19th Century Naming Patterns

Source:  compiled from various sources
by JoAnn Myers, 2000


First:  ..........named for his paternal grandfather.

Second:  ......named for his maternal grandfather.

Third:  ........named after father or father's paternal grandfather.

Fourth:  .......named after father's oldest brother or mother's paternal grandfather.

Fifth:  ..........named after mother's eldest brother or father's material grandfather.

Sixth:  .........named after father's second oldest brother or for mother's
                     maternal grandfather.


First:  ..........named for her maternal grandmother.

Second:  .....named for her paternal grandmother.

Third:  ........named after mother or for mother's maternal grandmother.

Fourth:  ......named after mother's oldest sister or for father's paternal grandmother.

Fifth:  .........named after father's eldest sister or for mother's paternal grandmother.

Sixth:  ........named after mother's second oldest sister or for father's paternal grandmother.


Keep in mind that there were all sorts of variations to the above patterns, some covered by rules and some by family decision.

It was customary to name the next daughter/son born within a second marriage for the deceased husband/wife.

If a father died before his child was born, the child was often named for him.

If a mother died in childbirth, that child, if a girl, was usually named for the mother.

Another child was commonly named for a child who had died within the family.


The custom was that the
  • lst son be named for paternal grandfather;
  • 2nd son named for his maternal grandfather;
  • lst daughter for her maternal grandmother;
  • 2nd daughghter for her paternal grandmother.
    • If 4 children were born then all 4 grandparents are known.



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