J.B. 11
Redd, James Mack 12
Redd, Jefferson Davis 12,14
Redd, Joe Ralph 14
Redd, Joseph 6,12,17
Redd, Joseph Benjemin 12
Redd, Joseph Boykin 11
Redd, Joseph Clayton 12
Redd, L.C. 14
Redd, Lawana Dell 13
Redd, Little Boy 12
Redd, Madison Andrew 12,14
Redd, Marion 11
Redd, Martha 12
Redd, Mary 11
Redd, Meshack 11-14
Redd, Meshack D. 11
Redd, Meshack K. 11
Redd, Molly May 13
Redd, Morris 14
Redd, Nancy Ann 11
Redd, Narcissa 11
Redd, Oliver 13
Redd, Oliver Agnew 12,13
Redd, Opal Jane 7,12
Redd, Pinkney B. 11
Redd, Quida Rae 14
Redd, Richard 14
Redd, Robert Lewis 6,10,12,13,17
Redd, Robert Lewis Jr. 6,13,17
Redd, Ruby Nell 13
Redd, Samuel Cheatum 11
Redd, Sharon Lynn 7,12
Redd, Simon 11
Redd, Theodore Sealy 11
Redd, Unnamed 11
Redd, Vashtie 11
Redd, Vera Eastell 14
Redd, Virginia Dair 12,13
Redd, William Bluford 11
Redd, William G. (C.) 11
Redd, Woodrow Wilson 6,7,12
Redd, Woody Donald 7,12
Reece 63
Reed, ___ 78
Reese/Reece 64
Reeves 58
Reid 58
Rejcek 62
Rejcek, Mary A. 62
Renfrew/Renfro, Mary Ann 71
Revolutionary War 91
Reynolds 57,61,62
Reynolds, William 91
Rhodes 64
Rice 63
Richardson 59
Richardson, Luzana 9,15
Richmond, Lula Loraine 36
Ricks, Mary Frances 100
Rider, Edgar 128
Riley 60
Roach 62
Roach, Thomas J. 35
Roach, TJ 35
Robberson 64
Robertson, Jimmie 31
Robson 64
Rocky Springs Cemetery 23-25,32
Rocky Springs, 25,32
Rodgers 62,64
Rogers 56
Rogers, Bernard 128
Rogers, Howard F. 128
Rogers, Jim 31
Rogers, Ollie F. 128
Rogers, Richard Alvin 128,130
Rogers, William, M.D. 125
Roman Catholic 55
Ronzer 63
Roper, Ben F. 6,13,17
Ross 62
Rothrock 62
Rothrock, Randall 62
Roundtree 61
Routt, Michael D. 71
Rowe 58
Royal Air Force 88
Rozelle, Mary 126
Rusk Press-Journal 131
Rusk State Hospital 71
Rusk State Hospital Cem. 15
Rusk Wate Penitentiary 107
Russell 64
Rutherford 63
Ruthurn 63
Ryan, Joe Allen 6,13,17
Rye 64
S.F.A. Library 99
S.M.U. 97
Saga of Cherokee & World War I, Book 6 38
Saga of Cherokee Book 2 1910-1921 38
Saga of Cherokee Book 5 38
Saga of Cherokee Co., TX Book 1 38
Saga of Cherokee County & Pioneer Life Book 7 38
Saga of Cherokee, Book 3 38
Saga of Cherokee, Book 4 38
Saicoe, Georgia 62
Saipan 88
Salem 34
Salem Bapt. Ch. 93
Salters/Saulters 64
San Antonio cemetery 52
Sand Flat Cem. 12,13
Sanders 63,64
Sanders, Allison 44,48
Sanders, Amy Rebecca 44,48
Sanders, Andrew Jackson 45
Sanders, Billy George 46,48
Sanders, Bret Andrew 46
Sanders, Charles Burrow Stuart 45,47
Sanders, Charles Eugene 45,46
Sanders, Charles Eugene Jr. 47
Sanders, Charles Manning 47
Sanders, Delores 42
Sanders, George Carroll 44,46,48
Sanders, George Franklin 45-48
Sanders, George Washington 45,46,48
Sanders, George Wesley 48
Sanders, Gladys Rebecca 45-47
Sanders, Gregory Paul 44-46,48
Sanders, Hazel Anita Joann 45,47
Sanders, Jacquelyn Sheri 47
Sanders, James Allen 48
Sanders, James Hollis 44-46,48
Sanders, Jamie Elise 45,48
Sanders, Jason Lance 44,48
Sanders, Jason Lee 48
Sanders, Jim 42,45-48
Sanders, Jim Lane 44,48
Sanders, Jimmy Harold 44,46,48
Sanders, Jonny Lamont 44,48
Sanders, Karyn Kristine 46
Sanders, Mancil Jackson 45,47
Sanders, Marcus Loc 47
Sanders, Mark Edward 46
Sanders, Nicole 44,48
Sanders, Patricia Lynn 45,47
Sanders, Randall Paul 47
Sanders, Raymond Edward 45,46
Sanders, Richard Earl 47
Sanders, Russell Todd 47
Sanders, Scot Wendell 46
Sanderson 64
Sandford 57
Sardis 16
Sardis Baptist Church, Cherokee Co., TX 37
Sartin, ___ 78
Savoy, Dorothy Ann 46
SC 11,15,19,23,54,102
SC, Charleston 47
SC, Edgefield Co. 10,16
SC, Edgefield Dist. 5
SC, Greenville District 123
SC, Salem, Edgefield District 37
Schied, Candy Kay 97,101,102
Schlosser 63
Schmidt, Jacob Carl 25
Schochler 57
Schochler, Eliza Lucinda "Lottie" 125
Schroeder, Adrian L. 20
Scotch-Irish 105
Scott 64
Scott and White Hspital 115,121
Scott, Tommie Faye 89
Seago 58
Searcy 64
Sears 50
Seay, Doris 95
Seay, Ernest 95
Seay, Gail 95
Seay, Jean 95
Seay, Joyce 95
Seay, Muriel 95
Seay, Nathaniel 95
Second Texas Volunteer Infantry 119,120
Seitz 62
Selman 57,59-61
Selman, Helen 126
Selman, Willis 9,15
Semora, Travis B. 20
Serocki 61
Sewall, Dr. Francis Lewis Jr. 53
Sewall, Dr. Francis Lewis Sr. 53
Sewall, Edward 54
Sewall, F.L. 55
Sewall, Francis (Dr. Frank) Bates 55
Sewall, Francis Lewis, Jr. 55
Sewall, Francis Lewis, Sr. 55
Sewall, Henry 54
Sewall, Jack 53
Sewall, Jr. Charles 54
Sewall, Jr. Francis Lewis 53,54
Sewall, Krouse 53-55
Sewall, Lewis 53-55
Sewall, Murphy 53
Sewall, Murphy Andrews 55
Sewall, Nicholas 54
Sewall, Robert Singleton 53
Sewall, Sr. Francis Lewis 54
Seysyllt, Lord of Merioneth 91
Sharp 58
Shaver 57
Sheffield 58
Shelle 63
Shelton, W.F., MG 13,14
Shephard, Amelia 24
Sheppard 58
Sheppard, Linda Kay 48
Sherman 56,61,62
Sherrod 58,63
Shetter 42
Shiloh 90
Shiloh (aka Pittsburg Landing) 53
Shiloh Cem. 5
Ship named "Thomas and John" 91
Shipp 58
Shipps, ___ 78
Shirley, Beth 62
Shoemate, Nellie Grace 96
Shreeve 62
Shreeve, Donna R. 62
Sides 57,58,62
Sides, Albert 31
Sides, Alvie Jame 31
Sides, Anderson 23,28
Sides, Archie Richard 31
Sides, James Anderson 30,31
Sides, James Anderson Family 31
Sides, James E. 31
Sides, Jim Jr. 62
Sides, Lenora Mae 31
Sides, Lizzie Bell 30,31
Sides, Mary Catherine (Mollie) 31
Sides, Pinkie Susan 31
Sides, William Frederick 31
Simkpson, John 126
Simmons, Asa Marion 93,94
Simmons, Eugene 93
Simmons, Francen 93
Simmons, John 92
Simmons, Lasamia 93
Simmons, M.A. 94
Simmons, M.J. 94
Simmons, Mary 93
Simmons, Mary Pugh 94
Simmons, P.J. 94
Simms, Arch 95
Simms, Dora 95
Simms, Martha 118
Simoneaux 58
Simpson 56,58,62,64
Simpson Cem. 12,14
Simpson, Aimee 99
Simpson, Ammie 98
Simpson, Sara 11
Sims 57
Singer 50
Singletary 57,63
Singletary, Elizabeth "Lizzie" 124
Singletary, Hannah Amanda 124
Singletary, Joan 63
Singletary, Joe 125
Singletary, Joseph Bunyan 125
Singletary, Susanah Comfort 124,125
Singletary, Thomas 124
Singletary, Thomas Henry, Jr. 124
Singletary, Will 125
Singleton 62
Singleton, Joe Paul 47
Singleton, Paul Aaron 47
Singleton, Paula Jo 47
Singleton, Robert John 54
Singleton, Sarah Angelica (Ann) 53
Sloan 61
Slover 63
Slover, Kaye 63
Smith 57-64
Smith Co. 26
Smith, Abigail 122
Smith, Asbal 119,120
Smith, Billy Earl 63
Smith, Clementine G. 89
Smith, CPL William Carroll 114
Smith, Fred R. 63
Smith, JoAnne Wilson 63
Smith, Malinda Mixon 94
Smith, Molly 71,131
Smith, Russell Dempsey 125
Smith, Sam O. 94
Smith, Samuel W. 27
Smyth 63
Snow, Marcella 78
Solly, Cherry 114
South Texas State Fair 51
Southwestern Library Association 78
Sparlin 64
Spears 57
Spears, Gwendolyn 44
Spears, Joe 44
Spears, Joe Allen 44
Spencer 62
Spencer, Kathrine Anderson 35
Sperry, Kip 105
Spruill 62
Stadler 57
Stadler, Doris Cook 63
Stalpers, Maryann 63
Standridge 59
Starnell 34
Stearns 62
Steele, Arietta 8
Steele, Charles 8
Steele, Elizabeth Ann 8
Steele, Henry 8
Steele, Tommy Ray 8
Steitle, ___ 129
Steitle, Charles David 129
Stephens 63
Stephenson 63
Stephenson, Charles 63
Stephenson, Sheila 63
Stepp 59
Sterling, JP Jas. M., 93
Stevens, Flo 63,114
Stevens, Henry Grady Jr. 97
Stewart 60,63
Stiefer 61,62
Stietle, Joan 129
Stike 60
Stinnett, Alma 125
Stinton 62
Stockton 62
Stone 56
Story 63
Stout, Terri Fennell 130
Stout, Terry 130
Stovall 60,63
Strategic Air Command (S.A.C.) 89
Stringer 60
Stripling 63
Strong, W. J. 26
Stuart, Charles Burrow 46
Stuart, Denis 104
Suffolk, Kersey 34
Sullivant, Dempsey 92
Summers Bible 130
Summers, Amy 125
Summers, Betty Nolan 125
Summers, Birda 126,129
Summers, Charles Edward 125
Summers, Edna 126,129
Summers, Edwin Franklin "Frankie" 125
Summers, Evelyn 126
Summers, Frances 129
Summers, Gary 129
Summers, Ima Ruth 126,129
Summers, Ira Ethel 126
Summers, James Abner 125
Summers, James Calvin 126
Summers, John Evans 125
Summers, Joseph Theodoere 125
Summers, June 126
Summers, Laura Ada 125
Summers, Mary "Molly" Belle 125
Summers, Mary Jane "Molly" 125
Summers, Maurice 126,129
Summers, Nellie Barton 126
Summers, Nettie Ester 126
Summers, Pete 126
Summers, Sharon 129
Summers, William 125
Summers, William Owen 125
Sunset Memorial Park 89
Sutherland 56,64
Sutton 56
Swearingen 63
Swearingen, A. A. 72
Swearingen, William 72
Swinford 56
Switzerland 49
Sydnor, Charles S. 55
Sykora 62
Talbert, Matha Magret Ann 14
Talley 56
Tally, Salba 44,48
Tandberg 63
Target 34
Tarkington 62
Tarrant, Mary Anne 63
Taylor 56,63
Taylor, Sue Vaughn 37,63,132
Teague 57,59,62,63
Teal, Olga 97
Tear 56
Tedford 58
Teer 58
Templeton, John Allen 18
Tenn. River 28
Terry 58
Terry, Gloria Wynell 97
Texas Bibliographical Society 78
Texas Current Bibliography 78
Texas Historical Commission 53
Texas State Library 78
The Battle of the Bulge 49
The Cumberland Presbyterian 90
The Holcombs, Nation Builders 130
Thiel, Carla 63
Thomas 57,58,63
Thomas, James "Woody" 117
Thomas, James Pearl 115,117
Thomas, Jimmie 121
Thomas, Russell R. 22
Thompson 56,57
Thompson, Forrest Stanley 130
Thompson, Geo. W. 24
Thorn 61
Tillman 58,62
Tinney 63
Tipton 61
Tipton, Rutha 72
TN 35,89,100
TN, Gallatin 35
TN, Greenville 100
TN, Knoxville 35
TN, Memphis 90
TN, Montgomery Co. 36
TN, Rhea Co. 36
TN, Tipton 36
TN, Wilson Co 24
Tobigbee River 55
Todd 42,60
Tombigbee river 54
Toms 56
Torrey, Gwendolyn Elizabeth 130
Tosh 64
Tosh, Magoline Halbert 64
Tourman 63
Travis 63
Traylor, Mary Mayfield 64
Treadway 63
Tree Talk 35,40
Tree Talk, The First Five Years 37
Tree Talk, Volume I through Vol. 25, No. 3. 37
Tribble 62
Trotter, Geo. W. 32
Truitt 64
Tucker, Eli Jackson 100
Tucker, Mollie Mary Jane 100
Tullis, Jim 124
Tunstall 63
Turner 58-60
Twitty 60
TX 11,22-27,35,36,102
TX, Alto, Cook Cem. 9,10,15,16
TX, Alto, Shiloh Cem. 15
TX, Angelina Co. 6,10,11,13,17
TX, Angelina, Keltys 43,44
TX, Angelina, Lufkin 43-46,48
TX, Bandera 51,52
TX, Bastrop Co., Coxville 100
TX, Baytown 44
TX, Baytown 48,98
TX, Beaumont 51
TX, Bell County, Belton 89
TX, Bell County, South Noland's Creek 90
TX, Bexar, San Antonio 125-129
TX, Bexar, San Antonio 6,8,16,51,88,89
TX, Blooming Grove 94
TX, Boerne 56
TX, Bogata 107
TX, Broaddus 58
TX, Brownwood 58
TX, Buna 35
TX, Caldwell Co. 27,100
TX, Carrollton 130
TX, Chambers 54
TX, Cherokee Co., Larissa 107
TX, Cherokee Co., Turney 26
TX, Cherokee Co., Wells 100,107
TX, Cherokee County 124-126,131
TX, Cherokee County 28,29,31,32,35
TX, Cherokee County 36,89,93-95,117,118
TX, Cherokee County 9-11,15,16,19-26
TX, Cherokee County, Corine 96
TX, Cherokee County, Larissa 93
TX, Cherokee, Alto 115,117,123-128,130
TX, Cherokee, Alto 5-7,10,16,72,107
TX, Cherokee, Atoy Community. 7
TX, Cherokee, Dialville 115,118-120
TX, Cherokee, Gallatin 20,131
TX, Cherokee, Jacksonville 2,35-37,39,40,49,50,52,
TX, Cherokee, Lynch's Chapel 125
TX, Cherokee, Meador Cemetery 21
TX, Cherokee, Rocky Springs 118,120
TX, Cherokee, Rusk 125,126,130,131
TX, Cherokee, Rusk 36,107,114,118-120
TX, Cherokee, Sardis 5,10
TX, Cherokee, Turney 115,121
TX, Clawson 6,16,98
TX, Cleveland 45
TX, Club Lake 98
TX, Coldsprings 98
TX, Commerce 88
TX, Cook Cem. 10
TX, Corine 93-93
TX, Craft 53,55
TX, Cypress 20,21,23,25-27,30-32
TX, Dallas, Dallas 131
TX, Dallas, Dallas 47,50,88,97,98,117
TX, Dibol Methodist Church 6,13
TX, Diboll 5,6,10,16,17
TX, Dickson 46
TX, Dresden 94
TX, Dresden 94
TX, El Paso 36
TX, Elkhart 6
TX, Falls County 53
TX, Flint 58
TX, Fort Worth 36,98
TX, Freeport 97
TX, Freestone County 123,124
TX, Galveston, Dickinson 46
TX, Galveston, Galveston 119,120
TX, Garland 97
TX, Grice 100
TX, Hamilton, Jonesboro 45,46
TX, Harris Co. 19-21,23
TX, Harris Co., Sidel Cemetery 20
TX, Harris, Houston 6,16,19,44-49,53,55, 78,108,124,128,131
TX, Hawkins 97,98
TX, Hemphill 45,46
TX, Henderson County 89,95
TX, Henderson County, Athens 95,96,107
TX, Hillsboro 95
TX, Hopkins Co., Sulphur Springs 100
TX, Houston Vet Memorial Cem. 7
TX, Howard Co., Big Spring 100
TX, Humble 36
TX, Hunt Co. 100
TX, Jack Co. 26
TX, Jacksonville, First United Methodist Church 18
TX, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Public Library 17
TX, Katy 131
TX, Kerrville 58
TX, Killeen 52
TX, Larissa, Cherokee County 89
TX, LaRue 42
TX, Leon Co. 36
TX, Lubbock 57
TX, Lufkin 7,8,12,16,48,98
TX, Lufkin, 1st Assembly of God 6,12
TX, Lufkin, Garden of Memories 12
TX, Lufkin, Memorial Hospital 7,12
TX, Lufkin, Walker Cem. 6,8,16
TX, McLennan, Waco 44,48
TX, Midland 35
TX, Mont Belvieu 44,48
TX, Montgomery 58
TX, Nachogdoches, Perritte Memorial Methodist 7
TX, Nacogdoches 47
TX, Nacogdoches 7,12,43,45,47
TX, Nacogdoches Co. 11
TX, Nacogdoches, Chireno 45,46
TX, Nacogdoches, Fairview Cemetery 6,8,16
TX, Nacogdoches, Memorial Hospital 7
TX, Navarro County 94
TX, Nederland 56
TX, New Summerfield, 72
TX, Palacious 49
TX, Pasadena 42,48
TX, Pearland 35
TX, Port Arthur 49-51
TX, Quanah 29
TX, Rains Co., Emory 100
TX, Reklaw 56
TX, Rockport 57
TX, Rusk 5,10,16,36,38,42,58
TX, Rusk State Hospital Cem. 9,10
TX, Salado 57
TX, San Angelo 98
TX, San Augustine, San Augustine 45,46
TX, Sinton 97,98,115,121
TX, Smith Co. 32,43,102
TX, Smith Co., ETX Med Cntr Hospital 100
TX, Smith County 94
TX, Summerfield 36
TX, Temple 115
TX, Texas City 46,97
TX, Tomball 31
TX, Travis, Austin 96
TX, Troupe 10
TX, Turney 115
TX, Tyler 56
TX, Tyler County 92,94
TX, Upshur Co. 100
TX, Upshur Co., Big Sandy 100
TX, Upshur Co., Grice 101
TX, Waco 97
TX, Wells 98
TX, Wells, Mt. Hope Cemetery 7,12
TX, West Columbia 107
TX, West Columbia-Brazoria 98
TX, Whitehouse 53,58
TX, Wood Co. 100-102
TX, Wood Co. Hawkins Nursing Home 100
TX, Wood Co., Honey Creek 100
TX, Wood Co., Mineola 100
TX, Wood Co., Rhonesboro 100
TX, Wood Co., Winnsboro 100,101
TX, Woodville 93
Tyler Co. Courthouse, Woodville 99
Tyler County Court House 93
Tyler Courier-Times-Telegraph 1950 38
Tyler Jr. College 98
U.S.Census 1860 54
Underwood 57,58,62
Union Grove Cemetery 53
United Daughters of the Confederacy 114
United States Army 49
University of Mexico 106
University of Texas at Tyler 98
Unsell, Ben H. 43
Unsell, Charley 43
Unsell, Jack 43
Upchurch 62
Updike 64
Updike, LaVera Martin 64
Ursprung 63
Usher 60
Usry 57
VA, Arlington 55
VA, Charles City Co. 124
VA, Harrisburg 123
VA, Isle of Wright County 91
VA, Rockingham Co. 100
VA, Shendoah Mts. 122
VA, Southampton County 91
VA, Virginia Beach 57
VA,Shenandoah Valley 72
Vaden 57
Vanleck, George W. 92
Vaughan 61,63
Vaughan, Mary 91
Vaughn 63
Vernon, Nellie 16
Vick, Melisa 45
Vietnam 46
Vige, Danielle Virley 47
Vige, Diedra Allen 47
Vige, Warnell Glen 47
Vining 61
Volunteer Co., 10th Brigade, CSA 118
Voss 61
Vulcan Islands 88
WA, Kent 106
Wade 58
Wade, Brenda 35
Wailes, Benjamin L.C. 55
Wailes, Edward L. 54
Wailes, Eleanor Davis 55
Wailes, Elizabeth Howard 54,55
Wailes, Levin 54,55
Wales 91
Wales, Montgomeryshire 91
Walker 58,61
Walker Families 36
Walker, Eunice 130
Walker, Evelyn Faye Black 130
Walker, James Eliot Brown 130
Walker, Jimmy 130
Walker, Mollie Bell 26
Walker, Sallie Bell 25
Walker, Shirley Kay 130
Walker, Stacy Allyson 130
Walker, Susan Lynn 130
Walker, Thomas S. 36
Walker, William James 36
Wallace 60,62,63
Wallace, Clifford 29
Wallace, Floria Fowler 126
Wallace, Nettie 5
Wallace, Robert Floyd 125
Walthallcross 60
Ward 62,64
Ward, Ammon 131
Wardlaw, Juanita 64
Warner 59
Warnick 60
Warren 58,59,64
Washington Presbytery 90
Washington, Gwen 71
Waters 60,64
Watson 63
Watson, Jesse 35
Watters 61
Watts, Terry 71
Watts, Velma (Birdsong) Tipton 36
Waycloff, Barbara Dee 129
Weaver 56,64
Webb 60
Weir, Linda 64
Wells 63
West 42,58
West, Arthur 5
West, Mary 5,10,16
Westberry, Van J. 14
Western Union Telegraph Operator 89
Wharton 58
Whatley 61
White 60-62,64
White House 124
White, Ira Gaylon 37,64,132
Whitehead, Mary Elizabeth 35
Whitesett 62
Whitney, Melanie 107
Wigley 60
Wilkerson, Gilbert 29
Williams 56-59,62-64
Williams, Joshua 27
Williams, Marjorie L. 64
Willingham 62
Willingham, Elizabeth 123
Willingham, Jeremiah 123
Willingham, Susan 123
Willow Spring's Cemetery 95
Wills 42
Wills, Bob & his Texas Playboys 51
Wilson 56,63,64
Wilson, Carol 64
Winders 62
Windham 58,62,78
Wise, James F. 35
Wofford 57
Womack 63
Wood 59,60,62
Woodall 64
Woods 64
Woods, Maxine 43
Woodward 61
Woodward, Polly 11
Worcester 56
World War I 107
World War II 42,49-53,88,98
Worley 63
Worlie/Worley 63
Worsted 34
Worthstede 34
Wright, Dudley 96
Wright, Elizabeth 122
Wright, Job 91
WV 129
Wyatt, Glenda Rodgers 64
Wynn, Edward L. (Budd) 29
Wynne 61
Yarborough 63
Yarborough, A. M. (Lon) 32
Yarborough/Yarbber 59
Yarbrough 42,56
Yoakum 57
York, ___ 78
Yorkshire, Kinston-Upon Hull 122
Young 58,61
Young/Youngue, ___ 78
Youngblood, Laura Lynn 46
Yowell 60
Yucatan 106
Zachery, Sallie 23,28
Zimmerman Sign Company 98
Zumwalt 60
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