Douglassville School
On January 22, 2002 Sue
Morris Lazara (daughter of Charline Morris) gave me copies
of school photos to be scanned and added to these pages. I no
longer have them. I am grateful for Sue's interest in this project
and hope you will enjoy the photos. Please note that some of
the photos have names of the school, teachers, students, dates,
etc. BUT some do not. I have no further information than what
is listed here. I have included here what was on the photos and
Charline's notes. If you have any additions, corrections or other
knowledge to share about these photos please contact me.
There were 2 photos in this packet, shown
above. Only one paper with names was included. On the back of
the torn photo: "Douglassville, TX school about 1921 Christine
Wiley b. May 1913 bow in hair in about 2nd grade" Tape onto
photo: "Mar. 25, 1921"
Second photo back "Carter Swint, Douglassville Prim
Dep Mar. 25, 1921 Taken about 1921"
On a sticky note in packet was written "Baker Palmore"
Paper in packet reads:
on back of Carter Swint Douglassville, Texas Primary Dept.
Mar. 25, 1921
Back Row L to R
2. Jane Henderson ?
4. ? McCoy
5. ? Eugene Henderson ??
6. Carter Swint
7. Bruce Oliver (Betty's Bro.)
8. Rutland Morris
10. Crosley Willis (between Burt & Jack)
Middle Row:
1. Letha Lewis?
2. Harvey Lewis
3. Jane Henderson ??
5. Ida Swint
7. Christine Wiley
Front Row L to R:
4. John McCall
WEBMASTER NOTE: I do not know why some of these names were
underlined and some were not.
NOTE: Cora Mae Thompson McCoy identified the McCoy children in the above photos.
Left Photo:
Ruth McCoy - 3rd row (last row of girls), center of photo in front of pole with dark dress & hat
Tobe McCoy - Bottom row 3nd from right end with scarf around neck
Weaver McCoy - Bottom row far left on one knee
Willie McCoy - 2nd row 3rd from left in dark coat with head down
Right Photo:
Tobe McCoy - Bottom row far right with rounded collar
Weaver McCoy - Top row 4th from left next to tall girl
Willie McCoy - bottom row 2nd from left - girl with head down
Morris 6, 5, 2, 1 are all Douglassville School. Elaine
McCoy Martin
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