Submitted by Linda Houck
Graduation Class 1902 - a photo of the 1902
Graduation Class of Caldwell High School
Graduation Class 1908 - a photo of the 1908
Graduation Class of Caldwell High School
(Linda has a list of names for a lookup
please email her.)
Porters Chapel School - a photo taken of the students at the school in 1908.
Cooks Point School - a photo taken of the students at the school in 1912
Black Jack School - a photo taken of the
sutdents at the school in the early 1900's
(Linda has a list of most names for a
lookup please eamil her.)
Deanville School - a photo taken of the students at the school in 1916.
San Antonio Prairie School
New Tabor School - 1903-1902
Caldwell High School 1900
Submitted by: Michael Reese
Carl & Mabel Reese and the entire Caldwell School of Nov. 1917
Submitted by: William M. "Bill" Gray, Jr.
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller