This page is an attempt to help you find
your Burleson County ancestor who fought in the Civil War no matter which
side. If you have any information which
you would like to contribute to this site please contact me
Triller. You will be given full credit for
any thing you contribute. I would like to see this and all of the Burleson
County site grow and fill up with information.
A list of obituaries of Civil War Soldiers from Burleson County newspapers.
Markers -
Service markers of Civil War Soldiers in Burleson County
Excerpts from Newspaper articles that mention Civil War Veterans.
18th Brigade - A list of the men from Burleson Co who were part of the Lexington Invincibles.
Company H - A list of men from Burleson Co. who were in Company H of the 2nd Texas Infantry.
Texas Rangers -
A list of men from Burleson Co. who were part of Terrys
Texas Rangers
during the Civil War.
G -
A list of men from Burleson Co. who were in Company G The
Burleson Guards
of the 2nd Texas Infantry.
War Veterans - A list of men from Burleson
Co. who fought in the Civil War.
Some were from Burleson Co. at the time of the war and some moved
there later.
W.S. Lackey - An article written by W.S. Lackey about his experience in a Pennsylvania Prisoner of War Camp.
Civil War Pension Applications
- A list of those who applied for a pension while
living in Burleson County.
Confederate Reunion Photo - A photo taken at a Confederate Reunion in Burleson County.
Reunion Photo #2 - Another copy of the above Photo with some of the names.
Fifty Years Ago - An article by T. F. Mays on the battle at Millicans Bend in Mississippi.
Confederate, Veteran Writes About Battle - An article written by T. F. Mays one year after previous article.
1890 Texas Union Soldier Schedule - From the 1890 Census
Last Update Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 18:23:44 MDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller