Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 13:53:28 MST



Welcome to Angelina County

 the "Land of the Little Angel."

Angelina County, Texas Marriages (Sorted by Bride H-J)

9/19/1871 Ewing, Samuel Hackney, Eliza
10/1/1873 Smith, Ben Hackney, Mary
11/18/1886 Finley, Lafayette Haggard, Mary
11/5/1891 White, E. G. Haggood, Emma
12/14/1887 Spears, C. W. Haggood, Vennie
8/10/1896 Dubose, T. R. Halis, Martha
12/19/1867 Claffard, Jesse B. Hall, Elisabeth
7/5/1869 Threadgill, Louis Hall, M. A.
9/16/1897 Wiggins, W. E. Hall, Maggie (Not Returned)
6/9/1887 Hamilton, Mitchel Hall, Missouri
3/23/1894 Schade, O. A. Hall, Mrs. Ida
3/27/1876 McCarty, Michael Hall, Mrs. Melvina
4/11/1897 Toohey, P. H. Ham, Sallie
10/30/1859 Burriss, Thomas Haman, Esther
2/24/1897 Sims, M. B. Hambrick, A. E.
4/25/1897 Anderson, B. H. Hambrick, Berta
3/1/1894 Cryer, J. R. Hambrick, Lavonia
11/11/1896 Weaver, Eli Hambrick, Maggie
10/26/1886 Wilson, H. R. Hammons, Julia
11/18/1897 Weaver, W. J. Hammons, Mrs. Alice
10/14/1897 Hall, C. Roe Hancock, Hattie
11/7/1894 Peavy, A. J. Handley, Emma
2/6/1876 Mantooth, W. B. Hanes, M. E. A.
6/7/1896 Nicar, G. H. Hanks, Mary B.
11/22/1893 White, Steve Hanks, Mrs. Fannie
3/15/1896 Red, Jiles Hannah, Edner
1/26/1871 Fairchild, J. M. Harden, Flirida
11/3/1861 Hoffman, William Hardie, Mrs. Martha
8/15/1877 Dotson, William P. Hardie, Nannie
3/22/1877 Johnson, W. H. Harrel, S.
12/31/1888 Renfro, A. P. Harrington, Mary
2/2/1890 Sturdivant, Reid R. Harris, Allie M.
5/14/1884 Harrell, William Harris, Mahala
3/9/1873 Smith, Jacob Harris, Mahala Jan
1/19/1892 Page, W. T. Harris, Martha C.
3/3/1871 Lock, Robert T. Harris, Mary A.
5/26/1883 Bradford, Houston Harris, Mrs. Martha
10/3/1865 Carlisle, Marion Harris, Nancy M.
12/22/1857 Cass, John Harris, S. J.
1/18/1872 Gillman, Frank Harrison, Dicy
4/5/1894 Repp, Samuel Harrison, Fannie
11/19/1881 Johnson, Matthew Harrison, Harriet
5/9/1859 Squires, S. H Harrison, Maridh Louise
1/20/1897 Jones, Enoch Harvey, Ellie
2/10/1861 Lee, Marion L. Hatten, Rebecca
6/23/1889 Mattox, W. W. Havard Or Harard, Jane
12/23/1894 Horton, Sam Havard, Adline
9/7/1868 Anderson, James Havard, Claree
12/25/1895 McMullen, T. C. Havard, D. A.
6/19/1868 Culpepper, William Havard, Elisabeth
11/7/1895 Graham, T. B. Havard, Elizabeth J.
2/14/1893 Scarbrough, R. F. Havard, Ella
6/26/1887 Paulen, W. J. Havard, Isabella
1/9/1897 Spivey, D. P. Havard, Jemmie (Not Ret.)
7/4/1883 Massingill, N. A. Havard, L. E.
2/18/1894 Weaver, W. C. Havard, L. J.
10/9/1875 Eddings, Isaac` Havard, Mary
7/24/1856 Crane, Neiches Havard, Mary Ann
12/22/1887` Fowler, Charles Havard, Mary C.
7/13/1893 Barnes, C. C. Havard, Mary F.
7/14/1870 Culpepper, J. E. Havard, Matilda
4/3/1894 Cambron, J. H. Havard, Nancy
2/20/1868 Shafner, J. N. Havard, Nancy A.
4/16/1866 Norris, Lafayette S. Havard, Nancy A. T.
6/24/1891 Grimes, John Havard, Nancy C.
12/7/1865 Havren, Jeremiah Havard, Rody C.
6/5/1887 Eddins, George W. Havard, Rose Ann
3/26/1885 Davis, H. B. Havard, S. E.
12/23/1875 Crain, John T. Havard, Sarah
8/1/1889 Smith, J. I. Havard, Sarah
11/19/1885 Burris, Benjamen F. Havard, Sarah Catherine
7/7/1897 Ellis, A. C. Havard, Snokie
12/31/1885 White, W. T. Havard, Susie
12/31/1886 Squires, Samuel Havard, T. E. A.
3/10/1885 Burnett, P. C. Havard, U. J.
3/7/1895 Squyres, J. M. Havard, Velva M. B.
12/26/1888 Powell, Henry Havard, Virginia
11/10/18936 Renfro, Jno. F. Hawkins, Arkansas
12/9/1888 Shofner, W. R. Hawkins, C.
1/26/1896 Jones, M. L. Hawkins, Ida
12/9/1888 Gibson, I. A. Hawkins, Narcissa H.
2/9/1894 Ellis, Calvin Hawthorn, Carrie
11/28/1885 Futch, Albert Hayes, Sarah
3/11/1894 Hampton, Thomas N. Haygood, Carrie
12/1/1892 Singleton, J. M. Haygood, Carrie E.
7/18/1897 Gault, D. M. Haygood, Emma
1/26/1896 Taylor, Charley Haygood, Joella
12/1/1897 Doggett, W. H. Haygood, Lucy E.
1/14/1888 Taylor, W. A. Haygood, Mrs. Ella
11/27/1870 Mantooth, Albert Haynes, Mary R.
10/15/1865 Culver, W. F. Haynes, Mrs. Mary
9/17/1894 Anderson, Sam Hays, Mrs. Henrietta
9/19/1889 Segar, Charley Haze, Mrs. M. A.
12/1/1884 Morrisy, Tom Hazle, Mrs. Jane
12/19/1897 Sussions, Reubin Hemans, Hattie
9/20/1875 Freeman, Josiah Hemphill, Amanda E.
1/1/1882 Teer, J. W. Hemphill, Margaret
11/7/1868 Ponder, Jefferson Henderson, Mary A. E.
5/6/1866 Reynolds, John T. Henderson, Mrs. Lydia
6/5/1895 Turner, George Henderson, Nola
12/15/1895 McWherter, J. A. Hendricks, Ida
3/16/1885 McMickle, W. D. Henry, Bettie
11/12/1881 Jordan, W. C. Hensardling, M. R.
4/25/1886 Tucker, I. J. Henson, Savanah
12/15/1897 Edwards, W. S. Henson, Siddie
12/26/1869 Ashworth, Luke Herren, Mrs. Mary
4/3/1873 Stark, Stephen Herren, Tenny
7/2/1894 Dollard, J. P. Herrin, Ellie
3/9/1856 Moore, James M. Herrington, Ann
12/21/1892 Bullitt, Sam W. Herrington, Dora
12/26/1850 Livingston, Geo. H. Herrington, Elizabeth
2/26/1874 Riley, Lewis Herrington, Hagar
5/11/1881 McClure, J. H. Herrington, J. A.
10/17/1875 Sillman, John Herrington, Mrs. Nannie M.
9/10/1885 Buckner, J. C. Herrington, Sallie J.
4/7/1870 Runnels, Jayson Heusailing, Mary E.
12/10/1891 Havard, J. M. Heusarling, Lula J.
2/1/1877 Shilling, J. L. Heusarling, M. R.
5/14/1877 Johnson, Jesse Hicks, Drucilla
6/1/1860 Johnston, Robert Hicks, Susan J.
9/23/1885 Burns, A. C. Higginbotham, L. E.
12/28/1895 Downey, Thomas Hill, Annie (No Return)
8/26/1894 Spencer, Strauther Hill, Catherine
11/28/1880 Fridell, J. W. Hill, E.
7/22/1873 Stanley, W. H. Hill, Elizabeth
1/12/1891 Sparks, B. F. Hill, Emily
1/8/1896 Estes, James I. Hill, Emily A.
12/16/1850 Harvey, Stephen P. Hill, Frances Ann
3/29/1896 Causey, W. B. Hill, Jessie
12/12/1858 Ableo, D. Hill, Lucy
10/31/1892 Brashears, R. C. Hill, M. E.
4/8/1854 Warden, Joseph C. Hill, Martha Ann
1/8/1874 Allen, William Hill, Mary
3/14/1878 Rasamond, M. E. Hill, Mary A.
6/20/1893 Box, J. C. Hill, Mina
7/3/1897 Ellis, Robert Hill, Mrs. Beckie
1/28/1874 Shuffield, D. E. Hill, Mrs. Ellen
11/2/1865 White, James T. Hill, Mrs. Mahala
4/18/1886 Cottingham, John B. Hillenkamp, Ida
11/24/1897 Boulivare, C. F. Hilliard, Oliva
5/11/1893 Ohara, T. B. Hines, Mollie
11/22/1896 Ellington, W. L. Hines, Mrs. Mollie
8/2/1888 Heaton, W. F. Hinson, Dealie
9/28/1884 Jones, J. W. Hinson, Millie
4/16/1892 Middleton, G. A. Hodges, Cora
8/21/1866 Fairchilds, W. H. Holbert, Mrs. Nancy M.
12/23/1872 Rowan, David Holland, C. A.
12/6/1894 Runnels, Wm. [W. M. ?] Holland, Carrie
11/18/1894 Graham, Tom Holland, Lucy
1/27/1897 Parrish, John Holland, Maggie
1/2/1873 Rowen, Hiram Holland, Rebecca G.
8/26/1894 Limes, Robert R. Hollands, Rosie
12/9/1897 Berry, M. N. Hollin, Lou
7/25/1897 Smith, William H. Hollinger, L. E.
12/3/1895 Griffin, George Hollins, Lizzie
5/5/1887 Bates, John S. Holly, Josey
12/23/1875 Taylor, Albert Holt, Edny
5/8/1851 Anderson, D. A. Holt, Elizabeth
12/28/1875 Simpson, Cato Holt, Emily
6/5/1851 Nerren, L. D. Holt, S. I. F. A.
2/14/1881 Turner, M. C. Homphill, Emalie
2/1/1872 O'Quin, B. F. Hood, Harriett
6/11/1885 Reevis, Joseph Hooper, Annie
9/29/1889 Chaney, C. H. Hopper, Althena
1/24/1877 Dulaney, William Hopper, Ida
12/5/1888 Turner, Samuel Hopper, M. F.
11/18/1894 Collins, George M. Hopper, Martha F.
10/17/1872 Alldridac (?), William Hopper, Mary F.
1/21/1894 Warren J. M. Hopper, Sallie A.
1/3/1891 Mott, James Hopson, Martha A. P.
10/11/1894 Mott, Thomas Hornsby, Frances
9/15/1887 Jones, J. J. Hornsby, Octavia
2/7/1891 Grimes, Willis Horton, Margaret
12/25/1891 Kerr, S. H. Hottell, Carrie
7/5/1892 Roberts, J. S. Hottle, P. V.
4/14/1890 Gustine, Miller Houston, Jane Emma
12/5/1882 Thompson, R. W. Houston, Mrs. H. G.
12/2/1866 Chapman, J. M. Houston, Sarah Ann
5/13/1869 Shofner, W. H. Howard, S. E.
6/20/1892 Brown, Robert Howell, Emma
1/2/1873 Hearrin, L. C. Howell, Mary E.
5/17/1860 Ashworth, F. M. Howeth, Elizabeth
12/27/1871 Sullivan, Stephen Hubbard, Mary
12/20/1876 Ridgeway, William D. Hubbard, Sarah
2/26/1876 Allen. W. S. Hudiburgh, Sadie
2/1/1876 Canseler, Charles E. Hudiburgh, Sarah C.
3/26/1886 Warren, R. B. Hudiburgh, Willie
10/16/1884 Rushing, Charles E. Hudson, A. L. E.
7/13/1890 Caraway, W. J. Hudson, Dink
1/10/1884 Ashworth, J. H. Hudson, Victoria
8/24/1896 Evans, E. W. Huffman, Mrs. Sallie
1/21/1861 Owen, John L. Hufman, Mrs. Eliza
7/5/1891 Dismuk, J. A. Huggins, Martha
1/11/1892 Phillips, Lee W. Hughes, Lucy Ann
1/7/1850 Caldwell, A. J. Hughs, Nancy H.
12/30/1895 Vineyard, John W. Humason, Ruth E.
8/18/1872 Turner, Joseph Humphrey, Fanny
3/31/1855 Reddus, James W. Humphrey, Jane
3/9/1886 Hayden, G. A. Humphries, Emma
12/23/1895 Legg, W. G. Hurvey, Lula
5/3/1883 McCall, A. S. Husband, Candes
1/24/1884 Satiker, Joseph A. Husband, Jeanette
3/21/1889 Spivy, G. M. Husbands, Bella
1818/1894 Tindel, Amos Husbands, Celia
1/3/1878 Watson, Lee Hutchinson, Jane
3/4/1883 Smith, J. R. Ingram, J. A.
12/24/1885 Crawford, P. L. Ivey, Beady Anne
11/14/1872 Forrest, William M. Ivey, Jane
7/5/1893 Hammonds, Charles Ivy, Alice
3/31/1886 Hudiburgh, A. L. Ivy, E. A.
12/2/1894 Roberts, James B. Ivy, Molly
6/12/1895 Herrington, William Ivy, Mrs. Mollie C.
10/11/1891 McVey, J. B. Ivy, Susan
10/25/1896 Brock, U. M. Jackson, Eddie
1/9/1892 Moore, Henderson Jackson, Emma
4/24/1897 Miles, Clint Jackson, Lula (No Return)
1/4/1871 Allbritton, Mike Jackson, Mollie
9/2/1865 Knox, E. M. Jacobs, Sarah E.
5/12/1897 Clark, J. F. B. James, Leoora (Not Executed)
9/1/1895 Reynolds, J. G. James, Rebecca
7/28/1857 Windham, James L. James, Rhoda A.
5/26/1892 Hill, Jacob C. Jefferson, Jennie
3/11/1849 Ellis, J. H. Jeffrey, Mrs. Mary Ann
7/5/1887 Roberts, C. M. Jenkins, H. B.
7/5/1887 Roberts, W. D. Jenkins, M. M.
10/18/1896 Crawford, J. E. Jennings, Sarah C.
2/3/1892 Owens, Will Johns, Amanda
11/13/1895 Riley, Soloman Johnson, Addie
8/15/1892 Kennedy, Jim Johnson, Annie
3/29/1896 Pope, J. S. Johnson, Bell
3/10/1897 Arrington, A. Johnson, Emma
12/14/1882 Hackney, Joseph Johnson, Estell
8/21/1888 Mahan, Edward W. Johnson, Hester Ann
9/24/1893 Davis, Jno. Johnson, Lucinda
10/13/1889 Harden. G. G. Johnson, M. J.
8/19/1860 Massengill, George S. Johnson, Mary Ann
4/27/1892 Brookshire, Henderson Johnson, Mary E.
4/30/1896 Nichols, J. M. Johnson, Mary E.
8/3/1872 Landrum, Maston Johnson, Mary J.
1/7/1870 Gilbert, James Johnson, Masilla
6/13/1897 Sillette, Asa Johnson, Maud
7/4/1895 Chatman, David Johnson, Mrs. Lucy [Lusicy]
12/11/1897 Chappell, R. L. Johnson, Mrs. M. E.
8/6/1893 Mitchell, C. C. Johnson, Mrs. Mattie
10/2/1897 Franklin, John Johnson, Mrs. Mollie (No Ret.)
12/5/1865 Kepp, Johnathan Johnson, Mrs. Susan
1/27/1887 Ainsworth, I. C. Johnson, Mrs. W. F.
3/26/1892 Doddles, William Johnson, Ophelia
10/2/1890 Reece, Elisha Johnson, Ruthie J.
1/9/1884 White, D. J. Johnson, S.
7/22/1888 Myers, L. A. Johnson, S. E.
10/13/1893 Forsyth, Jno. Johnson, Surrilda
4/3/1856 Griffith, George M. Johnston, Amanda
3/14/1860 Alexander, James M. Johnston, Mary C.
12/25/1871 Havens, Henry Joiner, Harriet
1/12/1888 Russell, L. C. Jone, Ida
12/18/1889 Denman, R. L. Jones, A. K.
3/5/1871 Stevens, Jesse A. Jones, Amanda
12/23/1880 Smith, J. M. Jones, Corinne
12/8/1887 Stuart, J. M. Jones, Cornelia
3/17/1886 Pittman, J. E. Jones, Dollie
10/7/1870 Hazle, Jno. B. Jones, E. J.
1/19/1888 Smith, J. R. Jones, E. R.
1/15/1859 Collins, William Leamar Jones, Eliza C.
12/5/1895 York, T. M. Jones, Emma
10/29/1896 Walker, I. W. Jones, Ida
10/28/1894 Sargent, J. L. Jones, J. V.
9/3/1870 Forrest, George Jones, Josephine
5/3/1896 Wood, R. T. Jones, Laura M.
11/11/1888 Smith, Charley Jones, Lizzie
11/2/1889 Hornsby, D. L. Jones, Louisa
7/30/1870 Jones, B. A. Jones, M. E.
2/3/1893 McBryde, E. B. Jones, M. F.
2/11/1876 Welch, J. W. Jones, Margaret
5/28/1868 Brookshire, J. W. Jones, Margaret M.
11/14/1897 Davison, J. J. Jones, Martha R. D.
1/25/1866 Evans, Thomas Jones, Mary
5/15/1887 Parker, John Jones, Mary J.
3/18/1881 Tidler, J. J. Jones, Mattie J.
5/17/1896 Sims, W. W. Jones, Mrs. Annie
9/1/1891 Rodgers, F. M. Jones, Mrs. Ida L.
12/23/1867 Chisum, James Jones, Mrs. M. L.
4/5/1868 Coleman, C. E. Jones, Mrs. M. L.
7/29/1857 Jones, John C. Jones, Mrs. Martha E.
6/4/1889 Smith, Mack Jones, Mrs. Mary
7/8/1883 Anderson, W. L. Jones, Nevada
1/20/1887 Anderson, William Jones, Rebecca T.
5/12/1867 Sims, Thomas A. Jones, Sarah Ann
2/14/1878 Clabers, Jno. David Jones, Sarah E.
12/10/1865 Burnes, Cicero B. Jones, Sarah J.
12/26/1897 Travathan, B. Jordan, Addie A.
7/4/1872 Rimer, G. W. Jordan, Elizabeth
1/31/1892 Spinks, E. D. Jordan, Florence M.
5/6/1893 Spinks, A. O. Jordan, Ida
12/19/1875 Emanuel, B. F. Jordan, Martha F.
8/24/1887 Johnson, Calvin Jordan, Mary C.
1/29/1873 Rogers, L. H. Jordan, Mrs. Harriet
7/1/1891 Chancy, King Jordan, Susannah
12/26/1889 Birdsong, C. R. Journigan, Jane

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