Funeral Held Wednesday
Mrs. Berry
Mrs. Susie Watkins
81 former Lampasas resident, died November 16 at 12:45
p.m. in
Stephenville hospital. Mrs. Berry was born
November 6, 1889 in
Burnet County and lived in this area all her life.
She moved to
Stephenvill two weeks ago.
She was married to William
Henry Berry
on December 22, 1912 in Burnet. Survivors include her
husband, a son W. H.
(Red) Berry of Stephenville,
one granddaughter, 3 brothers, Joe
Watkins of Lampasas, John
Watkins of Electra, Vernon
Watkins of Austin and two sisters.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the
Funeral Home with Minister Silas Howell of Llano
Interment was in a Stephenville cemetery.
