submitted by: June E. Tuck John Chamblee He was born in Georgia, January 31, 1843, died at his home near Atlanta, Texas, August 28, 1904. We married November 4, 1866. There were born to us eight children, six sons, and two daughters. Five of our children are married and one dead, died July 22, 1898, age 11 years, but he told us he had a brighter home to go to. My dear husband had been complaining for several days before his death, he got worse and I sent for the doctor who said when he came that he had fever, but did not think he was dangerously ill. Next morning at 8:30 o’clock, he turned over on his back and said, "Lord have mercy on us all," and fell asleep with Jesus without a groan. He joined the Primitive Baptist Church, December 18, 1881. He leaves a host of relatives and friends. I desire an interest in prayers of the Lord’s people in my sorrow. Yours in Hope, Mrs. M. H. Chamblee, Atlanta, Texas (The Advocate of Truth, Nov. 1, 1904)