1870 Mortality Schedule

     Name                        Sex     Place       Age    Month         Cause           Occupation
                                                     of                         of                 of
                                                   Birth                   Death          Death
Albright, Lucy                    F        TX          01        Feb           Pneumonia
Autry, Elizabeth                 F         VA         71        Jan            Pneumonia       Housekeeper
Baines, William                  M        TX           2m     May          Brain Dis
Baker, James                     M                        38      Apr            Pneumonia        Laborer
Barham, Ellen                     F        TX          02      July            Epilepsy
Bird, Morgan                     M       TX          07      July             Stomach Dis
Balckmon, George W.       M        TX           5m    Sep             Croup
Boydson, Jane E.               F         IL           25       Dec            Stomach Dis   Housekeeper
Boynton, Mary J.                          TX            4m    Jan             Pneumonia
Bryant, Sarah G.                F         ME         63       Mar            Paralysis
Buchanan, William             M        TN          30       Dec            Consumption
Burks, Louisa                    F         TN         34       Feb             Pneumonia      Housekeeper
Carlisle, William A.                       GA         62       May            Pneumonia      Carpenter
Carnes, Martha J.                         TX         28       Mar            Measles           Housekeeper
Carr, Louisa                    F           TX         18       Mar            Measles
Carr, Robert                    M         NC         54       Feb            Lung Congs     Farmer
Carrington, Carrie C.        F          SC         36       Feb            Typhoid Fev    Housekeeper
Cates, Laura                     F          TX           1m    Jan              Croup
Chrisner, Henry                             TX          1m     Feb            Dysentery
Chrisner, Isabella              F           TX        16        Dec           Peritoniti          Housekeeper
Chrisner, Mrs.                  F           MO       20        Jan            Peritoniti          Housekeeper
Cleghorn, Richard            M          TX         04        Feb          Pneumonia
Coffman, Milly B.             F           KY        01        Apr          Whooping
Collins, Henry H.             M          MS         24        Mar          Dropsy           Farm Larbor
Courtney, Elias W.           M          LA         55        Jan            Paralysis         Carpenter
Daniel, Letta                     F           TX          26        Jan           Peritoniti         Housekeeper
Daniel, William H.            M          TN         28        Feb           Pneumonia      Farmer
Davidson, John W.          M          MS        01        Apr           Tetanus
Dawson, Henrietta           F           TX           4m     Sep            Fever
Doss, Nancy                    F          GA          71      Oct            Brain Dis
Dunigan, Mary A.            F           MS         08      Nov           Brain Dis
Easly, Edward                M           TX            1m    Nov          Jaundice
Eiake, Fredrick              M                                57      Oct            Cancer       Wagon Maker
Eubanks, Alison             M            TX          14       Mar            Measles          Farm Labor
Eubanks, Esther             F             TX           20      Mar            Measles          Housekeeper
Eubanks, Frank             M             TX          12      Mar            Measles           Farm Labor
Eubanks, John               M             GA          21      Mar            Measles           Farm Labor
Eubanks, Mary              F              GA          17      Mar            Measles
Falkner, Sarah               F              NC          48      Aug            Lung Cons.
Fate, Margaret              F               MS          01      Aug            Brain dis
Ferrell, Robert              M              TN           43      Apr            Pneumonia        Physician
Ferrell, Robert Lee       M              TX           06     Aug            Stomach Dis
Fleming, William A.      M              MS           03     Dec           Measles
Flinn, Franklin              M               TX            04     Sep           Bowel Dis
Flippin, Leander           M               TX            04     Feb           Heart Dis
Foster, Ambrose A.     M               TX               1m  Aug          Debility
Foster, Sarah W.          F                TX             03    May          Fever
Fulguinn, Henry            M               TX             14    Apr           Shot              Farm Labor
Gains, Susan N.           F                SC             70    Mar          Dyspepsia
Gassaway, Mary         F                 MO           18    Mar          Peritontit          Housekeeper
Gee, John                   M                TX             00    Jan           Stillborn
Gee, Lucy A.              F                 GA             45    Aug         Rheumatis        Housekeeper
Gee, Rebecca             F                 MO            33    Jan           Peritoniti         Housekeeper
Goodman, Gabriel J.   M                TX               3m  Feb          Hives
Gracy, Francis            F                 TX             32    July           Kidney Dis      Housekeeper
Grange, James W.      M                TX             01    Aug          Fever
Gray, Elizabeth           F                 TX             25    Sep          Stomach Dis    Housekeeper
Gray, Thomas            M                TX              18    Sep          Fever               Farm Labor
Haddox, Alonzo T.    M                TX                2m  Mar         Fever
Haddox, Elizabeth M. F                TX              17    Feb          Peritoniti           Housekeeper
Haddox, William A.    M               AL              21    Mar         Measles            Student
Harkin, Michael          M               IR               49     Jun          Murder             Farmer
Hart, Quilla                 F                LA              23     Jun          Stomach Dis
Haskins, John C.        M               TX              32     Nov        Pneumonia         Farmer
Hill, Isaac P.               M              KY              57     Oct         Jaundice
Hill William                 M              TX                1m  Mar         Measles
Holmes, Toliver G.     M               TX              14      Jan         Jaundice
Holt, Emeline              F                TX                4m   Nov       Croup
Howitt, Fletcher          M              TX              01      Jul          Fall
Hughes, Edgar C.       M              TX             04       Aug        Brain Inf
Hughes, James L.       M              TX             06        Aug        Brian Inf
Huskey, Layfette        M               TX            10m     Aug        Pneumonia
Jackson, Columbus     M              TX             25       Dec        Homicide          Farmer
Johnson, William E.    M               TX             02       May       Dysentery
Jones, Margaret          F                TX             04       July        Brain Fla
Kirkland, Franklin      M                SC             66       Sep        Pneumonia        Farmer
Kite, Emily                  F                GA             24       Feb        Uterus Dis
Lackey, Ida J.             F                AL             12       Jan          Jaundice
Lawrence, Charles     M                TX              02      May        Fever
Littleton, Georgia M.   F                FL               21      Oct        Pneumonia
Littleton, Herny L.      M                LA              19       Apr       Jaundice
Littleton, Thomas        M               NC              66       Apr       Brain Dis        Farmer
Longly, Ebby              M               TX               21       Oct       Brain Infl
Majnor, William          M               TX                 1m    May      Tetanus
Mathews, Linean        M                CT              78       Nov      Heart Dis         Farmer
McAden, Hezekiah     M                AL              07       Jun        Brain Dis
McChriston, Elizabeth  F                TX              12       Nov      Pneumonia
McLain, Columbus      M               AL               24       Feb      Consumption     Laborer
McMannus, John         M               TX               22       Dec      Homicide          Farm Laborer
Mead, Ella                   F                KY              19       Mar      Consumption
Miner, Francis              F                KY              19       Dec      Consupmtion
Misleal, Martha            F                TX              34       Aug       Uterus Dis       Housekeeper
Murchison, Jane J.        F                TN             52       Feb       Heart Dis
Murray, Eve Magdaline  F              BV              36       Apr       Pneumonia       Housekeeper
Nelson, John                 M              GA              42       Jun        Pneumonia       Wagoner
Nicholson, Sarah F         F              TN              52       May      Uterus Dis       Housekeeper
Nix, Elijah                      M             MS              01       May      Scrofula
Nix, Ella                         F              MS              02       Feb       Measles
Painpelt, John F.             M            TX                 8m    Jan       Pneumonia
Parker, Henry                M             AL                12      Sep       Fever             Farm Labor
Parks, Lusetta                F              TX                 01     Nov      Cholera
Pennington, Margaret     F              TX                 26     Apr       Typhod Fev   Wheelwright
Pollock, Nancy              F              TN                 53     Jan        Consumption
Porter, Thomas E.         M              TX                 03     Feb       Fever
Price, Nancy A.             F               MS                 25     Jan       Pneumonia      Housekeeper
Reynolds, Augustus        M             TX                   7m   Feb      Confulsion
Reynolds, George L.     M              TX                  15     Nov      Pneumonia      Farm Labor
Reynolds, James T.       M               AR                 20     Apr       Measles          Farm Labor
Reynolds, Mary            F                 TX                 07     June      Brain Dis
Robinson, Elizabeth       F                MD               84     Sep       Cancer           Housekeeper
Sanders, Lucy               F                TX                  1m   Jan        Tetanus
Scoonover, Jesse         M                TX                  1m    Feb      Croup
Shepard, John H.         M                TX                 02      Apr      Stomach Inf
Simmons, Charles        M                TX                 01      Oct       Fever
Smith, Benjamin           M               AL                  13      Aug      Accident
Smith, Samuel              M               AL                  10      Nov     Pneumonia      Student
Strom, Plesant              M              TN                  52      Nov      Pneumonia      Farmer
Sullivan, Oscar C.        M               TX                  04      Sep       Brain Dis
Teal, John                    M               TX                  21      Jan        Measles
Tinnon, Charles            M               TX                  08     May      Measles
Wade, Mariah              F                NJ                   67     May     Phlebitis
Walker, Benjamin        M               SC                  57      Nov      Paralysis         Farmer
Wallin, Thomas            M               VA                 57      Jan        Consumption  Farmer
Watson, Mary             F                 TX                 01      July       Brain Dis
Wilkinson, George       M                TX                  3m    Nov      Croup
Wilson, Nancy             F                 TX                 02      Oct       Bowel Inf
Wilson, Rachael           F                 TX                 01      Feb       Measles
Worthington, Robert    M                TN                 37      Apr       Pneumonia        Farmer

Last Update Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 19:03:32 MDT

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