1966 Brooks County Deaths

            Name               Date        Sex    Marital Status
Aleman, Wenceslado            5-8-1966     M    Married
Bazan, David L               4-17-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Bean, Dorsey A               7-31-1966     M    Single
Benavides, Feliciana         8-11-1966     F    Married
Boucher, Albert D            6-18-1966     M    Single
Cantu, Beatriz                8-7-1966     F    Married
Carrejo, Jose                5-18-1966     M    Widowed
Castellano, Alberto M        6-25-1966     M    Single
Cisneros, Celestine           6-9-1966     M    Single
Collins, Frank M             10-9-1966     M    Single
Contreras, Lorenzo          10-12-1966     M    Single
Crecy, Morris S               1-5-1966     M    Single
Edwards, Dorris Matilda      7-31-1966     F    Single
Edwards, Harriett M          7-31-1966     F    Single
Edwards, Laura               7-31-1966     F    Married
Escalante, Alejandro         2-12-1966     M    Single
Falkenburg, Norman L          1-2-1966     M    Single
Felton, William E            6-23-1966     M    Single
Flores, Francisca B           4-3-1966     F    Widowed
Garcia, Jose Maria D          1-1-1966     M    Single
Garcia, Pablo G              2-13-1966     M    Married
Garibay, Alfredo L           9-16-1966     M    Single
Garza, Jesus                 8-31-1966     M    Single
Gonzales, Sotero            12-28-1966     M    Single
Gutierrez, Ramon              6-5-1966     M    Married
Hallmark, Julia G           12-25-1966     F    Widowed
Huerta, Juan Garcia         11-23-1966     M    Widowed
Jackson, Jesse W              7-7-1966     M    Single
Jackson, Nora E             11-13-1966     F    Widowed
Keener, Dora Ianna            3-9-1966     F    Widowed
Keith, Evie E               10-22-1966     F    Single
Lemanski, Henni              4-11-1966     F    Widowed
Lopez, Timoteo               1-19-1966     M    Single
Masters, Bradley Clark       7-15-1966     M    Married
Meza, Jesus Monico           2-12-1966     M    Single
Morris, Walter              11-26-1966     M    Married
Munoz, Ernestina             7-27-1966     F    Married
Ogdee, Louis                 5-22-1966     M    Single
Pena, Pedro                  9-18-1966     M    Single
Pena, Tomas                   6-2-1966     M    Single
Perez, Andres Inf Of          1-2-1966     F    Married
Perez, Jose Ramiro          12-14-1966     M    Married
Perez, Manuela G              1-4-1966     F    Single
Pogue, Vircil L              9-19-1966     M    Single
Proctor, Sarah Luella        9-20-1966     F    Single
Razo, Mercedes T             4-29-1966     F    Widowed
Reese, Louis Lee             9-16-1966     M    Married
Rodriquez, Eloisa V          5-15-1966     F    Widowed
Saldana, Hipolito            8-31-1966     M    Single
Stanfield, Winfred           2-22-1966     M    Single
Thomas, John C               2-10-1966     M    Single
Torres, Nicholes R           4-12-1966     M    Married
Trevino, Bruno                4-3-1966     M    Single
Vera, Saturnino S            7-30-1966     M    Single
Villarreal, Ascencion G     12-22-1966     F    Widowed
Villarreal, Federico         5-28-1966     M    Single
Villarreal, Oralia           12-8-1966     F    Married
Villarreal, Viviana R        7-10-1966     F    Widowed
Wright, Earl Leon            2-25-1966     M    Single
Wyrick, Solomon A             3-2-1966     M    Single
Yeager, Amy M               11-21-1966     F    Married

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