W e l c o m e 

You are viewing the Burnet County TXGenWeb,

part of a larger project called 
USGenWeb Project.


Hello, my name is Jane Keppler, Foster County Coordinator, and I would like to welcome you to the Burnet County TXGenWeb Project.

I am only fostering this county until someone that has a heart for the love of this county to come along and adopt it.   I have no family or ties to the county, but the former coordinator spent hours and hours to put this site up for others to research.
If you have a question or information, you can email me.

If you are interested in adopting this county or any other county, click here.

Please note:  I do not live in Burnet County and cannot perform research for individuals needing family information from Burnet County.  
I can, however, put you in contact with the Burnet County Genealogical Society
who has volunteers to do lookups from information housed in the 
county's repository for genealogical materials, the Herman Brown Free Library.
You can also contact the Society directly to ask for information at the following address:


This is a Genealogy Web Site for and about Burnet County, Texas


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Addresses/local information
ALL counties in Texas
Bible records Burnet County Genealogy Society 
Census History
Humor and Reflections
Lineages of Burnet County Pioneers
Lookups Military
Neighboring Counties
Bell, Blanco, Lampasas, Llano adoptable, San Saba, Travis, Williamson
Resources for Burnet County

Resources for the Texas Researcher
Towns & communties
Useful Information for your Genealogy Quest Vital Records All counties in TXGenWeb
Volunteer to help this site grow



Announce family reunions, cemetery cleanings or genealogy events here!







The previous coodinator of this page was Joann Myers adopted Burnet in 1999 and passed away 2020 (click here for her memorial),

who received the following awards for her work on Burnet County TXGenWeb






December 19, 2024 08:09:48 PM -0600

Copyright 1999-to present. All Rights Reserved.

TXGenWeb State Coordinator:
TXGenWeb State Coordinator

This site is owned and maintained by the Burnet Co. TXGenWeb County Coordinator. Contents of this site have been gathered from many sources and transcribed records. Therefore, errors may occur. When in doubt as to the accuracy of data contained herein, go to the actual records yourself.  The information contained in this website is for your personal use only.  All pages, compilations, transcriptions and abstracts are protected by copyright law and may not be published in whole or in part without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster.