World War II Honor List
State of Texas - Henderson County

World War II Honor List State of Texas
        Henderson Co.

Braden William D       0-729705  1  LT   FOD
Browning John R        38474264  CPL     KIA
Browning Wofford D     38300367  PFC     KIA
Chaffin George N Jr    0-779785  2 LT    KIA
Chaffin William W      0-704887  2 LT    DNB
Chambers James E       38201782  PFC     DNB
Cook Lester W           6955120  PVT     DOW
Cooper Lee T           38686529  PVT     DOW
Cooper William A       18041376  S SG    KIA
Davis Cyril C          38038775  S SG    KIA
De La Cruz Frank       38036855  PFC     KIA
Dean Clarence          38306663  TEC5    KIA
Dehart Bennett C       38481448  PVT     DOW
Dixon Lester J         38093571  PFC     KIA
Douglas Oscar A Jr     38474230  PVT     KIA
**Easley Marchel D        6275812  PFC     KIA
Evans Franklin         18011721  PVT     KIA
Forester Boyce E       18098667  CPL     DNB
Frazier Wilson I       38139703  PFC     DOW
Gaines James R         0-671528  2 LT    KIA
Garza Francisco        18098251  PFC     KIA
Gillert Henry E        38306671  TEC4    KIA
Gillert Willie C       38025523  S SG    KIA
Godwin Moody C          6960094  SCT     DOW
Griffith Truman L      38045203  CPL     DNB
Hamilton Herbert N     38474238  PFC     KIA
Handley Robert W       18200479  S SG    FOD
Hanna Martin H         38097461  PVT     KIA
Hassell Cecil V        18047805  S SG    FOD
Hillhouse Andrew J     38093526  TEC5    KIA
Holliefield John T     38303856  PFC     KIA
Justice Hyle C         18109374  T SG    FOD
Lauderdale Cecil C     38139724  PFC     DOW
Loden Earl D            6286509  M SG    DNB
Low Edwin T            18201921  PVT     DNB
Lynn Lawrence C        38512229  SGT     KIA
Mc Clure Jack B        38639680  PVT     DNB
Mc Cullouch J L        38043459  TEC5    DOW
Mc Mullen Eddie L       6267920  PVT     KIA
MEDLIN JESSE R         0-739184  2 LT    DNB
Miller Thomas A        38481170  PVT     DNB
Mills Roy J            38634212  PFC     KIA
Monk Waymon O          38300366  SGT     DOW
Morman Walter C        38482234  PVT     KIA
Murphey Smith C        38147145  PVT     DOW
Nucent Buford C         6250477  SGT     KIA
Palmer Melvin R        18030040  PVT     DNB
Pate Homer             38141340  PVT     DNB
Perkins L T            38481433  PVT     KIA
Perry Elza D           0-676108  1 LT     M
Potter Earl D          38141330  PVT     KIA
Powell James           38481429  PFC     KIA
Redding Carl           38303902  PFC     KIA
Richardson Jack J      0-019902  LT C    KIA
Richardson Robert L    02077425  2 LT    DNB
Riddle Joe C           38641144  PFC     KIA
Rogers Joseph W         6292963  T SG    KIA
Rogers Ray T           38045215  SGT	 DOW
Sanders Millard        30893637  CPL     KIA
Scarborough C R Jr     38069413  TEC4    DOW
Scott Harold           0-681212  2 LT    DNB
Shelton Elmer           6271226  PFC     KIA
Spencer William Jr     38473195  PVT     DNB
Tubbleville H M         6289486  SGT     KIA
Tubbleville O W Jr      6289484  SGT     KIA
Voyles K V             38036800  S SG    KIA
Wahlers Clayton C      0-434192  1 LT    FOD
Walton Thomas W        38036797  PVT     KIA
Weaks Cecil A          38642541  PFC     KIA
Weesner Ellard M       18030498  S SG    KIA
White Tom C            38300356  PVT     KIA
Williams Aubrey A      38303885  PFC     DOW
Wilson Charles S       38683351  PFC     KIA
Wolf Robert R          38481162  PVT     KIA

Contributed by  Selida Carter

**In reference to the Honor Roll for WWII, it lists Marchel D. Easley's rank as PFC.  
We recently placed a memorial 
marker from the Department of Defense at the gravesite 
of his parents in the Leagueville Cemetery. It was only 
after we made application for the marker did the family 
learn that his rank was CPL.  and that he had been 
awarded the Bronze Star Medal. Vegie Darden
 Pvt. Ted B. Long

Military Records of Henderson County TX

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