- M -
Sources: Various, as noted
Edward A. (1848-1901)
Burnet Bulletin, Aug 29, 1901; From Barry Caraway.
E. A. Mann Dead
Mr. E. A. Mann, of Bertram, formerly editor of the "News," at that
place, died last Tuesday night. Several months ago he was stricken with
paralysis, gradually growing weaker, until his relatives and near friends
had come to realize that his days were numbered. Mr. Mann resided in
Burnet for a number of years, prior to going to Bertram, filling
faithfully the position of foreman on the Bulletin. Many friends and
acquaintances will hear of his demise with regret. The Bertram "News" says
of him, among other things: "He was a member of the Woodmen of the World
and was buried at the South Gabriel by this order. He was a member of the
Baptist church and lived a consecrated Christian life. He leaves a wife
and daughter, (Mrs. I. G. McMullen) to mourn his untimely death.
An interesting communication, intended for last week, was received from Mr.
E. L. Springer, but owing to its relation to events now settled we
think it unwise to publish same at this date. Any thing in the future from
Mr. Springer shall be appreciated, as he is a gifted writer.
MARCUS, E. B. - 11 Aug 1909
Burnet Bulletin, August 20, 1909
"Oh, death, how thou dost love a shining mark."
In the years that I have been occasionly [occasionally] writing for the
papers, it has many times been my sad mission to pay a tribute to some
friend who had crossed the dark and mystic river [not legible] into that
undiscovered country "from whose bourne no traveler ever returns." These
friends have included all agesæfrom the tot just learning to prattle about
its mother's kneeæto the "grand old man" who had lived out his four score
years, but in no instance have I so keenly felt my inability to speak the
words of praise the dead so richly deserve. When an old man, full of
years, and smitten with the decrepitude they bring, goes down to the
grave, the world though saddened, bows its acquiescence. But when a young
man, full of the vigor of a sturdy life growing in its prime, is suddenly
stricken from the number of the quick, a community is startled and
resentful of the stroke, causes us to exclaim,
"Life's a funny proposition after all."
"Did you ever sit and ponder, sit and wonder, sit and think,
Why we're here and what this life is all about?"
"Life's a very funny proposition you can bet,
And no one's ever solved the problem
Properly as yet,
Young for a day, then old and gray,
Like the rose that buds and blooms,
And fades, and falls away,
Losing health to gain our wealth as thro'
This dream we tour,
Ev'ry thing's a guess, and nothing's
Absolutely sure,
Battles exciting, and fate's we're fighting
Until the curtain falls,
Life's a very funny proposition after all."
When the wires flashed the sad intelligence that "Frate" Marcus was dead,
it was so unexpected, so horrible, that his friends and kindred were
staggered, stunned, dumfounded. They could not believe it. But when it
became fully known and realized, there fell a gloom and sadness over the
little town of Bertram that she has never before known.
On Monday, August 9th, he left for Mineral Wells to undergo treatment for
rheumatism, though he nor any of his family or friends dreamed of any
serious trouble. His wife and little son accompanied him as far as Austin,
they going on to Beaumont to visit relatives. Little did they dream that
their parting upon that occasion would be their final farewell in this
world. How kind it is that
"Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate."
A friend writes me relative to his death as follows: "He arrived in
Mineral Wells about 11 o'clock Tuesday, August 10th. The doctor examined
him that night and began treatment. The doctor writes that he noticed some
irregularity of the heart, but that he did not consider it serious.
Wednesday evening about 7 o'clock he asked the nurse for a drink of water,
and she gave him a drink of cool water, and he then walked around the bed
and sat down on the opposite side from the nurse. The nurse saw nothing
unusual in his manner and he did not seem in distress. She started to
leave the room and when she reached the door looked back and he was lying
across the bed. She returned to him and at first thought he was asleep,
but after calling him and touching him she saw it was more serious. She at
once called for a doctor, and two came, they both being in the building
where he was, and they administered stimulants and did everything they
could, but to no avail. His doctor pronounced his death as caused from the
irregularity of the heart. He was conscious until the end and did not of
course suffer in death, as it came so quickly."
And so
"Like one who wrap the drapery of his [not legible] about him and lays him down to pleasant dreams,"
did the sunny soul of that golden hearted young gentleman take its flight
to that land where through valleys of perpetual spring "flows the river
and song eternal."
On August 26th, 1877, ten miles east of Bertram, did he first see the
light. He therefore lacked fifteen days of being thirty-two years old
"And then to die so young, and leave unfinished what he might achieve."
I cannot write in studied phrase about my young friend, but as one who
knew him all the days of his life; one who loved him in the promise of his
glowing youth, "standing to answer the impulse of my heart in the
roll-call of his friends," and stricken with my emptiness of words, I can
but tell briefly of this boy's life. "For no blaze born in all our eulogy
can burn beside the sunlight of his useful life."
Well do I remember him twenty-odd years ago when I lived in Bertram: a
bright, ruddy-faced school boy, always neat in his clothing, his coat
buttoned up and his books in his satchel. He would daily pass my office
going to and from school. At that time every child who knew me, and they
all did, called me "Lum." I had no objection whatever, but this lad, the
little, manly fellow that he was, always said "Mister." He was born a
gentleman, and lived it all the days of his life. His mother died, when he
was two years old, and his aunt, afterwards his step mother, gave him a
mother' care and devotion, and he loved her as tenderly as if she had been
his own mother.
He was the pride of his father, A. B. Marcus, than whom a better
man never lived.
I remember he used to talk to me about his boy and ask me what would be
good books for him to read. And be it said to his blessed memory, his love
and devotion for his father grew stronger as the years brought him into
Some years ago misfortune and ill health overtook his father, and he
carried him to Austin for treatment and after regaining his health offered
to repay him. His reply was: "Papa, you don't owe me anything. I am too
glad to know you have regained your health. I only feel glad that I was
able to help you."
In 1806 [1906 ?] under the preaching of W. K. Homan, he joined the
Christian Church and lived a consistent member of it till death. He was a
liberal contributor to the church and all things charitable.
He did not finish school at Bertram, but completed a business course at
Griffith's Business College, at Austin. Soon after this he went to work at
the position he held at the time of his death: book-keeper and cashier for
T. S. Reed & Son. Mr. D. O. Reed in writing to me about him says: "You
cannot say too much about his loyalty and fidelity to his business, for a
more loyal boy never lived. He was very conscientious in all his
transactions, it being his most earnest desire to protect the interests of
both the customer and the store, and make all transactions equitable so
far as he could. When I was away from home and things were in his charge
he was always at his post of duty and did what he thought I would want
done in all matters coming up and I always felt perfect confidence in him
and his disposition to discharge the duties of manager of the affairs of
the banking and merchandising house of T. S. Reed & Son. I could
mention a hundred that have come and told me that he had attended to their
business for them all these many years and that nobody will miss him like
they will." He made few errors in his transactionsæbut on the whole a very
accurate man."
Standing by his grave, T. S. Reed, his father-in-law said to me,
"Aside from his connection with our family, I had a very high regard for
the boy. Dave will have a difficult time in getting some one to fill his
place. He was ever at his post of duty, and as honest as Paul." Truly hath
the poet said, "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Looking back at
the years that have rolled by since Bertram became a town. Two boys have
grown almost from infants to manhood within her borders and I can not
recall in all my circle of friends and acquaintances any two young men who
so young have ever reached such responsible positions in the business
world as theyæwhere they "made good" and stayed good. They are Dave
Reed and "Frate" Marcus.
Now the team is broken [not legible] Dave miss him? Do you think he would
miss his right arm? but:
"We're born to die, but don't know why, or what it's all about, and the more we try to learn the less we know."
From the summit of Mt. Hamilton in far away California looking through
the powerful Lick telescope you can:
"See worlds on worlds compose one universe,
Observe how system into system runs,
What other planets circle other suns."
And thus lost in the stupendous revelations, you can but exclaim: "There
must be somewhere a great directing Mind of All," of whom we say: "He
doeth all things well" with that simplicity of faith as my little girl
who, seeing a "booger" in her dreams calls "mama" and hearing her voice
believes "all's well," turns over and is lost in dreamland. But it's but
candid to say no man can tell why it is best that a young man like this
who lived in a surrounding where every prospect pleased, should be called
so suddenly from his labors. For,
"While yet in love with life and raptured with the world he passed to silence and pathetic dust.
Yet after all, it may be best, just in the happiest, sunniest hour of all the voyage,
while eager winds are kissing every [not legible], to dash against the unseen rock,
and in an instant hear the billows roar a sunken ship."
Friday morning's train of Aug. 13th, brought his precious remains back to
the spot where nearly his entire life had been spent. Every business house
in town was closed and every citizen of the town at the depot. The Masonic
Order, the Knights of Pythias, and Woodmen Lodges were all out in uniform,
he being a member of each order, and it is estimated that twelve or
fifteen hundred people were at the cemetery, Bear Creek, coming for miles
and miles around.
Dr. John W. Kern, pastor First Christian Church of Austin
conducted the religious service at the grave, assisted by Rev. J. H.
Stucky, pastor Christian Church at Bertram and Rev. A. S.
Haygood pastor Methodist Church at Bertram. Roy Stuckey and
wife, Miss Annie Savage, Miss Lula Riley, and Miss
Annie Hooper sang, "Lead Kindly Light," "Abide With Me," and "Shall
We Gather at the River." The service and songs were very effective.
After this the coffin's lid was removed and the relatives and a few
friends were permitted to view the remains. The crowd was entirely too
large for them to get near the grave. As this last look was taken, it was
a sad and solemn scene and scarcely a dry eye could be seen. This over,
the lid was replaced and the Masonic brethren took charge and their
beautiful burial service was gone through with, after which the other
lodges marched around the grave and dropped a sprig of evergreen upon the
bier of their dead friend and brother. Then the grave was filled and all
that was mortal of "him who sleeps well" was hidden from view forever, to
slumber on till the resurrection morn.
The floral offerings by the several lodges and friends were the mot
profuse and beautiful I ever saw strewn over a new made grave. And there
we left him sleeping beneath a wilderness of flowers, placed there by
loving hands, to each of whom he had in life extended some kindly act.
But of the tenderest, sweetest part of his life I have not yet spokenæhis
married life. On Nov. 28th 1900 at her father's home in Beaumont he
married Miss Birdie Reed. To them two sons have been born. The
eldest, Thomas Reed, died February 10, 1905; the other, David
Clark, is now about three and a half years old. If in the counting
room and amongst the busy marts of men, his life was a success, it is
given to his home life to complete and beautify his life to his
everlasting glory. His wife I have known all the days of hr life: a
sweeter, more amiable girl never lived. They were children together,
played together, and a more congenial couple never took upon themselves
the marriage vow. He treated his wife like she was a splendid flower, and
she filled his life with perfume and with joy. I have enjoyed he
hospitality of their sunny home, and whenever I went there, I always
thought of the beautiful sentiment I heard Ingersoll give expression to in
a lecture in Chicago years ago. He said:
"Heaven or no Heaven, Hell or no Hell, the thing for us to do is to make a little heaven around our own firesides."
And this cozy little home approached it as near as any I ever knew.
Beecher in his writings upon the topic 'Time Law of the Household," says:
"There are men who smell like a May morning all through the business hours of the days
[and] they save their ugliness for their wife and children at home."
Howard of New York, the great newspaper writer in an article years ago
under the heading of "Good-Nature" amongst other things said: "It has been
my good fortune in a long unbroken life of work to be thrown much in
contact with men of affairs. Every Presidential candidate from the time of
Buchanan and Fremont, through the storm periods of our nation's struggle,
and in the happier days, when contests were ended, I have seen; I have
known. Political leaders of the great parties, I have met and talked with.
The leading divines, the chief orators, our best lawyers, the men who
grace and others who disgrace the bench; I have seen and met in close
communion, and my sober judgment is that not ten per cent of them were
graced with this happy, sunshiny disposition which goes so far toward
making their own lives sweet, while radiating comfort, happiness and good
cheer in the circles of which they are so often the center." It is here
that the subject of this imperfect sketch outshone the lives of a great
multitude of our great men, in the sense greatness is reckoned. Indeed, he
seemed to be a gatherer of sunbeams, his blithe spirit seemed to sing:
"Let us gather up the sunbeams
Lying all around our path;
Let us keep the wheat and roses,
Casting out the thorns and chaff."
In this sad and solemn hour I fully realize the emptiness of words to
comfort that young, broken hearted wife and that little son, too young to
realize his incomparable loss. God pity and keep them both. The death of
no man would cause more universal sorrow in that community, and to all his
kin do all classes drop a tear in his untimely taking off.
I realize that I have extended this feeble tribute to greater length than
is usual, but I also realize that the passing of this young man, calls for
and deserves more than a sketch like this can contain. I realize too, that
I have said only that which every heart feels whose life touched
hisæknowing, too, that according to the Christian's creed, no words of
mine can disturb or benefit the soul of my dead friend. So worthy of
emulation and example do I feel his life has been that I feel it a good
guide post to point young men to that shining pathway leading up to a
higher and better citizenship.
I am glad at this mid-night hour to know that while he was living I told
him how proud I was of him. Let us believe, in spite of doubts and dogman
and tears and fears, that some time upon that 'Beautiful Isle of
Somewhere" we may meet again.
"Just as long as we love one another we'll hope for another world;
just as long as love kisses the lips of death will we believe and hope for a future reunion."
The life of such a man will live after him and glorify his name.
"Were a star quenched on high
Forever would its light,
Still traveling downward from the sky,
Shine on our mortal sight.
So when a good man dies,
Ages beyond our ken,
The light he leaves behind him lies
Upon the paths of men."
MARTIN, M. C. - 17 Oct 1874
--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman
Brown Free Library.
17 Oct 1874. We are informed by Mr. J. Clymer that a young man by
the name of M. C. Martin who has been teaching school in Backbone
Valley, started on a hunting expedition with Newton Smith and two
men by the name of Toby, and while out, Martin was taken sick and died, it
is supposed from cramp colic. Mr. Martin was a very promising young man,
and his neighborhood will feel his loss sadly. He came from middle
Tennessee, near Nashville.
MARTIN, S. B. - 11 Sept 1876
Burnet Bulletin September 8, 1876
At 9 o'clock yesterday [Thursday] morning, Sheriff J.J. Strickland
came in town and reported that Dept. Sheriff S.B. Martin and Wilson
Rowntree were shot by Joseph Olney, while they were
attempting to arrest him. A party of citizens soon gathered and went to
the scene of blood, which was on the other side of the Colorado, in
Llano county, twelve miles west of Burnet. The facts, as far as we can
learn, are as follows:
Martin and Rowntree went to Olney's house to arrest him,
but being unacquainted with him, talked with him awhile and passed on,
intending to cross the Colorado river and return to Burnet. Olney,
suspecting that something was wrong, picked up his gun, buckled on his
six-shooter, and remarked that he would see whether they crossed the
river or not. Martin and Rowntree noticed him following, and at once
concluded he was Olney. They rode back, met him, and ordered him to
surrender. Olney quickly drew his pistol and fired, missing his aim.
Martin and Rowntree then fired, when Olney, who was on foot, jumped
behind a tree and shot Martin, breaking his left arm above the
elbow. Martin then spoke to Rowntree and told him to shoot Olney.
Rowntree ran up, put his gun very close to Olney and pulled the trigger,
but the gun snapped. Rowntree then attempted to draw his pistol, when
Olney shot him. Martin's horse had turned around, and was trying to run
away, when Olney shot him again. The fight then ceased.
Martin and Rowntree came across the Colorado river and stopped at an
old vacant house where Rowntree assisted Martin to dismount and get into
the house. Rowntree then sent in search of Sheriff Strickland, who was
three miles away, watching for some one whom he wished to arrest.
Rowntree stopped at a house and laid down. Dr. J.G. McFarland
examined and dressed his wound about twelve o'clock, being about six
hours after it was inflicted. The ball entered the left side just below
the stomach, and, passing through a portion of the lungs, came out on
the same side, about seven inches from where it entered. The Doctor
thinks his recovery probable.
Dr. McFarland then went to Martin and with ______ Grandstaff, succeeded
in removing a ball, which they found had entered near the left side of
the backbone, ranged upward, passing under the shoulder blade, and
lodging under the main artery of the neck. It is thought his recovery
is doubtful. Both men have numerous relatives and friends and will
receive the closest attention.
The relatives of Mr. Martin and Mr. Rowntree are very grateful to those
who rendered their assistance. The Rev. Mr. Blakely very kindly
furnished his ambulance and team, besides driving it to Burnet himself.
Olney is still at large.
[From The Handbook of Texas Online]
JOSEPH GRAVES OLNEY was born on 9 Oct 1849, in Burleson County,
Texas, the son of Joseph Olney and Mary Katherine Tanner. In
1860 the Olneys moved to the Colorado River in Burnet County. Joseph
Olney has been called a rancher, feudist, and outlaw. On 30 Nov 1870, he
married Agnes Jane Arnold; they had five children. He enlisted
in Co O, Minute Men, under John Ross Alexander in September 1872
and served through January 1873. During the spring of 1874, he became
involved in a dispute over cattle that resulted in his shooting a man in
Llano County. He was indicted for theft of cattle and assault with
intent to murder. In 1875 he was drawn into the Mason County War by the
killing of Moses Baird. During the rest of 1875 and 1876 he was
opposed to the "mob" faction of Mason and Llano counties. After the
gunfight described in this newspaper article, Olney fled to New Mexico
and established a ranch near Mimbres under the alias of Joe Hill.
In the fall of 1881 Olney moved to Bowie. There he was killed on 3 Dec
1884, when his horse fell on him.
Burnet Bulletin Friday, September 15, 1876
IN MEMORIAM...With painful regret, we record the death of our young and
much beloved friend, S. B. Martin, who passed to everlasting rest
in Burnet, at 4 o'clock p.m. on the 11th inst. From the effects of
wounds received while in the discharge of his duties as an officer.
This Christian man, surrounded by his brothers and sisters, said that he
was not afraid to die&emdash;for he had an abiding hope that his sins
were forgiven, and angels awaited his release from earthly bondage to
welcome him to the land of rest. Thus in the glory of early manhood, he
has departed, leaving behind a wide circle of devoted and sorrowing
friends. The everlasting gates that were lifted for him are now closed,
and those who admired and loved him, await with patience and hope the
reunion which shall know no parting.
At 3 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday the 12th, he was followed to his last
resting place in the cemetery, by a larger funeral procession than was
ever known to assemble in our little village.
Burnet County Cemetery Records, 1852-1982 gives the following
Old Burnet Cemetery, Burnet
S. B. Martin 2-20-1851 9-11-1876
Sallie Martin 6-20-1854 3-18-1881
Eligh 9-14-1846 6-10-1912
MARX, Annie - Feb 1906
From the Burnet Bulletin, 15 Feb 1906
Mrs. Annie Marx Dead
Mrs. Annie Marx, wife of Mr. Frank Marx, died at her home in
Burnet last Friday and was buried the following Saturday in the Odd
Fellow's Cemetery.
Mrs Marx was the daughter of Prof. and Mrs. J.T. Motley of this
section and was a conscientious Christian woman, highly regarded by a wide
circle of friends and acquaintences.
To the heart-broken husband and child, the bereaved father and mother,
and other mourning relatives, the bulletin extends its deepest sympathy.
MATHER, Mrs. Andrew (1851 - 21
April 1923)
Burnet Bulletin, May 10, 1923; From Barry Caraway
Mrs. Andrew Mather Died.
Our hearts were made sad Saturday, April 21st, when news came from those
who were watching at bedside of Mrs. Andrews Mather that her
spirit had taken its fight from the pain racked body back to God who gave
In the passing away of this woman this community has lost one of its
faithful pioneers. Her life being spent in this community it is like a
book without a blot upon its pages, for all who knew her loved her. At the
time of her death she was seventy-two years one month and twenty three
days old.
She was married to Andrew Mather November 19, 1878. To this union
were born three children, one dying in infancy. Deceased leaves her aged
husband, two sons, Robert Lee and Charles Parker, ten
grandchildren, three great grandchildren, one brother, and other relatives
to mourn her death. To these our heart goes out in sympathy. Mrs. Mather
was a member of the Church of Christ, obeying the Gospel in early life.
The body was laid to rest in Gabriel Mills Cemetery. The great number of
friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to this good woman.
The large floral offering bespeaks the high esteem in which she was held.
The funeral services were conducted by A. D. Forehand----Liberty
Hill index.
MAY, Lindsey Edward - 7 Aug 1910
Burnet Bulletin, 8 Sept 1910
Lindsey Edward [May], second son of A. L. and A. M. May,
was born April 27, 1895, and died August 7, 1910, at ten minutes until
eight in the morning, after an illness of twenty-eight days of typhoid
fever from which he suffered untold agony. The last week of his life he
was unconscious, not knowing his friends as they watched by his bedside,
expecting each moment to be his last. All was done that could be done, but
to no avail.
Lindsey was a good boy. He was converted last summer at Bro. Spark's
meeting at Naruna. He numbered his friends by those who knew him. I have
known Lindsey many years and I have always found him faithful and true.
Lindsey leaves a father, mother, six sisters and two brothers, besides
(one brother and sister having preceded him to the Gloryland), many
relatives and friends to mourn his death.
At sundown on August 7th, his body was laid to rest in the Pebble Mound
graveyard, Brother Springer conducting the funeral services. It
was hard to give him up, we know, but weep not, dear friends, but look to
Him who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not
for of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
Weep not dear friends, I am at rest,
My Savior now I see,
And am a lamb on Jesus' breast,
Oh! Haste and follow me.
--A Friend
M. B., July 1907

MAY, Mrs. Isa Belle - 13
March 1908
Burnet Bulletin, March 26, 1908
Mrs. Isa Belle May Dead
Mrs. Isabelle May died at her
home in the Pebble Mound neighborhood last Friday, March 13th,
1908. Her body was interred in the neighborhood burying ground,
Bro Taylor of this place conducting the funeral service.
Mrs. May was a native of North
Carolina, and was born August 3rd 1835. On February 2nd, 1857, she
was united in marriage to Morris B. May, with whom she
lived happily for 53 years She was the mother of ten children,
eight of whom are living to mourn her death.
She was converted when quite young and
in the year 1874 joined the Baptist church of which she lived a
consistent member until death.
Mrs May was an old resident of this
county, and a wide circle of relatives and friends are left behind
to mourn her death.
The Bulletin extends condolence to the
bereaved relatives.
McCLISH, Willie And Sammy -
28 and 29 Sept 1878
Burnet Bulletin, Oct 16, 1878; contributed by Barry Caraway
It became our painful duty to record the death of two little brothers,
Willie and Sammy, sons of J. P. and Mariah W. McClish, of Hickory Creek,
Burnet County, who died of fever and conjestion, the eldest September 28th
1878. at 6 o'clock, p. m. and the younger 26 hours later. They were aged
respectively, 13 and 10 years. We weep with their parents.
Dear Willie and Sammy,
A long farewell for you no more on earth can dwell.
Your lives were short, your race how quickly run,
Your sun's have set, your evening come,
Your work, alas I how quickly done
Yet though our hearts are lowared in grief,
Tis joy to know, oh I sweet relief,
That you have gone to a world above,
Where all in peace and joy and love,
To reign with Christ above.
--W. H. Meadows
MCCOY, Mrs. Hugh - Nov 1906
Burnet Bulletin, 22 Nov 1906 - Notice of Death.
The Bulletin with sincere regret reports the death of the venerable Mrs.
Hugh McCoy, of the Sage neighborhood, which occurred Sunday night of
paralysis. Mrs. McCoy, with her husband Uncle Hugh McCoy,
settled in Texas at an early date, and by their honest, upright lives have
been a good example to the generations that have grown up around them. An
obituary of Mrs. McCoy would be interesting reading and a deserved tribute
to her memory. We ask one of those familiar with the life of Mrs. McCoy to
prepare such a sketch for publication.
[no obituary was found in several succeeding issues of the Bulletin]
NOTE FROM K. Keele, <jrkkee @>, April 2004
An addition to the obituary of Mrs. Hugh McCoy:
Mrs. Hugh McCoy was born Harriet Farquhar on December 7,
1832, in Fayette County, Alabama, the daughter of Anderson and Lavina
Kirkland Farquhar. She married Hugh McCoy on September 18, 1850, in
Fayette County. They were among those in the Farquhar family group of
settlers to come to Burnet County in 1853 and settle on land in the areas
of Mesquite and Rocky Creek in the northern part of the county. Harriet
was a true pioneer woman who met the challenges of being a settler's wife
in the early days of the county.
Harriet Farquhar McCoy was the mother of eleven children and all but
one, lived be be adults. They were as follows:
1. William Riley McCoy b. 1851 m. Mirrah Elizabeth Holland
2. Sarah Jane McCoy b. 1853 m. David Anderson Riggs
3. Archibald Lewalen (Arch) McCoy b. 1855 m. Mary Jane Howard
4. Thomas Walter (Tom) McCoy b. 1858 m. Florence M.
5. Anderson (Ance) McCoy b. 1860 m. Alie Francis (Fannie)
6. James Robert (Jim) McCoy b. 1862 m. Mina Dowen
7. Wilburn Hugh McCoy b. 1865 m. Zeno Alberta Jenkins
8. David Jackson (Jack) McCoy b. 1867 m. Mary Jane (Jennie)
9. Monroe Jefferson (Dock) McCoy b. 1870 m. Rachal Lou
10. Lucinda Lavina (Viny) McCoy b. 1873 m. T. Henry
11. Mary E. (Mollie) McCoy b. 1875 d. 1877
McDANIEL, Palistine (1868 - 20
March 1926)
Burnet Bulletin, March 25, 1926 - From Barry Caraway
Mrs. William McDaniel Called By Death
Mrs. William McDaniel, residing on Mill Creek in the Northeastern
part of Burnet County, died Saturday afternoon, March 20th 1926. She was
58 years of age, and is survived by her husband and five children. Mrs.
McDaniel was a good woman highly respected by all who knew her. The
Bulletin joins other friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved family.
McDonald, Z. - Jan 1880
--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman
Brown Free Library.
29 Jan 1880. Died at his residence on the Colorado river, 13 miles west
of the town of Burnet, at 4 P.M., Z. McDonald, at the advanced age of 87
years. He was a warm-hearted husband and father, and an exemplary citizen,
as well as a model Christian.. He leaves a widow (formerly Mrs. Banta)
aged 74, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was interred near his
residence on the 24th instant, where he will remain in the quiet sleep of
Death until criled forth in the morning of the resurrection to an
inheritance incorruptible and undefiled in the glorious kingdom of God.
Jan. 27, 1880 G.W. Banta
McFARLAND, Bennie (17 June 1886 -
30 May 1958)
Burnet Bulletin, June 5, 1958; From Barry Caraway
Mrs. McFarland Called By Death At Austin, Friday
Mrs. Bennie McFarland of Austin, was called by death at her
home, Friday, May 30th, 1958. Funeral services were held Sunday
afternoon, June 1st, at 3:00 p. m. in the Edgar Funeral Home with Bro. McCurin
Harwell officiating. Burial was in the Burnet Cemetery. Deceased
was born in Llano County, June 17, 1886. She resided at this place for
many years, moving to Austin a number of years ago to make her home. She
was a member of the Church of Christ. Mrs. McFarland is survived by a
son, Jack McFarland of Austin.
Austin American, June 2,1958
Mrs. Bennie McFarland
Burnet-Funeral services for Mrs.Bennie McFarland, 71 who died
Friday at Austin, were held Sunday at Edgar Funeral Home here with
McCurin Harwell officiating. Burial was in Burnet Cemetery. Survivors
include one son, Jack McFarland of Austin.
McFARLAND, James Watson - 1
Jan 1979
Burnet Bulletin, 11 Jan 1979
James Watson McFarland, Jr., age 60, of Arlington, died Monday,
January 1, at his Arlington residence.
He was born March 4, 1918, in Elton, Louisiana. He was a member of the
Christian Church, served in the United States Air Corps and was employed
with General Electric.
McFarland is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary McFarland of
Arlington; his mother, Lyda Annetta Alysworth McFarland of
Arlington; one son, Scott McFarland of Arlington; two sisters, Mrs.
Ann M. Morris of Dallas, and Mrs. C. B. Kemble of
Grange; other relatives and close friends.
Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon, January 3, at 3 p.m. at
the Burnet Cemetery with Brother Charles Kemble officiating.
Arrangements were made under the direction of the Edgar Funeral Directors.
McFARLAND, Joe - 15 June 1953
Burnet Bulletin, 18 June 1953
Joe McFarland, a resident of this place for the past 24 years was
called by death, June 15, 1953, after suffering a heart attack.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, June 16th, at 6:00 o'clock
in the Edgar Funeral Home with Rev. Bill Merritt of Bertram in
Pallbearers were: L.B. Tippie, James Hibler, Raymond Ray, Ben Ray,
Leroy Russworm and Dick Kelley.
Mr. McFarland was born at Brady, Texas, March 28, 1900.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bertha McFarland of Burnet,
three sisters, Mrs. Ray Taylor, San Angelo; Mrs. Eva Cooper,
Brady; Mrs. Edwin Bush, Mason, and five brothers, Grude and
Ruben of Brady; Lou Allen, Jim and Oran of Field
McFARLAND, Mrs. Sam - 27 Jan 1964
Burnet Bulletin 30 Jan 1964
Mrs. Sam McFarland, born March 2, 1883 in Ladonia, Texas, passed
away January 27, 1964 in a local hospital following an extended illness.
On Feb. 7, 1903 she was married in Goldthwaite, Texas to Mr. Sam
McFarland, who preceded her in death in Sept. 1943.
Surviving her are: 3 daughters: Mrs. Lou Helen Box of Burnet, Mrs.
Frances Webb of Shreveport, La., and Mrs. Carmen Parker of
Burnet; her son, Don C. McFarland of Albuquerque, N.M.; and her
sister, Mrs. Rosa Brown of Waco. Also surviving are 10
grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, other close relatives and a host of
Funeral services were held Tuesday, January 28, 1964 at 10:30 a.m. at the
First Baptist Church with the Rev. H. D. Christian and the Rev.
Ted Knies officiating.
Pallbearers were Melvin Kincheloe, B. Pogue, Charlie Kroeger, Dick
Feild, Bunk Gibbs, and Raymond Kuykendall.
Interment was in the Burnet Cemetery with the Edgar Funeral Directors in
McFARLAND, Samuel King (1888 -
19 March 1954)
Burnet Bulletin March 25, 1954 - From Barry Caraway
S. K. McFarland Dies In Austin
Samuel King McFarland, a former resident of this place suddenly
called by death at his home in Austin Friday afternoon, March 19th.
Funeral services for Mr. McFarland were held Sunday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock in the Edgar Funeral Home with Rev. C. M. Nyquist
officiating. Burial was in the Burnet Cemetery. Pallbearers were: V.
H. Potts, Glen D. Potts, Roy Potts Jr., Pete Plum, George Davenport
and Clarence McFarland.
Deceased was born in Burnet County April 25, 1888 and was for many
years engaged in farming and ranching near Burnet. He was a member of
the Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife Mrs. Bennie McFarland, a son Jack
McFarland, four sisters Mrs. A. R. Cummins, Agua Dulce; Mrs.
Winnie Gibson, Montica Calif., Mrs. Thelma Coupland,
Castroville Texas, Mrs. C. B. Raney. Montica Calif., and two
brothers Clifton McFarland, California, and Rufus McFarland
of San Antonio
Austin American, March 20, 1954; from Barry Caraway
Samuel King McFarland died suddenly at his home, 8317 El
Mirando, Friday evening. He was a retired farmer and rancher, a member
of the Masonic Lodge in Burnet, and had been a resident of Austin for
six years. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Bennie McFarland;
one son Jack McFarland, of Austin; three sisters and two
brothers. The body has been sent to Burnet by Cook Funeral Home.
McGUIRE, Mrs. W.C. - 3 Mar 1920
--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman
Brown Free Library.
11 March 1920
Obituary. Mrs. W.C. McGuire passed away at the family home in Santa Rosa,
California, on March 3rd. She died from an attack of paralysis, and was
sick only two weeks. The three daughters who live in California were with
her when the end came, but owing to the influenza raging, and the
irregular train service, Mrs. John Brandon of Lampasas, another
daughter, did not attempt to make the long trip. This good woman formerly
lived with her family in Burnet County, and will be kindly remembered by
many of our citizens, who will join the Bulletin in extending condolence
to the bereaved relatives.
McKINLEY, Tolmer Spencer "Mac"- 22
Nov 1992
From the Burnet Bulletin, 3 Dec 1992
Tolmer Spencer "Mac" McKinley, died Nov. 22, 1992.
Born July 21, 1918, he was the son of Tolmer Washington McKinley and
Vera Marguerite Spencer. He served as a navigator in World War
II where he received numerous medals, including a Bronze Star,
the Distinguished Flying Cross and a Purple Heart. He was education
director at Ft. Chaffee from 1953 until the closure of the base in 1959,
at which time he moved to San Antonio with his family.
Upon his retirement, he and his family moved to live on Lake LBJ in
Burnet. He was an active supporter for the Hoover Valley VFD and EMS,
acting as vice president of the board of directors for two years.
Funeral services were held Nov. 25 at Edgar's Funeral Home in Burnet.
Interment followed at Lakeland Hills Memorial Park on Park Road 4.
Survivors include his wife Gertrude "Trudy" McKinley; three
daughters, Margaret McKinley Cuny and her husband, Edward;
Marcia Lynn McKinley, and Ann Kathryn McKinley; one son, Guy
Tolmer McKinley and his wife Denise; and seven
Memorial contributions may be made to the Hoover Valley VFD and EMS
Building Fund in Burnet.
MCNEW, Minnie E. Hunnicutt
Marble Falls Messenger, March, 1908; From Barry Caraway
Mrs. McNew Dead.
The Messenger regrets to chronicle the sad death of Mrs. W. W. McNew
last Monday morning at her home in the north end of town. Her death was
the result of a stubborn case of grippe, which developed into pneumonia.
The remains were interred in the Richland Cemetery, a few miles below
town. Pastor Crain of the Baptist church conducted the services. Mrs
McNew was a daughter of Mrs. Charley Coe, and a sister to
Bert and Jim Hunnicutt.
The Messenger extends condolence to the bereaved relatives and friends.
MILLS, Minnie Bell (1900-1923)
Burnet Bulletin, July 12, 1923; From Barry Caraway
Miss Minnie Bell Mills
Recently after a long and painful illness with the terrible malady, T.
B., Miss Minna Bell Mills went to rest. She was twenty three years
old, and was a lovable and beautiful young lady when struck down by this
dread disease.
During her long illness she was ever patient and uncomplaining, and
always thoughtful of those about her, and especially watchful for the
comfort of her sick sister. Several weeks ago she accepted Christ as her
savior and expressed her desire to become a member of the Baptist church,
and was accepted together with her sister, for baptism. Since that time
she has given every evidence of being a devoted Christian, daily
expressing her trust in Christ and taking comfort in praying to Him. She
was willing and ready to die, and passed away without a murmur.
The sick sister is in a very precarious condition, and is daily praying
to be released from her suffering to join her who has been her constant
companion for years, both in health and in suffering. The heart of the
entire community goes out to this sorely stricken family, and especially
to the one who is left so lonely in her suffering condition. May God
sustain her is our prayer.
11 March 1934
Mrs. Seleta Mitcheltree Dead
Mrs. Seleta Mitchletree died at
her home in Burnet on March 11th, 1934. Her body was interred in the Odd
Fellows' Cemetery in Burnet, Bro. Lynn Nobles, pastor of the Church of
Christ at this place officiating.
Miss Seleta Williams was born in Wise County, Texas, September 10th,
1851. She was at the time of her death 82 years, 6 months, and one day of
age. In 1866, she was united in marriage to Mr. James Mitcheltree.
To this union nine children were born, one boy and eight girls. The son, A.D.
Mitcheltree of Luling, Texas and five of the daughters survive her.
Her husband and three of the daughters preceeded her in death. She moved
with her family to Burnet County in 1875, and has resided in this section
continously since that time. Mrs. Mitcheltree obeyed the Gospel about
thirty-five years ago, under the preaching of Elder
R. T. Howell. She gave herself unreservedly into the hands of her
Saviour, and was content to spend her declining years in humble service to
Him who always leads to the pathway of righteousness.
Mrs. Mitchletree was a good woman in every sense of the word and was held
in high esteem by all who knew her, and the heart-broken children and
other relatives have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in their
MOORE, Joshua T. (1807 - 22 May
Burnet Bulletin, June 20, 1901; From Barry Caraway
In Memoriam
Joshua Moore was born in Iredell Co. N. C. on the 11th of June,
1807 and died May 22nd, 1901. He was the third child of a family of twelve
children. He followed the blacksmith's trade up to 1827 and then was made
manager of Negroes in the old Capps Goldmine in Mecklenburg Co. N. C.
In January 1830 he was married to Miss Lockie Abernathy of
Mecklenburg Co., and had two children, Mrs. Kate Talbert and the
late G. Wash Moore. In 1832 he went to Delonago Ga., as manager in
gold mines there and served for four years. In 1836 he went to Loundes Co.
Miss.; his wife died in August 13th, 1837.
He came to Tex, in or about 1851 and settled at LaGrange, Texas, and in
1865 married Mrs. Nancy Shuford and had one daughter, Mrs.
Napie Kinser of Marble Falls, and in June, 1871, he came to Mormon
Mills where he settled and operated the Mill until stricken with paralysis
in 1897. After this affliction he lasted four years and was never able to
sit up or walk. He passed to his reward on the morning of the 22nd of May
1901 at the age, 95 years 11 mo., 11 days, and was buried at Hairston
Creek cemetery. Bro. F. S. Rountree of the Baptist faith conducted
the funeral services. Uncle Joshua was not a professed Christian I was
Col. Nicholas Johnson - Dec 1881
Burnet Bulletin, 6 Dec 1881
We regret to report that Mr.
Harrison Posey received a telegram last evening that Col. Moore
died yesterday. Col. Moore left here only about 3 weeks ago, the
picture of health.
Burnet Bulletin 18 Dec 1881 (abstract)
Col. Nicholas Johnson Moore, clerk of the
Supreme Court at Galveston, died at the Central Hotel at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning. He was born in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, July
6, 1815. He moved to Alabama with his parents when he was 10 years
old. He came to Texas in 1835, returned to Alabama and married Miss
Frances Tallifaro. He moved to Mississippi; his wife died
in 1842. He returned to Texas with a daughter, now Mrs.
Margaret Posey. In 1843 he married Miss
Eliza Stivers, who died, leaving him 7 children, 5 still
living. (printed obituary is a long, nice write-up)
Lucy A. - 22 Sept 1899
From the Burnet Bulletin, 28 Sept 1899
A Mother in Israel Dead. Last Friday noon, the beloved wife of Hon.
Norton Moses passed from earth after a trying illness of weary months. Her
disease was enlargement of the liver, and she had attained her 66th year
on the 17th of this month. She had been in poor health ever since the
burning of the Strickling homestead two or three years ago.
The writer was not well enough acquainted with Mrs. Moses to do justice
to her virtues in a newspaper notice. We learn she was a member of the
Methodist church, a lady of sterling good sense, and then the fact that
she had the chief care and rearing of a large number of step children,
with her own, all of them attaining positions of honor or prominence in
life, is at once a silent but elequent tribute to her character. She and
Col. Moses were married in the year 1860.
The sympathy of the entire county goes out to the devoted and venerable
husband and surviving children in the affliction of their lives. Some
other pen more gifted and familiar with the deceased will have to portray
her as wife, mother, and friend.
The remains were taken to the family burying ground at Strickling, Rev.
Sherman preaching the funeral sermon in presence of a great congregation
of neighbors and friends.
[Transcriber's note: According to "Burnet County Cemetery Records,
1852-1982", Lucy A. Moses, b. 17 Sept 1833, d. 22 Sept 1899, is buried in
Strickling Cemetery.]
MOTLEY, J. T. , Professor - 22 March 1912.
Obituary from Burnet Bulletin, 20 June
MURCHISON, Helen M. - 19 Feb 1931
Burnet Bulletin, 5 March 1931 (Llano News)
Another pioneer settler of Llano County passed to her reward on last
Thursday February 19, at her home near Kingsland. Mrs. Helen M.
Murchison was born in Missouri August 7, 1860, and was in her
seventy-first year at the time of her death. She came to Texas in early
childhood and was married to Louis J. Murchison in 1883. They
spent their entire married life in Llano County on their ranch near
Mrs. Murchison is survived by her husband, Louis J. Murchison;
two sons, Kinley Murchison of Kingsland and Glen Murchison
of Menard; three daughters, Mrs. Wiley Conway of Jerome, Ariz., Mrs.
Emma Barnett of San Antonio, and Mrs. Fred McFarland of
Carlin, Nevada. One daughter died in early childhood. One sister, Mrs.
Harriet Crawford of Menard also survives the deceased. All the
children were present at the funeral service except Mrs. Conway
and Mrs. McFarland.
The funeral service was conducted Friday afternoon by Rev. F. V.
McFatridge, pastor of the Baptist church here, assisted by M. C.
Barnett who had charge of the singing. The burial was under the
supervision of Miles Buttery, local undertaker, and was made in
the family cemetery. The pallbearers were Ed Miller, Worth Gunn, Leo
Hardy, Clark Smith, V. J. Barnett and Linzey Barnett.
A large concourse of mourning friends testified to the regard and love
with which the deceased was remembered by those who had known her through
the years. While not a regular member of the church, Mrs. Murchison bore
testimony to her faith in the Saviour and to her peace with God. Her whole
life exemplified the virtues of Christianity.
The bereaved husband, children and other relatives have the deepest
sympathy of their many friends in their darkest hour of sorrow and may
they find comfort in the thought that all is well with the one who has
been called from this life of toil and trouble.
MURPHY, Lora Virginia - 6 Mar 2004
Austin American Statesman, 9 March 2004
Contributed by Gerald Watkins, gdwatkins @ utexas . edu
Lora Virginia Murphy Funeral Services for Lora Virginia Murphy,
age 69, of Austin, Texas, were held 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 9, 2004, at
Oak Hill Cemetery in Lampasas under the direction of Briggs-Gamel Funeral
She passed away Saturday, March 6, 2004, in an Austin Hospital.
Mrs. Murphy was born April 17, 1934, in Lampasas, Texas, to Joe and
Artie Lora Watkins. On July 25, 1952, she married Virgil O.
Murphy in Lampasas. They moved to Austin in 1960. Mrs. Murphy was
the first woman to work for the Austin Fire Department where she was
secretary to the Fire Chief. After 23 years of service and earning the
nickname of "Chief Murphy" she retired in 1988.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Survivors include
her husband, Virgil O. Murphy of Austin; son, Mike Murphy
and wife, Susan of Pflugerville; daughter Diane Murphy of Austin;
four grandchildren, Brent and Lance Murphy of Pflugerville, Brian
and Brittany Rayburn of Austin. She was preceded in death by her
parents and an infant daughter Deborah Murphy. Briff-Gamel Funeral
Home is in charge of arrangements.
Note: Joe Watkins was an old time Burnet resident, born there in 1895.
MURRAY, Mollie C. - 29 Oct 1904
Burnet Bulletin, 1904; from Barry Caraway
Mrs. J. W. Murray Dead.
Mrs. J. W. Murray, who for several months has been in feeble
health, died at her home in Burnet Saturday night, October 29th, 1904, and
was buried Sunday afternoon in the Odd Fellows cemetery, Rev. T. Lee
conducting the service.
Mrs. Murray moved to Burnet a number of years ago with her husband, who
it will be remembered lost his life some three years ago while performing
his duties as a peace officer. During all this time she lived a
consecrated Christian life, respected and loved by all who knew her.
She leaves on earth to mourn her death seven children and other
relatives. Her two oldest daughters are married and live in Austin. The
other five children, four girls and a little boy, lived with their mother
in Burnet, and it is by them that the ministering care of the now angel
mother will be so sadly missed. All of them are young, which adds pathos
to the sadness of Mrs. Murray's death.
The dark cloud of sorrow that now so gloomily shuts out the light of
earthly cheer should have a silver lining to the heart-broken children,
when their grief will allow them to realize that papa and mamma have been
united in heaven, where for all future time they will part no more.
It is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity to bless children with
Christian parents, and the influence of such live long after their bodies
have been placed in the grave. Such parents were J. W. Murray and
wife, and their children should thank God for it.
Barbara Joann (Stewart)
January 4, 1943 - December 20,
Barbara Joann Myers of Burnet, TX
passed away December 20, 2020 in Round Rock,TX at age 77.
Joann was born on January 4, 1943
to Joseph David Stewart, Jr., and Dorothy Mae Stewart (Daniels)
in Harrison, AR. She attended Grapevine High School in
Grapevine, TX, and Draughn’s Business School in Dallas. She
graduated from Grapevine High School in May 1961. During school,
and after graduation, she worked in the secretarial field.
A few months after graduation,
she married (Bob) Robert Mack Myers, Sr., on November 23, 1961
in Fort Worth, TX. Bob’s Air Force career took the family to
many different locations across the US- including Little Rock,
AR., Brown Mills, NJ., Rantoul, Il., San Antonio, TX., and
across the world to Europe, where she and her family lived in
Torrejon, Spain for three years. When they returned from Spain,
they moved to Mountain Home, ID., for two years, and then
returning to San Antonio, where she and Bob lived until their
retirement in March of 1997.
In 1997, Bob and Joann moved to
Burnet, TX., where they built their home known as “the Deer
Camp.” Joann enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest. She was
able to travel the world during her 16 years in the Civil
Service, from which she retired as a GS-11. She loved to tell
stories about her travels, and she collected many knick-knacks
from each place she went- and each of those knickknacks had a
story behind it. She thoroughly enjoyed retirement- she loved
spending time with her family any chance she got. She loved
baking, and would make all kinds of delicious desserts when her
kids and grandkids came to visit.
She was known as “Nana” to her
grandchildren, whom she adored...and they adored her. Joann was
an amazing mother and grandmother; she was always there to
listen when someone needed to talk or vent, or needed a shoulder
to cry on. She usually had advice to offer, and she was NEVER
afraid to offer her opinion (in the most loving way possible, of
course.) She was a talented seamstress, and she loved to make
handmade clothing, blankets, etc., for her kids and grandkids.
She was involved in many volunteer organizations in Burnet and
surrounding counties, such as the Burnet County Genealogical
Society, Friends of the Herman Brown Free Library, Burnet County
Historical Commission, United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Daughters of the American Revolution, Crime Stoppers, and many
more. She spent almost every Friday at the library doing
volunteer work for more than twenty years.
Joann is survived by her husband
of 59 years, Bob, of Burnet, TX; son Robert Myers, Jr., of
Henderson, NV., daughter Karen Myers, of Burnet, TX; daughter
Diana Cluck, formerly of Lakehills, TX., but now living in
Burnet as well. She also leaves behind grandsons Tyler Cluck and
Maximo Myers. She touched many lives, and will be remembered for
her warm smile, positive outlook, and her kindness towards all
she met. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial
donations be made to the Friends of the Herman Brown Free
was the happiest day of my life? That’s really hard to
say...I’ve had many, many happy days. How could one be labeled
as the happiest? My happy days started with meeting and going
out with Airman Robert Myers.... then the day when he proposed
marriage to me; when we got married; when we drove to San
Antonio for our honeymoon and explored the riverwalk and Lone
Star Brewery grounds, and Breckenridge Park. When we had our
first, second, and third children. Every event we discovered
together, every place we lived and made another home, every
milestone our children made through their lives were happy
days when I look back on them. We had some sad and even bad
days. But I don’t even think about them. We got through those
bad days and there’s no reason to remember. I prefer to think
about all our adventures and concentrate on the happy times.
Even in our retirement we have wonderfully routine, but happy
days. Just being together. Forever.”
- Joann Myers
MYNIER, Ruth (Ritchey) - 31 Jan 1920
[born 10-26-1897; died 1-31-1920]
Contributed by Michelle Cryer, copy of memorial, source unknown
An empty room-and heart-and yet how full
Are they of you since you are gone'
No trifle, small, but become a thing
For thought and love to dwell upon.
In summer'twas my heart's desire
To have one lovely fragrant bloom,
Whose warmth and color would dispel
The bleakness of cold Winter's gloom.
My dream of youth-to have you near
When hours of age crept over me,
Light of my life-my Star of Hope;
To have you love me tenderly.
Dear heart, 'tis night-my blossom, dead,
And you are vanished-who knows why !
In despairing quest I upward look --
A golden bud-a star smiles from the sky.
And thus it is, poor wounded heart of you with whom she liked her glad
young life a few short moths ago. The sweet fragrance of her rose-like
life still clings to the "shattered vase," but the brightness of her
spirit is not a memory only, it is a sentinel, glowing inspiration to
better things--to that higher plane whose upward course is paved with
those rarest jewels of Christian living: Faith, Hope, and Resignation.
We who knew her well, best knew the pure gold of her splendid character;
not gold refined in the crucible of sorrow and suffering, thank God; but
virgin gold whose luster radiated through the lives and hearts of her
loved ones.
When the Death Angel gently closed her eyes and stole her from the
hitherto unbroken family circle--its sunshine went also--or seemed to. Not
so; look up, sad hearts, and you, too, will see the "golden bud," the
"twinkling star!"
Nearly all of the twenty-two years of our Ruth's short life was spent
among us; happy years of merry, mischievous, gipsy-like childhood--on into
a radiant young maidenhood which still preserved her childish faculty of
viewing life as one grand holiday. This buoyancy of temperament, coupled
with intense virility and wonderful physical charm, made her universally
admired and beloved; hence her early demise so shortly after her marriage
plunged the entire community into a grief which found significant means of
expression in the closing of the school and business houses that all might
join in paying loving tribute to her memory, and to those near and dear in
their great bereavement.
It was altogether fitting that she should rest for a short while in the
home of her good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, since she had been a
member of the household after the removal of her parents to Austin--and
just prior to assuming the happy honors of wifehood.
There, during the singing of hymns that she had loved, the beautiful
white casket was opened, and we through falling tears looked for the last
times upon her shrouded loveliness.
"An anthem for the queenliest dead
That ever died so young
A dirge for her, the doubly dead
In that she died so young."
Rev. George Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, of which she
was a member, conducted the service in a beautiful way, conveying in well
chosen words comfort and sympathy to those bereft. There is no more
enviable attribute of a man of God than the divinely given faculty of
assuaging sorrow and salving the wounds of the spirit. Rev. Harris, of
Lampasas, who assisted, was eloquent and uplifting in his remarks, which
he closed with the reading of an exquisite poem most pertinent in its
After the house services the unusually long cortege climbed the hill to
our quiet city of the dead, where in a tomb exquisitely prepared by loving
hands of faithful friends, surrounded by those who loved and mourned her,
the frail tabernacle which had held her valiant spirit was laid to its
eternal rest.
Beautiful floral offerings came from many places: from Lampasas Clubs and
individuals, magnificent pieces from the University, the Department of
Education, of which Prof. Richey is a member, the Railroad office
at Ranger, where Mr. Mynier has employment, besides beautiful
local contributions. The mound was literally covered and banked with this
wealth of choicest flowers, tenderly placed thereon by the girl members of
her church, assisted by the writer, her friend and teacher, who, as she
placed a lovely white cross above the pulseless heart felt the blessed
significance of the symbol of promise--"He died that we might live," and
so wonderfully expressed by Charles Wesley:
"Soar we now where Christ hath led,
Following our exalted Head.
Made like Him - like Him we rise;Ours the cross, the grave, the skies."
--- Mrs. Jackson
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