Welcome to Angelina County the "Land of the Little Angel" |
Angelina County Surnames
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These are websites of families with Angelina County ties.
If you have a website with Angelina County genealogy that you would
like to see listed here,
please send me the URL (or
your email address) and the major SURNAMES.
Surname |
Researchers |
Adams |
Agee |
Albrecht |
Albright |
Albritton |
Aldredge |
Alfred |
Anderson |
Andrews |
Arnold |
Arrington |
Atkinson |
Baker |
Bargainer (Barganier) |
Barge |
Bartholomew |
Bartlett |
Baugh |
Baxter |
Beam |
Beckham |
Bennison |
Berry |
Black |
Blackburn |
Bollier |
Boon |
Boren |
Bostick |
Breedlove |
Breese |
Bridges |
Brock |
Brookshire |
Brown |
Bugg |
Burke |
Burns |
Butler |
Calhoun |
Campbell |
Carleton |
Carlson |
Carroll |
Cassels |
Cates |
Cauble |
Cheatham |
Cherry |
Chesnut |
Chittington |
Coats |
Cochran |
Cockrell |
Cole |
Coltharp |
Colwell |
Conditt |
Conner |
Cook |
Cooley |
Cothren |
Cottingham |
Courtney |
Cousins |
Cox |
Cozart |
Craft |
Craig |
Davis |
Dearing |
DeJoan |
Delaney |
Dempsey |
Dennis |
Dollarhide |
Dominey |
Donaho |
Dorisko |
Dunn |
Durden |
Durham |
Dykes |
Ellis |
Eskew |
Evans |
Ewing |
Fiala |
Flournoy |
Floyd |
Foster |
Franklin |
Freeman |
Fudge |
Fuller |
Gann |
Theola Baker George H. Downing, Jr. Randy Martin Larry Priest Ron & Patricia Parks Richard Heyduck |
Garrard |
Gatewood |
Goodwin |
Green |
Griffin |
Guffey |
Hadden |
Hall |
Hannah |
Hanson |
Harbison |
Hardin |
Harding |
Harrison |
Hatfield |
Havard |
Hawk |
Henderson | Carla Karbowski Clifton |
Hightower |
Himphries |
Hinson |
Hollbrook |
Holt |
Horn |
Hornsby |
Howard |
Hudgins |
Huff |
Hughett |
Hutchins |
Hutson |
Isaacks |
Ivy |
Jasper |
Jayroe |
Johnson |
Jones |
Jordan |
Kea |
Kelley |
Kennedy |
Kersey |
Ketteringham |
Kinsey |
Lamon |
Largent |
LaRue |
Lear |
Lem |
Lewis |
Lovett |
Mallicoat |
Marble |
Marshman |
Martin |
Massingill (Massengill) |
Glenn Maxey Theola Baker George H. Downing, Jr. Randy Martin |
Matteson |
Maxey |
McCain |
McCarty |
McCormick |
McCoy |
McDonald |
McIntosh |
McMahon |
McKinney |
McMullan |
McMurty |
McSpadden |
Meeks |
Melton |
Mercer |
Meredith |
Messengill |
Miller |
Minyard |
Mitchell |
Mooney |
Moore |
Morgan |
Morris |
Mott |
Munger |
Needham |
Newell |
Newman | Leigh Viertel |
Neyland |
Oliver |
Owens |
Pa |
Page |
Parker |
Parmer |
Pearson |
Perkins |
Pettiette |
Pettijohn |
Pitzer |
Poland |
Powell |
Pyor |
Quine |
Rawls |
Renfro |
Repp |
Reynolds |
Rhodes |
Rich |
Richardson |
Riley |
Roberts |
Roby | Pamela Gregory Hall |
Rodgers |
Roebuck |
Rogers |
Rooks |
Rosser |
Rowan |
Rozell |
Ruby |
Russell |
Rutland |
Sadler |
Sandford |
Scott |
Seale |
Shaffer |
Sharp |
Shy |
Simmions |
Singer |
Skinner |
Smith |
Smyrl |
Sowell |
Squyers |
Vernon L. Linton, Jr. David Moerbe Todd Young Carol & Stuart Barge |
Standley |
Steadham |
Tarver |
Tatum |
Taylor |
Terry |
Thompson |
Tiner |
Titus |
Tompkins |
Traweek |
Trevathan |
Tucker |
Turner |
Turpin |
Vickrey |
Vincent |
Vinson |
Waak |
Walker |
Wall |
Wallace |
Waltman |
Watson |
Ward |
Watts |
Weaver |
Weeks |
Weir |
Welch |
Wells |
White |
Whitmire |
Williams |
Earl Dewayne House Robert Mast William Taylor Wittel Joe Miller |
Winchester |
Windham |
Wolf |
Womack |
Word |
Wright |
Yancey |
Yarbrough | Leigh Viertel |
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genealogical research. If you would like to
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1997-2013 Carla
Karbowski Clifton
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and genealogical societies,
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