Monuments and Memorials

The bodies of Columbus "Reed" Morris and Noel Hayden Graham arrived in Baylor County on the morning of Sunday,
September 25, 1921. Squads of soldiers kept guard over them, at the courthouse, until their funeral on Tuesday,
September 27, 1921.
Two soldiers who slept in the land where they fell now repose in the land of their birth and among loved ones
and friends. -Baylor County Banner

Funeral procession of Noel H. Graham (12/26/1889-10/8/1918) and Columbus "Reed" Morris (3/25/1894-11/17/1918).
Tuesday, September 27, 1921, both men were laid to rest in the land of their birth.
May their memory live within the hearts of this generation as men who were willing to die that freedom of the
homeland may be perpetuated. -Baylor County Banner 9/29/1921
On September 29, 1921 this article, and the thank you note that follows, appeared in The Baylor County Banner.

These medals, given to Noel Hayden Graham, are on display in the Baylor County Museum. A letter with the heading
General Headquarters of the French Armies of the East.
Personnel Bureau
states that Private Noel H. Graham "displayed extraordinary heroism in engagement near St. Etienne, October 8 to
10, 1918. In spite of heavy artillery and machine gun fire, he succeeded in effecting a continuous advance thereby
continuing to the success of his unit."

This flag, with only 48 stars, draped the casket of Noel Hayden Graham while in France. It is on display at the Baylor County Museum.

Back of Reed Morris' headstone at the Woodmen Cemetery. Reed was killed in France in 1918 and brought back to Seymour in 1921.
The stone in the top right corner that resembles a log is also the monument of a WWI soldier and Baylor County resident placed on the Honor Roll. W. L. Blankenship "died of disease" in Glasgow Scotland. Many lives were lost to influenza at that time.
The following is from a 1919 Seymour High School yearbook called The Jackrabbit. Since it is a little difficult to read I have typed the information below the pages.
List of Graduates Who Have Been in Service
When the call came to help a nation in distress, the boys from Baylor County heeded it immediatley. Among the number were thirty-three graduates of the Seymour High School, as follows:
2. Embury Depree Baccus
3. Neil S. Murrie
4. Tom C. Craddock
5. E. T. Goss
6. John W. McLeod
7. John P. Newton
8. Dan W. StClair
9. Frank Woodrum
10. Horace Nichols
11. Willie Wirz
12. Richard Finn
13. Burns Gray
14. Ben Irby
15. Reed Morris
16. Wilder Kenan
17. Grady England
18. Kyde Sale
19. Sam Baccus
20. Dutton Bailes
21. Lincoln Burns
22. Neil Hilliard
23. Tracy Ratliff
24. Frank Watts
25. Lee A. Morris
26. Rollie Fancher
27. Tom Cox
28. Robert Jones
29. Seth Cockerell
30. S.B. Merrick
31. Hobson Whiteside
32. Joe Buck Jones
33. Virgil Woodruff

Columbus Reed Morris and
Wilbur Frank Watts
Who gave their lives that the world might be made safe for democracy and that eternal justice might be done.
Because of their devotion to duty, their loyalty to the cause of liberty and righteousness and their glorious sacrifice, these noble boys will ever be held in grateful and reverential memory.
The example of our heroes will be an inspiration to us through all time, and it shall be our purpose to hold high the torch which they have thrown to us. We here and now should pledge our lives to loving and useful service to humanity.