William P. Wolf
was born in the city of McMinnville, County of Warren,
State of
Tennessee, on February 7, 1835, and at an early age in
life he moved to
Burnet County, Texas, and settled near Lake Victor,
where he was
engaged in farming, and later he owned and operated a
blacksmith shop
at Lake Victor.
On Tuesday, August 16, 1853, Brother Wolf was united in
marriage to Miss
Elizabeth Allison. They had no children
of their own, but raised a foster son, Mr.
Barney K. Cheek, who is now deceased.
In his early manhood the Civil War broke out, but
fortunately, Brother
Wolf escaped having to serve in such; however, he did do
much Indian
fighting in both Burnet and Bell Counties for many years
in his early
Brother Wolf was initiated as an Entered Apprentice
Mason on November
3, 1862. He was passed to the degree of
Fellowcraft on January 3,
1863, and was raised to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason on May 2,
1863, in Mt. Horeb Lodge No. 137 A.F. & A.M.,
located near Mahomet,
Texas, in Burnet County.
In the year 1909 when the Lodge at Lake Victor was being
Brother Wolf demitted from Mt. Horeb Lodge No. 137 and
affiliated as a
Charter Member of Lake Victor Lodge No. 1011 A.F. &
A.M. he
was chosen by the brethren to be the first Junior
Steward of Lake
Victor Lodge No. 1011 and he was duy and
constitutionally installed as
such on January 1, 1910, the date the Lodge at Lake
Victor was set to
On December 2, 1911, Brother Wolf passed into the great
He was buried with full Masonic Rites conducted by Lake
Victor Lodge
No. 1011 with Brother M. P. Hahn officiating with burial
in the Bethel
Cemetery near Lake Victor.
