Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 13:53:28 MST



Welcome to Angelina County

 the "Land of the Little Angel."

Angelina County, Texas Marriages (Sorted by Bride C-D)

Date Groom Bride
12/18/1897 Beasley, J. A. Cain, Lorinda J.
10/20/1895 Evans, William Charles Cain, Mary Elizabeth
2/25/1855 Erving, James L. Calder, Salistine E.
1/28/1858 Squires, Silas J. Caldwell Or Carrell, Nancy A.
12/20/1882 Pickard, J. L. Caldwell, Priscilla
8/3/1893 George, C. B. Calhoun, Lizzie
12/26/1894 Laird, J. A. Calhoun, M. T.
11/3/1874 O'Quin, Jno. A. Calvert, Amanda
10/20/1886 Nelson, Benjamin F. Calvert, Ella
9/19/1872 Warren, Noah Calvert, Louisa
4/12/1891 Martin, B. L. Calvert, R. N.
9/3/1896 McBryde, A. B. Calvery, Lizzie
12/22/1890 Smith, C. B. Calwell, Caledonia
9/10/1882 Lovelady, J. K. Calwell, Caroline
11/25/1885 Cochran, D. A. Calwell, Eliza J.
4/1/1848 Anderson, John Calwell, Mary Ann
10/2/1893 Wigley, Alfred J. Calwell, Sallie
2/28/1892 Lock, J. R. Cambron, Minnie A.
3/18/1883 Glichrist, William John Cambron, Susan
8/4/1870 Cryer, Daniel T. Cameron, Aritta J.
8/10/1893 Renick, Sam Campbell, Lota
2/12/1896 Finks, Frank F. Campbell, Mary Rebecca
3/10/1870 Jackson, John Campbell, Mollie
2/12/1896 Lipscomb, P. C. Campbell, Nina S.
1/29/1866 Grimes, James R. Camron, Mary
12/22/1893 Taylor, Bass Canady, Juda
11/10/1896 Colwell, J. C. Canady, Melinda
8/12/1886 Ratliff, J. A. Cannon, Alice M.
9/27/1892 Stone, William Cannon, Mrs. Mary
5/20/1896 Gibson, A. Cansler, Laura A.
1/5/1867 Brezeal, E. M. Carlile, Amanda A.
9/22/1897 Small, J. M. Carliles, Sallie
12/27/1877 Jordan, W. A. Carlisle, L. C. P.
7/9/1896 Brazeale, J. M. Carlisle, Laura
4/30/1891 Weeks, S. M. Carlisle, Laura J.
2/18/1892 Smith, S. A. Carlisle, M. C.
5/28/1860 Abshire, Jacob Carlisle, Martha Ann
3/17/1875 Hemphill, W. E. N. Carlisle, O. C. A.
5/1/1890 Harard, P. T. Carnes, Mrs. Mary A. S.
2/22/1893 Thompson, Joe Carns, Mary
1/25/1890 Wright, J. W. Carpenter, Abilee
11/21/1891 Wright, Robert E. Carpenter, F. B.
1/10/1897 Teer, J. M. Carpenter, M. E.
8/10/1893 Murphy, Maston L. Carpenter, Nancy N.
11/14/1865 Sullivan, Thos. Carrel, Mary
9/26/1897 McClendon, R. M. Carrell, Parilee
12/28/1886 Chancy, H. H. Carroll, Willie
11/21/1894 Fenley, James M. Carson, Kate
12/20/1880 Landers, E. G. Carson, M. A.
7/21/1881 Sanders, James Carter, A. F.
12/21/1892 Willson, Thomas L. Carter, Artemesia
12/29/1887 Hodnat, A. H. Cassday,, Narcissa Cassels
10/19/1896 Warpoo, Jim Cassel, Sinday
10/3/1892 Jones, Jeff Cassells, Fanny
10/18/1882 Thompson, L. D. Cassells, Mary E.
12/27/1888 Ward, P. W. Cassels, F. R.
11/29/1894 William, John Cassels, Mrs. Georgia Ann
8/10/1894 Caldwell, Joseph Castle, Seilla
5/21/1891 Renfro, N. R. Cates, Georgia Ann
1/24/1889 Cole, Asker Cates, Mollie
5/10/1868 Gann, Geo. W. Cauthun, Mary
1/20/1895 Huff, O. J. Chamblee, Fannie
5/30/1897 Berry, T. D. Chamblee, Mrs. M. C.
8/16/1897 Pace, E. F. Chance, Mrs. Attie
12/24/1893 Hill, Jno. F. Chance, Mrs. Susannah
10/26/1881 Scott, J. T. Chancery, Ida T.
1/30/1893 Dearing, J. W. Chancy Or Chaney, Ilia
9/8/1887 Finley, Z. P. Chancy Or Chaney, Rebecca
9/4/1891 Chesnut, J. W. Chancy, Azzie L.
1/12/1897 Muller, W. F. Chancy, Carrie
12/1/1887 Clark, W. B. Chancy, Nannie L.
1/2/1895 Dowdle, John R. Chancy, Nina A.
1/31/1894 Poland, H. A. Chancy, Willie
9/28/1897 Roberts, Jr., J. R. Chandler, Bessie
2/6/1866 Smith, Benjamin F. Chandler, Catharine
12/1/1869 Williams, William Chandler, Emily M.
6/3/1866 Underwood, L. B. Chandler, Lucy Ann
6/26/1895 Choate, W. C. Chandler, Mattie M.
4/14/1891 Jones, George Chandler, Mrs. Robertee C.
1/11/1895 Oates, L. H. Chandler, Safronia
3/1/1891 Larke, Jas. W. Chandler, Sofronia A.
9/8/1887 Finley, Z. P. Chaney Or Chancy, Rebecca
12/2/1891 Pounds, J. T. Chaney, Emma
12/28/1887 Denmon, R. L. Chaney, Emma C.
1/10/1889 Jordan, W. J. Chaney, Hannah
2/7/1876 Swan, James Chaney, Nancy
2/8/1894 Willis, Charlie Charlton, Emma
7/11/1878 Jackson, Till Charlton, Rhoda
12/23/1869 Carroll, W. F. Chatham, A. J.
9/2/1885 Evans, E. D. Chatham, Emma
8/15/1878 Maroney, J. T. Chatham, T. U.
11/19/1884 Collins, G. M. Chatham, Willie R.
5/16/1859 Stanley, S. S. Chavis, Martha Ann Tabitha
7/3/1849 Walker, Thomas. J. Cheatham, Elizabeth
12/18/1890 Gilbert, B. T. Cheatham, Emily
9/7/1892 Brookshire, J. C. Cheatham, Margaret
12/25/1873 Nelson, B. F. Cheatham, Martha V.
12/18/1887 Loftin, G. B. Cheatham, Mrs. Nancy J.
10/21/1851 Cheatham, Francis M. Cheatham, Rhoda
2/26/1872 Stone, Henry Cheek, Susannah
5/20/1884 Day, W. A. Cherry, Arzena
4/13/1893 Price, J. W. Cherry, Cora
4/10/1892 Motsch, Charles Cherry, Fannie
2/4/1858 Blunt, Green Cherry, M. Mary
2/21/1889 Vance, J. J. Cherry, Martha
5/5/1859 Stanley, Pinchard Cherry, Matilda Evaline
12/29/1890 Hadway, W. M. Cherry, Nancy M.
8/29/1897 Moore, E. M. Chesnutt, E. A.
12/19/1889 Hawkins, B. F. Chesnutt, Mary E.
12/27/1867 Russell, William D. Chestnut, Mary M.
12/19/1872 McCluer, T. H. Chestnutt, S. J.
1/28/1858 Needham, Kyle G. Chois, Samantha M.
1/8/1876 Davis, James Choran, Mary
3/25/1883 Kelly, Larkin Chummey, Marinda
12/30/1875 Henderson, Ben Clack, Nettie
8/9/1888 Jowell, W. G. Claiborne, Mrs. N. A.
1/22/1888 McGuire, G. W. Claiborne, Vicy
10/9/1882 Davis, J. F. Clancy, G. M.
6/2/1890 Bryson, W. H. Clark, Allice A.
1/7/1893 Chandler, J. R. Clark, Becky Ann
5/13/1894 Sanders, N. W. Clark, Ella
3/6/1892 Brookshire, J. D. Clark, J. A.
7/16/1896 Perkins, C. E. Clark, Mrs. Ester B.
5/7/1890 Lane, Jr., H. G. Clark, Mrs. Nannie L.
4/23/1885 Runnels, John A. Clark, Susannah M.
9/7/1887 Loserene, Maserene Claudins, Mary
11/19/1893 Collins, J. L. Clayton, Ella L.
1/27/1889 Breshears, John C. Clayton, M. E.
4/25/1897 Crawford, J. E. Cleveland, Allice
5/26/1896 Chumney, Sam Clevenger, Ida
2/9/1892 Hawkins, Steve Clevenger, Lizzie
12/16/1888 Ivy, Davis Clevenger, Mattie
9/20/1894 Poland, W. F. Clevinger, Georgia D.
12/25/1873 Havard, Henry Cliburn, Martha
11/5/1896 Pitzer, A. H. Click, Lula
8/20/1890 Barnaby, A. C. Clinton, Hester
12/16/1885 Taylor, Henry Hug' Clinton, Isabell
1/14/1871 Williams, Solomon Clinton, Lucinda
7/25/1889 Willis, R. W. Cloyd, Elizabeth
5/24/1872 Hudler, David Cobble, Mary J.
12/28/1855 Herrington, James Cochran, Catharine
7/19/1885 Granberry, Thomas E. Cochran, Fannie E.
11/13/1865 Thompson, J. N. Cochran, Jane H.
2/17/1886 Stigall, Henry B. Cochran, Lilla
12/27/1883 Smith, W. H. Cochran, Lydia
1/27/1886 Cupp, J. J. Cochran, M. E.
10/27/1895 Papp, J. L. Cochran, Ophelia
6/22/1887 Mareney, J. T. Cochran, Parilee
11/4/1853 Caldwell, George W. Cochran, Sarah
2/8/1882 Medford, G. A. Cochren, E. J.
6/11/1891 Cain, W. R. Cockerham, C. A.
11/4/1886 Carter, Josephines Cockerham, Kesiah
11/17/1870 Clevenger, William Coilins Or Collins, Margaret
1/2/1896 McAlister, J. H. Coker, Maggie
1/24/1897 More, T. M. Colbert, Mrs. Sadelia
11/1/1866 McNeal, Clark W. Coldwell, Mary J.
12/26/1897 Gage, O. D. Cole, Fannie
11/22/1859 Davis, L. B. Cole, Harriet
1/25/1860 Davis, W. Y. P. Cole, Sarah Jane
6/30/1889 Sanders, N. W. Cole, Winnie L.
4/28/1897 Bell, Rush Coleson, Mittie
12/13/1881 Hubbard, L. W. Collier, J. M.
9/18/1885 McVay, T. M. Collings, Mary W.
11/17/1870 Clevenger, William Collins Or Coilins, Margaret
12/18/1881 Phillips, M. V. Collins, E. H.
1/8/1867 Stevens, Hugh B. Collins, Elizabeth A.
1/7/1875 Johnson, J. T. Collins, F. W.
5/13/1886 Davenport, T. C. Collins, Janie
1/7/1875 Scarbrough, William Collins, L. D.
5/18/1896 Crawford, George Collins, Laura (Not Executed)
11/10/1870 Ivey, J. W. Collins, Martha J.
1/31/1897 Irving, Peyton Collins, Maud
12/29/1892 Forrest, W. A. Collins, V. A.
2/20/1881 Jackson, F. D. Collwell, Henrietta
9/11/1895 Tucker, A. V. Colston Or Coulson, Mollie
8/15/1892 Fowler, F. B. Colver, Sarah V.
11/14/1895 Cassels, Henry Colwell, Allie
1/12/1896 McBride, T. A. Colwell, Ella
1/1/1877 Thompson, Jno. W. Colwell, Mary C.
12/22/1897 Burns, J. M. Colwell, Mollie
6/27/1895 Keen, G. W. Conner, Emma
4/4/1894 Emerson, V. T. Conner, Fannie
1/9/1896 Pickle, J. H. Conner, Florence
3/24/1892 Gann, W. J. Conner, Ida
4/4/1888 Saxon, J. A. Conner, M. J.
4/4/1888 Russell, James Lee Conner, Martha Ann
12/22/1897 Wilson, H. R. Conner, Mrs. Julia
12/23/1886 McCleland, Byron Walker Cook, Allace
3/27/1893 Langston, W. C. Cook, E. O.
11/4/1876 Basey, William Cook, Elizabeth
12/23/1897 Bullock, J. J. Cook, Florence
12/26/1861 Goodwin, F. M. Cook, Melvira R.
12/24/1895 Weeks, J. R. Cook, O. P.
9/2/1883 Warner, G. R. Cook, Susan C.
11/7/1882 DeBrew, Mike Cooper, Emma
12/1/1866 York, Jas. M. Cooper, Henrietta T.
9/5/1866 Weeks, Levi Cooper, Jane E.
12/24/1884 Wheat, D. W. Copes, Lula E.
8/13/1852 Acosta, Feliciana Cortes, Mary Pompa
9/27/1858 Cochran, E. W. Cottangam, Francis
2/16/1850 Green, William B. Cottingham, Elizabeth C.
10/29/1868 Williams, Manuel Cotton, Patience
11/17/1881 Waltman, W. E. Courtney, E. M.
3/8/1896 Landrum, Hardy Courtney, Lizzie
8/21/1875 Scott, John Courtney, P. A.
12/29/1887 Tapley, R. E. Courtney, Susie
2/1/1867 Chase, W. T. Couthan, Beryniece C.
9/6/1888 Harvey, G. J. Cowell, Annie
11/14/1887 Mahoon, James Cox, Amanda
10/7/1889 Griffin, W. C. Cox, Aney
9/12/1875 White, William Cox, Margaret A.
8/5/1885 Arnold, Rankin Cox, Margaret Ann Rebecca
10/6/1888 Garretson, J. W. Cox, Minnie E.
1/22/1874 Allred, Jacob R. Cox, Nancy L.
8/12/1894 White, John Cox, Rosa
12/18/1893 Ritchie, W. T. Crager, Martha E.
6/30/1895 Weisinger, Faster Craigee, Jennie
4/5/1868 Grain, James Craigg, Sindy Ann
5/11/1893 Grimes, Eli Crain, Dora Jane
2/12/1885 Jones, R. S. Crane, Amanda J.
6/4/1897 Lakey, G. W. Crane, Caroline
4/22/1887 Spell, Green Crane, Elizabeth
1/1/1860 Graham, Samuel G. Crane, Nancy
5/29/1887 Brown, H. C. Crawford, Annie
12/31/1895 Krohn, H. H. Crawford, Lina
1/26/1896 Duce, J. M. Crawford, M. R.
12/26/1854 Cheatham, George W. Crawford, Mary E.
11/21/1865 Allen, George W. Crawford, Matilda
1/1/1896 McCandless, Robert Crawford, Samantha
1/12/1888 Hutson, W. T. Crawford, Sarah A.
11/13/1865 Newman, Samuel Crawford, Sarah Ann
12/25/1861 Turner, Pleasant D. Crawford, Sarah Jane
12/4/1872 Warren, Z. Crawford. E. C.
3/31/1887 Goodwin, H. W. Creech, Mrs. N. C.
4/23/1868 Winchester, John Crenshaw, Mrs. Luiza
3/30/1894 Jackson, Will Criswell, Mrs. Penny
3/10/1878 Hicks, W. J. Crofford, Victoria
2/20/1890 McPherson, J. E. Crosier, Mollie
7/25/1897 Brown, S. H. Crossland, Mrs. D. D.
9/1/1870` McCluer, Thomas H. Crutchfield, Lydia
2/27/1868 Howell, Jas. J. Crutchfield, Mary E.
12/23/1875 Roberts, Robert Crutchfield, Susie
7/23/1888 Steele, A. J. Cruze, N. E.
3/17/1885 Cameron, John H. Cryer, Catherine M.
1/12/1888 Smith, Dr., George A. Cryer, Emma
6/7/1894 Day, O. W. Cryer, Laura
1/29/1896 Fann, Edgar Cryer, Lizzie
7/28/1878 Wider, M. Cryer, Lucinda
12/20/1891 Shives, Jno. Cryer, Lucy
9/25/1893 Hollinsworth, Jno. Cryer, Mahala
2/22/1893 Hollingsworth, Jno. Cryer, Mahaley
10/17/1872 Barge, Jno. W. Cryer, Mary A. E.
5/9/1874 Warfield, John Cryer, Mrs. Martha
9/15/1889 Weeks, John F. Cupp, Mrs. Emma
7/20/1884 Hopper, James F. Currie, Sarah Ann
12/29/1887 Denmon, F. G. Currie, Talitha Jane
4/3/1890 Harrison, W. H. Curry, Mrs. E.
8/8/1867 Mantooth, Calvin Cushman, Mrs. M. E.
1/3/1885 Pinson, Calvin Dannon, Francis
9/19/1886 Ayers, T. E. Danton, Nancy E.
8/15/1861 Allen, Jno. W. Danzey, Mary Ann
3/28/1888 Franklin, J. L. Dariver, M. C.
9/27/1868 Jones, Jacob Darney, Amanda
2/2/1895 Lankford, Levi Davidson, Georgia
4/5/1885 Shilby, Howard Davis, Annah
11/27/1876 Denman, W. C. Davis, Cudie V.
5/27/1883 Baird, Thomas A. M. Davis, Elizabeth
7/18/1855 Fairchilds, William H. Davis, Elizabeth
3/2/1859 Middleton, John Davis, Elizabeth M.
10/30/1891 Wilkerson, Collier Davis, Elizar
5/19/1868 Perkins, William Davis, Flora J.
2/16/1890 Freeman, John Davis, G. A. V.
1/3/1856 Taylor, George W. Davis, Jane
1/5/1893 Rodgers, Tom Davis, Lizzie
1/1/1893 Yates, William Davis, Malissa
1/30/1893 Cassels, Henry Davis, Mariah
3/4/1891 Byrns, James Davis, Mary M.
2/20/1869 Perkins, William Davis, Mattie
6/3/1883 Burris, Samuel H. Davis, Mrs. A. R.
11/11/1884 McGaughey, W. E. Davis, Mrs. Frances M.
12/8/1895 Brown, W. B. Davis, Mrs. Louiza
9/15/1856 Anderson, Ephrian P. Davis, Nancy
2/26/1860 Reltz Or Relty, Charles Davis, Nancy C.
2/8/1874 Wilkerson, Jno. W. Davis, Sarah
12/10/1868 Abney, James A. Davis, Susanah E.
6/10/1875 Havard, Elbert Davis, Texana
5/12/1892 Alford, James Davis, Viney
10/28/1897 McNary, W. A. Day, Mrs. Arzina
7/5/1894 Beal, W. J. Day, Roxey
11/19/1890 Knox, W. F. Deal, Carrie A.
11/22/1896 Smith, W. A. Deal, M.(N.?) O.
10/15/1889 Slomowski, Alphonse Dean, Fannie
2/16/1893 Chester, S. J. Dean, Mrs. J. A.
2/27/1882 Mott, Hiram Dearmon, Katie
1/27/1876 Burris, John DeArmona, Lucretia M.
12/3/1894 Deen, R. H. Dearmond, M. E.
2/20/1886 McCarty, Lewis Deason, Alice
2/23/1896 Perkins, G. C. Dees, Annie
12/10/1896 Willson, Alonzo L. Dees, Kansas
11/6/1887 Moffett, T. L. Dees, M. E.
12/23/1896 Kilgore, William F. Dees, Rebecca
11/25/1852 McNabb, Jabe Delaney, Martha
7/18/1850 Gilliland, Eli Delaney, Mrs. Sara A.
2/20/1896 McMullen, Henry Dempsey, Devie
9/3/1895 Key, J. T. Dempsey, Hattie
12/4/1895 Massengill, J. H. Dempsey, Viola
1/16/1892 Jones, W. M. Denman, Anna
4/13/1893 Havard, William H. Denman, Artie E.
11/23/1887 McCarty, John F. M. Denman, E. B.
9/13/1896 Laseter, Sam Denman, Mary
3/8/1878 Burne, E. J. Denman, Mollie
3/13/1884 Towsend, John Denman, Mrs. Sarah
4/27/1897 Lee, Ben Denman, Mrs. Viola
8/28/1873 Barclift, W. S. Denman, S. A. T.
10/25/1856 Swagerty, J. C. Denmar, Ann M.
12/6/1881 Willson, Elexander Denmon, Lucinda
2/17/1881 Townsend, John Denmon, Sarah
5/8/1884 Blake, Tom Denmon, Savanah
8/7/1889 Lewis, Natty Denmon, Tennessee
10/13/1896 Calhoun, B. F. Dennis, Amanda
4/14/1895 Buddy, O. A. Dennis, M. M.
9/6/1891 Craig, Thomas Dennis, Sallie
2/26/1857 Block, W. N. Densen, Margaret L. J.
11/27/1895 Cates, R. L. Denton, Florence
5/27/1891 Evans, E. N. Denton, Katie
7/17/1873 Graham, Charles P. Denton, L. M.
2/6/1887 Cates, James Denton, Martha A.
11/17/1873 Russell, James L. Denton, Mary J.
1/16/1875 Baird, L. E. Denton, Mattie
12/30/1897 Odum, J. T. Denton, Mrs. Jane
4/17/1889 Watson, George Denton, Mrs. Jane
2/20/1867 Finley, Lafayette Denton, Sarah H.
4/8/1886 Johnson, Thomas Dewalt, Laura
10/9/1892 McWilliams, T. M. F. Dial, Mrs. Addie
10/11/1859 Mills, T. W. Dickerson, Syrintha
3/30/1860 Evans, Tilman Payter Dikes (?), Mery Ann
10/21/1865 Marshall, Robert Dikes, Emeline M.
12/22/1893 Williamson, R. W. Dixon, A. T.
4/18/1889 Barron, H. P. Dixon, C. D.
1/7/1886 Bartholomew, Thos. J. Dixon, Eliza
6/28/1894 Porter, Thomas Dixon, Emma
2/20/1896 Clark, J. T. Dixon, Etta
1/31/1883 Cheatham, Albert Dixon, Hettie
10/27/1874 Finley, O. P. Dixon, M. J.
1/2/1873 Medford, Green K. Dixon, N. L.
9/1/1872 Jordan, John Dixon, Puss
8/19/1897 Havard, James Dixon, Zelmer
6/25/1885 Allen, Cal Dollarhide, Effy
11/5/1848 Jones, Sheldrick M. Dollarhide, Eliza
8/9/1858 Albreton, David Dollarhide, Leadosa
11/10/1866 Berry, Hugh T. Dollarhide, Mary F.
1/10/1861 Deason, M. J. Dollarhide, Nancy A.
12/8/1887 Bell, Eddie Donahoe, Mattie
3/7/1878 Ivy, M. W. Donahoe, S. A.
11/10/1897 Vaughn, J. H. Donald, S. E.
11/20/1874 Watson, Tillman Dowdy, Mrs. E.
9/21/76 McEwin, D. H. Dowell, C. A.
10/27/1897 Lowery, E. B. Dowling, Cora
5/24/1858 Harrison, Joseph P. Drake, Mrs. Martha A.
2/15/1888 Mooney, Robert Driver. E. J.
10/19/1887 Kerr, Henry B. Dubose, Annie
10/20/1897 Darr, M. P. Dubose, Fannie
9/3/1884 Chancy, N. B. Dubose, Leah
2/28/1895 Vaughn, Z. H. Dubose, Minnie
10/4/1896 Smith, Sidney Dubose, Olive
3/18/1893 Williamson, B. F. Duce, Katie
4/14/1870 Runnion, James F. Duke, Francis
12/18/1869 Williams, George W. Duke, Mrs. Fannie
9/27/1891 Powell, R. B. Duke, Nannie
10/6/1889 Watts, R. W. Duncan, Beula
6/21/1885 Wiley, James W. Duncan, Mrs. Mattie C.
7/9/1891 Smith, C. A. Dunkin Or Duckin, E. J.
12/6/1893 Johnson, W. T. Dunkin, S. L.
1/24/1884 Blackburn, John T Dunn, Elizabeth R. 'Lizzie'
8/4/1887 Anderson, Edd B. Dunn, Emeline Frances
8/12/1895 Porter, J. M. Dunn, Flora
11/18/1866 Lee, James H. Dunn, Malisa A.
12/28/1881 Johnson Or Jordan, J. A. Dunn, S. A. [Sarah Isadora?]
12/28/1881 Jordan Or Johnson, J. A. Dunn, S. A. [Sarah Isadora?]

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